Only me

Chapter 21 Evil Ghosts

The Western Regions are vast and sparsely populated. After entering here, Hailong realized how naive he was.

When he was in the Central Plains, he once thought that as long as he entered the Western Regions, he would definitely find the small village that gave birth to him and raised him.

But when he got here, he knew he was wrong.

The boundary of the Western Regions is so great, and the territory is so vast that it is no less than that of the Central Plains.

Moreover, there are few people here, and most people know nothing about the outside world like the village where he was.

When he was in the Central Plains, he could still ask for directions, but when he got here, he could only explore by himself.

Three days, it has been three days, and the Western Regions Plateau seems to be boundless. He doesn't know whether he is getting closer or farther away from Lianyun Mountain.

On this vast plateau, he felt that he was so small.

The sun shines on the earth, because it is located on the plateau. During the day, the air is extremely hot. If the sea dragon hadn't had a certain amount of mana, he might have been sunburned by the sun.

He took out the water bag from the universe ring and took a sip. Hailong looked into the distance and cried bitterly in his heart.

He has met four or five villages or tribes one after another, but the result of his innching is that no one knows the place of Lianyun Mountain at all.

Now it has penetrated deep into the Western Regions Plateau. Although he can distinguish the southeast from the northwest, he doesn't know how to go on.

When the sea dragon was lost, a figure came into his sight. The man was moving slowly. Every time he took a few steps, he would inevitably fall, but he would immediately get up and continue to move forward, as if there was some obsession supporting his body.

Suddenly seeing a figure in this empty land, Hailong couldn't help but feel happy, and his figure floated up and greeted the man.

It was close. He saw the man's appearance clearly. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked extremely embarrassed. His messy and weed-like hair covered his face, and his clothes were as rags as when Hailong met the Yuhua sisters.

** The hands outside are full of sunburn marks, and the skin is as dry as a dead tree with fine lines.

Floating in front of the middle-aged man, Hailong asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?" The appearance of the middle-aged man has inspired his compassion.

When the middle-aged man heard the voice, he suddenly raised his head. When Hailong saw his appearance, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The middle-aged man's face was covered with rotten sores, and the dry yellow-brown marks looked extremely disgusting.

There was no spirit in his turbid eyes. When he saw the sea dragon, he suddenly shouted sharply, "Get out of here, get away, stay away from me."

Hailong was at a witches, subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and asked tentatively, "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Is there anything I can do for you? I have water and food here.

The middle-aged man's body trembled, and he shouted in his hoarse voice, "No, no, get out of here, come on, stay away from me. I don't need your help.

Get out of here."

His voice was full of desolation. Looking at his miserable situation, Hailong couldn't help but think of what he had been oppressed before. He could no longer take care of himself. He strode to the middle-aged man and reached out and grabbed him.

The middle-aged man seemed to have seen something terrible, and his body retreated suddenly, but he was obviously very weak. He stumbled and suddenly fell to the ground, and the capture of the sea dragon naturally failed.

"Don't touch me, stay away from me, do you want to die?" The voice of the middle-aged man became more and more sad.

Hailong said doubtfully, "Uncle, I mean no harm. I just want to help you! In this vast land, if you continue to walk, you will die.

There was a trace of desolation in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he muttered, "Dead, yes! Die, I just want to die! Stay away from me.

I was poisoned and very contagious. I can't hurt you.

If you are infected, you will become like me.

Leave me alone and get out of here quickly."

"Dombie poison? Is it poison on the body? Uncle, can you tell me what's going on? Maybe I can save you. If I don't go there, I'll listen here.

Give it, you drink some water first.

Don't worry, this water bag is for you. I have a lot of the same. You don't have to mind.

With that, he threw his water bag over.

Perhaps he felt the sincerity of Hailong from the bottom of his heart. The middle-aged man seemed to have calmed down a lot. He was really thirsty. He grabbed the water bag and drank it. Half a bag of water quickly entered his stomach.

The gasp gradually stabilized, and the middle-aged man moved his body back a few times. He looked at Hailong gratefully and said, "Young man, thank you.

You are a good person."

When Hailong heard someone call him a good person for the first time, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart. He was not a nosy person, but he was reminded by a middle-aged man before, so he made up his mind to help him.

smiled and said, "Uncle, tell me what's going on.

I'm not an ordinary person. Maybe I can really help you.

In order to show his strength, Hailong waved his left hand, sent out a red energy with blood gossip, and suddenly exploded a shallow pit one or two feet deep on the ground not far away.

The middle-aged man looked at the sea dragon in surprise and said, "You, are you? Well, anyway, I'm dying, so I'll tell you.

However, you have to promise me that after listening to my story, immediately hit me into the pit with the light you just emitted, and then bury me with soil. If possible, it's better to burn my body with fire first.

From the tone of the middle-aged man, Hailong heard his fear of corpse poison and said without saying, "You tell me your story first, and then I will naturally help you."

The middle-aged man pulled down his hair, blocked his horrible face, and said hoarsely, "My name is Shasi, a person from a small tribe dozens of miles away from here.

We live by grazing on the Western Plateau. Although we live in poverty, we live a happy life.

I have a beautiful wife, two sons, one 23 years old and the other 17 years old.

They are all my greatest pride.

However, our happy life was ruined a few days ago.

That day, my eldest son didn't know why the grazing came back very late. When he came back, his face was gray-blue.

At that time, I thought he was tired and didn't care too much.

After coming back, he was always stupid and went to rest without eating.

A terrible thing happened in the middle of the night. A scream woke me up from my sleep. The scream came from my two sons' tent, and my wife and I hurried over.

I saw a horrible scene. My eldest son grabbed his youngest son's body hard. He didn't know when he had grown fangs and bit his brother's throat hard. The skin on his face had festered, and the yellow ** kept dripping. The little son who was bitten by him had died when I arrived.

I was so horrified that I didn't know what was going on at all, while my wife shouted for help.

The eldest son stood there, looking at me motionlessly.

Under the call of his wife, the chief and everyone in the tribe rushed over. The chief was well-informed. As soon as he saw the appearance of my eldest son, he knew that he had been poisoned.

The corpse poison is extremely horrible, and it has the characteristics of infection.

In our tribe, the relationship between everyone is very good, and no one knows how to deal with it.

The wife was so eager that she rushed into the tent and called for her eldest son's name with tears.

Suddenly, my eldest son rushed to his mother. No one came to stop him, and he had already bitten his wife's throat.

My heart was broken, and at that moment, my heart was broken.

I'm in so much pain, my home, my home! I know, it's all over.

I picked up a wooden stick and hit my eldest son hard, hoping that he could let go of my wife. In the process of the fight, the eldest son bit my hand, and my wife had died.

I have practiced some posture before, and I still have some strength. I used all my ability to finally tie up my eldest son.

I know that if he goes crazy, I'm afraid the whole tribe will be destroyed by him.

At this time, the youngest son's dead body also began to twitch, as if he was about to become a zombie.

For the sake of the tribe, I can only have one choice.

I gritted my teeth hard and tied my two sons and wives together.

and ignited their bodies with their own hands. You know, the best way to deal with zombies is to completely destroy their bodies.

The fire engulfed all my loved ones. My teeth have bitten blood, my whole body is constantly twitching, and my heart is dripping blood! It was not until now that I found the bite on my hand. I knew that I was also infected with corpse poison. In order not to involve everyone, I wanted to rush into the sea of fire and go with my relatives.

However, everyone didn't let me die and pulled me hard.

The chief also comforted me, saying that if he was only bitten a little, it may not be fine.

But I know he's just comforting me.

As long as the corpse poison is contaminated a little, it will immediately spread all over the body. Although I am not dead and I still have the mind, it is impossible to expel the corpse poison on my body.

The next day, I ran out when no one was paying attention. I just wanted to run far away. I didn't want to involve anyone! I hate it so much. I hate the zombie who bit my eldest son to death. He destroyed our family. I've been out for three days. I don't know why I haven't died yet. Young man, kill me. Kill me.

I'm in so pain. Help me end my life.

Hailong's eyes flashed coldly and said in a low voice, "Are there any zombies around your village? Could it be a ghost?

If it is an ordinary zombie, it is impossible for your eldest son to return to the tribe after being bitten to death.

It must be a ghost.

Well, I'll go back to the tribe with you, and I will definitely help you kill the ghost for revenge.

When he was in Lianyun Mountain, Hailong once heard Ling Yuzi talk about corpses and ghosts.

The so-called ghosts are actually human beings, but in order to pursue mana cultivation, they use specific methods to turn themselves into zombie-like creatures, but they have wisdom.

For ghosts, the anger of living people and zombies are their reliance. This kind of evil practitioner, even in the evil way, despises them. The greatest advantage of practicing corpse ghosts is that they can achieve a not weak cultivation in just a few decades.

Only the most evil people will choose this cultivation method. Once the cultivation of the ghost is advanced to a certain extent, it will inevitably cause the destruction of life and the spread of corpse poison, which is likely to bring devastating disasters to ordinary people.

The story of sauce made Hailong's heart full of anger and promised to avenge him regardless of the consequences. At this time, he did not consider whether his cultivation was enough to fight against ghosts.

The sauce was stunned for a moment and muttered, "No, I can't go back. I have become like this now. If I go back, I will infect everyone.

I can't go back.

Thank you, young man. If possible, just avenge me.

If you go all the way west from here, you can see our tribe. The ghost you mentioned may be nearby.

After saying that, he grabbed a sharp stone on the ground and stabbed it into his throat.

The yellow-green ** flowed out of the wound, and life quickly separated from the body of the sauce.

Sass looked at the sea dragon. Although he was about to leave the world, he got the promise of the sea dragon, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

With the hope of revenge, he has no regrets.

His body slammed to the ground, and he went.

Hailong Muran stood there. In fact, he had enough time to stop the sauce just now, but he didn't do that.

The body of the sauce has been completely eroded by the body poison. Even if the Taoist Lord is here, he may not be able to save him.

And what can he do if he survives? The most cherished relatives are dead. Instead of letting him live alone, it's better to let them meet underground.

A faint layer of cyan light floated around the body of the sea dragon, and the red beam of light rushed out of the blood gossip one after another. The body of the sauce was deeply buried in the ground by the sea dragon, and a new loess suddenly appeared on the vast plateau.

He took out a small iron bar from his arms, and the sea dragon took a deep breath, drove his mana to the limit, turning into a virtual shadow and galloping in the direction pointed by the sauce.

In the air, there is a crystal drop of water.

The water droplet fell on the loess and quickly penetrated in. Everything returned to calm, and the majestic stroked it brought a little bleakness.

Perhaps, in a few years, plants will take root and germinate on this embryo loess.

The great sentiment of sacrificing oneself for others will nourish them to thrive.
