Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 8 Mission, Girl

Well, I almost forgot to upload the novel ~ 7,000-word chapter. I wish you all the best, good health and all the best in 2009!


Damn uncle!

Feeling the strange eyes of the whole class and listening to the words coming from time to time, I now have the heart to kill my uncle.

I trusted him so much, but when this guy explained why I couldn't go back to school two days later, he actually said that I was favored by the daughter of a tribal patriarch in Egypt, so I would come back two days later.

That's all. The damn uncle also described the appearance of the patriarch's daughter according to the appearance of a flower!

Real, I really want to kill him if I can!

"Oc's it, I've been crying all morning. Are you annoyed?" On the way home from school, Su Yun said to me impatiently.

"But look at those guys who are not afraid of chaos..." Thinking of the slander made by my classmates led by Colin, my mood became more depressed.

Didi Didi...

Just as I was complaining about myself, the detective badge pinned to Su Yun's collar suddenly sounded.

"I have a task, so I'll go first." After connecting the communication for a moment, Su Yun left in a hurry.

"I, don't be in a hurry to go. Take me with you." Looking at Su Yun's back, I shouted unwillingly.

In order to take care of my student who has studied for a week, the school specially gave me half a day off, which means that I will have a lot of time this afternoon.

"He Luo, come here. There is a task."

Just after walking a few steps, my badge actually chirped. After connecting, the uncle's voice came out.

"I'll be there soon!"

Aha, did God hear my heart, so he immediately gave the uncle a task?

"Uncle, what is my task today?" After entering the detective agency, I was not polite and sat directly in front of the uncle and asked him.

"It's an A-level task." After thinking about it, the uncle handed over the mission book to me. Take a look at the task first. If you don't want to go, I can help you claim it.

"What is the task?" Curiously taking over the task book in my uncle's hand, I immediately looked through the documents in my hand.

Mission 31256: Looking for orchid grass in the West Asian forest.

"Well, what kind of task is this? Isn't it just going in to find medicinal materials?" After reading the task, I smiled at my uncle and said, "You don't have to be so cautious about such a simple task, do you?"

"Do you think it's simple to find medicinal herbs?" Knocking on the table, the uncle continued, "You should know if you think about it carefully. If this is a simple task, will it be marked as an A-level task?" After clicking on the task level on the file, the uncle said to me, "If it weren't for the lack of manpower and the time limit, I wouldn't have come to you at all."

"Uh... No, isn't it just looking for an herb? Such a task can also be regarded as an A-level task? After a pause, I continued to ask, "by the way, what is that orchid grass?"

"Isn't it just looking for a herb? Humph..." After a sneer, the uncle said to me, "The orchid grass is a special medicinal material. After special treatment, this medicinal material can synthesize a medicine that transforms aliens into earthling people. That's why there are so many aliens on earth that no one knows.

After a pause, the uncle continued, "However, because the orchid grass has always been born in the deepest part of West Asia, the stock of this medicinal material is not very large. During this period, there were suddenly more aliens applying to join the earth, so someone needed to pick more orchids. But if you really want to go to the deepest part, I'm afraid that you will be in danger..."

"In the deepest part? That's not dangerous, is it?"

I thought the uncle would say something special, but I didn't expect this sentence to come out.

Before the West Asia forest was blocked, someone had visited the whole West Asia forest, and there was no danger in it.

"That was before. After being hit by the unruly little princess in the West Asian forest, the magnetic field there changed a lot. We doubt..." Speaking of this, the uncle subconsciously looked around and said in a low voice, "We suspect that many of the biochemical beasts in there have woken up."

"Well, aren't you kidding me?"

The biochemical beast in there? Isn't that the legendary god? God woke up...

Hey, this is not a joke!

"Of course I'm not kidding you." After shaking his head, the uncle said, "If I hadn't had a task in my hand, I would never have let you take this task." Speaking of this, the uncle smashed the table angrily. Damn, those people must have been premeditated. Unexpectedly, we were given five S-level tasks to the detective agency at the same time.

"Five S-level tasks?" Looking at the uncle's ferocious face and thinking of Su Yun's hurried departure, my heart moved and asked to the uncle, "Is it because Su Yun left in such a hurry just now that she took over the S-level task?"

"That's right." With a nod, the uncle said, "Not only Su Yun, but also the Helen sisters took over the task."

"Isn't there two S-level missions?"

"I've finished one of them, and I'll do the other one later." After casually replying to me, the uncle looked at me seriously: "He Luo, tell me whether you want to carry out this task or not?"

You have taken over the five S-level tasks by yourself. Can't I take over this A-level task?

Thinking of uncles, they chose the most dangerous task one after another, but left me the simplest task, and I couldn't help but flowed a warm current in my heart.

If I still had an unreasonable attitude towards the detective agency before, but from now on, I have begun to have feelings for this detective agency.

"No problem, I'll take this task." I nodded firmly to the uncle, and I pressed my mark on the executive column.

"In this case, come with me and I'll give you something." Looking at my mark on the executive column, the uncle shook his head, took something out of his desk and threw it into my hand.

"What are these things?" Looking at what the uncle threw me, I couldn't help asking curiously.

"There are instructions in it. Just take it and have a look." While talking, the uncle's badge suddenly sounded. Wait a minute, I'll pick up a message."

"Ye" Nodding, I began to study what was in my hand.

"He Luo, you can go on a mission in the afternoon." After a while, the uncle who finished the communication suddenly said to me, "It's better for you to go home and sleep well before setting out."

"That... All right." Originally, I wanted to say that I could leave now, but it suddenly occurred to me that I had promised my senior before taking the test that I would go to her after I came back. So in the end, I nodded and agreed.

Fifteen minutes later, at my sister's home.

"Master He Luo, I think you should refuse this task." After listening to my narrative, the senior sister said firmly. There is definitely something wrong with this task!"

"Uh." Scratching my head, I said shyly, "I have taken over this task."

"So, please let me accompany..." Speaking of this, the senior sister's face suddenly stagnated, and then her voice lowered. So that's it."

Ah? Sister, what are you talking about?

"No, it's nothing." After a moment of hesitation, the senior sister pointed to the little guy and said to me, "For some special reason, I don't have time to complete the task with you today, but I think the princess should be able to accompany you."

"Little guy?" Looking at the little guy who pricked up his ears because of his senior sister's words, I smiled. No need, I believe I still have the ability to protect myself.

"No, I think it's better for you to take the princess." The senior sister said stubbornly.

"Wow." The little guy nodded repeatedly, with a pair of lovely eyes showing pleading eyes.

"But there may be danger inside. With the little guy, I may not be able to protect the little guy."

"You don't have to worry about the princess at all. After contacting Her Majesty, the princess has..." Speaking of this, the senior sister turned her head to the little guy. Princess, can you show Master He Luo your skills?


After nodding hurriedly, a white light suddenly lit up on the little guy's body. After the white light dispersed, the little guy with a big palm appeared in place.

"In this way, you have no reason to refuse, right?" The senior sister looked at me with a smile and said word by word, "When you are in danger, as long as the princess becomes smaller, she can avoid disaster."

"This, okay." After a moment of hesitation, I finally put the smaller little guy in my arms.

"Master He Luo, although I have determined that you are the princess's husband..." Seeing me put the little guy in my arms, my senior sister suddenly smiled. But please don't do anything strange to the princess before you get married.

Open, what are you kidding! What else can I do to the little guy?

"Ha ha, then I wish you a successful completion of the task this afternoon." Seeing the depressed expression on my face, the senior sister squeezed her mouth and laughed.

"Well, then I will accept your words!"


After leaving my senior's house, I came home and rested for an hour and a half. When Kexin and my parents went to school or work, I set off!

However, just as I left home, a girl appeared in front of me.

"Su Yun?" Looking at the girl in front of me, I asked strangely. Don't you have a task? Why..."

"My task has been completed." After I finished speaking, Su Yun said, "Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and I will accompany you to complete the task casually."

Looking at the fatigue on Su Yun's face, I suddenly felt astringent in my heart. This silly girl must have completed the task desperately and rushed here immediately.

Well, with such a social friend, what else can I say?

Without saying much, after gently nodding to Su Yun, I quickly walked towards the West Asia Forest.

No matter what happens in the future, I will definitely be by your side.

Looking at Su Yun's slightly tired back in front of me, I said secretly in my heart.

It's not the first time we went to the West Asia Forest. After showing the mission statement to the peripheral guards, the two of us successfully entered the West Asia Forest.

When I first entered, I didn't feel much, but when we walked a few hundred meters, I clearly felt the obvious change in the West Asian forest. The fresh air I felt when I entered the West Asian forest changed and became very strange. The whole air seemed to be condensed with a smell of depression. The more I entered the West Asian forest, the more obscure my heart became clearer.

Looking up at the sky, I felt that the sky seemed to be shrouded in black clouds, which was very dark.

"Well, Su Yun, you are not afraid of ghosts, are you?" Looking at the increasingly dark path ahead, I asked Su Yun next to me softly.

"Ghost? There are no ghosts in this world. Only those children and little girls will believe in ghosts. Smiling disapprovingly, Su Yun suddenly turned his head and said to me, "You are not afraid of ghosts, are you?"

"Laugh, joke. How can a big man like me be afraid of ghosts? While looking at the map in my hand, I argued.

I don't know what the map in my hand is made of. It can emit a faint light in the dark, so that I can clearly see the marks on the map. Well, fortunately there is a little light, otherwise I'm really a little scared.

After walking for more than ten minutes, after turning a long curve, a tree with a tilted neck appeared obliquely in front of us.

Under the tree, a light blue grass is particularly conspicuous. It was a small grass 156 centimeters high. The grass seemed to ripple with sea water, and the blue light looked very beautiful. At the root of the grass, there is a faint red light

"Is that orchid grass?" After seeing the grass, Su Yun immediately ran over with a smile.

After comparing the things in front of me with the orchid grass in my memory, I quickly grabbed Su Yun with a surprised face. Don't move, that's not orchid grass!"

"No, that grass is the same as the description." Although he said so, Su Yun stopped at the first time.

"No, that grass is called red heart grass. Note that the light from the root of the grass is not blue, but light red. After pointing to the root and explaining to Su Yun, I continued to say, "And it is clearly said on the mission book that this orchid grass is in the deepest part of the forest. We are still on the outskirts of the forest, and we shouldn't have seen orchids at all.

After being robbed by me, Su Yun spit out his tongue with embarrassment.

"Then why don't we go to the depths quickly? There is still a long distance from the deepest part."

"No, the map my uncle gave me is said to have several orchids. We just need to find them." Looking at the map in my hand, a shallow smile raised at the corners of my mouth.

When I was sure that I was going to take this task, the uncle hesitated for a long time and finally found this map of orchid grass, which is said to be worth hundreds of millions, from his office.

"Maybe the orchid grass is in this place?" Su Yun asked curiously, "Didn't you say that orchid grass can only exist in the deepest part?"

"I don't know about this. But since the uncle said it, I believe there should be no problem.

It can make the uncle show such a painful expression. This treasure map should not be fake.

"Yes." After listening to my words and thinking about anything, Su Yun suddenly laughed. Let's find it quickly so that we can go back quickly after completing the task.

nodded, and I began to search carefully according to the map.

The map is the most difficult to identify in the forest, because there is no fork in the forest, but only endless trees. If you don't pay attention, you may go the wrong way.

After looking for about an hour, when my patience was about to be worn out by time, Su Yun's slightly surprised voice sounded beside me. He Luo, do you think this is the place of orchid grass?

Looking along Su Yun's fingers, I only saw a huge tree with peeled bark standing high among the surrounding flowers and trees on a big tree not far away.

That's right!

That's where the orchid grass is!

nodded heavily, and Su Yun and I walked towards the giant wood with surprise.

"How could this happen?!"

Turning around the giant tree and seeing the mess in front of him, Su Yun couldn't help shouting out.

Looking at the scene that was obviously deliberately destroyed, I calmly walked to the rising ground. I grabbed the soil on the ground and felt the humidity in the soil. I sneered.

Maybe the uncle finally said the right thing. Someone really wants to deal with me.

"Wow, wow..." The little guy in my arms suddenly poked out his head, and the black and white claws kept scratching me.

"You're awake." I put the little guy in my arms on my shoulder and said to Su Yun, "This place has been destroyed. It seems that we have to go inside to find orchid grass."

"He Luo, I think there is something wrong with this task. Let's wait for the president when we go back." Looking at the messy ground, Su Yun said to me uneasily.

"No problem, let's not talk about when the uncle will complete the task. Since we have come in, there is no reason to give up halfway. As a person, the most annoying thing is to give up halfway.

A man who abandons halfway is not a good man.

Well, this is also what my unscrupulous father told me. This is also one of the few, and I think he said the right thing.

"This... All right." After a moment of hesitation, Su Yun suddenly showed a firm expression on his face. After nodding to me, Su Yun took the lead in walking towards the depths of the forest.

"Wait, are you going to walk in like this?" Looking at Su Yun's back, I hurriedly said. The West Asian forest is so big that it will take us at least a few hours to walk in.

"Then you say... Did the president even give you that thing? Halfway through the words, Su Yun suddenly realized and said to me, "Since there is that thing, why don't you take it out earlier?"

"For such a long journey, you don't need that guy at all." Throwing the silver pin pinned to the neckline on the ground, I smiled bitterly. Besides, if you use that guy here, it's easy to miss the orchid grass.

"Well, it makes sense to you."

What we have in front of us is called the W-YTHN floating car. It is a means of transportation provided by the aliens in the W star domain. This floating car is very fast and can soar to thousands of kilometers per hour in just a few seconds. And because this floating car will separate part of the energy to protect the whole body while flying, it ensures that no matter how fast the driver drives, he will not feel much change.

When he handed over the car to me, the uncle had a painful expression on his face. Er. The reason why the uncle gave this guy to me so sadly. Because...

This guy is disposable.

Yes, it's like disposable chopsticks. This performance sounds like a floating car that can only be used once...

Well, a disposable smart car.

It feels extremely luxurious to listen to it.

If it weren't for me to escape quickly in danger, according to my uncle, he wouldn't have given it to me.

The West Asia Forest is really big!

Although the speed of flying has to be slowed down in the forest, the speed of the floating car is still much faster than that of the so-called sports car. But even so, it took us almost two hours to enter the deepest part of the West Asian forest.

Su Yun is fine. You can talk to me. The little guy couldn't do it at all. After playing with my shoulder, he got back into my arms.

Well, fortunately, the little guy is getting smaller now. If it still looks like it, I really can't bring it.

The deeper you go, the more precious medicinal herbs can be seen around the forest. Those thousand-year-old ginseng can be seen everywhere. As the uncle said, these plants have been moistened because of the energy unintentionally emitted by biochemical beasts.

This is the orchid grass! Sure enough, it is a rare herb in the world!

After driving a floating car in the depths of the West Asian forest for more than an hour, Su Yun and I finally found the orchid grass. And when we saw the orchid grass, both of them couldn't help losing their mind.

On the ground surrounded by trees, only a small grass with light blue light can be seen swaying slightly in the breeze. In this dark environment, their blue light like sea looks so beautiful and dreamy.

If I shoot this scene. I think everyone will think it's from PS.

After all, such a beautiful picture should not appear in the world!

Parked the suspension car aside, and Su Yun and I ran to the beautiful orchid grass with a happy face and picked it quickly.

"The child is so bold that he dares to come to my territory to steal grass." Just as Su Yun and I picked up the orchid grass and wanted to leave, a faint voice appeared in our ears.

"Go!" Suddenly hearing this sound, I pulled Su Yun without saying a word and ran into the floating car.

"Maximum horsepower, maximum speed, full energy!" Almost as soon as I jumped into the car, I shouted at the intelligent system of the suspension car at the top of my voice, "Open it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a yellow light appeared on the body of the car. After covering the car, the car rushed forward with a ssne.


The trees in front of them were washed away, and in front of the full-power suspended car, those huge trees are like paper paste, which can't act as an obstacle at all.

Looking at the fallen trees in front of me and listening to the roaring sound around me, I couldn't calm down at all.

The sound just now sounded without me being aware of it. What's more terrible is that when I heard the sound, I subconsciously launched a spiritual detection. But I didn't find anything! Is the uncle right that the biochemical beasts here really woke up?

"Hope... You can get rid of that person by speed.

As soon as this idea flashed in my mind, a cold voice threw my heart to the bottom in an instant.

"Oh, I stole something and ran away without even saying hello. Now the waiter, oh, are human beings so rude?"

The engine is fully open! Full energy! Bring the defense to the lowest, and give me a speed of 200 percent immediately!"

Almost at the same time as the sound, my voice also sounded.

Just before I could protect Su Yun in my arms, a strong impulse turned over my body. But only at this speed can escape from the unknown existence, right?

Feeling the faster and faster speed and the bumpy car, I couldn't help but be nervous. After licking my dry lips, I took a look at the energy tank.

Two grids of electricity!

Because of the full energy, there are only two grids of electricity left!

You should know that more than two hours of looking for orchid grass just now have used less than two grids of electricity!

"However, only in this way can we get rid of that person?" Looking at the messy scene behind me, I couldn't help thinking about it.

However, just as the suspended car was about to rush out of the West Asia forest, an accident, or something that was bound to happen!

The suspension car suddenly stalled!

After the energy column made a sharp prompt sound, the energy of the suspended car disappeared in an instant and stumbled into the big tree in front of it.

Sure enough, not opening the shield has a great impact on the car!

After climbing out of the car in confusion, I couldn't help sighing slightly.

"That's good, if this thing hadn't run out of energy. Maybe you can really escape from my hands." Just as I was sighing, a voice suddenly sounded in front of me. With a flash of body, a red man appeared in front of me and Su Yun.

This is... Very strange people.

The red hair stood up to the sky, looking so elegant, and a tall nose stood upright on the face of an ancient Greek man.

This is nothing. What really surprises me is that the skin of that person is actually red!

And from the skin, I actually saw looming sparks!

Who the hell is this guy?