Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 18 Relic

Today, I finally understand that the real master of cheating still exists...


When I opened my eyes, a familiar room appeared in front of me.

The snow-white ceiling, hanging all kinds of walls of mottos, the daffodils on the window sill, the familiar comfort under the body... All this shows that this room is my bedroom.

"Well, no, I should be in my sister's room. Why did it become my own room?"

Just as I was about to sit up from **, a pain came from my limbs.

"Well...is it really too reluctant?"

Feeling the piercing pain all over my body, I smiled bitterly, endured the painful pain, and sat up from ** with difficulty.


As soon as he sat up from **, with the sound of opening the door, a figure pushed open the door and came in.

"Well, senior sister, how did I get home?" Looking at the figure pushing the door open, I asked strangely. But soon, I thought of another question: "Senior sister, how is the situation of the little boy now? Do you need me to leave immediately?"

The person who opened the door was my senior Cheng Qingyi. Maybe it was because of the little boy. In a moment, I could also see the sadness on my senior sister's eyebrows.

"Master He Luo, lie down quickly. You should be in pain all over now, right?" Seeing me sit up, the senior hurried to the bed and helped me lie down.

"Senior sister, it doesn't matter... Well, what's wrong with the little boy?" Although I don't want to lie down again, now my whole body is as painful as acupuncture, so with the support of my senior sister, I finally lie down again**. By the way, I have got that sword, but..."

"Master He Luo, don't worry. You don't need that sword anymore. Little Prince Satan is fine. His matter has been solved." Before I finished speaking, my senior sister interrupted me and stared at me with dark eyes. On the contrary, I told you that if you can't stand it in the spiritual world, you will immediately leave that world according to the method I taught you. Oh, my God, what happened to you in the spiritual world! A few days ago, your whole body twitched uncontrollably. Not only that, but also black blood flowed out of your eyes, ears, mouth and nose, which made us very worried!"

Well, is it that serious?

Although I knew that my physical body would not feel better in reality after using the original heart sword, I didn't expect that it would bleed so seriously.

"Well, sister, my clothes are..." I looked down at myself and was surprised to find that the clothes I wore were no longer the clothes I wore before!

"What do you think?" She blushed and pinched me. The senior sister put her head and said, "Your clothes were changed by my aunt."


When I hear this, my heart is about to reach my throat.

Oh, my God, I let my mother see what I look like...

"Don't worry, we have given my aunt a perfect reason, and you won't be scolded." Seeing my inexplicable appearance, the senior sister squeezed her lips and laughed. At the same time, a pair of big watery eyes stared at me closely: "I didn't expect that Master He Luo also had such a childish side and was so afraid of his aunt at such a big age."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not afraid of my mother! Well, what did you say just now? Is the little boy all right? I was uncomfortable with my senior sister's eyes, and I quickly changed the topic.

Although it is to change the topic, in fact, I am also quite concerned about this issue.

The little boy's matter has been solved...

But how can this be possible!

At that time, didn't the senior sister say that? Now only I can help the little boy!

Aha, I worked hard in the spiritual space, but when I wanted to show my efforts successfully, you told me that the little boy was all right? His business has been resolved.

What is this?

Don't bring such a playful person!

"Senior sister, are you kidding me?" Seeing that the senior sister hasn't answered for a long time, I asked strangely, "Didn't you say that you have something to do and can't help the little boy?"

It's not my fault that I have such an idea. In my understanding, the only senior sister who can help the little child smoothly is the strength in front of me.

"Master He Luo! Shouldn't you care more about your own affairs than the little prince? If I hadn't come back at the last minute, I don't know how serious your current situation would be!" Hearing my words, the senior sister did not answer me immediately, but stared at me angrily, but soon, she showed a warm smile. Master He Luo, I don't hate that you are willing to do your best for other people's affairs, but when making this choice, should you think about your family? If you are seriously injured by such a thing, you are not the only one who is injured.

"Oh, oh... I know, I won't be so reckless in the future." Overwhelmed by the senior's momentum, my voice couldn't help but be much smaller.

After a moment of silence, I still couldn't help asking softly, "Senior sister, is the little boy really all right?"

"It's okay, it's really okay." With a nod, the senior sister said softly, "Actually, one day after you entered the spiritual space, the matter of the little boy has been perfectly solved." After a pause, the senior sister whispered, "I really can't take action for some reason. It's not me who rescued the little prince from the state of the great demon king."

"Wait, the day after I entered the spiritual space..." Hearing this, I couldn't help but say, "So, I have been in the spiritual space for a long time?"

"Yes, you have been in the spiritual space for half a month." Gently touching my face, the senior sister said softly, "Master He Luo must be very hard inside."

"Haha, it's actually not too hard. General, general..." I moved my face to the other side unaccustomedly, and then asked, "Who on earth restored the little boy to his mind?"

While talking, I also asked Hao Se in my heart in a low voice, "Didn't you say that the time in the spiritual space is very fast? Why did it take half a month?

"How do I know?" Hao Se said depressedly, "In theory, no matter how long you stay in the spiritual space, you should have only passed one day in the real world. Well, it may be the influence of the tyrannical atmosphere. Because he integrated the world of the sixth and seventh personalities, and the time chain in the seven worlds was broken, so it became like this.

"Oh." I nodded gently, and I began to listen carefully to my senior sister's explanation.

"I don't know what went wrong. When the little prince transformed again, the bereaved family got the news. They appeared at the secret base of the Human Bureau. After taking over the power of the Human Bureau for the little child with a strong attitude, they directly broke the companion sword in the hands of the little boy, so the little The prince also regained his senses.

"Uh... interrupt, what is that family?"

yi zu, um, I seem to have heard this name somewhere.

It must be a very powerful existence to be able to not be afraid of the power of the human situation and defeat the little child.

"The remnants are actually human beings who signed contracts with biochemical beasts in ancient times and had magical power." After a pause, the senior sister said, "Didn't you know about the god? In fact, the remnants are also regarded as gods.

"A vein of God..." I couldn't help but be shocked when I heard this. Doesn't that mean that those remnants are actually the legendary immortals?

"That's right, you can also say so." Nodding her head, the senior sister said, "You should know that there were not many gods in ancient times, but after the battle of gods, there began to increase the number of immortals. That's because biochemical beasts began to be willing to make contracts with human beings. After all, there are fewer and fewer immortals now, because there are fewer and fewer biochemical beasts.

"Ye well, Miss Su Yun is also one of the survivors." Speaking of this, the senior sister looked at me with a smile. Master He Luo, you should have known about this a long time ago.

"Well, so, Su Yun seems to have told me. Well..." When he subconsciously wanted to scratch his head and raised his hand in mid-air, he couldn't help putting his hand down because of the pain in his heart.

"Master He Luo!" He put my hand away angrily, and the senior sister said to me with a bad face, "You are in poor health now. Don't move any more!" Really, I'm not a child anymore. Why do you always do what children do?

stared at me fiercely, and the senior sister said, "What, Master He Luo, do you have anything else to say?"

"No, it's gone." Shrinking my neck, I timidly looked at the lion-like senior sister in front of me. Sister, since the little boy is fine, where is he now? Can you let him come to see me?"

Hearing my request, my sister's eyes suddenly showed sadness that I had never seen before. She looked at me quietly for a moment. The senior sister said in a low voice, "I've told you so much just now, but you still don't believe me?"

"No, it's not. I absolutely believe what you said, but..." Seeing the appearance of the senior sister, I quickly vetoed it. It's just that I suddenly want to see the little boy.

"Okay, I won't tease you." The jade-like right hand tapped my forehead, and the senior suddenly laughed. The little prince is watching TV in the lobby below, and I'll ask him to come up.

After saying that, the senior sister twisted her graceful body and walked out of my door, leaving only a dull me.

Er, is the girl who just walked out really the senior sister I remember? Unexpectedly, they all know how to tease me...