Only me

Chapter 59 Red Dragon Ke Jiao on

Hailong knew that he couldn't do too much, but he must get the most favorable conditions for himself. He smiled and said, "Don't be angry first. Listen to me and then talk about it.

Boss Red Dragon, since you will live in my body in the future, I'm afraid we will have to rely on each other for a long time, right? Therefore, it's better for us to be friends.

Don't worry, my conditions will never go too much.

I think that as a great fairy beast Red Dragon, you must be well-informed. In the future, if I get a fairy weapon-level magic weapon, I hope you can help me identify it and see what it works.

As you know, fairy weapons are not so easy to get.

So, I won't bother you a few times. You can always agree to this small request.

The red dragon was held by the sea dragon and was immediately in a good mood. Although its wisdom is not low, after all, it is a simple-hearted fairy beast. How can it be compared with a treacherous person like the sea dragon? He nodded subconsciously and said, "I can promise you this condition, but this is the last condition."

Hailong said happily, "Yes, this is the last condition.

Boss Red Dragon, I have a fairy-level magic weapon now. Please take a look at it for me first, and then you can go back to Long Xiangyu to practice.

With that, he took out the small iron bar that had been forced to be taken back by the three dragonflies and presented it in front of the red dragon.

The red dragon was stunned for a moment, looked at the inconspicuous little iron bar, and said, "Are you also a fairy-level magic weapon? There is no fairy spirit at all, and I dare to take it out to be ashamed.

Hailong said dissatisfiedly, "But the person who gave me this magic weapon told me that this little iron bar is the most powerful magic weapon, and it is difficult for anyone to match even in the fairyland.

You watch."

The energy from the red dragon in the body is transformed into the power of God, shaking in the wind, and barely transforming into the form of a thousand stick.

The golden light is much dimer than usual, but it also barely shows the shape of a thousand sticks.

Looking at the golden stick in Hailong's hand, the red dragon's energy-shaped body shook greatly and lost his voice, "Impossible, it, how can it be in your hand?"

This is, this is..." Hailong knew that Honglong knew Qianjunbang as soon as he heard it, and he was suddenly overjoyed.

Since he got the Qianjun stick, I don't know how many times this magic weapon has saved his life. In his heart, almost nothing is more important than the Qianjun stick.

How much he has always wanted to know the origin of Qianjunbang! Seeing that this wish could be realized, his excited voice couldn't help trembling, "Tell me, Boss Red Dragon, tell me, what is the real name of this magic weapon? The person who gave me this magic weapon at the beginning said that it had only one characteristic, that is, indestructible.

The voice of the red dragon also trembled a little, "Indestructible? That's right, that's it.

Boy, tell me first where your magic weapon came from.

This should not be a human thing at all!" Hailong said, "This was given to me by a senior at the beginning. He told me that the owner of this magic weapon in the future will be my master. He passed on this thing to me on behalf of the teacher, and then taught me a lot of Taoism.

It's just that the time is still short, and I haven't understood much about it. Among them, a set of Qianjun stick method is used for this, so I temporarily call it Qianjunbang.

Red Dragon Boss, tell me what this little iron bar is! I really want to know.

After listening to the words of the sea dragon, the red dragon was silent. It seemed to be thinking about something. The red energy kept rhythmic, showing its inner excitement.

For a long time, under the repeated urging of the sea dragon, the red dragon sighed and muttered, "God's will, maybe this is God's will.

I heard people call you Hailong in Longxiangyu, didn't I?

Hailong, I'm sorry, out of respect for your master, I can't tell you the real name of this magic weapon.

I think as long as you understand all his skills in the future, you will understand.

You are right. In the future, you will definitely be a member of the fairyland, or you may be a member of the Buddhist world.

I didn't expect that he would be apprenticed in the lower world.

That's good. If you can become a first-level immortal in the future, I would like to be your mount.

However, the agreement we reached before is invalid, and I will not take action when you are in danger in the future, because it will make you dependent and it will be difficult to improve your mana.

If your master finds out, I'm afraid I'll be in danger.

So, everything in the future depends on you.

Don't worry, listen to me. Although I won't help you resist the danger, I can point out something you want to know.

With me in you, you can also mobilize a small part of the defense force in Long Xiangyu to protect your body. It's not so easy to hurt you.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! You don't have to say more. I've made up my mind.

With a flash of red light, Hailong only felt that his right arm was hot, and the red dragon had disappeared.

The light in his hand was dim, and without the support of mana, the Qianjun stick turned back into a small iron bar.

Hailong stood there in a daze. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. When the full hope turned into a bubble, his heart was full of loss.

However, Hailong's mind was extremely firm. Although he did not find out what the little iron bar was, after all, he was more sure from the red dragon that it was a powerful magic weapon.

Moreover, it is also certain that the master who has never met is so powerful that even the red dragon is full of awe of him. At least, it should be equivalent to the existence of Daluo Jinxian.

Looking at his ** body, Hailong shook his head helplessly. The mana injected by the red dragon had been exhausted, and fatigue and pain continued to invade his body. With a helpless sigh, he reluctantly moved to a big tree and sat down. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

No, to be precise, I should have fainted.

I don't know how long it took. Zhishui woke up leisurely. With her current cultivation, even if she did not practice deliberately, the elixir in her body would stimulate the mana to run by itself. At this time, the mana had recovered by a few. Thinking about everything before fainting, she was shocked, looked at her body and m Isn't it dead?" The painful meridians in his body told him that everything was so real that the last scene before fainting clearly appeared in front of him. At that time, it seemed that the sea dragon had turned into a red flame dragon. Is that an illusion? No, that must not be an illusion. If it is an illusion, I'm afraid that I have already been turned into ashes by the flames of three dragonflies.

Sea dragon, where is the sea dragon? Zhishui's heart was suddenly full of worry and looked around.

When she saw behind her, she finally found the figure of the sea dragon.

Now the sea dragon is like a piece of coke, including the vest-like soft armor on its body, which has turned into a piece of charred black.

Zhishui's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Although she didn't want to admit it, she shouted in her heart, don't die, don't die! Barely lifting up the little mana, she quickly rushed to the side of the sea dragon.

Her hand trembled slightly to the tip of Hailong's nose, and a faint hot air sprayed on her fingers. Zhishui only felt a crisp and clear spread all over her body from her fingertips.

I was overjoyed. He didn't die. He really didn't die.

Inadvertently lowered his head and looked at the sea dragon.

"Ah--" In the scream, Zhishui seemed to see a ghost and flew out ten meters away.

The whole body trembled violently.

Hailong's clothes have long been turned into ashes. Except for the don't forget the armor, his body is not hanging. Previously, because his body was charred, so he didn't pay attention to it.

But at a very close distance, she clearly saw the high-spirited thing at the root of Hailong's legs, and her face suddenly turned red with shame.

The thing like a small mallet stood tall. Although it was dark, it showed a vibrant look, trembling slightly in the screaming sound of Zhishui, as if demonstrating to her.

Zhishui only felt that her whole body was weak, and the scene of being invaded by the sea dragon constantly stimulated her body and mind.

She asked herself, what's going on? Why is it that when I see this guy who obviously hates me, my heart is very excited?

He violated his pure body and should have killed him! Otherwise, if he says it, how can he gain a foothold in the world of cultivation? Thinking of this, Zhishui was afraid of evil. He gritted his teeth, stood up straight, waved his right hand, summoned his flying sword, injected mana into it, closed his eyes, and said to himself, "You asked yourself. You can't blame me.

Go to hell, you bastard."

As soon as the idea moved, the flying sword brought up a three-foot sword light and suddenly cut in the direction of the sea dragon.

Time passed minute by minute, and Zhishui was still frozen there. Her heart kept trembling, her eyes slowly opened, and her eyes looked at the sea dragon with tears in her eyes.

Her flying sword stayed three inches above the charred bald head of the sea dragon. The light swallowed, but it couldn't fall down.

Zhishui found that he couldn't do it at all.

Just now, when the flying sword was about to kill the sea dragon, the way he resolutely stood in front of him before suddenly appeared in front of him, yes! He saved his life, and how could he kill him? No, no, I can't kill him.

If you kill him, the senior sister will be sad, and I can't avenge him.

He violated me and saved my life, even if everything is worth it.

When he recovers, find an opportunity to settle accounts with him.

After Zhishui found a few reasons for herself, she took back the flying sword. The light in her hand flashed, and a Taoist robe she had prepared for herself flew out, covering the lower body of the sea dragon.

She couldn't see the shameful thing, so her heart calmed down a little and slowly walked to the sea dragon. Although the "small tent" set up by the sea dragon still made her heart sway, it was much better than before.

stretched out his index finger to press the eyebrows of the Shanghai dragon, reluctantly urging a few in his body to explore the meridians in his body.

Zhishui was surprised to find that although the meridians in Hailong's body were shaken to a certain extent, the injury was far less serious than his appearance. The weak mana in his body accelerated under his own stimulation.

It feels like his meridians are more tenacious than his own.

Taking a deep look at Hailong, Zhishui sat cross-legged beside him and muttered, "You little enemy, do you know? My Taoist heart, which has been practiced for more than 3,000 years, has been destroyed by you.

Looking back on the shameful scene when Hailong made out with him, and the wonderful strange feeling, Zhishui's heart can no longer be as heartless as her name.

With a sigh, Zhishui said gloomy, "Maybe you are the demon disaster of my life.

Oh, my God! Why did you punish me with such a powerful magic robbery? Have I done anything wrong? It's impossible for me to forget those things that have been carved into my heart!" With pain and confusion, Zhishui slowly closed his eyes, adjusted the mana in his body and began to practice. In the midst of upset, it took a long time to enter a fixed state.

The divine power in the sea dragon's body recovers quickly after being stimulated by the water stop. The divine power not only has all the characteristics of the mana of ordinary practitioners, but also combines the fairy spirit and Buddha's spirit. Its recovery speed is more than twice that of ordinary mana, and it has a strong self-healing ability.

I don't know how long it took, Hailong's body began to change. A faint layer of golden light lit up, wrapping his body, and the skin burned by the flames began to gradually fall off, revealing the pink heart skin.

It's a pity that the hair won't come out for a long time.

About a few hours later, the sea dragon was covered with black, coke-like ash, which was his original burned skin.

Now, his whole body has become very clean, and the skin of his whole body has almost no blemishness. Except for the fact that he has no hair and looks a little strange, he is a little more handsome than before.

In fact, his trauma can be healed so quickly, thanks to Honglong.

The energy that the red dragon entered into his body helped him get rid of the invading fire poison. Otherwise, although the meridians in his body were strong, they were not so easy to recover.

Slowly opening his eyes, Hailong felt a constant burst of coolness coming from his body, and the divine power in his body was constantly circulating with Dantian Jindan as the point. It seemed that it would not take too long to restore his best state.

When he woke up, Hailong was in a good mood.

Although the Red Dragon canceled his promise to save himself in a crisis, carrying such a fairy beast always gave him a solid feeling.

Even the three-headed dragon that was subdued by the red dragon is enough to scare anyone.

Looking down at his skin, Hailong couldn't help but be shocked.

I stroked it back and forth, and I only felt that my skin was very delicate, just like a girl.

Hailong cursed: "***, this is the real rebirth.

If you are seen by Hongzhi and others like this, why don't you treat me as a sissy? I don't want to be called an adult demon like the guy Jin Shisan.

"Idiot, if you get a bargain, you still sell well."

The angry voice of the red dragon sounded in the heart of the sea dragon.

Hailong was in a sway and said, "What's the matter? Boss Red Dragon, can't you make me like this?" --------------Please continue to vote for me, thank you.nk"