For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 233

"If you don't have enough strength, then you don't even have a chance to enter that place again, so how can you save it! Besides, you have to get the other half of the so-called something before you can help them out, can't you? The master said with a trace of sarcasm on his face. He looked at Xuancao in front of him and said directly, "Do you think that these things will fall into the trap if you only rely on you to think here?" If you say that you don't have a little effort, why should you save them?

"But..." Xuancao wanted to say something more, but looking at the look on her master's face, she didn't continue to say more...

After all, what the master said is very reasonable. If he has no strength, then he can't do anything. Thinking of this, she was a little depressed. Looking at her like this, the master's face was a little relaxed: "Well, you just came back from the small world, and the room over there will be used for you for the time being. You can practice in that room. Someone will bring you food every day, so you don't have to worry about it.

Master Xuancao said and took a look at Xuancao.

Xuancao listened to the master's words and nodded to show that she understood. Looking at her like this, the master's face became more and more relaxed. "Very good. Now that you understand, go and have a rest."

"Yes." Xuancao walked to the room designated by her master and hesitated a little, but still pushed the door open. She was a little surprised in the room, because there was only a large stone bed in the room, which should be very hard and hard to look.

Thinking of this, Xuancao walked over and pressed it with her hand. She couldn't feel that the stone bed did not help her cultivation, but she could feel that the stone bed was very strong and cold. Most importantly, the stone ** surface has no bedding or anything, just a bare stone bed. What exactly does this mean? Xuancao frowned. Did she say that she was going to be in such a difficult environment for her cultivation?

Just as she was wondering, she suddenly heard a knock on the door outside. She walked over and opened the door and saw a woman outside wearing the same clothes as the women in the valley period they saw when they came in. She smiled and said to Xuancao in front of her, "Brother said that guests came here to stay, so I prepared something for you. I hope you like it." Hearing this, Xuancao nodded and then looked at what was in her hand.

Seeing her look like this, the woman smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Clinique. If anything happens to you here, you can come to me directly."

Hearing this, Xuancao nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, if I have anything to do, I will definitely trouble you."

After saying that, she led Clinique in together. After entering, Clinique looked left and right, then took out a jade table from his storage bag and took out a few jade stools. After all this is arranged, the room feels much more comfortable.

After seeing this, Clinique put a light yellow satin on it, and a soft cushion on the jade stool.

"Thank you, it feels much more like home. But have you always carried these things with you? Xuancao said, looking at the Clinique next to her. Hearing her words, Clinique smiled and then said, "No, I just don't think the things here will be too complete. After all, Uncle has always been outside, and even if he comes back, he will go directly to his room. Therefore, he basically didn't pay attention to it here, and he thought he would lack something.

"You are really thoughtful." Xuancao said and smiled at her.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do."

Clinique said with a smile on his face. Looking at Clinique like this, Xuancao smiled, "Be honest, when I first came here, I thought you didn't welcome me here at all. When I came in, I saw the look of those people, which was very horrible..."

Xuancao said, with a little playful expression on her face. Looking at her like this, Clinique also laughed and said, "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that those people want to be uncle's apprentices, but uncles are not ready to accept apprentices in the mountain gate. In fact, some people have simpler ideas and want to become a Taoist couple directly. After all, the uncle is very young, but his cultivation is the top in the door!"

Hearing this, Xuancao couldn't help laughing and said, "In this way, my master is really attractive."

"I didn't expect you to be my uncle's apprentice. I really didn't expect that my uncle would accept his apprentice." When Clinique heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she looked very surprised. Xuancao heard this and smiled with some pride on her face. Looking at her like this, Clinique did not continue to say anything more, but directly paved the stone bed in the room and then went out.

After seeing her go out, Xuancao sat ** and tried to contact Xiaoya in her space. Xiaoya felt Xuancao's consciousness and immediately responded to her.

"Master, master, master, how are you? Master, why haven't you contacted me for so long!" Xuancao listened to Xiaoya's voice and immediately answered, "No, I was just taken into the small world, and my cultivation was imprisoned until about the practice period. That's why I can't contact you. If I can contact you, I will definitely not fail to contact you."

"Master..." Xiaoya suddenly called Xuancao. Xuancao heard Xiaoya's voice and was a little strange. She didn't know why she suddenly called herself.

"Master, can you come to the space?" Xiaoya said with a little hesitation in her tone. After listening to Xiaoya's words, although Xuancao said it was a little strange, she still nodded and then went straight to the space. After she arrived in the space, she found that Xiaoya seemed to be a little different from what she began to see, and her body became much bigger.

Looking at Xiaoya's appearance, Xuancao was a little happy and looked at her with wide eyes, "What's the matter? I think you have become much bigger. Can you come out of the space for a long time?"

"No, there is a problem..." Xiaoya looked a little puzzled. Looking at her like this, Xuancao looked more and more puzzled. At this time, Xiaoyin flew out from the side and watched Xiaoyin flying up and down there. Xuancao was a little puzzled.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Xiaoya looks like this because the owner's seal has been lifted, but it is not lifted by conventional methods, so Xiaoya is a little worried about the master."

"General method?" Xuancao knew that Xiaoya was hiding something from her.

Xiaoya hesitated and then said, "If the master says that during the golden elixir period, the seal can be automatically lifted. But this is because it is to protect the owner, but the owner lifted the seal before the Golden Dan period, and Xiaoya doesn't know what will happen.

After listening to Xiaoya's words, Xuancao smiled and then said, "There should be no problem. I'm in the master's sect now. If someone else wants to be against me, it's not easy to enter this." Xuancao said, comforting Xiaoya.

Xiaoya heard this and opened her eyes wide. Xuancao smiled when she saw Xiaoya like this, and then said, "Besides, Master also said that if he didn't reach the Jindan period, he wouldn't let me go out, so you can rest assured in this way, right?"

"Well, I hope the master can be fine." Xiaoya nodded.

Looking at Xiaoya like this, Xuancao asked directly, "In this case, I have unsealed it. Can you tell me what happened at the beginning and what you were hiding from me? You know, when I unsealed, I saw something..."

"No, not yet. The master didn't solve it according to the usual method, so he can't tell the master!" Xiaoya said and shook her head.