Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 5 Rose Detective Agency, LOLI Little President

"Damn it, those guys of the Human Resources Bureau actually handed over our task to another detective agency. Your grandfather's, don't they doubt my ability!" After hammering down the table angrily, Uncle He cursed again angrily. That's really unreasonable!"

"No, I think the Human Bureau has done the right thing. Instead of letting you waste time, it's better to let better people take over this matter."

The above is my truth, but I don't have to say it.

Thirty-nine days have passed since Uncle He entered our school, but the progress of his investigation of Minotaolos is still zero. It is normal for the Bureau to send people to take over the task under such circumstances.

"Let's talk about it..." Touching the little guy in my arms, I glanced at my uncle disdainfully. Why does our DTC detective agency meet at the senior sister's home?

It's really unbelievable that the meeting place of our DTC detective agency is actually my senior sister's house. When I first heard the meeting address, I thought there was something wrong with my ears.

"There's nothing we can do. Our company has been cut off again." The uncle curled his lips uncompretably. The landlord is really stingy. It's just that he owes four months of rent, and there is a power and water outage.

It's my bad luck to know someone like you.

I glanced at the uncle angrily, and I said shyly to my senior sister, "Senior sister, I'm really bothering you this time."

"Nothing, I'm glad you can come. I haven't been so lively here for a long time." Looking at the uncle, the senior sister whispered in my ear, "Possibly, I hope you can come often. In your absence, the princess is very lonely."

After saying that, the senior sister took the little guy from my arms and bowed slightly behind the people in the room and said, "Then you can have a meeting. I won't disturb you."

I don't know if it was my illusion. At the moment my senior sister said this, I seemed to hear Helen and others exhale.

"Oh, He Luo, you are really amazing. You could talk to Sister Cheng just now." As soon as the senior closed the door, Helen jumped from the chair in front of me and looked at me curiously: "Sure enough, you are not a simple person who can get the favor of the princess."

"Well, isn't it just talking to the senior sister?" Unable to be stared at so tightly by Helen, I leaned back. Isn't that a big deal? Didn't you also talk to your senior sister?

"That's not what I said." Helen's nose wrinkled slightly. Haven't you noticed that the senior sister in the room is a little different from the senior sister you usually see. The senior sister in the room seems to have more...

"Mighty." Heidi said lightly.

"Yes, majesty." Helen nodded vigorously. In fact, I was going to ask my senior sister about the princess, but after seeing her like that, I didn't dare to say a word.

Well, is there such a thing? I didn't feel it at all. Anyway, it seemed that after entering the senior sister's room, Helen and the others really didn't say a word to the senior sister. However... Princess's words, wasn't the little guy there just now?

Just as he was about to speak, Uncle He suddenly stood up from the chair. All right, let's talk about it later. We're going to have a meeting now.

staring at her uncle dissatisfiedly, Helen slowly walked back to her position and sat down.

"Today, I will gather everyone together, hoping that everyone can work together to come up with a way to deal with the enemy detective agency." Seeing everyone sitting in their seats, Uncle He spoke. In order for us to meet at our own detective agency next time, we must not let go of the five million dollars in this mission.

Silent. Dead silence...

During this period of silence, I seem to be able to hear the sound of time flowing.

"Well, all right." With an awkward cough, Uncle He said, "We will share the bonus from this mission equally, one million dollars each."

"You said it earlier." As soon as the words fell, Helen's voice sounded. Shall we secretly follow behind the enemy detective agency? Instead of searching like headless flies, it's better to follow the enemy and find an opportunity to steal the fruits of their labor.

"Hm?" Uncle He's eyes lit up. This is really a good idea!"

Hey, are you kidding? What's the difference between us and the villains on TV?

"How about we cooperate with that detective agency? Anyway, we have been investigating in school for a period of time and have the foundation to cooperate with them. In order to prevent our detective agency from being a villain, I suggest.


As soon as the words fell, Uncle He and Helen said in one voice.

"We absolutely can't cooperate with that damn kid's detective agency, never!"

"Er, do you hate that detective agency so much?"

"We don't hate that detective agency. We hate the president of that detective agency." After looking at each other, the uncle and Helen nodded in a good way. The arrogant little girl is the most annoying!"

"That's it." Seeing that the uncle and Su Yun looked like eating cockroaches, I changed the topic at the right time. Then let's talk about how to steal the achievements of the enemy detective agency.

Cough, it's okay to be a villain for my million dollars...

Uncle and Helen showed great enthusiasm for my proposal.

In just 20 minutes, the two discussed five or six specific implementation plans. Influenced by the enthusiasm of these two people, in addition to Heidi sitting in the same position reading with a cold face, Su Yun and I also put forward our opinions from time to time.

Finally, after synthescing the previous plan, we came up with a complete plan.

"Ye." Looking at the plan in hand, the uncle nodded with satisfaction. So do you have any comments on this plan? If not, our meeting will be over.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, the uncle nodded and stood up from the chair.

"Then let's break up. I feel embarrassed to stay at someone else's house all the time.

It's weird! I think you should enjoy it very much.

"Master He Luo, can you stay for a while? I have something to tell you." Just as our group said goodbye to the senior sister, the senior sister suddenly said to me.

"Dirty!" Hearing the senior's words, Su Yun, who was walking beside me, suddenly snorted. After hitting my waist with his elbow fiercely, he raised his head and strode away from the senior sister's house.

"Su Yun is crazy?" Looking at Su Yun's departure back, I said to my uncle unhappily, "Are you going to hit me if you have nothing to do?"

"Haha, it's okay." He patted me on the shoulder heavily, and the uncle laughed and went out with the Helen sisters.

Damn it! Everyone is stunned!

"Senior sister, what can I do for you?" After spitting on the uncle's back, I looked at my senior sister.

"Master He Luo, do you remember the ability you used to defeat the challenger last month?" After bringing me back to the room, my senior sister asked me.

"Of course I remember. Speaking of which, I also want to thank you for telling me this ability, otherwise I may really lose the last game.

In fact, I wanted to thank my senior sister after the last competition, but I don't know what happened. After that day, my senior sister seemed to be very busy, and I couldn't find her several times. If the president hadn't suddenly come to my senior sister's house for a meeting today, I might not have had a chance to see my senior sister so far.

Hearing my gratitude, a look of shame appeared on the senior sister's face. When I didn't react, my senior sister suddenly bowed deeply to me. I'm sorry, Master He Luo!"

"Senior sister, what are you doing?" Shocked by my senior's behavior, I hurriedly jumped aside. If you have anything to say, just say it well. You don't have to do this."

Oh, my God, if the people in the school know that the goddess in their hearts bows to me and apologizes...

Well, the consequences make people shudder even if they just think about it.

"Master He Luo, do you think your replication ability is very powerful?" Shaking her head at me, the senior sister suddenly asked.

"It's more than that." I nodded. That's pretty awesome!"

"Actually..." Looking at me shyly, the senior sister whispered, "That ability is defective."

"Ah?" I scratched my head. No, I didn't feel anything wrong when I used my ability.

"No, that ability is defective." After a pause, the senior sister said, "Because you signed an agreement with the princess unconsciously and did not fully accept the power of the princess, your ability is incomplete."

"If it's incomplete, it's incomplete. Anyway, I don't think it's anything." Scratching my head, I said with a smile, "Now this ability has satisfied me. It doesn't matter if it's incomplete."

"No, because the ability is incomplete, the aura around you will change a little after you use the ability given to you by the princess."

Has the aura changed? What a familiar sentence...

A bad feeling suddenly rose in my heart.

"In a word, you will be unlucky from tomorrow and continue for a whole week."


It's 136 a.m., and it's been six minutes since I woken up from ** by my uncle.

Although I was woken up by the uncle who suddenly appeared in the room when I was sleepy, I didn't have any complaints. After getting dressed quickly, I set off with my uncle.

The reason why I cooperate with the uncle so much is not because I have succumbed to my uncle's ** power. It's because I'm looking forward to the handover of tasks in the near future.

According to the regulations of the Human Resources Bureau, if the detective agency does not complete the task within the time limit of the Human Resources Bureau, the Human Resources Bureau has the right to transfer the task to the new detective agency for processing. The previous detective agency must transfer the investigated information to the new detective agency free of charge.

Well, this is the so-called handover regulation.

To be honest, this regulation is stupid.

The task was about to be completed, but the task was robbed by others because of time. That's all. You have to give the information you originally tried to get to others. No one can stand such a thing...

Although the original detective agency can still continue the task after handing over the task, the handover of the task itself means that it is not as good as others. Therefore, every detective agency is ashamed of receiving the task handover order.

Well, in fact, it can't be said that it's every detective agency. At least the uncle in front of me doesn't feel ashamed.

"Haha, fortunately we didn't find any information, otherwise we would have lost a lot of money."

When he told me about the handover, the uncle said so.

The detective agency that will hand over the task with us tonight is called Rose Detective Agency. It is a detective agency with tens of thousands of members and hundreds of offices around the world, claiming to have a 100% task completion rate and ranks among the top 10 of the 160 detective agencies under the Human Resources Bureau.

This is also the reason why I am willing to hand over the task with my uncle.

Well, the top ten detective agencies in the world are really looking forward to it...

Yes, after the uncle told me all kinds of things about the Rose Detective Agency, I completely lost my curiosity.

"Uncle, since the Rose Detective Agency is so powerful, why don't you still want to cooperate with them?" When walking on the road, I asked puzzledly, "A detective agency like us should be eager to cooperate with such a top detective agency, right?"

"This..." A strange look appeared on the uncle's face. You will know then."

"Cut! Don't say pull down."

After walking for nearly ten minutes, when my uncle and I walked to the school gate, we saw a group of people in black suits coming out of the school.

"Good evening, I'm Levis, the head of the Rose Detective Agency." When he came to us, a burly man came out and stretched out his right hand to his uncle. You must be President He Chuwu. Our president has been waiting for you for a long time.

"Ye." Holding hands with Levis, the uncle said lightly, "Let's hand over the task quickly."

"Okay, please follow me." Levis waved his hand to the front, and the black people in front gave way.

This is the Rose Detective Agency, which really lives up to its reputation.

Walking behind Levi's and looking at the neat and orderly walking around and uniform members of the Rose Detective Agency, I couldn't help sighing in my heart.

Let's not talk about their neat movements, but from their clothes, it can be seen that our detective agency is not at the same level as them.

If I read it correctly, the suits on these members of the Rose Detective Agency should be Armani.

Damn it, is the global gap between rich and poor so big that it is so heinous now? You should know that the members of our DTC detective agency don't even have a uniform costume!

Just as I was worried about the growing gap between the rich and the poor on the earth, a light and pleasant, bell-like sound sounded in front of me.

"Long time no see, Uncle He."

yeah? The president of the Rose Detective Agency is still a woman, but listening to this voice...

He turned his head to look at the uncle on one side, but found that the uncle's face was pulled down at some point, and he looked unlucky.

"Long time no see, Xiaoling."

After taking a few more steps, I finally saw the president of the Rose Detective Agency covered by darkness.

Female, female...

The moment I saw the president of the Rose Detective Agency, I couldn't help opening my eyes and opening my mouth unconsciously.


A very cute little girl appeared in front of me.

The long golden hair spreads to the waist like waves, the big watery eyes are black and white, the white jade-like face is slightly pink, and the exquisite skirt on her body makes the little girl look like an enlarged Barbie doll.

However, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is...

This girl is the president of the top ten Rose Detective Agency in the world!

My God, the world is really crazy. The president of Rose Detective Agency is actually a little girl who looks less than 12 years old!