Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 2 School Games and the First Underworld Sports Conference

Early the next morning, when I wanted to start training, Colin mysteriously took other athletes participating in the competition to do the so-called special training.

"This is a secret training to ensure our victory. Well, because the game is too important, so please ask for leave for us. We will be back before the sports meeting starts.

Thinking of Colin's secret smile before he left, I couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Colin, you won't pull Hou Xiaotao and others to do something dangerous, will he?

Well, forget it, I'd better prepare myself. At least I want to win my six events, so our chances of winning will also increase.

Thinking of this, I began to run on the sports field...

Time has passed quickly, just as I and other athletes were addicted to exercise, and the sports meeting came under everyone's complicated mood.

After a brief opening ceremony in the morning, the 16th sports meeting of our school finally began!

Before the start of the competition, it is customary for the athletes of each class to gather together. So, I finally met the athletes who have undergone special training.

Well, is there any problem?

Looking at the contestants in a row in front of me, a trace of unnatural flashed in my heart.

Although Hou Xiaotao and others look no different from usual, and there are no bruises on their faces, I just feel that the people in front of me are different from the images I remember.

What's the difference?

"The first game is about to begin. Please register in the player area for the 400-meter race." Just when I was curious about the unknown changes in front of me, the sweet voice of the director came from the radio.

"Ye, Hou Xiaotao, you go there." After hearing the broadcast, Colin smiled and said, "Let's see the results of our special training these two weeks!"

"Ye" After nodding, Hou Xiaotao went to the player area to register.

"Collin, is he all right?" Looking at Hou Xiaotao's back, I asked Colin uneasily.

"No problem, just watch." I waved to the other players behind me, and Colin took me to the stands.

After confirming the players, the game began.


With the sound of the referee's gunshot, the athletes rushed out of the starting line like the wind.

Hou Xiaotao's starting speed is good. Almost at the same time as the gunshot, he stepped out of the starting line.

It seems that Colin's special training is still very effective.

"Well, this is not my special training now." He shook his finger at me, and Colin said proudly.

"Is it true or not? Does Hou Xiaotao have more powerful ability?"

"Of course, if you use that trick, it will definitely be killed!"

"Is it that awesome?"

"Oh, oh, oh, come on!"

"Fight, go!"

Just as we were talking, the audience suddenly gave loud cheers.

He hurriedly looked at the field, but found that Hou Xiaotao, who had just led the starting speed, had been surpassed!


"Don't worry, the victory or defeat has just begun," Colin said, "The key to victory or defeat is to turn!"


Looking at the corner not far from the end, a big question mark rose in my mind.

You think it's a corner drift, and you even say the victory or defeat at the turn.

Although I thought so, I still stared at the corner for fear of missing something.

Finally, it's time to turn!

At this time, Hou Xiaotao had fallen to the fourth place, and not far behind him, two coveting players were chasing him!

Come on, Hou Xiaotao!

Because the competition is divided into two groups for preliminaries, only the top four will be eligible to enter the rematch. If Hou Xiaotao is really surpassed, the expectation of winning the gold medal in this event will be dashed.

"Look at your promising point, didn't I say that turning the corner is the key point." He looked at me disdainfully, Colin said lightly.

What can Hou Xiaotao do at the turning point?

As soon as this doubt rose in my mind, a great change happened on the field!

The player running behind Hou Xiaotao was about to start over Hou Xiaotao at the corner, but somehow he suddenly tilted and fell on the field. The three people who followed him fell down because they didn't have time to avoid it.


What was that just now?

Although others may not see it, I have seen clearly what happened just now because of my physical transformation and deeper mental strength!

At the moment of turning, Hou Xiaotao's left hand pulled the player beside him without a trace, and this pull was very characteristic. First, it was tight, and then when the player was about to resist, he suddenly let go of his hand.

Well, the result was that the player fell to the ground heavily. And taking this opportunity, Hou Xiaotao quickly rushed over the corner.

This... Is it Colin's special training?

However, I have to say that this method is very effective. Taking advantage of the fall of the later players, Hou Xiaotao accelerated again and finally retained the fourth position.

However, Hou Xiaotao is not afraid that others will not agree with it through this method?

"Judge, the people in Class 2 just now knocked down the people in our class when they turned the corner. They should be disqualified!"

Sure enough, less than three minutes after the game, the sports committee of the player just now came to the referee beside us with an aggrieved face.

Hearing the words of the sports committee, Hou Xiaotao looked at the referee innocently and whispered, "No, no. I didn't do that. That classmate fell down probably because I accidentally hit it when I turned the corner just now. But this is not my intention. You can't blame me. But if I really made that player fall down because of my carelessness, then this classmate is really sorry.

After saying that, Hou Xiaotao lowered his head with shame on his face.

"It's a lie! You definitely pulled me on purpose just now! It's because this guy pulled me that I... Hearing Hou Xiaotao's words, the player quickly shouted loudly. However, after seeing the dissatisfied eyes of the people around him, he couldn't help lowering his voice. It was because of him that I fell down.

"No, it's really not me." Hearing the player's words, Hou Xiaotao's eyes were full of tears in an instant. He said to the player opposite with red eyes, "Although I may have bumped into you just now, I really didn't mean to. Why did you slander me so much? I really haven't done it!"

"Uh... Lin declares, is it your mistake?" Seeing Hou Xiaotao's expression, the sports committee member was also a little hesitant.

"No, I was really pulled down by this guy!" Seeing that even his sports committee did not believe him, Lin declared hurriedly defended, "I really, really didn't lie."

"Woo-woo... They really didn't pull you. If you fall because of my fault, I also apologize. Why do you slander me so much?

, Hou Xiaotao burst into tears. Unexpectedly, I cried.

"The appeal is invalid!"

Looking at Hou Xiaotao, who was squatting on the ground crying, and looking at the disgraced athletes around him, the referee made the most correct ruling.

The onlookers around gave the warmest applause for the referee's judgment. Probably in their eyes, Hou Xiaotao is innocent, right?

I can't help it. If I hadn't seen Hou Xiaotao's little action, I guess I would have been deceived by Hou Xiaotao's superb acting skills, right? Nianglie, why is this guy's acting so good!

"No! I was pulled by this guy just now! It's definitely this guy who pulled me on purpose!" Lin declared to break free and pulled his sports committee member and shouted to the referee. Black whistle, this is a black whistle!"

This time, the referee and Hou Xiaotao didn't speak, because the kind and upright classmates around him spoke.

"It's really shameless to lose and look for people everywhere."

"That's right, forcing people to cry and slander, what a scoundrel."

"Yeah, although I'm in the same class as them, I can't see their behavior."

Listening to the cynicism of the students around him, Lin declared finally couldn't help crying. What I said is true. The man pulled me and I fell to the ground just now. 55555~Since I was a child, I have never lied to anyone.

"Look, after being exposed by others, pretend to cry to win sympathy. Such a person is really useless."

"That's right..."

Looking at the crowd around him and the sports committee member standing aside and looking at his sports committee coldly, Lin declared finally couldn't help but run away from the stadium with tears.

"I can't believe he ran away, such a person..."

"Really, the world is under the wind. The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds."

Watching Lin declare run away, the discussion of the onlookers became more lively.

"Which class is this? I have to tell my classmates to stay away from the people in this class when I go back."

"Well, that's what I think."

"Please stop talking about it. The player just now also lost his temper for the game. I hope you don't blame him." Just as everyone was talking, Hou Xiaotao wiped the man's tears and stood up again

"This classmate must have put too much effort into the competition. Now he sees that his efforts have been wasted to become so extreme. Please don't blame him in the future. After all, I am also such an athlete.

After saying that, Hou Xiaotao staggered back to the player's lounge with a sad expression.

"Look, this is the real athlete. Well, there are fewer and fewer honest people on the sports field now. Looking at Hou Xiaotao's lonely back, the students around him said with admiration.

"Yes, if only such a player was in our class."

It's strange. If Hou Xiaotao is really in your class, then your class will wait to pick up duck eggs at the sports meeting!

"You guys, you taught them all their performances just now!" After taking Colin to a remote place, I gritted my teeth and said to this guy.

"Of course!" Colin nodded proudly. Do you think my training these two weeks is fake? The face of our class has been transformed into the most innocent face in the world by me.

casually pointed to the players on the field, and Colin said, "Pay attention to their faces. Isn't it innocent and confused? Humph, under my **, they have been able to turn their faces from innocent to crying in 0.05 seconds. Under such circumstances, if they can't deceive the referee, there will be a ghost.

No wonder! This is the sense of disharmony I felt when I first saw them!

When I heard Colin say this, I looked over it again. Isn't it? I only saw a group of confused people watching the game around innocently. They look like lost lambs, so pitiful and heartbreaking. So... Bian.

If I had seen their expressions before, maybe I would still stand beside them. But now... Why do I want to beat them more and more?

Oh, my God, did you take Colin to this kind of training for two weeks?

"You don't want to win by this means, do you?" Shaking my head, I said to Colin, "It's impossible to win the final victory with this little trick."

"No problem, I have my own... He Luo, help me block it!" Halfway through the words, Colin's face suddenly changed and quickly hid behind me.

"What's wrong?"

I have known Colin for so long, and it's the first time I've seen Colin so flustered.

"It's okay. You just need to help me hide it - damn it, what are you bastard doing?" Unprevently dragged in front of me, Colin scolded angrily.

"Nonsense, of course I want to see which god can make your guy so panic."

After saying this for granted, I grabbed Colin who wanted to run away and shouted loudly, "Collin, where are you going?"

"Where is Colin?" As soon as I finished speaking, a childish voice sounded.

"You bastard!" Colin suddenly broke free from my arms, and his feet were about to rush forward...

Humph! If you want to escape in my hands, you don't even think about it!

His right foot quickly mixed towards Colin's feet and ploped all over, and Colin fell to the ground heavily.

"Collin, are you all right?" Seeing Colin fall, a red figure suddenly ran to Colin.

Little LOLI?

The girl who rushed to Colin looked no more than 1.56 meters tall. She has a ponytail on her head, which looks very lively. Although it's only on the side, her red face looks very cute.

Looking at the little LOLI who helped Colin up from the ground, my brain couldn't turn.

When was Colin afraid of little LOLI?

In my impression, this boy should like to bully children the most. Every time I see a cute child, this guy doesn't forget to pinch his little face. It's so abominable.

"Hello, you must be He Luo, right? My name is Zhang Waner. After helping Colin up, the little loli in front of me stretched out his hand to me. My husband has been taking care of you. It's really troublesome for you.

"Ha ha. You're welcome. Who let... What are you talking about? I pointed to Colin with a depressed face and stammered, "He, he, he is yours, yours..."

"That's right." With a nod, Zhang Waner said generously, "Collin is my husband."

Maybe it's three seconds, or five seconds - in short, after hearing this sentence, my mind became completely blank for a period of time.


I didn't expect that this guy I have known for more than ten years is actually a shameful Lolita!

"Wait, although I don't know what you're thinking now, I want to tell you that you absolutely misunderstood." After dancing for a while and looking into my contemptuous eyes, Colin said solemnly to me, "Believe me, I have nothing to do with this woman."

I stared closely at Colin for a moment, and I put my hand on his shoulder. Don't worry, anyway, I have been in love with you for more than ten years, and I will never despise you because of your hobby.

"Stupid, stupid! I said, I have nothing to do with Zhang Waner!"

"Collin, you obviously said you would marry me, but you can't deny it." Zhang Waner looked at Colin with a sad face, and her big eyes were full of tears in an instant. You don't want to want me, do you?"

"That's what you said casually when you were a child, that kind - hey, He Luo, what do you want to do?"

Humph, let you taste the consequences of talking nonsense! I want to let you know how horrible the consequences of casual promises are!

After pressing Colin to the ground, I smiled at Zhang Waner with a stunned face and said, "Ha ha, just now this guy wanted to block you with my body and escape. I think the situation is wrong, so I will help you catch him first."

Hum, brother, I have known you for more than ten years. Do you think I don't know Xiao Jiujiu in your heart?

Looking at Colin, who was constantly struggling on the ground, Zhang Waner's face showed a understanding smile. He Luo, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." I secretly kicked Colin who was struggling, and I handed Colin over to Zhang Waner's hand. Then, this guy will be handed over to you. I still have a game, so I'll go first."

"Thank you very much." After a sweet smile at me, Zhang Waner said to Colin, "Honey, don't you think we should have a long talk all night?"

After saying that, Zhang Waner dragged Colin away with a sad face.

"He Luo, I won't let you go!"

Just as the two were about to leave my sight, Colin seemed to wake up and shouted at me.


I waved politely to Colin and walked back to the stadium. It's almost time, and my game is coming soon.

However, Colin and I have been together for many years. When did he meet Zhang Waner?