Only me

Chapter 98 Five Types of Sacred Instruments

Xiao San's new book Ice and Fire Magic Kitchen has begun to be updated. I hope you can collect more. Thank you. Address: Bl_id=70705---------------Hailong thought for a moment and said, "Actually, it may not be any different. Although I don't know what the universe you are talking about, I think everything in the world is the same, just like the Yangtze River has its source. Everything has its own roots. Source, from the root, gods and immortals may not be different, but their forms of mana are different.

He was moved and said, "The suzerain's words are reasonable. According to our classics, in our original space, the ability we have now is called energy. The higher the energy, the greater the power it shows. The mana you said should be similar.

Perhaps, gods and immortals are really different manifestations with the same roots. Today, I heard the words of the suzerain really made the old man open up.

Hailong smiled and said, "Elder, don't bring me a tall hat. So how did you get to Shenzhou later? Since it's a different space, I'm afraid it's not so easy to pass.

Withered, he sighed and said, "Our holy clan is a branch of human beings in the original space. Because we are born with all kinds of abnormal abilities, we are obviously stronger than other human beings. At that time, ordinary human beings called us new human beings or superpowers. After a long time of reproduction, our clan's ability It is getting stronger and stronger, especially the holy king who rules us has unimaginable power.

When the holy family reached its heyday, we had as many as seven holy kings, and nearly a hundred elders like us.

The seven holy kings were dissatisfied with the rule and oppression of the gods on human beings. Relying on their own powerful power, they actually ascended into the divine world to challenge the dignity of the gods.

The seven holy kings all have extremely powerful power, and ordinary gods are not their opponents at all.

Under their leadership, our holy clan launched a charge to the divine world, and all the masters above the leader of the holy clan participated in the battle of blasphemy.

Although these are all recorded in the classics, I can clearly understand the severity of the war situation at that time. After all, the divine world has been in a dominant position since the birth of that space, and their strength is beyond the imagination of our seven holy kings. After several years of war, we have to accept the fact of defeat. Six of the seven holy kings died, and more than 90% of the elders and masters of the clan died. Although the divine world suffered great losses, they did not move at all.

After a pause, he heard the tears flashing in the old eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed, "In order to punish the blasphemy of our holy clan, the gods led all the highest-level gods in the divine world to launch the forbidden spell of destroying heaven and earth, completely tearing up the space, and sending all the people of How vicious!! After entering the illusory abnormal space, how can we survive? The clansang people floated in the abnormal space, one after another. When we were finally attracted by this space, the number of clans was less than 10,000. The last holy king also spent too much energy to help the clan escape and open the space, and the injury was fatal.

In this ice and snow, hatred drove us to live strong until today.

However, due to the small number of people, it is inevitable that we will marry close relatives in order to reproduce. In addition, our bodies are greatly damaged when floating in abnormal space, which makes it extremely difficult to inherit the next generation.

As a result, our number can never increase to more than 100,000.

After thousands of years of rest, we finally recovered some vitality, and another great holy king was born.

However, the disaster came again, and the demons in the divine state attacked our territory. They kept killing cruelly. In the end, although the Holy King hurt the demons with his own strength, our holy clan also faced the crisis of life and death.

These demons are the evil way that you practitioners call it.

The sea dragon and Tianqin, who listened to the deified story, were a little dazed. They didn't expect that the history of the holy clan would go so much.

Although Tianqin is an evil ancestor, she is still a girl. She said excitedly, "The holy clan has experienced so many hardships, so what can we do to help you?" He sighed and said, "The affairs of our holy clan must be solved by ourselves. Outsiders can't help.

According to the classics, only when two holy kings appear at the same time can we restore the reproductive ability of our holy clan.

And let our people get rid of the ills left over from ancient times.

If the suzerain of Hailong can destroy the sea of wronged souls, without the threat of this evil spirit, maybe our people can grow faster.

That's enough."

Hailong looked at the dim yellow eyes and suddenly felt that he didn't seem to say anything.

nodded and said, "I will try my best, but I can't promise you anything."

Kuwen nodded and said, "You two go back to rest first. After a while, we will set out for the sea of wronged souls."

Back to his room, Hailong sat in ** and frowned slightly, thinking about what he had just said.

Tianqin sat next to him and said, "Long, why do I think you don't seem to agree with the elder's words?"

Do you have any other ideas? Hailong nodded and said, "The dead words seem to be true, but I always feel that he has hidden something.

Moreover, in my mind, I vaguely feel that they are calculating me.

But it's not clear.

Tianqin's heart was stunned and said, "Is there any unknown variable in the sea of wronged souls?" Hailong shook his head and said, "No, it should not be the sea of wronged souls, but their holy clan itself, and this calculation is not against us.

I can't say it well, I just have this hunch.

Let's take a step at a time. The most important thing now is to help you recover your appearance, and you can't care about anything else.

Tianqin didn't say anything more. She snuggled up in Hailong's arms and slowly closed her eyes and enjoyed a moment of tranquility.


The eleven elders of the sea dragon, Tianqin and the holy clan came to the overseas encirclement of the wronged soul again. Sure enough, as the withered news said, although the gray-white fog of the sea of the wronged soul, which had reduced the area, was obviously much more restrained than that of that night.

Hailong and Tianqin looked at each other, swallowed a pure yang elixir given by the doctor, and walked towards the fog.

"Wait a minute."

The dead smell shouted at the two of them.

Hailong turned around and asked, "Elder, do you have anything else to tell?" He said, "I think Miss Tianqin should not go in.

She has a very powerful evil spirit. If she enters the sea of wronged souls, I'm afraid that if the evil spirit is added domestically and externally, she will not be able to keep a little clear in the spiritual platform.

Once you rashly swallow the Taiyin fruit, the consequences will be unimaginable, and everything will be abandoned.


Tianqin said firmly, "I have fairy weapons to protect my body. There should be no problem. I must go in with Hailong, otherwise, how can I rest assured?" Hailong shook his head and said, "Qin'er, just listen to the elders.

Don't worry, I am the body of the sun, and I have a dragon arm to protect my body. There will be no problem.

Once I can't stand it, I will quit.

Tianqin grabbed Hailong's big hand and said, "No, I must go in with you, Long, let me go.

I promise you that if you can't stand it, you will quit.

Hailong was helpless. He knew that Tianqin had made up her mind to go with him. No matter how much he persuaded, it was useless. He just nodded and said, "All right.

However, you must quit when you can't stand it.

turned to the dry smell and said, "Elder, don't worry, if Tianqin can't stand the evil spirit, I won't let her force it."

After saying that, without waiting for the withered smell to stop it, he pulled Tianqin to fly up and broke into the sea of wronged souls.

He paused the crutch in his hand and frowned, "This Tianqin girl is too wayward. Dear virtuous brothers, you are ready to pick them up at any time."

The temperature plummeted, and the cold feeling stimulated the bodies of Hailong and Tianqin.

There were no five fingers around, and the two of them held up the defense of the extremely mysterious ice mask and the anti-sky mirror to the maximum.

The cold evil forces surged from all directions, and a series of sad howls sounded, and invisible resentment kept hitting them, raging around them with a more gloomy atmosphere than the evil blood pool and the magic swamp.

As soon as she walked less than ten meters into the sea of wronged souls, Tianqin suddenly stopped. Hailong found that even through the cloth, she could still feel the coldness of her hands. She couldn't help asking with concern, "Are you all right?" As soon as she entered the sea of wronged souls, Tianqin's mind seemed to hear a voice calling for her. Her blood was boiling, and the evil spirit in her body not only did not overflow, but also fiercely impacted her brain and spiritual platform. The powerful evil spirit constantly attracted all kinds of negative emotions in her heart, and the feelings of blood-eating, killing Exciting every inch of her skin, even the anti-sky mirror could not stop the evil spirit in her body from being connected with the outside world. Tianqin knew that it was right. This place was really not her own situation.

However, for the sake of Hailong, she has been gritting her teeth and patient, but after walking these few meters, the evil spirit has become stronger and stronger. Now she can only barely keep a little clear in her heart. Once the evil spirit enters the spiritual platform, she will no longer be able to control her body.

In desperation, she had no choice but to stop and drive away the evil power of the spiritual platform with her own thoughts.

Because Tianqin's cultivation and his complete resistance to himself, Hailong did not dare to help Tianqin rashly. He could only ask anxiously, "Qin'er, don't force yourself. Can you still hold on?" Tianqin felt that she was getting more and more uncontrollable, and she actually felt resentment and killing for Hailong in her heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Long, I, I'm afraid I can't go with you anymore."

After saying this, she suddenly broke free from the big hand of the sea dragon, and her body flew out of the sea of wronged souls like an arrow.

Hailong was shocked. When he entered the sea of ghosts, he did not feel any discomfort except for the temperature around him. Although Tianqin withdrew, his heart settled down instead.

He knows that as long as he leaves the sea of wronged souls and protects his body with the anti-heaven mirror, Tianqin will be fine.

Take a look in the fog of the way, and the extremely mysterious ice hood that controls the body protection continues to walk inward.

Tianqin flew out of the sea of wronged souls, and the evil spirit around her suddenly converged, and the evil spirit that hit her spiritual platform in her body also weakened. She did not dare to neglect it. She ignored the inquiries from several elders and other elders. She hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, sinking the spiritual platform, and maintained

Now, she can only pray secretly for the sea dragon.

Hailong walked in solidly step by step. He couldn't see things one meter away at all, so he could only walk deep with his own feelings.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the sad roar of the resentful spirits is getting stronger and stronger.

A mass of heat rose in Dantian, which warmed Hailong's body a lot. He knew that this was the pure Yang elixir given by the medical industry.

For the sake of Tianqin and his own life, Hailong did not dare to be careless at all. The power of God rushed to the dragon's arm, and the lavender light floated out, and the faint dragon-shaped airflow turned around his body.

That day, he told the withered elder that it was a lie that he could not use Longxiang's arm to protect his body.

The use of Longxiang's destruction explosion twice and 49 days of retreat made him know more about this mysterious fairy artifact that originally belonged to the Immortal Emperor.

As soon as the purple air flow appeared, the harsh shouts suddenly burst into full bloom, and the coldness disappeared. Hailong was surprised to see that there was a place within five meters around his body.

Looking at the tizzly gray-white fog, he understood.

Although these resentment spirits attracted by Yin and evil spirits do not have their own thoughts, they still have instincts. On that day, more than half of them were destroyed by Longxiang. These resentment spirits are full of deep fear of the purple dragon composed of the fire of Zhenyang emanating from the dragon's arm. They are afraid that disaster will

Under the great reduction of pressure, Hailong is more confident in this trip.

Speed up and quickly move towards the depths of the sea of wronged souls.

The color of the fog around it gradually changed, from gray to dark gray, and the surroundings darkened. The sea dragon could only see everything within five meters with the blue light emitted by the extremely mysterious ice shad.

The cold evil forces appear again. The evil forces inside the sea of these wronged souls are obviously much less afraid of the dragon's arm, and the space around the sea dragon has been reduced to less than three meters.

Hailong thought to himself that he should have entered the range of 100 meters of Taiyin fruit now, and if he continues to move forward, he will reach the destination.

He also cherished his life very much. His left and right arms were shaken at the same time, and Yan's shield and Qianjun's stick appeared respectively.

He believes that he can cope with the four fairy weapons of Qianjun Stick, Longxiang Arm, Yanqi Shield and Extreme Xuanhan Ice Mask, even if there are any changes.
