Micro acid detective agency

Eitive 9 The Changed Plot

"You, who the hell are you?" Seeing that I haven't spoken for a long time, the stupid boy Nokali hesitated to come to me. You are not under Eliza's father, are you?"

"Of course, I'm not under Eliza's father. You don't even think, if I were really Eliza's father's subordinate, would you still be alive now? Will I still save you from the tree? I looked at the stupid boy Nokali angrily, and I looked at the other side of the forest. Well, your Eliza is about to appear.

Well, such a silly boy can actually get the favor of the smart and generous Eliza. It seems that the alien Guo hero still exists.

Stupid male protagonist...

Well, that's why the other supporting actor is liked by most people compared with this male protagonist.

"What did you say?" Hearing my words, Nocari's face showed a surprised look, but soon, the stupid boy looked at me in disbelief. You're not lying to me, are you?"

Cut, do you think it's interesting to lie to you as a fool?

"Norika! Oh, my God, it's really Nokali!" Just as he curled his lips and was about to speak, a sharp, full of surprise sounded from the side of the forest.

"Elisa? It's really you!" Seeing Eliza and the others coming out of the forest, Nokali ran excitedly and hugged his goddess. God bless, I thought I wouldn't see you again!"

Elisa, who was suddenly hugged by Nokari, blushed and broke free from Nokari's arms. Fool, what does it mean you can't see me anymore? Do you really want to see me?

"No, no, how can I think so?" Shaking his head hurriedly, Nocari said eagerly, "It's absolutely impossible for me to want you to die. Oh, God testified that since we were separated, I have been begging God to bless you."

"Okay, you two don't kiss me there anymore." Just then, a tall man came to the two and looked at me with a little doubt. Er, Nokali, who is this little brother?

"Oh, Ivan, it was this little brother who saved me just now." Nokali took me to Ivan and said happily, "If it hadn't been for this little brother, I would have stayed in the tree now. Haha, what the little brother said is really right. You really found it.

"Oh, my dear, are you entangled by the damn tree monster?" As soon as Nocari's voice fell, Eliza sounded in surprise. Didn't I tell you to be extra careful in this kind of forest!"

"Well, isn't it because I was so worried about you that I forgot?"

"You, you!"

Looking at Nocali's red face, I smiled and stretched out my hand to Ivan who had been staring at me. Hello, my name is He Luo.

"Oh, hello, I'm Ivan." After shaking hands with me, Ivan pointed behind him with a bitter smile and said, "This is my sister, Elan."

"Hello." A small head stretched out from behind Ivan, nodded to me gently, and then stretched back again.

"Our experience has not been very good recently, so my sister..." Shrugged at me, and Ivan said with a wry smile, "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." I smiled at Elan, who blinked behind Ivan and looked at me, and I began to look at Ivan, the most popular character in the horror film.

The eight-fives does not give people a sense of roughness, but gives people a strange and indescribable sense of wisdom. Although there was a scar about half an inch on his right cheek, it did not give people a horrible feeling, but gave people a sense of security.

Well, to be honest, Ivan is the only horror actor I like. Of course, this has a little to do with his character's name and our city.

Cough, it's off topic. Let's get back to the point.

Ivan's popularity is not only because of his appearance, but also because of his behavior. In this horror film, Ivan has led people out of traps several times, so this wise man is more likely to win the favor of the audience than the stupid hero.

In fact, the person who played the role of Ivan won the Best Actor Award at the Film Awards that year.

At this point, I still want to sigh: Who is the protagonist?

"Well, Brother He Luo, is there something wrong with my face?"

Iwan, who felt my burning eyes, unconsciously withdrew his neck and looked at me with a little vigilance.

"No, I just think Uncle Ivan looks a little like an uncle I know."

"Big, uncle?" Hearing my words, Ivan's eyes widened, and both eyes were about to fall out. That's right. How can I look like an uncle like this? I'm only 23 years old! 23 years old! Oh, damn it, Almighty God, why do people always think I'm an uncle? In fact, I'm only a 23-year-old teenager!"

"Oh, that's really embarrassing. You know, you look more mature."

It's really the same as in the movie!

This Ivan not only gives people a sense of wisdom in the movie, but also has something funny about him - he hates being called an uncle!

Every time he is called an uncle, he will be very angry and even do interesting behaviors. Well, just like now.

"Yes, I'm sorry, my brother is like this sometimes."

Looking at his brother squatting under the tree drawing circles and muttering that he didn't look old at all, Elan said to me timidly.

"Nothing..." Before he finished speaking, a sharp roar suddenly sounded not far behind us.

"No, let's go!" Hearing that sound, my face changed, and my face suddenly turned pale. Ilan, who unconsciously fell to the ground, picked it up and roared at the other three people, "That's the night of the great demon king, not something we can deal with!"

"Let's go!" Hearing my words, Ivan, who was still squatting in the corner just now, stood up quickly. After calmly looking not far away, Ivan said in a low voice.

Since the leaders have said so, the Nokari couple naturally have no objection and followed me without saying a word.


"Actually, I am the messenger of God."

After running to the safe place with Nocari and others, I said to them.

I can't help it. I can't explain my true identity to them now. Aha, do I really want to tell you that they are just a person in a personalized world among my seven personalities?

So, I have to write a history for myself.

"Well, you should know that Eliza's father accidentally released the devil's soul, right?" Seeing that the crowd did not speak, I continued. I am actually the enemy of the devil. Because Eliza's father released the demon, I had to come from the divine world to destroy the demon.


I knew you didn't believe it!

But it doesn't matter, you will believe it soon.

I put my right palm in front of everyone, and with a fluffy sound, a flame of orchid ignited in my hand.

"Nah, this is my inflammation." Looking at the stunned appearance of the four people, I smiled proudly. You should believe me now, right?"

Hum, this story took place* in the West in the 17th century. At that time, people were the most superstitious. It was right to fool them with this!

"Well, brother, isn't this fire magic?" Just as I was proud, Elan suddenly asked Ivan beside her in a low voice.


"What did you just say?"


"Well, I'm just asking." Seeing their alertness, I scratched my head with admonition. After looking left and right for a long time, I couldn't help asking again, "Well, do you really think the flame in my hand is fire magic?"

"You can call out a first-level fire magic fireball in the palm of your hand without singing, which is naturally not a simple fire magic." After a moment of meditation, Ivan spoke to me. Dear Demon Teacher, what do you mean by deceiving us like this?

At that point, Ivan looked at Eliza. Are you also trying to catch Eliza and exchange for power from the devil?

"Brother He Luo, you are not that kind of person, are you?" As soon as Ivan's words fell, Nokali stood in front of Eliza. Although you saved me just now, I will never let you catch Eliza.

"It's been said that I'm not a subordinate of the devil. Are you bored!"

Nocari's firm face gave me a firm look, and I bit my lower lip tightly.

My God, you can't play with me like this! Why did things look like this? Isn't the story of the 17th century? Why did it suddenly become the current magical world?

My mother, the current situation is really annoying!

"Okay, Nokali, put away your weapons." At this time, Eliza, who had been standing quietly behind Nocari, came out.

After making a gorgeous etiquette in front of me, Eliza said to me, "Dear great magician, as long as you can take me to the prophet, I am willing to give you the dragon bones on my body."

I, I... I...

What the hell did I enter!

Looking at the unkind eyes of other people, I sighed helplessly. It's hard to say where I came from, but I can guarantee that I didn't come here for any bones on Eliza's body. I, I'm just the one who just came to help you.

"Haha, I knew that Brother He Luo was not a bad guy." After listening to my words, the fool Nokari took a big step in front of me and held me in his arms at a glance.

"Get out of here!" After pushing Nocari aside, Ivan, who was suspicious, smiled bitterly. Although I can't give you any evidence, please believe me. I only have goodwill to you.

"Nokali, did you think this guy He Luo knew we were about to appear before we found you?" After looking at me quietly for a moment, Ivan looked at Nokali.

"Yes." After nodding his head, Nokali looked at me with admiration. Brother He Luo, how on earth did you know that Eliza and the others would appear immediately?

"Uh, this..."

I can't say that because I happened to see it here...

Oh, damn it, why did this damn horror film suddenly change *!

"That's it." After lowering his head thoughtfully and meditating for a moment, Ivan suddenly raised his head and stretched out his hand to me with a smile. Haha, it turns out that Brother He Luo is from there. No wonder, no wonder.

At this point, Ivan turned around and said to Elan behind him. Don't worry, Brother He Luo is a kind person. He is definitely not here for the magic dragon bones on Eliza's body.

After saying that, Ivan also mysteriously winked at me. Are you right, my dear Brother He Luo.

"Uh, yes, you're all right."

Although I don't know what happened to this smart supporting role, it seems that my problem has been solved by him.

Since I have been affirmed by the smartest of the four, my identity is no longer important. After chatting with everyone for a while, I suggested, "Well, should we quickly find the person who gave Eliza the guardian and let him destroy the devil?"

The ending of this horror film is naturally a happy ending. After everyone found the oriental traveler to Eliza Jade Buddha, the oriental traveler finally succeeded in killing the demon after a life-and-death struggle with the devil.

But this story * suddenly changed, I can't guarantee whether it was an oriental traveler who gave Eliza Jade Buddha. Well, I can't even guarantee that it was the Jade Buddha who saved Eliza's life, so I had to speak so vaguely.

It turns out that I'm right to say that.

nodded her head, and Eliza said, "He Luo is right. Let's find the great Cultivator quickly. Now it seems that only he can help us destroy that demon."

The trueist...

Hearing this title that seems to be out of place in the magical world, I have a funny feeling in my heart.

Although I have long known that my horrible world is a messy world, I didn't expect it to be so chaotic! Even the practitioners came out...

But because of this, I have no sense of pride because of my familiarity, cough, and a little understanding of the plot.

From this moment on, the world in front of me is a completely strange world!

"Brother He Luo, where do you think we should go out?" At this moment, Ivan spoke.

I noticed that when Ivan said this, several other people turned their eyes to me. However, except for Ivan and Nokali's kind eyes, the other two women's eyes are not very kind.

Well, I think I probably know about the hearts of these two women. Nocari was grateful to me because I saved him, and Nocari believed me because he imagined me as a person who didn't know which force. But the other two are different.

I have said before that Eliza is a smart woman. Such a woman does not trust others casually. As for Elan, maybe he was dissatisfied with me for robbing his brother's command.

"If this is the world I know, I don't mind being the backbone of this. Unfortunately, this is a world that God doesn't know." With a slight sigh in my heart, I smiled at Ivan and said, "Actually, I don't know much about this forest. The reason why I can find Nokali is that I found it completely by mistake. So I think it's up to Ivan to decide how to get out.

I didn't give Ivan any chance to object. Before he spoke, I continued to say, "Well, Ivan, don't refuse. If you refuse, I have to leave the team."

Well, since Ivan in the movie can lead the whole team to survive, I believe that Ivan in the world will not be any worse - at least, much better than me.

"This..." looked at me with an embarrassed face for a long time before Ivan gritted his teeth and nodded. Well, since Brother He Luo has said so, I won't shirk it.

After a moment of meditation, Ivan continued, "The direction of those who came in at night just now is northwest, so we can speculate that the demons should also be there, so we should go..."

"Go northwest!" Eliza suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, northwest." Looking at Eliza with satisfaction, Ivan said, "At our speed, it is impossible to escape from the pursuit of the night, so instead of sitting and waiting for death, we might as well go out in the opposite direction. After all, the night vision is not very good. As long as we are careful, it is easy to avoid them.

At this point, Ivan took a look at me. If it really doesn't work, we still have a big magic tutor who can resist those guys for us.

"Well, this, of course, it's my duty." Seeing the burning eyes that everyone had seen, I quickly patted my chest to make sure.

"In that case, let's go." At this point, Ivan took a look at Nokali. Cali, I hope you can pay attention to the tree monster around you when you leave. If you are caught by the tree monster, our whereabouts will be exposed.

"Okay, I will pay attention." Seeing everyone looking at him, Nocari's face turned red in an instant.

"Don't worry, I will watch this fool." The jade-like finger tapped Nokali's head, and Eliza said confidently, "With me, this fool won't have any problems."

"So, let's go!" Looking deeply at Eliza, Ivan raised his hand, and we quietly set out for our destination under the cover of the dark night!


In fact, my judgment is correct.

Everything that happened after that was separated from the plot of the movie. In the pursuit of our enemies, orc warriors, mad warriors, magicians and ninjas who did not know which country they came from.

I thought these enemies were difficult to fight against, but to my surprise, although each of these enemies has a high-level title, I can easily defeat them.

Because of this, my position in the team is increasing day by day, and they are almost the same as looking at a god in front of me.

However, I was not happy about it, because I suddenly felt something.

That's an indescribable feeling. I seem to vaguely understand why no one is my opponent in this world, but I can't say why.

Oh, seriously, this feeling is really terrible!

In a word, after almost three months of defeating countless opponents, we found the practitioners who gave Eliza amulet.

"There is no problem. Killing demons and demons is the duty of the poor road." After hearing our intention, the old man who looked like an old fairy in classical mythology agreed. Where is the devil? The poor road is about to get rid of the demon!"

This old fairy is really on the road!

This was my first reaction when I heard the old fairy's answer, and then the next second, I pointed to the sky not far away and said, "Well, you see, the one flying in the front and the most obscene one is the devil."

That's right, because the time has passed too long. The devil was finally angry. After killing Eliza's greedy father, he kept chasing us.

"Okay, you wait here and see how the poor road can get rid of that evil obstacle!" After leaving such a sentence, the old fairy stepped on the floating cloud, turned into a flowing cloud and flew towards the devil.

"Well, this one seems a little simple." Looking at the old fairy flying aggressively towards the devil, I couldn't help shaking my head. Alas, why can't it be more difficult... Er~"

Before I finished speaking, I was scared by the scene in front of me.

The fast-flying demon didn't look at the old fairy and pulled it out casually...

Then the old fairy died!

In my opinion, the old fairy of the ultimate boss of this world was instantly bombarded ashes.

"This, does the old fairy want to show us the unique skill of flying ashes and turning into real bodies, and want to transform countless old gods from flying ashes?"

Before I had time to complain, the devil flew to me.


"Uh..." Once again, frightened by the situation in front of me, I looked at my hands in a daze, and then looked at the demon who was blown away by me. I couldn't believe it. Am I the ultimate boss of this world?

"Of course you are not, my dear body!"

Just as I was slightly stunned, the backward demon suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge dark curtain flew towards me with the sound of wind.

ps: Well, I originally wanted to write about infinite horror, but after all, this thing has nothing to do with the main line. Just take it directly. If you want, I will find an opportunity to complete the experience of the world of terror. Well, finally, please click more and collect more... Ouyang, thank you.