Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 8 Night

"Okay, He Luo, you can take them with you." After patting me on the shoulder, the uncle came to my ear and whispered. These two ladies are not simple characters. If you just regard them as children, it will be you who will suffer in the end. If you take them on the road, you will know their strength.

After saying that, the uncle took out a white thing from his arms, similar to a makeup box. After looking at what was in his hand, the uncle asked us. Well, what I want to say is that our affairs will be solved within three days, so I hope you can also solve Western affairs within three days. Do you have confidence?

"Yes!" AS soon as the uncle's words fell, little LOLI and Helen shouted with one voice.

There is a fart!

Looking at the faces of little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling who turned red because of excitement, I curled my lips and whispered in my heart.

Do you think it's a simple thing in front of you? What we have to face is the war in the West!

If we are the rulers of the Western remnants and have the information before the incident starts, it is still possible to solve the war within those three days, but what is now in front of us is the already chaotic Western remnants.

In this situation, unless someone shows strong power to kill all the rebels, it is absolutely impossible to end the rebellion.

hum, it's a good way to cut the mess quickly, but we can't do it.

Anyway, I don't give any hope for solving Western affairs. My only idea is that I can find Uncle Lucifer and Sister Irene within three days and bring them here safely.

"He Luo, what's your expression?" Seeing the expression on my face, Feng Xiaoling pouted her mouth dissatisfiedly. Do you think we can't do it?"

"Yes, yes, don't you believe us at all?"

"Nothing, I have 100,000 faith in you, millions of convictions!" Shaking my head quickly, I was loyal to both of them.

I'm not lying. I just have confidence in you, and I'm sure you won't be able to do it!

Seeing the hypocritical smile on my face, the two little girls were about to open their mouths and talk.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it when you get there. Let's start now." At this time, the uncle spoke. Although I really want to take you into the hinterland of the Western heritage, because my friend was not in the center of the Western heritage when it was placed and transferred, this transmission will only to the periphery of the Western heritage, and the rest will depend on you.

After saying that, the uncle took out a piece of paper full of strange patterns from his arms and solemnly put it on the ground.

"Ah, this is..."

Seeing the paper taken out by the uncle, a trace of surprise flashed in little LOL's eyes and unconsciously looked at the paper and shouted out.

"Ha ha, little princess, it's better not to say something." BEFORE LITTLE LOLI FINISHED HER WORDS, UNCLE STOPED HER FROM SAYing IT HAW.

I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that the uncle looked at me intentionally or unintentionally when he said this sentence.

"Well, Lord He, is this your transmission array?" Seeing the paper taken out by the uncle, the fat boss, who had been standing respectfully aside, suddenly spoke. But as far as I know, the transmission range of the general transmission array is not too large, and it should not be transmitted directly to the West, right?

"Well, we are not an ordinary transmission array." AS soon as the fat boss finished speaking, little LOLI pouted dissatisfiedly. Ours is...oops."

In the middle of speaking, little LOLI seemed to think of something and suddenly gagged his mouth with a red face. WHILE G BLOCKING HIS MOUth, THE little LOLLIE LOOKED AT HIS UNCLE AND SECRETLY SPL IT OUT HIS TONGUE.

"All right, let's talk about the transmission array later." At this moment, the uncle suddenly smiled and gently put the white box on the patterned paper. Now we are still in a hurry."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a surprising change in the box placed on the paper.

After the box emitted colorful light all over its body, it gradually turned into a silver **, and the pattern on the paper also burst into a dazzling light. Under the pull of light, the silver ** began to slowly extend along the pattern on the paper.

When the silver water filled all the patterns on the paper, the small paper on the ground suddenly slowly became bigger. One meter, two meters. Three meters...

Soon, a large round paper with a diameter of five meters appeared in front of us.

"Okay, you guys go in quickly." Seeing Dayuan appear, the uncle's face showed a relieved smile. After seeing us all stand on the big round paper, the uncle made a refueling gesture towards us, and then pressed his hands heavily on the edge of the big circle.


With the uncle's hands touching the big circle, the pattern on the big circle paper seemed to be alive, swam quickly on the paper. At the same time, a huge beam of light suddenly appeared on the paper. The huge beam of light suddenly covered us when we didn't react, and then everything in front of us began to change.

The scenery in front of us suddenly turned into fragmented pictures, twisted light, broken ground, chaotic sky...


Suddenly seeing this strange scene, Feng Xiaoling couldn't help shouting softly.

Hearing Feng Xiaoling's call, little LOLI quickly walked to her and saw little LOLi whispering a few words in Feng Xiaoling's ear, and Feng Xiaoling's pale face returned to color. SMALL LOLI LOOKED HARDLY, AND FANG XIAOLING LOOKED AT THE SURROUNDING SCENERY LODLY.

Although I'm curious about what little LOLI said to Feng Xiaoling, now I have devoted all my energy to the surrounding picture, so I didn't ask.

Although these broken pictures look messy, when I saw them, I suddenly felt a clear understanding in my heart.

A kind of unclear understanding.

It seems that I have seen this kind of picture, and it seems that these pictures contain some kind of power that I already know.

Looking at these pictures, I can clearly feel that something is happening in the deepest part of my heart.

Although I don't know how this change is, this change makes me feel very comfortable. So I was like a person who has been hungry and thirsty for seven or eight days and suddenly saw the water source, constantly absorbing the water source, greedy, full of hot feelings and absorbing the power of the picture.

And when I finally woke up from the shock of the picture, I found myself standing on a mountain, and on my head, there was a clean night sky.

Not far away, I can only see a little light lighting up the city not far away under the dark night.

That's the light of the city!

We have reached the Western camp!

"Are you awake, big fool?" Seeing me wake up, the little LOLI, who sat on the side boredly, cheered and jumped up. I didn't expect you to look so weak that you can see such a deep thing.

"Er, did you see those things too?" I couldn't help but be stunned when I heard Little LOLI's words.

Small LOLI is strong, but it should not be enough to see the rules represented by those pictures, right?

"No~ But I'm still very young now. I believe that when I can see those things, I must be smaller than you are now." THE TIP OF THE NOSE WRINKED SLIGHTLY, AND THE little LOLI SAID D disdainfully.

"Then how do you know that I saw those things?"

"Well, what's so great about this? I know everything in the world. What's strange about knowing this?" HEARED MY WORDS, LITTLE LOLI'S FACE SHOWED A FRACE OF PANIC, BUT SOON, SHE RETURNED TO NORMAL.

"I said, is there something hidden from me between you and your uncle?"

Today's little LOLI is really strange, and so is the uncle. Since the conversation between the two of them when we transmitted it, I feel that there is a ghost.

"No." AFTER SUBCONSCIOUSLY DENIED IT, SMALL LOLI REACTED. WITH A HIGH FLAT CHEST, THE little LOLI SAID TO ME PROUDLY. Who do you think you are? Why did you yell at me? Besides, even if there really is, what can you do to me? "What?"

"No, not at all." Overwhelmed by the strong momentum of little LOLI, I had no choice but to raise the battle card.

I looked around and asked strangely. Where has Su Yun gone?

"She went to find water." Speaking of this, little LOLI suddenly stood up happily. Well, she's back."

Looking along little LOLI's fingers, I only saw Feng Xiaoling slowly walking towards this side with a red bucket in her hands.

Strange, where did they get the bucket?

This idea flashed in my heart, but I didn't think much about it. I quickly walked to Feng Xiaoling and grabbed the bucket in her hand. Well, I'll do this rough work. Just rest next to it.

"No! I'm not a child. I can do this kind of thing. Feng Xiaoling curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly.


"Well, your attitude is simply perfunctory!" Why can't I grab the bucket in my hand? Feng Xiaoling kicked me angrily and said with her mouth.

Really, children nowadays are so ignorant. Now the lights are blind, and they are still kicking people randomly...

Wait, now...it's night?

I suddenly realized that it was the reality of night, and my body suddenly stiffened. Originally, I felt that the soft wind turned into a cold and sad wind in an instant.

The cool air has also turned into a cold atmosphere.

"Big fool, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that I suddenly stiffened, Feng Xiaoling looked over strangely.

"No, it's okay." After shaking my head and trying to make an indifferent expression on my face, I said lightly.


Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy!

Looking at Feng Xiaoling's*, a cool cold air instantly hit my heart.

But then again, why do you get water?