Micro acid detective agency

Ep12 Jisika Next

Little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling are in danger!

Thinking of Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI walking in front of me, I immediately put Jessica on the big stone beside me and simply comforted her not to worry. After that, my body shook slightly and appeared in the place where the sound came in a blink of an eye.


When the sound appeared, I didn't immediately see Feng Xiaoling and XiaoLOLI. Instead, I saw a group of people in black holding weapons and chasing the embarrassed girl.

Well, I'm very familiar with this girl.

Senior Irene.

Yes, the familiar figure under my eyelids is not Sister Irene's!

At this time, I stood on a big tree swaying in the wind. Through the messy treetops, I clearly saw that in the open space not far away, the senior sister with six pairs of black wings behind me was flapping her wings, avoiding the attack behind me awkwardly and flying towards me quickly.

The man in black who chased after the senior sister doesn't seem to want to hurt the senior sister. Although their attacks look fierce, as an outsider, I can see it clearly. Their attacks avoid the senior sister from afar. Even if they occasionally hit the senior sister several times, it is just some small wounds to avoid fatalities.

It seems that these guys don't want to hurt their seniors, they just want to catch their seniors alive.

This idea flashed in my heart. Although I was curious about why I didn't see little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling, I still jumped gently from the top of the tree to behind Sister Irene.

Although these guys don't want to hurt Sister Irene, now I don't have the heart to follow them secretly in order to find out the truth.

Now I'm in a hurry!

"Well, brothers, can you stop for a moment?"

Seeing me suddenly appear in front of my senior sister, the man in black was stunned, but soon, they quickly raised their weapons in their hands.


The continuous sound of gunfire sounded like this.

"Oh, why is this?"

Although the bullets flying all over the sky are spectacular, in my eyes, I see them like static bullets, and just as I saw the bullets, a road map that perfectly avoids bullets appeared in my mind.

Of course, it's one thing to avoid it. Whether you want to avoid it or not is another thing.

The right hand swayed casually, banging, and suddenly there were orchid flames in the air, and the bullets flying all over the sky were burned by the flames in an instant.

"He Luo!"

At this time, Sister Irene, who had been running away from her head, stopped and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Nah, brothers, I'm going to have a perfect meeting with Irene now. Shouldn't you leave knowingly?"

After signaling Sister Irene not to come over, I said lightly to the people in black.

"Your Highness He Luo?"

Looked at the senior sister who returned, and then looked at me, a strong tall man came out of the man in black.

"Well, Your Highness?" Scratching my head, I looked back at Sister Irene. Sister, when did I get the title of Your Highness?"

Senior sister Erin didn't seem to hear me at this time. She just covered her mouth tightly and looked at me without blinking. Her eyes were unconsciously full of tears.

"Since His Royal Highness He Luo appeared, we will leave." Seeing that I confessed my identity, the tall man nodded to me, then waved one hand and led his men away.

"Big fool, why do you let those bad guys go?"

The man in black left, and Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI came out of the woods on the other side. Just now, we were discussing that we wanted to kill these people in black before they catch up with Irene's sister.

"So, why didn't I see you just now?" Seeing the serious expressions on their faces, I patted my head helplessly.

"Of course, it was because the situation was not dangerous enough at that time. Don't you know that saving people must be useful at the most dangerous time."

No, if that's true, you can't save anyone.

While refuting the understanding that little LOLI absolutely could not exist in the world, I slowly walked to Sister Irene.

"Well, senior, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"He Luo!" At first, the tears were like broken pearls, slowly dripping down one by one, but when I walked to Sister Irene, Sister Irene's tears finally flowed out like a flood dam.

Then, the senior sister hugged me fiercely and began to cry loudly. Why didn't you come earlier? Do you know that I really thought I was going to marry someone else?

"I'm sorry, I'm late." What else can I say at this time?

"He Luo, don't you think you should introduce us now?" At this time, Feng Xiaoling didn't miss the opportunity to ring.


Didn't you know Sister Irene a long time ago?

Before leaving, the uncle had shown the portraits of Sister Irene and Uncle Lucifah to Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI. There is no reason why they don't know Sister Irene.

"He Luo, who are these people?"

Hearing Feng Xiaoling and XiaoLOLI's words, the senior sister stood up from my arms shyly.

"Well, senior, this is Feng Xiaoling, the president of the Rose Detective Agency. This is my friend." After pulling Feng Xiaoling in front of me and introducing her to my senior sister, I was surprised to find that Jessica came over at some point.

"Well, and this is..." Pointing to Jessica, when I was about to introduce, my senior sister suddenly laughed.

The smile of the senior sister with a trace of tears on her face is beautiful!

"Yo, isn't this our Miss Jessica? Why did our Miss Jecca fall into such a situation?

Huh? Does Erin know Jessika?

But why does senior Irene have such a bad attitude towards Jessica? Jecca is obviously a very gentle person.

"Senior sister, do you misunderstand Jessica..."

I just wanted to defend a few words for Jecca, but the words behind me made me feel like thunder.

"Oh HOHO, how good are you, the princess of the remnants of Satan? If we hadn't arrived in time, our arrogant princess would have become someone else's plaything. Oh, it's a big gap to change from a princess to a plaything.

This sentence is full of nobleness and pride. It sounds like a high-ranking lady talking to a lowly servant.

But this is not enough to surprise me.

What really surprised me was that the person who said this sentence was Jiesika, who was extremely gentle just now! Yes, at this time, there was no gentleness on Jecca's face, and instead, she was replaced by an extremely arrogant face!

I can't see through this world!

"Well, I knew that this guy's honest appearance was pretended." AT THIS TIME, THE little LOLI took Feng Xiaoling's hand and made a grimace at me. Look, you pervert who is fascinated by beauty, now you finally know what kind of girl you picked up, right?


Although I really wanted to refute a few words, I opened my mouth and my lips squirmed for a moment, and I still couldn't say anything.

"Jexica, you..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, He Luo, I didn't mean to deceive you." Jecca lowered her head shyly and said shyly, "Actually, the person who spoke just now is not me, but the devil in my heart."


You are the devil who wants to deceive me with such a clumsy lie!

Damn, the gentle girl in my mind is going to pass away with the wind like this!

"Cut, you guys have got so much gentle care from me, aren't you satisfied? Sure enough, men are such stupid things. Seeing that I was unmoved, Jisika's shy face instantly turned into a cold face, and her gentle tone quickly switched to an arrogant tone.


Although I have known for a long time that girls are fickle, it should be rare to be able to become like this, right?