Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 4 The History of the Relic

The so-called family is the abandoned family.

There is no trace of no regret, no mercy, no emotion to abandon it - this is the origin of the family.

This is a race that has experienced abandonment and abandonment.

In ancient times, because of the favor of aliens, human beings completed a real evolution for the first time. With the help of aliens, some humans and biochemical beasts at that time made contracts, thus gaining far more capabilities than human beings.

Open the sky, crack the ground, row mountains, and pour the sea.

People who gain power have frightening power, and they seem to become omnipotent.

But after all, there are only a few people who can make contracts with biochemical beasts. More people still can't fly, can't escape, and even need tools to defeat beasts.

So, differences arose.

For this part of people who suddenly have power, in addition to envy, ordinary human beings are more resentment that they don't know.

Yes, resentment.

Why is it not me who gains power? I'm clearly the same as that guy, why is it not me who gains power! Why, why!

With this idea and such a mood, human beings slowly distance themselves from people who gain power. Since you can't hold on to it, then leave far away.

In this way, the person who gained power was abandoned by human beings.

So those who gained strength found the aliens who gave them strength. Although they had extremely powerful power, their hearts were unwilling to be lonely. Although the strength is valuable, what they need more is a warm heart.

Abandoned people thought that they would be treated well by aliens. They thought that they would get their lost family, friendship and love from aliens.

But the reality is cruel.

The reason why aliens give human power is not because aliens are kind by nature and see human beings weakened, so they give human power. The reason why they give human power is that aliens want to do an experiment.

Yes, experiment.

They want to know what height the weak human beings will reach after gaining the power of biochemical beasts. They want to know whether human beings who are completely different from their system can also obtain the power of biochemical beasts.

They want to know what kind of species humans will become after combining with biochemical beasts, whether they will become more powerful biochemical beasts or become new species.

In fact, these aliens have done countless times on different planets.

And this experiment on the earth was undoubtedly successful.

After signing a contract with biochemical beasts, human beings miraculously completed the seemingly impossible task of sharing life with biochemical beasts. After sharing life, human beings will gain the power of biochemical beasts. They can fight with biochemical beasts, and biochemical beasts will also complete the evolution that has never appeared before because of their contracts with human beings.

Amazing experimental results!

This discovery delighted the aliens, so they continued to stay on Earth. They want to understand more deeply why only humans can make such a contract with biochemical beasts.

And just as they wanted to continue their research, those who had gained the ability actually came to them and wanted to be friends with them...

Hum, become a friend? This is absolutely impossible! - This is the voice of all aliens.

Who will become friends with their experiments?

However, if you say this to these human beings, your own experiment will not be too smooth. Therefore, the aliens told a lie to the human beings who came to defect to them, a lie that completely pushed these human beings to the opposite of human beings.

"We would like to be friends with you, but yesterday, another part of human beings told us that you no longer belong to human beings, and they hope that we can expel you from this planet that belongs to human beings."

At that time, human beings were simple. They ran for a living every day, and they didn't even have time to dream. Under such circumstances, human beings have no time at all and will not waste time deceiving people.

So human beings who came to believe the clumsy lie of aliens.

The words of aliens, coupled with the fact that they were previously isolated by human beings, make these powerful human beings full of disappointment feelings for their own race. These people simply believe the words of aliens.


It is painful to be betrayed and betrayed by all mankind, which is not a pain that can be described.

The people who gained power were angry. They vented all their anger on ordinary human beings. They destroyed the human beings of that world, leaving only human beings who were still ignorant.

Then, they became gods.

The god who created the world, the god who created heaven and earth, the god who knows everything in the world.

Later, with the passage of time, after watching the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the joys and sorrows of human beings, these human beings who became gods awakened.

They suddenly found that what the aliens told them was not true.

They learned to think about what was happening at that time for the first time, and they learned to analyze conspiracy for the first time, so they suddenly realized that everything before was provoked by aliens.

They were cheated!

They were angry, and after becoming gods, their minds changed a lot. They don't think it's a great sin to kill human beings, but they think it's a great sin to deceive the aliens who deceived them!

So, the battle began!

Theoretically, there should be a big gap between humans who have just gained the ability of biochemical beasts and aliens.

However, the world has never lacked the factor of accident.

Although I don't know what the reason is, after the contract between the biochemical beast and human beings, the ability of the biochemical beast evolved.

Evolution, this is exactly what aliens are tirelessly looking for.

After evolution, biochemical beasts have not only powerful power, but also gain strange power.

This power was finally named the rule.

The rules of controlling the sky, the rules of space, the rules of time, the rules of five elements...

With the help of these rules, the aliens were defeated by God.

All aliens can't accept the failure of their own experiments. They are angry, they are resentful! But there is nothing they can do!

So, in order to revenge, they decided to cultivate new gods - they decided to use their remaining biochemical beasts on human beings!

They have learned to be obedient in all this. They handed over the record of God's destruction of human beings to the most powerful and wise human beings at that time. They told those human beings that the god in charge of their lives was once just human beings.

So, a war about god-spinion began.

This is also the reason why there are legends of god-sel in ancient myths, whether in the East or the West.

This battle lasted for a thousand years.

At this stage, no one can make persuasion. All those who are dissatisfied with the status quo will be attacked by everyone and fight without any possibility of stopping.

So, the bloody wind once again appeared on the planet Earth, which was supposed to be blue.

Because of the fierce battle, the earth became torn apart. Deep straits, strange cliffs, and the moon around the earth appeared in this battle.

Originally, the battle should have ended after the winner was determined.

However, the unexpected factor appeared again.

A human named Hongjun made a strong debut when the war was intensifying.

In front of his law, all laws are useless. He can miraculously use all the laws, and miraculously can offset the laws of others...

Hongjun has reset the rules that all gods must leave the earth and come to the world he created. Of course, because Hongjun did not have the ability to face all the gods at that time. So he left a flaw in his rules - allowing gods who are not powerful enough to stay on the earth. However, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, it must enter the world created by Hongjun!

Because of Hongjun's power, although he was very reluctant to leave the earth, God still left the earth when he thought of the indifference of human beings on earth and the blood debts he had killed thousands of human beings...

That is, since then, God has experienced the experience of changing from man to god, and then from god to exile. From that day on, they no longer called themselves gods, and they had a new name - the survivors.

Not taken care of, not remembered, eternally abandoned by others, abandoned by themselves, the family, the family!

The survivors disappeared from the world, and the aliens were wiped out. The only remaining aliens no longer have the ability to make waves on the earth, and the earth has regained its former peace - as it should have been.

However, the reason why the contradiction is contradictory means that there is room for irreconcilable harmony between the two.

The contradiction between the people of the survivors and aliens can never be reconciled!

Hongjun obviously underestimated the resentment of the remnants against aliens.

It was the aliens that put the people of the remnants on the road away from human beings. It was because of the provocation of aliens that the people of the remnants were expelled from their own planet.

Although there were only thousands of aliens alive at that time, the people of the survivors who were sent to the land of the survivors by Hongjun were not willing. What they wanted was the complete destruction of aliens without leaving a trace of extinction!

Because of this idea, all the survivors gathered together, and they began to work hard to destroy the aliens.

Of course, they also know that as long as Hongjun is there for a day, he will definitely stop himself from fighting with aliens. So they decided to gather their strength to create a killing machine that can be compared with or even surpasses Hongjun!

A killing machine that exists exclusively for fighting and has supreme power!

The people of the bereaved family took out all the precious materials they had searched for, and everyone's wisdom was gathered together. Since gaining strength, the people of the bereaved family have never been as united as they are now.

They want revenge!

But when they made the machine, the problem appeared. They found that no matter what kind of material is, it is not enough to fully absorb the power of all the remnants. As long as the power absorbed is more than three people, the material will be destroyed by the conflict of power.

Experiment, failure; re-experiment, fail.

Countless experiments have exhausted nearly a thousand years of searches, but the result is still the same - failure.

The tedious and repetitive experiments lasted for 500 years. In these 500 years, the people of the survivors gathered their strength on the materials again and again, and Xiyi succeeded in the experiment. However, the result was an exceptional failure.

In theory, the survivors should have a long life, but because they have used their original power to make weapons countless times, the first generation of survivors were destroyed thousands of years later.

However, before they died, they left the mission of making killing machines from generation to generation. It has been passed down from generation to generation until the killing machine really appears in the world! In this way, the mission of manufacturing killing machines was passed down to the generation of uncles.