Only me

Chapter 19 Nine Immortals Piano Music

After a while, Manager Li turned around. He handed a pile of silver tickets to Hailong and said, "This is the capital of our Tongyuan City to exchange money. It can be cashed directly in all countries in China. Little brother, you keep it."

Hailong took the silver ticket and thought that with this money, it would be enough for him to spend it in the future.

Just now, the reason why he decided to sell Huangjing to shopkeeper Li was grateful to him for relieving the siege and appreciating other people's goods, but the most important reason was for his own consideration.

Hailong himself did not know the price of Huangjing. If he sold it to others, he might lose money. He gave Huangjing to Shopkeeper Li. In front of so many people, he will definitely get a notarized price. There are more than ten yuan of such Huangjing in his universe ring. If he wants to sell it again, he can also know

Although Manager Li is profitable, why doesn't Hailong? After casually carrying the silver ticket into his arms, Hailong said, "Shopkeeper Li, I'm from the mountains. I'm new to the Central Plains. There are many things I don't understand and need your advice."

Manager Li got the emperor's meticulousness and said with a smile, "Thank you very much just now, little brother.

From now on, you will be the VIP of our Huiren Pharmacy. If you have any questions, just let me know.

Oh, by the way, if you find Huangjing again, you must send it to me, and I will buy it at the same price.

I hope we can cooperate more in the future.

Hailong smiled and said, "You are my God of Wealth, of course."

Speaking of this, he looked a little embarrassed and said, "Actually, I still don't know which country Tongyuan City belongs to?" Please answer my puzzles."

Manager Li was stunned for a moment, but when he thought that Hailong had said that he came from the mountains before, he was relieved and said, "Tongyuan City is one of the largest cities in Li Tang.

The surname of Li is also the national surname of Li Tang.

Little brother, those Fanbangs are not counted. On the land of China, our Li Tang Kingdom occupies most of the land in the Central Plains and owns millions of heroes, which can be said to be the largest country.

After listening to the explanation of Manager Li, Hailong finally knew where he was.

At the beginning, when he and Zhang Hao studied from the old scholar in the village, he listened to the old scholar's explanation.

There are three countries in the Central Plains, namely Li Tang, Zhao Song and Yuan Meng.

Among them, the most powerful and rich is Li Tang. Indeed, as the shopkeeper Li said, Li Tang occupies almost half of the land in the Central Plains, while Zhao Song and Yuan Meng each occupy a quarter.

Although the three countries occasionally have some wars due to conflicts of interest, they are generally at peace with each other.

Li Tangguo occupied the central and northern regions of the Central Plains.

, while Zhao Song and Yuan Meng occupied the southwest and southeast respectively.

If you want to return to the Western Regions, you have to go from Li Tang to Zhao and Song, and then go all the way to the west.

Hailong asked, "Mr. Li, what is the position of Tongyuan City in Li Tang? I want to go to the Western Regions.

Manager Li said, "Tongyuan City is located in the north of our Li Tang Kingdom. There is a short road from here to the Western Regions! You need to go west from now on, cross part of the land of Zhao and Song, and then go all the way to the west to reach the Western Regions.

It's very desolate in the Western Regions, little brother. I advise you not to go.

I heard that horse thieves are rampant over there, and it's nothing to lose money. If you lose your life, you can't make it.

Oh, by the way, little brother, I don't know your name yet. Can you ask for advice?

"You're welcome, Manager Li. My name is Hailong.

Thank you for telling me this.

Although the Western Regions is dangerous, I still have to go.

I won't disturb your business. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come back to cooperate with you.

With that, Hailong stood up.

With so much money in his arms, he was so itchy that he was ready to go to Tongyuan City to make a big purchase.

Buy some gifts for Zhang Hao and the masters.

Manager Li smiled and said, "My name is Li Si. Don't forget me in the future!" The imperial essence is precious. If you find it again, it is best to store it in a wooden box, so as to better maintain its efficacy.

Hailong left the pharmacy after saying goodbye to Li Si again.

With money in his arms, it seems that the air around him is different.

He is a typical explosive household. It's easy to get money and spend it quickly.

In a full day, the energetic sea dragons were spread all over almost every large-scale store in Tongyuan City. As much as half of the 100,000 taels of silver was spent by him. As long as he wanted it, he would buy it immediately. Whether it was for food or use, he would not let it go. Everything was included in the universe.

The suit full of patches on his body had long been put away by him. Instead, it was a set of sky-blue samurai clothes. In order to show his "heritable martial arts" more, he deliberately took out his seven swords that he could not use and hung it on his back. The so-called people want clothes. Now he is like Everywhere I went, some guys took the initiative to come up and say hello with a smile.

This feeling of being held is very comfortable.

It's getting late, and there are very few people on the street. Hailong is going to find a place to stay first and continue on the road tomorrow.

As he was walking, a gray figure suddenly flashed in front of him. The figure moved forward very fast, and several ups and downs were approaching.

After the gray shadow, a pink figure caught up at a faster speed and was about to catch up.

The gray shadow came to Hailong quickly, grabbed his shoulder, and suddenly threw him towards the pink figure. Hailong saw that it was a handsome young man with a very pale face, as if something terrible had happened.

Without defense, the sea dragon couldn't help stunting a few steps, just blocking the way of the pink figure. The pink figure stagnated, and the gray figure had flashed into the crowd and disappeared.

A surging momentum hit his chest. Hailong subconsciously urged his mana and raised his right hand to block the opponent's attack.

With a bang, in surprise, Hailong stepped back five or six steps in a row before standing firm.

A cold light flashed, and a shining sword had been put on his shoulder. He stared at it. The owner of the sword was a girl in a pink dress. The huge pressure made the sea dragon almost breathless. He was shocked, because the girl in front of him was obviously a person of cultivation, and her cultivation was far above him.

"Ah! It's easy to say, girl, what are you doing?" The girl's face was very beautiful, her skin was fair, and her big eyes were full of anger. As soon as the sword in her hand tightened, she immediately cut a shallow wound on the sea dragon's neck and said harshly, "Say, where has your companion gone? Hand him over quickly, otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

When the civilians on the street saw such a scene, they suddenly fled in fear, and the street suddenly became empty.

Hailong smiled bitterly and said, "What companion, I'm alone, where did my companion come from! Girl, did you misunderstand?"

The girl said angrily, "I misunderstood you. You and the thief are obviously in the same group. Why don't you help him block my way?

Tell me where he is, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

Hailong also wanted to defend himself, and the dense footsteps suddenly came.

The girl's face changed, "Hateful city guard officers and soldiers, why do you join in the fun?"

With a flower in front of him, Hailong felt that his body had risen from the ground. The light flashed. The girl grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and the flying sword had risen to the sky and fell out of the city like lightning.

Hailong calmed down. He clearly felt that a surging mana was input into his body, completely locking his mana. He could not exert any power at all, and could only be at the mercy of the girl.

"Girl, you really recognize the wrong person.

The man in gray just pulled me, so I blocked you.

Ah! You caught me. It's so high here that it's not fun to fall down.

The girl glanced at Hailong disdainfully and said, "Don't be careless with me. If you don't hand over the thief today, don't want me to let you go."

Hailong thought, why am I so unlucky? I finally escaped the tracking of the Demon Sect and met such a female evil star. "Girl, are you taken advantage of by that ** thief?

Actually, I just saw that the ** thief seems to be quite handsome, and you are not at a loss! What's more, it has nothing to do with me. Why do you embarrass me? The girl blushed and scolded angrily, "You want to die."

As soon as his hand was loosened, the body of the sea dragon suddenly fell to the ground like a free fall.

At this time, they were at least a kilometer away from the ground. Suddenly, the soul of the sea dragon flew away, quickly improving the mana that had been restored to operation, and wanted to reduce the speed of falling.

However, his cultivation is still shallow. Although the speed of falling is a little slower, if he really falls, he can't escape death.

He said to himself, I'm afraid I'm going to return to my position this time! It seems that words can't be too bad.

Just as the sea dragon was desperate, the pink figure appeared again, his shoulders tightened, and he had returned to the flying sword.

Hailong was so scared that his face was a little blue, and his voice trembled a little and said, "I'm scared to death.

Girl, you, you..." Looking at the appearance of Hailong, the girl couldn't help showing a smile. Only then did Hailong notice that the girl's appearance was extremely beautiful, which was a completely different wild beauty from the ethereal Taoist Lord.

Although the proud figure is wrapped in a pink dress, it can still be clearly distinguished.

The girl said, "Kid, you know it's awesome.

If you don't tell the truth, I'll let you fall.

Hailong calmed down his fierce heartbeat and said, "But I really don't know that man!" Even if you kill me, I don't know you.

How do you want me to tell the truth?

Miss, just let me go.

I have an 80-year-old mother and a one-month-old child. Our family can rely on me to support it!" The girl snorted coldly and said, "Who do you want to lie to? Obviously, you are a person of cultivation. Where did you get the burden of family affairs?"

I'm a disciple of Qianhui Valley. If you want to lie to me, there is no door."

As soon as he heard Qianhui Valley, Hailong's eyes suddenly lit up and hurriedly said, "I know Qianhui Valley, my ancestor still has a friendship with you? Girl, do you know Tong Hezhen? And the real purple crane.

The girl was in a sway and said, "Do you know Uncle Tong He?" Hailong nodded and said, "Yes! I saw them the other day.

I am a disciple of Lian Yunzong. I was ordered by my ancestors to return to Lianyunzong first.

Anyway, we are the same people, senior sister, you can't kill me!" The girl chired and said, "Who is your senior sister? Don't get close to her."

With a flash of light, she urged the flying sword to fall down. At this time, they had already left Tongyuan City and fell on a small hillside at the urging of the girl.

For the first time, Hailong felt that it was so beautiful to be down-to-earth. He gasped and quickly summoned all his magic weapons when the girl did not seal his skills. With the protection of the star blue armor, he suddenly collapsed a lot.

The girl looked at the star blue armor on him disdainfully and said, "You want to compete with me with your magic weapon.

said, where did you see Uncle Tong He?

Hailong knew that the girl in front of him might have been hundreds of years old. For the sake of his life, he had to say respectfully, "Senior, I saw Uncle Ling in the Vatican Heart Sect.

I went to the meeting of the seven sects with the two ancestors to participate in the gathering of the seven sects. Later, the ancestor thought that my cultivation was too shallow, so he sent me back to Lianyun Sect first.

The girl's face softened a little, and she muttered, "Fanxinzong, so you are indeed a disciple of Lianyunzong.

However, Lian Yunzong is in the Western Regions. How could you come here? Humph, are you lying to me?

Hailong nodded repeatedly and said, "Ah! No, senior, I'm really from Lian Yunzong.

If you don't believe it, you can check the determination of my cultivation.

I should have returned directly to the Western Regions, but on the way, I met the people of the Demon Sect. In order to avoid their pursuit, I had to make a detour to the north. My predecessors have profound cultivation and must have the skills of his heart.

Then you should be able to feel that I'm telling the truth!" The girl's face blushed slightly. Although her cultivation was not weak, she was only in the middle of Bozhong with the psychic. The Taoist fetus had just been formed, and she had not recognized his ability to practice the truth, let alone his understanding.

Looking at Hailong's anxious look, he said doubtfully, "So, are you really not a fellow of the thief?" Hailong said helplessly, "I'm really not! How on earth should I explain it so that you can believe it? You see, the star blue armor on my body and this magic dragon are all our magic weapons of Lianyunzong, which are the most authentic.

If I were a group of ** thieves, how could I use such an authentic magic weapon? Feeling the mana contained in the star blue armor and the magic dragon, the girl couldn't help but believe it a little and said, "So, I'm wrong to blame you.

You don't have to call me senior. Our Qianhuigu and your Lian Yunzong are different generations. Just call me Sister Sheng.

Hailong's heart was finally put into his stomach and said tentatively, "Sister, since you have confirmed my identity, you can let me go now."

The girl looked cold and said, "No.

You have to catch the ** thief with me to prove your innocence. Otherwise, how can I trust you?

(Sorry, I've been in poor health recently, and my back muscles have been extremely strained. I went to the doctor today, so I came back a little late. Another chapter will be updated in the evening. About 11 o'clock)nk"