Micro acid detective agency

Episode 18 Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI

According to the senior sister and Colin, the system of the bereaved family is somewhat similar to that of ancient times in a sense.

Their system is the system of elders. A tribe will have a patriarch and ten elders. Although nominally, it is mainly patriarchal, in fact, ten elders control the life and death power of the remnant tribes. The patriarch is just a person who makes suggestions and then waits for the elders to vote.

Any proposal, as long as the consent rate of the elders reaches more than half, the new policy will be implemented. On the contrary, no matter who proposed the plan is, it will not be agreed.

If Colin didn't lie, there were as many elders of the Yellow Emperor who colluded with aliens this time. Although they did not reach half the height, if the other elders died because of an "accident", then even if only four people agreed, their tricks would still be realized. Of.

So the purpose of our trip is not only to help the little children remove the magic mark, but also to remind the other six elders in time to prepare early.

The place where the remnants of the Yellow Emperor live is not small, but it is definitely not big, which is only half the size of Ivan City. However, in this small place of residence, there are about 300,000 remnants of the Yellow Emperor.

Don't underestimate these 300,000. With these 300,000 people, the survivors can completely capture any city in our country within three days.

"Fortun, I didn't come here to fight this time." Walking on the path of the land of the Yellow Emperor's legacy, feeling the power of the people around me, I whispered.

Although the power of the pedestrians around is still a certain distance from me, it is more than twice as strong as ordinary people, even the masters who have been trained in the army!

I feel this, and I feel the importance of preventing the remnants from colluding with aliens!

The architectural structure of the remnants of the Yellow Emperor is very simple. From afar, the whole land of the Yellow Emperor's legacy is like a square square. This square is divided into six layers. The outermost layer is the people with the lowest status, and the innermost one is the most noble people of the remnants.

Since they are the elders of the Yellow Emperor's family, their residence is naturally within the sixth floor. Therefore, if we want to find those elders, we must quietly pass through the first five barriers.

Fortunately, the defense power of these five-layer barrier is not very strong. Coupled with the order prepared by Sister Irene, it is very simple to pass these barriers smoothly.

"He Luo, I can't walk!" Less than two days after entering the land of the survivors, we have successfully passed the first four barriers, but just as I planned to enter the sixth area. Colin shouted that he was going to rest again. We have been walking for more than two days. Don't you think we need a good rest?

I haven't even arrived for two days. How on earth did you calculate the time of more than two days?

"Are you an idiot?" After knocking down Colin's head and holding his head in my arms, I lowered my voice and said, "Don't you know that I'm wanted now? You don't want to live to shout my name so blatantly?"

"I can't help it. I'm tired." Colin said with a bitter face. It's been more than two days. How long has it been since I walked so much? Do you think I'm easy?"

I glanced at Colin blankly. I was about to speak, but the senior sister on one side spoke first. Master He Luo, we are almost gone. Let's take a break.

"Well..." Looking at the hotel not far away, I nodded. In this case, let's take a day off here. Well, I think that hotel is good. Let's go there and have a rest.

"I'm not angry." Seeing the senior looking over, I smiled. In fact, I still have some things I haven't done yet, so I'll finish it today.

"Well, let's go and take a break." After making sure that I was not joking, the senior nodded and reached out and patted the little guy on his back. Just right, the princess still has two hours to wake up.

Uh, I've been in bed since morning... The little guy is really not an ordinary person!

The hotel I chose is called SD Hotel, which is a relatively famous hotel in the fifth building group. Of course, this is not the reason why I chose this hotel. The real reason is that this SD hotel is a secret base for Satan's survivors here.

Before leaving, Sister Irene told me in detail about their secret base in the land of the remains of the Yellow Emperor, hoping that I could come to them to help when I was in trouble.

It happens that I still have something to investigate, so I just need to take a break here.

SD hotels are roughly similar to five-star hotels on earth, and hotels with a height of more than 360 meters look more like skyscrapers. Coupled with the magnificent structure of the SD hotel... Well, it's really good to stay in such a luxurious hotel for free.

"He Luo, are you sure we really want to stay in this hotel?" Looking at the magnificent SD hotel in front of him, the corners of Colin's mouth were slightly **.

"Of course." I said without looking back, "Don't worry, I have money."

"Are you sure?" Colin looked at me suspiciously. You don't want to trick me in and run away by yourself, do you?

"Don't always regard other people's kindness as a conspiracy, okay?" After staring at Colin, I said angrily, "Don't take yourself too seriously. I'm not interested in lying to you."

It's really a bad friend who has lived together since childhood. I even know what I think of. If it weren't for the fact that I was really rich, I would have really done what Colin said.

"You like to go or not. Anyway, no one wants you to follow me." After a white look at Colin, I walked to the SD hotel with my senior sister.

"Wait for me, I didn't say I wouldn't go." The eyes rolled around, and Colin ran towards us.

"Wow! He Luo, look at what that is!" Halfway, Colin suddenly jumped up with his eyes shining. Oh, my God, what a delicious, cough, how tender, cough, what a lovely little LOLI. Oh, or two... Oh, my God, what should I do? What should I do?"

chanting forbidden words, Colin fell into a dull state in an instant.

Uh...it's really two beautiful LOLI.

Following Colin's eyes, I saw two little girls in dresses that looked like Barbie dolls standing at the door of the hotel, looking at us with a smile.

In fact, when I saw these two LOLIs, I was as dull as Colin - of course, it's not because those two figures are LOLI.

I'm not as classy as Colin.

The reason why I am shocked is that I know these two people!

That's right. Aren't the two little girls with exquisite faces and pride all over their bodies in front of them, Feng Xiaoling, the president of the Rose Detective Agency, and the alien little LOLI?

"Little princess, why are you here?" Seeing the two people suddenly appeared, not only was I surprised, but the senior sister beside me was also shocked.

"Of course, because my sister is doing dangerous things, as a sister, I can't stand by." SECRETLY LOOKING AT ME, little LOLI ran over and hugged the little guy who was still sleeping. 555, my sister is so cute now!"

"Woo..." The little guy hugged by little LOLI woke up. When he saw the little LOLI, the little guy's face showed a painful expression, and he immediately looked at it for help.

I'm sorry, little guy, your sister is too difficult to deal with.

I turned my head to the other side with guilt, and I looked at Feng Xiaoling strangely. In the last breakup, Feng Xiaoling would write to me from time to time at the beginning.

Because of laziness, I never replied to a letter to her. Instead, I threw her a QQ number and began to communicate with her online. Therefore, although I haven't seen you for a long time, in fact, I have always had contact with Feng Xiaoling.

This time I suddenly went to the place of the survivors. Because of the rush of time and the fact that it should be kept secret about sneaking into the land of the survivors, I didn't tell her. When I was on my way to the place of the Yellow Emperor's family, I still thought about what Feng Xiaoling would look like when I knew my disappearance. I didn't expect that I would see Feng Xiaoling again so soon.

Moreover, the place to meet is still in this heritage land!



I haven't seen you for so long, do you use the title of big erotic demon as a gift for meeting?

Forget it. Anyway, Feng Xiaoling is an ignorant little girl. If I take her words seriously, I will really lose.

"Speaking of which, when did you get so good with little LOLI?" Looking at Feng Xiaoling's ceramic doll-like delicate face, I suddenly thought of a question.

It seems that when we met last time, Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI were still incompatible. If it hadn't been for my mediation, they would have fought.

Why are they so good now? Just now, I seemed to see two people coming out of the SD hotel hand in hand.

"Of course, it's because of our common similarities." Feng Xiaoling replied without thinking about it. Because there are too many similarities between us, we came together.

"Is that so?"

With a remark, I began to look up and down carefully at Feng Xiaoling standing in front of me and the little LOLI not far away, intending to find out what they have in common.

Hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and then...

After not finding any similarities between the two, I turned my eyes slightly down!

"No!" With a coquettish rebuke, a light blue energy ball hit me.

"I, it's dangerous for you to do this, you know!" Quickly dodging the energy ball, I shouted to Feng Xiaoling with a red face.

"Hmm, who let you, who let you look at it, you deserve it!" She pouted slightly, and Feng Xiaoling made a grimace at me.

I'm really an ignorant child.


Looking at Feng Xiaoling, and then looking at the little LOLI not far away, a Mingwu came to my mind.

Is it really the friendship between the two?

"Big lust demon!" Feng Xiaoling suddenly stared at me fiercely.

"What are you doing?" I stared back dissatisfiedly and said unhappily. Besides, I'm not a big persm!"

If I were a big perversion, I would have pushed your bad LOLI!

Looking at Feng Xiaoling's arrogant face, I slandered in my heart.

I ignored what I said, and Feng Xiaoling still stared at me fiercely. Did you just think about it?"


It's really inexplicable!

"Wasn't you thinking about something rude just now?" Staring at me tightly, Feng Xiaoling said in a bad tone. For example, for example, the figure or something.

Uh... Is a girl's sixth sense the most effective only at this time?

"No, I absolutely didn't think anything rude."

I will never step back on this issue. I really thank the omnipotent God for giving us the right to think secretly.

"No wonder he absolutely thought about it just now." AT THIS TIME, COLLIN, who finally woke UP FROM LOLI's fantasy, rushed over. After seeing Feng Xiaoling, a saliva flowed down from his mouth. I know He Luo best. He must have been thinking that you are all poor just now... sneer!"

With another bright light flashing by, Colin drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell heavily to the ground. Dimly, I seemed to see that his ** was kicked hard...

Idiot, don't you know that there is a kind of truth in the world that you absolutely can't say?

"Don't look at me like that. I haven't thought about it that." Pointing to Colin lying on the ground, I waved my hand repeatedly. If you feel uncomfortable, then hit him again to vent your anger.


The most poisonous woman's heart!