Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 16 Eighth Personality and Naming

Today's make-up exam, God bless me... Macau~



A huge wave suddenly appeared on the sea not far away, and the already calm sea was boiling like the water stirred with a long stick.

"That's the situation." Just as I stared at the huge whirlpool on the sea, Hauser's voice came from the bottom of my heart. Your eighth personality has come out.

"Eighth Personality?" Hearing this, I couldn't help but be dull. Didn't you say that there are only seven personalities in my body? Where did the eighth personality come from?

"TMD, I didn't know that there was such a monster in your body before." Hao Se cursed angrily and suddenly said eagerly to me, "My dear brother, now is not the time to explain. You'd better take out all the swords quickly. If you want to kill the eighth personality, you can't gather all the energy together."

"Okay, you have to explain it to me later!"

I'm not a person who doesn't know the importance. It's not difficult to tell from Hassel's nervous voice that the so-called eighth personality must be a very dangerous existence - in fact, even if Hassel doesn't say it, it's not difficult to know from the situation at sea alone that the eighth personality should be an extremely dangerous guy!

I inserted the two swords that appeared after Nicholas's death into the sand in front of me. My mind moved, and the other five swords appeared around me.

And when the other five swords appeared at the same time, the two swords I had inserted in the sand before flew into the air and surrounded me with five other swords suspended in the air.

Just as I wanted to call down the sword, the seven swords showed various colors.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple......

You know, when I got the long swords before, although these swords had color, the color on their bodies was not clear. Some were dark red, and some were mixed with a little color.

But now!

Now the color of each sword is so thorough, warm red, thick yellow, clear blue... The color of their bodies is as if they have been re-washed, pure and clean!

Not only that, but their bodies even emit a faint light. Although it is very small and weak, in this dark night, accompanied by the bright moonlight, the light on their bodies looks so beautiful and dazzling!

Just when I was fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of me, the swords around me changed again!

Originally, they were still suspended quietly beside me, but with the roar of the swords, these swords shook strongly. Soon, they even turned around me!

1 circle, 2 laps, 3 laps...

I don't know how many times I turned around. Just as the whirlpool on the sea not far away became bigger and bigger, a dazzling light suddenly burst out on the swords!

Under the strong light, I had to close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a faint white light floating in front of me.

Yes, white light. A ball is like milk, looking like the white light of the silver moon.

Looking at the white light in front of me, my heart moved and slowly stretched out my hand to the white light in front of me.

It's very warm.

This is my first feeling after reaching into the white light.

It is an indescribable warmth, not sensory warmth. It is a kind of psychological warmth. That feeling was like a person walking alone for hundreds of years in the dark, and just when he wanted to give up, a warm light suddenly appeared in front of him.

That's a kind of warmth from the heart.

Then, just as I was surrounded by the warmth, many pictures that I had deliberately forgotten or inadvertently ignored suddenly flashed in my mind.

When I was in elementary school, I saw Colin get a scholarship, but I didn't get it; the fear when I saw someone in the alley was *, but I just called the police and fled far away; the constantly changing look when I cheated my parents in order to go out and play...

Quietly feeling my previous psychology and quietly tasting the mood of those years, I suddenly have a deeper understanding of myself. This understanding is from the inside out. Because of this warm white light function, I have re-examined myself as a stranger.

This is much more advanced than three provinces a day!

In fact, the so-called heart demon is just a darkness hidden in the heart and deliberately forgotten by himself. The only thing you need to defeat the demon is a heart that can face yourself frankly.

Yes, it's not escaping, not defeating, but accepting it and understanding it.

Inexplicably, I suddenly had this kind of understanding in my heart!

And when the enlightenment rose in my heart, the light ball in my hand also changed! It first twisted into a thick line in the air. Then, with the colorful light bursting out on its body, it gradually turned into the appearance of a sword. Unfortunately, no matter how twisted the light ball is, the light ball is still the light ball, and it has not become the long sword I imagined.

What's wrong?

Holding the long sword composed of light masses in my hand, I frowned slightly.


Just as I was meditating, a deafening thunder suddenly resounded into the sky! Countless buckets of thick lightning flew down from the nine heavens with powerful power! The sea, which is already boiling like boiling water, has turned more fiercely.

"Damn it! The eighth personality has come out!" Just as I was surprised by this strange scene, Hauser's voice suddenly came out of the light. Boss, what the hell are you doing? Why don't you name your sword quickly!"

"Name?" Looking at the long sword with a faint white light in my hand, I asked doubtfully. Do you mean to ask me to name this sword? By the way, what's wrong with the eighth personality you mentioned!"

"There is no time to talk about the eighth personality now, my boss, only when you name the sword will this sword become the final state! You'd better name your sword quickly. If you don't hurry up, we will all die here!"

"Okay." Since Hauser has said so seriously, I naturally won't shirk it. After waving the long sword in my hand, I came up with an earth-shaking name for it. Your name is the magic sword!"



I thought that after I named this sword, this sword would turn an old hen into a duck and make a big change. But I didn't expect that there was no reaction at all, not even a reaction at all!

"Hey, Hauser, what's going on?" Half-sand-a-half, I realized. Didn't you say that as long as I name this sword, it will become the final state?

"No, it should evolve to the final state." There was a little puzzle in Ha Se's voice. After I merged into the light ball, my subconscious raised this idea. This should have been told by the sword itself, and there would be no wrong! Well, brother, the name you gave should be too frustrated, so the sword didn't respond. You'd better change your name.

"I, where is the name of the exorcism sword frustrated? The long swords of the protagonists of many fairy novels are called this name!" I am very dissatisfied with Hao Se's slander. The name of the magic sword can never be defeated!"

"All right, no setback, no setback. But now the name can't be recognized by the sword. You'd better change it!" Hao Se said urgently. My own brother, you should hurry up. Don't you feel that the momentum of the eighth personality is getting stronger and stronger?

"Well, is there such a thing? I can't feel anything... Er, isn't it just windy? Are you too **?

Because I have been focusing on the sword before, I didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. After hearing Hao Se's words, we noticed the situation around us.

The whirlpools not far away have turned into dozens of whirlpools of different sizes, which are constantly hovering and hitting, stirring up the sea level.

And the half moon in the sky has long been covered by dark clouds coming from nowhere. If occasionally a few moonlight shines into the sea through the cracks, then now it is dark and nothing can be seen at all.

Well, it seems that the situation is really bad. But why don't I feel it at all?

"That's because the sword in your hand helps you block that breath!" Hao Se said angrily, "Slowly release the sword in your hand, and you should feel the powerful breath!"

"Is it?" Suspiciously, he slowly loosened the long sword in his hand, and a tyrannical breath full of killing poured into my heart in an instant.

"I, what's going on!"

It's a pure, without a trace of magazine's tyrannical atmosphere. As soon as I felt that breath, my breathing became unsmooth. Just as I felt the tyrannical breath, the air around me seemed to be condensed by the fishy smell, but after a gentle breath, a feeling of nausea hit my heart.

I hurriedly grasped the long sword in my hand, and the melancholy breath in my heart was spit out by me.

"That's the breath of the eighth personality." Hao Se said solemnly, "If it hadn't been for the long sword full of true source power in your body, you would have fainted because you couldn't stop this breath."

After a pause, Hauser continued, "Brother, you'd better name the sword quickly before that guy comes out. Otherwise, when he comes out, we will really be hopeless!"

"I know." I have deeply felt the power of the eighth personality just now. How dare I have a trace of hesitation? I quickly turned around a few times in my mind, and the new name of the long sword came up with me! Your name is Jade Dynasty!"


"Brother, stop playing, okay? Name the sword quickly." A moment later, Ha Se's howling sounded.

"You're just playing. I really think this sword is called a good name!" Touching the body of the sword composed of white light, I whispered, "Speaking of which, this sword is so characterable that I don't even accept such a beautiful name as the Jade Immortal Sword."

"Big brother!"

"All right, I'll just start another name." Feeling the strong resentment contained in Hao Se's tone, I quickly thought of a new name for the long sword.

"Dragon Sword!"


or no response? I'll come again!

"Nine heavens and ten earths are the only sword!"

"Gentleman's Sword!"

"Demon Sword!"


"The lost sword!"


racked his brain to come up with dozens of names, and finally even lost his body, but the sword in his hand still did not respond at all.

"I, Hao Seul, ask me and Changjian what name it wants me to find for it!"

"I can only reluctantly accept the message conveyed to me by the sword. It's impossible to ask the sword." As soon as my words fell, Hauser immediately said, "You should know that I'm just the part of the sword, and I'm not qualified to ask the sword at all."

"Damn it!" Hearing Hao Se's words, I couldn't help swearing. This sword is too characterful. It doesn't work, and it doesn't work. It's just like this for the rest of your life!"


As soon as I finished my words, the sea, which was churning like boiling water not far away, changed again.

In the middle of the sea, a silver-white water column with a diameter of at least 20 meters suddenly rose to the sky and went straight up to the sky!

"No, the eighth personality has come out!"