Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 10 Su Daji, King Zhou and Fengshen 1

Well, guess who will be the mysterious woman in the article?


When I got home, I thought about it carefully and found that it was the same as what my senior sister said. At that time, Su Yun should have indeed woken up. After all, with the help of Bai Guang, I quickly woke up. At that time, Su Yun, who was snuggling in my arms, would not wake up.

The reason why she refused to get up must be the same as what her senior sister said, because of shyness.

Thinking of this, I was really relieved.

"Well, then I'd better pretend not to know about Su Yun tomorrow as my senior sister said."

After this idea flashed in my heart, I fell asleep.

The next day, when I went to the classroom, I saw Su Yun sitting as early as ever.


"Good morning."

Seeing that Su Yun did not have a different expression from before, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and quickly sat back to Su Yun's side.

Sure enough, it's right to listen to the senior sister!

"He Luo, tell us about your happy life with Egypt."

Not long after I sat down, Colin, a bastard, came towards me with a group of boys.

"Damn it, I've said it dozens of times. That's what the bastard teacher said. There is no such thing at all."

"It's strange. Who doesn't know the romantic affairs of your official and Ruhua MM?"

"I, I fought with you!"

With a howling wolf, I rushed to the animals in front of me!


The leisurely life seems to have suddenly returned to the track of my life. Every day, I fight with Colin's bastards, play with my seniors and little guys after school, and spend more time taking care of Pikachu and practicing in the evening.

I suddenly found that my life had become much more fulfilling.

It's Saturday, November 1st. It has been a whole week since I went to the West Asian Forest to look for orchids. Maybe because I went to bed too early last night, I got up early today. Just as I was about to practice my spiritual strength at this time, my detective badge rang.

"Well, someone gave us a mission to the detective agency... isn't it?" After finishing the call with my uncle, I immediately rushed to the detective agency.

Someone will release a mission to our detective agency... How can it be possible! Are those people's brains funny?

Yes, our detective agency does have some unknown power, but our power is used to fight against biochemical beasts. For real-world things, to be honest, our detective agency is really not as good as other detective agencies.

This can be seen from the fact that our detective agency has never received a commission from ordinary people before.

So, what's going on now?

I walked to the door of the detective agency with full of doubts and heard the crooked noise constantly coming from the detective agency.

I frowned slightly and gently pushed open the door of the detective agency.


Am I right?

The uncle sitting behind the desk was surrounded by dozens of women. The women pointed at the uncle's table with an excited expression and didn't know what they were saying to the uncle.

No wonder it's so noisy. It's because of these women! People say that three women have one play. How many plays do they need now?

However, these women are well dressed, and it seems that they should belong to the kind of women.

"Well, are these people who are going to entrust us?" Looking at the women, I asked Heidi, who was reading a book.

"Ye." After nodding, Heidi continued to read the book.

You are really good at reading books in such an environment. Well, Su Yun and Helen were also quite powerful. They didn't seem to hear the continuous noise from the uncle's desk. They chatted and made a silver bell-like cackle.

Looking around the room, I moved a chair and sat next to my uncle.

"This is a member of our detective agency." After introducing me to the women, the uncle continued, "I want to know why you came to us?"

"Because we believe that only President He can complete this task, and you are our most trustworthy detective agency." Suddenly, a fat woman said loudly, "Is everyone right?"

"That's right. Who doesn't know you, well, DTC detective agency is the best detective here." After secretly looking at the name of the detective agency on the president's desk, a fat woman nodded and responded.

"Yes, DTC Detective Agency is the best detective agency I have ever seen. I believe President He can definitely help us."

"Eh, huh..."

Hey, even if it's to flatter, you can't do this... Shoot hard, right?

Do you think someone will believe this?

"Hahahaha, now you know how great our detectives are." Listening to the women's flattery, the uncle patted me on the shoulder proudly, looking like a villain.

... I really believe it!

"Don't worry, our detective agency has taken over this task, and we will definitely complete this task well." After reading the power of attorney again, the uncle nodded to the group of women.

After hearing the uncle's words, the women did not have a happy expression on their faces. Instead, a trace of hesitation climbed onto their faces.

"Well, can this task allow your detective girls to carry out the task?" After looking at each other, a tall woman came out of the woman.

"Why do girls have to perform this task?" Hearing this, my heart moved and went to the woman and asked.

No matter what you think, it's already strange to come to us for help, and now we have to send girls to carry out tasks. This really can't help me from doubting.

Is it also a conspiracy?

Because of the previous human bureau task, now I see a trace of conspiracy in any unreasonable things.

"This..." After hearing my question, the women looked at each other and looked embarrassed.

Is it really a conspiracy?

My heart moved, and I was about to speak. But a girl came out of the woman. In fact, we made such a request because we think that male detectives should not be able to complete our task.

This is a very ordinary girl with short hair, pink eyes on the tip of her nose, and some acne on her face. However, the girl has a pair of eyes full of wisdom. Because of those eyes, the girl in front of her looks more indescribable.

"Oh?" Looking at the girl, I asked strangely, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"Actually, my father was the last detective to take over the investigation task." After a moment of hesitation, the girl said slowly. I'm ashamed that my father also failed shortly after accepting this task.

"Well, I haven't asked yet..."

"My name is Zhou Yuhan, and my father's name is Zhou Runfa."


"Is your father Zhou Runfa of Brother Ma's Detective Agency?"


Damn it, is it true?

Zhou Runfa, this name is also quite famous in Ivan City. As a private detective, he often helps the police complete their tasks and often appears on TV. Coupled with his rather character name, Zhou Lunfa is also a celebrity in the eyes of our citizens of Ivan.

However, even such powerful people failed...

"Well, I haven't asked yet. What's the matter you entrusted to us?" Looking at the silent uncle beside me, I asked.

"Actual, we hope you can help us investigate this woman." Taking out a photo from the bag, the tall woman said to me uneasily, "We want to know if this woman can do some legendary magic."


casually looked at the people in the photo. It was a young woman in her twenties, whose face was covered by a layer of black veil, which made people not see her face.

However, judging from her exquisite figure, this should be a beautiful woman.

Does such a woman... know magic?

"Actual fact." After a moment of hesitation, the fat woman told us what had happened to them.

As I guessed, their identities are the wives of rich families. However, their lives have suddenly changed a lot since a month ago.

"Since that time, he hasn't come home very often. Even if I go home, I just fall asleep and ignore me and my son at all.

"Not only that, he now ignores the company's affairs and goes with that person every day."

"Our savings were all spent by him unconsciously."

"I have persuaded him several times, but it didn't work."

"No matter who it is, as long as it is a man, there is nothing you can do."

"So far, at least 20 men have fallen into her hands."


"Well, do you mean that woman has fascinated your husband?" Looking at these ladies, I asked strangely, "And no matter which man, as long as you meet that woman, you will be confused by that woman?" Well, aren't you kidding me?"

"No, what we said is true."

"Although this sounds incredible, it does." After hesitating for a long time, Yuhan said shyly. I'm ashamed to say that my father only met the woman three times, but he was also fascinated by the woman, so we think it's better for women to accept this matter.

"Well, why don't you investigate by yourself?" Looking at Zhou Yuhan, I asked strangely.

As the daughter of a famous detective, there is no reason to be indifferent after her father was cheated, right?

"That's because my father didn't give me any detective skills." Seeing the incredible expression on my face, Zhou Yuhan said, "My father thinks that sometimes it's not a good thing to know too many things, so he didn't teach me detective skills."

"Oh, that's it."

This answer is moderate.

"Cough..." He coughed, and the uncle who had been silent stood up. This matter is a little strange. I want to discuss it with my members and give you the answer - do you think this is okay? Speaking of this, the uncle looked at Zhou Yuhan, who was the head of the women.

"Okay, let's go out first." After meditating for a moment, Zhou Yuhan nodded and left the detective agency with more than a dozen women.

"We have taken over this task!" Seeing the women leave, the uncle immediately said excitedly, "I decided to investigate the case myself."

"Reject!" Helen didn't look at the uncle. Su Yun and Heidi said to me, "Do you want us to take this task? After all, we are not a real detective agency, and we don't need to take over this kind of ordinary incident at all.

He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and Su Yun said casually, "I don't care. But I have something to do later, so I can't pick up the task.

After a pause, Su Yun continued, "But I think we should take over the commission of this incident. After all, this is not an ordinary event.

"Well, seriously, this incident can't be said to be an ordinary event. It can make all the men who see her fascinate with her - this kind of thing is not easy at all." After a moment of meditation, Helen said slowly.

"Yes, yes! This kind of thing is not simple at all. We must take over this task. I want to investigate this task in person!"

Hearing Helen's words, the uncle immediately interrupted.

"Shut up!"

Su Yun, Helen turned her head to her uncle with one voice and said rudely to him, "This task can't let you go."

"Why! I am your president. You are not qualified to order me like that!" The uncle said unhappyly.

"Is the president of our detective agency with huge extra debt qualified to say such a thing?"

"Yes, yes." After nodding hurriedly, I looked at Helen in surprise. Er, Helen, you just said... Uncle, this bastard made us carry a huge extra debt to the detective agency?

"Yes, this guy lost five million dollars in Las Vegas the day before yesterday." After a white look, Helen said to him, "If you can take out the five million dollars now, then this task will be handed over to you."

"Cut!" Unwillingly moved his mouth, and the uncle finally sighed, "Okay, it's up to you. I'll ignore it!"

"Wait, the uncle owes millions of dollars... Don't you want to say anything?" Seeing that Helen and the others didn't care, I quickly asked.

"We have been used to that kind of thing for a long time." Looking at the uncle helplessly, Helen said, "But there's nothing I can do. Who let this guy be our president?"


I'm used to this kind of thing that often owes millions of debts. What a terrible detective agency.

"Ye, because Su Yun and I have something to do, so this time it will be taken over by He Luo and Heidi."

"Wait. Why can't I take on this task? He Luo can do it. The uncle said dissatisfiedly, "You are biased!"

Yes, why do I have to take this task?

I don't want to be deceived by that woman!

"Because he is not you!" After smiling with Helen, Su Yun said to his uncle with a smile.

Obviously, Helen and Su Yun have decided to ignore the wishes of me. After calling in more than a dozen women outside the door, they pointed to me and Heidi and said to them, "After our unanimous discussion, we have decided to take over this task. Well, these two are the personnel sent by our detective agency.

"Is it okay for this boy to participate?" Looking at me quickly, Yuhan said with embarrassment. As I said before, that woman is quite proficient in men.

"It doesn't matter. I believe in He Luo from our detective agency."


Heidi, who had been reading for the first time, also put down the book and nodded slightly.

Hey, what do you mean? Do you think I'm not a boy?

You look too low on me. Sometimes I also go to pornographic websites!


After everyone left the detective, the uncle threw a lot of things in front of me. Well, this is the prop of our detective agency. You will be able to investigate that woman smoothly through this thing.


When I heard this word, my eyes couldn't help but light up.

When I watched 007 in the past, I was full of longing for the props carried by 007, and now I have the opportunity to use the props...


"Well, how to use these things?" Looking at the props in my hand, I asked doubtfully.

"Oh, this is the instruction manual." After patting his head, the uncle threw a brochure into my hand. Take it back and you will know how to use those props.

"Thank you." After smiling and putting the props into the leather bag prepared for me by my uncle, I left the detective agency.

After leaving the detective agency, I quickly took the props home and then walked out of the house again.

Because I participated in the first gang sports meeting on behalf of the Black Dragon Group last time, Colin owed me a meal.

After waiting on the road for about 15 minutes, Colin appeared in front of me.

"I'm convinced by you. In order to treat you to a meal, you guys actually ran to my house and harassed me all day." When he appeared in front of me, Colin's first sentence was to complain.

"Well, if you don't do this, can you bastard agree to my request so readily?" After saying it righteously, I said to Colin, "Take out your wallet."

"What are you going to do!" Colin held his wallet tightly with a small look on his face. Blue sky and day, don't mess around!"

Who has time to mess with you bastards!

I ignored this guy and grabbed his wallet.

Three yuan and four corners...

Sure enough, it's like this again!

"You damn bastard, again and again... How many meals do you want to eat from me?"

What time is this, the third time or the fourth time...

Every time this guy invites me to eat, he "unintentionally" forgets to bring money. Although he has told me countless times that I will pay you back a few days when he paid the money, so far, this guy still hasn't returned a cent!

"Oh, I forgot to bring the money." With a smile, Colin turned around and was about to leave. In this case, it's better to be there next time..."

"Don't do it again." After grabbing Colin, I put 300 yuan in his wallet. You don't have money now."

"My money?" Colin looked at me suspiciously.

"En." After throwing the bank card to Colin, I said to him, "I knew that you might have forgotten to bring the money, so I helped you withdraw the money in advance."

"You..." Looking at the bank card over and over again, Colin asked me sadly and angrily, "Why is my bank card in your hand?" Finally, Colin asked again. Also, why do you know my bank card password?

"As an idiot like you, you don't have to think that your password is your birthday. As for your bank card, haha, do you think I don't know if I press the bank card under the bed? When I arrived at your house yesterday, I had already taken out your card. After a glance at Colin, I quickly walked in the direction of the boss's barbecue restaurant. Hurry up, if there is no seat later, I will kill you!"

"Okay, okay, what the hell. Why do I have a friend like you!"

Hey, are you wrong? It should be me who is always exploited by you, right?

"Well, boss, what are you doing?" When we walked to a barbecue restaurant, we saw the boss standing on the thatched roof and tearing down the boards on the hut. At the bottom of the hut, there is a broken board that has been found from nowhere. A few big words are clearly written on the board.

"Our store will be closed from today."

"Oh, you're here." When the boss on the thatched roof saw us, he waved to us happily. I thought I didn't have time to see you two.

"Well, what happened?" Looking at the unsightly storefront under the boss, I asked puzzledly, "Why did you suddenly start business?"

With an infinite sigh, the boss shook his head and said, "It's a long story. I can only tell you that I'm leaving."

"Well, when will you come back?" When I said this, I looked at the boss nervously. You're not going to tell me that you won't come back, will you?"

Although Colin beside him didn't care, he also pricked up his ears high.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I will definitely come back." Smiling, the boss said, "The environment here is so good that I can't bear to leave. But it's hard to say when to come back."

"Oh, that's no problem, as long as you will come back."

During the period of time with the boss, Colin and I have regarded the boss as our good friends and elders. Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable when I heard that my elders were leaving.

"There are two roast chickens in the house. I made them specially for you two." After jumping off the hut, the boss found a can of wine sealed with mud from the hut. Let's have a good drink tonight."

"What kind of wine is this?" Although there was a reluctance on his face, Colin still asked excitedly.

"Ha ha, this is a good wine from thousands of years ago. Ordinary people want to drink it but can't drink it. Why don't you thank me quickly?" Throwing the wine into Colin's hand, the boss laughed.

"Wine from thousands of years ago? Just blow it!" While talking, Colin patted the yellow mud that sealed the mouth of the altar away. Good wine!"

As soon as the mouth of the altar was opened, a strong aroma of wine came out of the jar. The smell was so mellow that I felt a trace of drunk when I smelled it. Although I don't like drinking, it is not difficult to know from the strong aroma of wine that it is absolutely good wine!

Well, although it can't be the thousand years as the boss said, this jar of wine should also have a hundred years of history.

"Good boy, there is such a good thing that you took it out to us so late. Boss, aren't you too stingy!" After taking a big sip without hesitation, Colin laughed at the boss.

"You boy." He shook his head helplessly, and the boss smiled bitterly and said, "This is my last jar of wine. I can't stand your waste."

That night, several of us drank late. It was also that day that Colin and I got drunk for the first time.

"The so-called farewell to send you thousands of miles away. In order to make it so that there are no tears between us, I will go first. - Su Daji."

When Colin and I woke up, the hut had disappeared. In front of us was only a line of big words written on the wall.

"Su Daji? Da Ji? Haha, the boss's name is really vulgar. No wonder he doesn't tell us his name every time he asks him. Looking at the words on the wall, Colin and I laughed loudly.

With a smile, a trace of tears appeared in our eyes.

We know that we may lose a friend from now on.


I didn't return home all night. When I got home, I was still drunk. Naturally, I received a lot of reprimands when I got home. Fortunately, I subconsciously called home last night when I was drunk, otherwise it might be worse.

After being scolded by my mother for more than ten minutes, I finally dragged my tired body back to my room.

After lying heavily on **, my eyes accidentally skimmed the leather bag that I threw aside.


A turn over and jumped down from **, and I quickly poured all the props on the leather bag on the ground.

Now that I'm depressed, let's study the props.

Three minutes later...

"Go to hell, uncle, you bastard!"

While cursing the uncle, I threw the things in the prop box to one side.

Damn it, I should have thought of it. How can a stingy person like uncle be so good and prepare so many props for me!

Let's talk about this wallet in my hand.

He looks like an ordinary wallet, but in fact he is a wallet that can be discharged. When the thief puts his hand deep into my pocket to steal the wallet, the wallet will emit a thousand-volt voltage.

If this wallet can prevent theft, it's not bad. But the problem is that the 1,000-volt voltage is uncontrollable! That is to say, if I am stolen from my wallet, I will also be hit by the voltage!

Damn it! What a brain-damaged wallet!

There are many other waste props. For example, it usually looks like an umbrella, but it can actually be used as a parachute. For example, a pair of shoes that look ordinary is actually... Shoes that can hide paper on the heel of the sole.

And this bottle of strong water in my hand.

After drinking, the whole person will have twice the power than usual. But... You will have diarrhea ten minutes after drinking...

Damn it!

Is this a special prop for detective or a special prop for tricking?

Forget these.

This thing in front of me is too nonsense no matter how I think about it, isn't it?

"Name: multi-purpose box. Purpose: Hiding. Usage: When the enemy comes, you can quickly open the box, and after the box is opened, you can enter the box to hide. Note that because the air permeability of the box is not very good, it is recommended to leave the box within five minutes of entering the box, otherwise it will be prone to dizziness, foaming at the mouth and even suffocation!"

Although I really want to smash these things, my reason still prevents me. After calming down, I began to look carefully at the props.

As a result, I found two useful props out of 37 props.

"Uncle, you bastard!"

Looking at 35 waste props depressedly, I couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar.

"Brother, are you stupid again?"

After a few knocks on the door, Kexin appeared in my room.

"Huh, what are you doing? Do you want to sort out the garbage?

"No, it's nothing." After quietly kicking down the garbage, I said to Kexin, "Also, what did you mean by 'you're stupid again'? Do you think I'm a fool, your eldest brother?"

"Well, you are a big fool." He pouted and sat down on my **, looking curiously at my room. Brother, don't you think your room is too messy?

"This mess is nothing to me... Speaking of which, what are you looking for me for?"

"Nothing..." He tilted his head and thought for a moment, but asked hesitantly, "Brother, do you remember what happened next month?"

"Next month?" I pretended to be ignorant." What's going on next month? Oh, next month is Christmas, right?

"It's not Christmas..." But he said angrily, "Well, I knew you, a fool, had no memory."

Seeing Kexin's angry look, I smiled and said, "December 28th, my little princess's birthday is right?"

"You..." Hearing my words, a smile appeared on Kexin's face. But she soon made a straight face again. I hate it. I still have to tease others when I remember it. I hate my brother the most."

"Oc, okay, is it okay if I'm wrong?" Seeing Kexin angry, I quickly begged for mercy and said, "Try me what kind of gift you want, my brother will give it to you."

"I don't want a gift."

"Don't want gifts? So what do you want?"

"I want... Well, on my birthday, you will accompany me to the park. I don't know what I thought, but my heart suddenly blushed and said to me.

"Park?" I said, "What's so interesting about that place? If you like it, I can go with you tomorrow."

The birthday gift is a day trip to the park - isn't it strange to have such a birthday gift?

"No, I want you to go to the park with me that day." He pouted slightly and said coquettishly to me, "Okay, brother, let's go to the park with him that day."

"Okay, as long as you want, I will definitely go with you."

This little girl has been more independent since she was a child, giving people the feeling that she is a relatively resolute girl. I heard her act coquettishly in a coquettish voice. Well, it's hard to resist!

"Then we'll make a deal." Seeing me nod, I jumped up from ** happily. Well, we have agreed that if you are late or don't come on that day, don't blame me for not being able to ignore you in the future.

"Don't worry, when did your brother keep my word?"

"Humph, it's too much." But he counted his fingers and said, "On my eighth birthday, I asked you to give me a Barbie doll, but you gave me an Ultraman. When I was nine years old, I asked you to take me fishing, but you swam in the river for a day, and I didn't listen to you. When I was ten years old, you said you would watch the stars with me at night, but you fell asleep next to me that night..."


"Isn't there a saying that giving your favorite things to others is a real gift. My favorite thing at that time was Ultraman, and I gave it to you. As for fishing, didn't I say that? Because I saw that you can't catch fish, I specially went into the water to help you catch fish. After that, you should catch fish quickly, right? And the star-watching star, who do you think made the small stand on the roof of our house? I didn't work hard all afternoon."

"Is it?" A smile appeared on Kexin's face, but she still tilted her head and said, "Then on my eleventh birthday..."

"All right, I promise I will accompany you to the park on your birthday next month, right?" Seeing Kexin still talking, I quickly interrupted.

This is so good that I don't usually feel how strong her memory is. But why do you remember these things so clearly? Isn't that uncomfortable for me?