Micro acid detective agency


Although many people think I'm a lucky guy, I never want to admit it.

Yes, I can really pick up money when I walk. I can win a first or second prize by buying any lottery tickets. I can also be excellent by filling in multiple-choice questions in the exam. But even so, I still don't admit that I am a lucky person.

And the reason why I firmly refuse to admit that I am a lucky person is not because of the strong greed in my heart, and I take the lucky things I have encountered for granted. In fact, if there is no later thing, I can really be regarded as a lucky person.

But there is no if in the world, and the following things still happen...

The truth is that within 24 hours after I pick up the money, I will definitely encounter all kinds of things that have ruined money. Either he was robbed of money for no reason on the road, or he accidentally violated some order and was fined by the old lady who fell from heaven.

If such a thing only happens occasionally, but as long as I pick up the money, such a thing will definitely happen. What's more terrible than this is that no matter how much money I pick up, the money I lose must be ten times the money I pick up!

Yes, ten times!

Whether I still had money with me at that time, and whether I had that much money or not. After picking up the money, I will definitely lose ten times the amount I picked up.

Or the money is stolen, or my things are inexplicably damaged. In a word, if the money is not enough, I will collect the goods. Within 24 hours, I will definitely lose ten times the amount of money I found.

For good, the maximum face value I have found so far is 1,000, only sacrificing an MP4 and a computer.

If I pick up more than a thousand, but ten thousand, 100,000...

Luckily, I didn't find more money!

Well, I guess the whole country will have the above ideas, and I'm the only one.

As for the lottery, it's even more ridiculous.

Yes, I do win the lottery. But on my way home with the bonus, the bonus will definitely leave me with my wallet for various reasons. Please note that it is certain!

Can you believe that a person has received no more than 20 bonuses, but has never really had those bonuses.

Although I am very reluctant to admit this, I still want to say that the best decline mentioned above is me...

Once I felt bad about it. After leaving my wallet at home, I took just enough money to take the car to get the bonus. After receiving the bonus, I immediately stopped the taxi and went straight home without a trace of pause. The whole process is smooth and fast.

Looking at the regressing scene in the car, my heart is full of pride.

You can't lose money in this way!

As a result, the bonus has really not been lost.

But I still lost my wallet at home, along with my valuable color TV, air conditioner, refrigerator...

Forget these. I really want to know how those thieves are in what mood and with what kind of technology they stole the wall lamp on my ceiling! You know, the wall lamp was bought by my parents when they got married, and it is at least 18 years old now.

Oh, my God, has the thief industry become sluggish now?

Since this incident, I have completely given up the road of making money by buying lottery tickets. Although I have the life of winning the lottery, I don't use the life of the bonus.

Alas, this is really a human tragedy.

As for the exam, it is even more unbearable.

Anyway, on the day I get the exam results, my parents will definitely encounter some inexplicable things. For example, when I was walking on the road, I was suddenly chased by a dog, bought fake goods, and my wallet was taken away in the car...

In a word, on the day I got the report card, my parents will definitely be in a bad mood because of various things, which is quite bad. Even if they still had a happy expression when they saw my report card, it didn't hide their worries.

Later, I also learned to be obedient. Unless it is a very important exam, I will definitely hand in a blank paper.

I don't even want the score. You can't hurt my family, can you?

As far as the result is concerned, I am indeed right to do so. Because without grades, my parents have never encountered those inexplicable bad luck.

But this incident still left me with sequelae.

For a long time after that, I became a celebrity in the school. Every day when I go to school and after school, I am always stared at by people with strange eyes. When I walk on the road, I always hear some comments about me.

"Do you know that the person who just walked over is He Luo from Class 2 of Senior High School."

"Ah, he is He Luo. No wonder I felt that he was different when I saw him.

Now I finally understand the mentality that stars always walk with their heads down like thieves. Whoo... Dear big stars, I'm really sorry. I used to think that it was wrong for you to avoid your fans.

I can't help it. I'm the only one who can hand in the blank paper after the exam. If I am not famous in this way, I should be surprised.

Fortunately, my parents vaguely sensed something and always turned a blind eye to my white papers.

As for the teacher, it's more interesting.

Because before my white paper behavior occurred, my grades in the school were ranked in the top ten, and I had never been in the top ten of the grade. So the teachers have their own understanding of my handing in blank papers.

They actually agreed that the reason why I handed in the blank paper was that this kind of test paper was too simple for me and I disdained to do it.

Genius is always different.

This is the teacher's final conclusion about my white paper.


And just when I thought I was about to live my life with this strange fate, something that changed my life happened. Well, to be precise, in fact, that matter is just an omen, a sign that my life will go to chaos and incredible.

It was a car accident.

A car accident happened to me...

Well, that's not right. To be precise, it was a car accident that almost happened to me...

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