Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 6 DTC Detective Agency

"Well, of course, the domestic puppy doesn't dare to hurt its owner. What's so strange?" After saying this headless words coldly, Su Yun shouted to the empty front, "I'm sure it's a spontaneous awakening. You can come out."

Er, is there anyone in front of you?

Looking far away, I can only see a dark building and a rockery not far ahead.

Just as he was about to ask Su Yun what was going on, a sudden change occurred on the fake mountain in front of him.

The space on the rockery first rippled like water, and then a foot stretched out of the ripples. A moment later, a person came out of the ripples. Then the second and the third.

These three people are dressed differently and have different clothes, but their collars are all inlaid with three letters.


These three letters are composed of silver dragons, bowing, or cross-body. Under the dark night, the three letters emitted a faint white light, which couldn't help attracting my eyes.

Seeing the three people appear, a smile appeared on Su Yun's face, but he was replaced by indifference in an instant. What's wrong with this Cyclops? Didn't you say that you have investigated this Xinghui High School?

Hearing Su Yun's words, the three looked at each other, jumped down from the rockery and walked towards us in a zigzag shape.

At this time, the silver moon had broken through the dark clouds, and the soft moonlight poured down on the land like milk. Under the moonlight, I clearly saw the appearance of the three people.

Walking in the front is an uncle in a Zhongshan suit. His hair is coiled on his head, and there are some beards on his beard. His angular face has a huge scar from his forehead to the corners of his lips, which looks very penetrating. After him, there were two girls walking side by side, two ordinary girls.

Under the snow-like skin and long chestnut hair, a delicate face is particularly dazzling.

Walking on the left should be a sister, because she looks relatively steady, her lips are tight, and there is no emotional fluctuation on her face, which looks like a person who is not silent. Walking on the right is a completely different nature. She jumps as she walks, and her charming eyes look around curiously. Her delicate lips are also slightly raised, looking very cute.

"Hehe, thank you for your hard work. It's really the little princess Su Yun of our DTC. Come on, let Uncle He hug you." Walking to us, the uncle, who was still serious just now, suddenly opened his hands to Su Yun with a smile and wanted to hold Su Yun in his arms.

- Of course it didn't work.

The uncle who was pushed away by Su Yun did not show any embarrassed expression on his face, but looked up to the sky and laughed. Haha, our little princess has grown up and used to ask me to hug her, but now she knows she is shy.

"Go to hell." Su Yun, who blushed with shame, gave his uncle a kick directly. That happened when I was three years old.

I don't know if it's my illusion. When saying this sentence, Su Yun seemed to secretly look at me.

"Haha, I didn't kick it." Sensitively avoiding Su Yun's attack, the uncle looked up to the sky and laughed, "Little princess, you still... "Well."

Looking at the uncle who squatted down because of Su Yun's foot, my heart was full of sweat. The uncle squatting on the ground in front of him can't get in touch with the uncle who looked quite creepy just now!

"Murong Yun, I hope you will pay attention to your behavior." While holding up the uncle squatting on the ground, he frowned at Su Yun while walking on his sister on the left.

"Yes, Sister Xiaoyun, no matter how unbearable, shameless and indecent the president is, he is your boss after all." The sister next to her also spoke. What if he deducts your salary because of this?"

Hearing his sister's words, Su Yun couldn't help frowning.

"I told you, my name is Su Yun."

The girl holding the uncle opened her mouth and was about to speak, but the uncle had already thrown her hand aside. Heidi, stop talking." After saying that, he apologized to Su Yun and said, "I'm sorry, little princess."

"What's wrong with that Cyclops?" Su Yun asked coldly, "Why did it appear here?"

"It's a long story." Touching the chin full of beard, the uncle said, "I'll tell you when I go back."

After hearing this, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Su Yun's eyes, but finally nodded.

At this time, the senior sister also slowly came over.

"President He, why are you here?" When she saw the uncle, her sister's eyes showed a strange light. You don't need to do this little thing in person, do you?

"Ha~ Naturally, that's not the reason." After laughing, the uncle looked at me. I'm actually here for this boy."

"Me?" I pointed to my nose and asked uncertainly.

Let's not talk about how weird the way these people appear. Just from the fact that they know the senior sister, I don't think we have anything to say. You know, senior sister is not an ordinary person. She is an authentic alien.

People who can meet seniors... Whether it is a real person is still debatable!

"Ye, it's you." After showing a ferocious smile on me, the uncle pointed to the wood next to him and said to his senior sister. Miss Qingyi, can I bother you for a few minutes?

turned her head to look at me, and then looked at the uncle. The senior sister nodded silently.

"Well, let's go there." Seeing the senior nodding, the uncle led the way with a smile.

"Are you He Luo?" Just as I watched my senior sister gradually leave, a pleasant voice sounded in my ear. Turning around, it turned out that the sister happened to be standing beside me with a smile.

"Well, that..."

"My name is Helen Oginlec, just call me Helen."

"Oh, Helen, how did you know my name?" Sneaking at Su Yun, who was silent, I asked Helen in a low voice, "You... Are you from the earth?"

Hearing my words, Helen was stunned and patted me on the shoulder with a smile. Don't worry, except for Miss Cheng, we are all authentic human beings.

Authentic human...

This word sounds very subtle.

"Well, speaking of which, what kind of monster is that?" I pointed to the giant not far away and asked Helen.

"Well, that's a biochemical beast left by aliens, called Cyclops." Looking at the giant, Helen answered carelessly. Then, her eyes suddenly made my heart palpitate. That's not interesting. Let's talk about you."

"Me?" Looking at Helen's horrible eyes, I couldn't help shrinking my body. What do I have to talk about? I'm an ordinary sophomore in physical and mental health.

"Ordinary?" Smiling, Helen said, "Will the person who can fall in love with the alien princess be an ordinary person?"

"Hmm, bored." When Su Yun, standing next to him, heard this, he suddenly snorted coldly and turned to the school gate. I'm going to clean up the mess."

"Well, what's wrong with her?" Looking at Su Yun, who was fading away, I asked Helen puzzledly.

"Nothing." Looking at me with deep meaning, Helen said with a smile, "But you are really amazing that you can make the princess fall in love with you."

Why do I think Helen's words are full of profound meaning?

"Well, speaking of which, did you suddenly appear on the rockery just now because of your power to cross space?" Realizing that there would be a problem with continuing this topic, I immediately changed the topic. If possible, can you also let me have powers?

power, the elements that will definitely appear in this YY novel.

If what they showed just now is indeed a power, then I will ask them to help me guide their powers.

"Ours is not a power, but a mirror transfer device." Shaking her head, Helen said, "Through that device, we can enter this mirror world from the real world."

"What? Is the world we are in not the real world?

There is a saying that it is very good and powerful, and my current state is very stupid and surprised...

"Yes, because the biological beast's ability is very powerful, in order to protect the lives of residents, we will ingest the body of the biochemical beast into this virtual world through this mirror transfer device after discovering the biochemical beast." Helen obviously didn't want to continue this topic. After a simple sentence, she asked, "On the contrary, you, haven't you already gained the power of the alien princess? Why do you still want that kind of low-level power?

Well, I really prefer to have powers than the power that can only fly for 30 minutes.

Of course, such an idea can only be thought in my mind. If I tell others that I can only fly to 1.75 meters, then I will really be shameless.

Speaking of which, why do you know that the senior sister is an alien?

"Well, that's because we are from the People's Bureau, so it's not surprising to know these things." After listening to my doubts, Helen said cheerfully.

"Well, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, that's..." Helen was about to speak when Heidi, who had been looking at us silently, suddenly said, "Sister, you have revealed too many things you shouldn't reveal."

Sister... Sister?

No matter how you look at it, Helen is more like a sister, right?

"Cut, don't say it." Sticking out her tongue at her sister, Helen said to me, "I'm sorry, we have a confidentiality regulation. I can't tell you about the Human People's Bureau."

"It doesn't matter. Helen, you can tell He Luo about the people's bureau at will. Just as he was about to speak, the uncle who had gone back after talking with his senior sister said first, "From today on, this guy is also from our DTC."

"Really?" Seeing the uncle nodding, Helen jumped up with a brush. Yeah, the number of people in our club is finally enough. We don't have to drive a shabby Mercedes-Benz to the street anymore.

shabby Mercedes-Benz...

What kind of world is this!

"Huh? Where's the little princess?" Looking around, I didn't see Su Yun's uncle asking.

"She went to the school gate to clean up the mess." Heidi said lightly.

"That's it." After nodding, the uncle suddenly showed a row of white teeth to me. Boy. From today on, you have to work hard. If you lose the face of our DTC, I won't forgive you.

"Wait, what are you talking about!" After a long time, I finally reacted. What are you talking about DTC? When did I promise to join you?

"You know, we are a group with a glorious tradition, and we will never give you any privileges just because you are a special example." He patted me on the shoulder heavily, and the uncle said earnestly, "So I hope you can abide by our DTC rules, otherwise I will have to kick you out of our DTC with tears at that time."

"Damn, did you listen to me? I said I didn't want to join your DTC organization!"

Hearing my words, the uncle raised his eyebrows. His face became gloomy in an instant. At the same time, a sense of tyranny also rose in his body.

Seeing the appearance of the uncle, I looked at the senior sister for help, but found that the senior sister was staring at the uncle with a smile.

After a moment of silence, the uncle stretched out his hand to Heidi. Heidi, take out our special regulations of DTC.

Looking at the document handed over by Heidi, the uncle's face showed nostalgia. I clearly saw that his bright eyes suddenly faded when he took over the document.

For a long time, the uncle handed me the documents in his hand. In this case, I'll make a special case. From now on, you will be the person specially organized by our DTC. Remember these regulations when you go home today, and I'll come back to you tomorrow.

After saying that, the uncle called the Helen sisters to his side and waved his hand to the senior sister, and the three figures disappeared into the air in an instant.

"He Luo, we'll see you tomorrow."

Damn it!

At the moment my uncle disappeared, I woke up.

"Damn you, as I said, I don't want to join your organization!"