Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 11 Little Boy, Little Girl

Oh, today is 2.14 Jihad Day... The mood is really complicated~

Without further ado, if you find anything inappropriate in the article, please give me more advice!


When I approached the white light spot, a sense of déjà vu came to my mind.

Then, a picture hidden deep in my memory slowly hit my heart.

It's a palace that makes people speechless. Although there are no gorgeous carvings on the surface, just looking at the simple structure gives people a magnificent feeling of this palace.

The white palace without a trace of magazine stands quietly on a green grass. On the grass, a little girl in a gorgeous princess costume is squatting beside a teenager, and her eyes as deep as night reflect a boy full of mud.

"Who are you?"

"Me? My name is... Hi, why should I tell you what my name is?" The little boy rolled his eyes and quickly stood up from the ground. Looking around, the eyes seemed particularly blank. Where is this?"

"This is my home." The little girl looked at the little boy curiously. Who the hell are you? How did you get to my backyard?"

"I don't know, I remember, it seems that I was just by a lake." The girl's voice was very good, so the little boy's nervousness was relieved. Well, who are you?

"You are really rude. Obviously, I asked your name first, but why do you ask my name now?"

"Well, if you don't say anything, I won't tell you." The little boy walked around the lake for a long time and suddenly sat down. Damn, where the hell is this!"

"I told you, this is my home." The little girl carefully walked to the little boy. After sneaking around, she carefully lifted the white skirt and sat down carefully beside the little boy.

"What a child, he even sits down so secretly." Seeing the little girl's cautious appearance, the little boy laughed.

"What do you know? This is etiquette. My tutor said that as a lady, such behavior is not allowed. The little girl argued with a red face.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't tell me those who are not ladies. I'm a man. What's the use of telling me these things?" He stared at the little girl angrily, and the little boy said, "Besides, haven't you done this unlady behavior?"

"Well, that doesn't count." After blushing and hesitating for a long time, the little girl finally said something like this.

"Haha, you are really naughty. You have already sat down. Why doesn't it count?" The little boy clapped his hands and smiled all over his face. You are really as naughty as my sister."

"Well, it's not." As soon as the words fell, the little boy's sunny face suddenly became gloomy. It seemed that I was playing by the lake with my sister just now. Why did I come to this rotten place at once?

"This is my home, not a bad place." Although I don't know why the little boy who laughed so brightly just now suddenly became like this, the little girl retorted at the first time.

"Yes, this is your home. You must know how to let me leave, right?" As if Ganlin had been found in the desert, the little boy who heard the little girl's words grabbed the little girl's shoulder. Hurry up and help me get out of here. I'm going back. If I don't go back soon, my sister will be worried. Just now, something bad seemed to have happened. If I don't go back, my sister may cry.

"What does it have to do with your sister crying?" Seeing that the little boy cared so much about another little girl, the little girl pouted discontentedly. I don't want to send you back."

"You, you...you are a bad person, I, I ignore you!"

"Well, you can play with me all morning. As long as you play with me all afternoon, how about I will take you away in the evening?" Seeing the little boy's anxious look, the little girl smiled and suddenly had an idea in her mind. Don't blame me for not reminding you that this is my home. Without my guidance, you will never find your way home.

"You, you are knocking, knocking..."

"Blackmail, I'm blackmail." The little girl said proudly, "I'm just blackmailing you. Do you want to play with me or not?"

"If you don't play with me, you can't leave here." Seeing the little boy's changing face, the little girl quickly added.

"You're cruel, I'll just play with you." As if he had made a major decision, the little boy said to the little girl with a serious expression, "But you must send me back at night."

"Ye." Seeing the little boy's firm look, the little girl suddenly lowered her head and answered in a low voice.

"So, what's your name?"

"My name is Inalynth, how about you?"

"My name is He Luo, hello."

Then, the two played on the huge lawn.

A series of beautiful sounds like bells were particularly beautiful and charming that afternoon.

And when the sun went down and a red glow dyed the sky, the change occurred.

A huge black shadow suddenly jumped down from the sky towards the boys and girls playing together. In a hurry, the little girl only saw the sharp teeth of the shadow shining sharp.

Then, the little girl was thrown aside by the little boy, and the little boy was pushed down into the lake not far away by the shadow.

When he was about to lose consciousness because of drowning, the only scene the little boy saw was a bloody bite at the little girl. At that time, the little girl seemed not to see the horrible big mouth, smiling and looking in the direction of the little boy with a bright smile.

"Brother, brother?"

When the little boy woke up, a pink girl appeared in front of him. That girl's name is Kexin, and she is his sister.

"Ghost, ghost!" Looking at his sister's face, the little boy suddenly shouted and fainted again.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the little boy faint again, the little girl quickly called the adults nearby and quickly took her brother to the hospital.

Perhaps because she worried too much about the little boy, the little girl forgot the painful tears in the corners of the little boy's eyes!

Is this little boy me?

"Brother, do you remember when you started to be afraid of ghosts?"

In the amusement park, the sentence that my heart once asked me suddenly came to my mind.

So that's what happened.

Is this the reason why I suddenly began to be afraid of ghosts?

I'm not really afraid of seeing the ghost, but because I'm afraid of seeing the picture of the fierce ghost about to eat the little girl.

Are you afraid of losing?

Maybe, but if there is no one I worry about in this world, what's the point of me living in this world?

In this world, isn't it good to have people who worry about themselves and people who feel that they can't lose? Isn't this very happy!


The gorgeous but gentle light suddenly lit up from the boundless darkness. This light is so magical. Covered by this light, I feel like I have returned to my mother's womb. I feel so warm and comfortable.

The darkness struggled and cursed, but it was still resolutely punctured by the light, so fear appeared in front of me again.

"Yes, there is indeed fear in my heart, and I am indeed afraid of losing my relatives and friends." Looking at the fear of a panic expression on my face for the first time, I found that my mood had never been as good as it is now. But this is not fear."

"I'm happy that I have this mood. If a person doesn't even have this feeling, that person is really pitiful."

"If this emotion is also fear, then I am willing to bear this fear!"

My voice is very small, but very firm!

My voice is very small, but under this quiet sky, it is particularly clear and clear!

As I speak every word, there is less black fog in fear. When I firmly say the last sentence, fear disappears into the white light.

"Has my fear disappeared?" Looking at the world that is constantly breaking in the white light, I muttered.