Only me

Chapter 102 The Third Broken Dan Next

Xiao San's new book Ice and Fire Magic Kitchen has begun to be updated. I hope you can collect more. Thank you. Address: Bl_id=70705---------------There is no point in regret. Even if he dies, Hailong will not allow himself to be killed by the other party.

He gritted his teeth and quickly urged Jindan to go up. Now he can only bet that his master can arrive in time to save his life.

Although thinking was only for a moment, Xuanyu's attack had arrived in front of him. Hailong was surprised to find that at the speed, before he broke the elixir, he was afraid that he would be crushed by Xuanyu's sword.

When he didn't know what to do, suddenly everything around him became illusory, and his body was no longer under his control. The scene in front of him changed, and he had come to the back of Xuanyu, and all the attacks of Xuanyu were cut in the air.

The tail flame of the sword light wiped through the prohibition and splashed up a wave.

Not only the sea dragon was stunned, but all the people present were also stunned. What they saw was that the body of the sea dragon suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared at the moment before the sword was cut.

When it reappeared, it was already floating behind Xuanyu. All this is simply incredible. Even if they are practitioners, they can't do such an unconventional action.

Yes, at the most critical moment of the sea dragon, it was the shadow that saved his life.

The shadow used his special ability to temporarily turn the body of the sea dragon into smoke and take it away from the place.

In the time of Hailong's mind, the smoke floated out, the cold light flashed, and the dark blue blade had cut off the back of Xuanyu's neck.

However, this is useless. The Xuanyu after the broken elixir is already extremely powerful, and the mana to protect the body cannot be broken by the shadow. Under the huge earthquake, Xuanyu fell ten meters away, but his body did not have any damage. The pink sword turned around and cut it through the smoke and cut in the air.

In order to survive, Hailong now doesn't care about fairness and unfairness. He quickly gathers the divine power in his body, hoping to recover more in this short time.

But Xuanyu would not give him this opportunity. The sword pointed to the weak and crazy smog of the sea dragon and the shadow.

The shadow floated back, wrapped the body of the sea dragon again, and dodged the attack again, but this time it was obviously slower. The sea dragon's extremely mysterious ice mask made a harsh sound and was swept away. In the violent shock, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It won't take much to turn the shadow into smoke, but it doesn't work to take a person. She can only use smoke to take people with smoke three times a day, and it consumes a lot of power.

The voice sounded in the heart of the sea dragon, "You can figure it out by yourself. I can save you at most once.

This self-cultivator is so strong that I can't beat her.

And I can't rush out of the ban here.

Hailong has no choice now. No one can save his life. There is only one thing he can do.

Jindan went up and came to the head with the promotion of mana. The familiar feeling spread all over the body. Hailong took a deep look at the ethereal and prayed secretly. Master, you must come to save your apprentice's life! The golden light suddenly lit up, and it quickly expanded three feet away with the sea dragon as the center. The Qianjun stick was raised and abruptly held the full blow of Xuanyu. With a loud noise, the magic sword bounced out and returned to Xuanyu's hand with pink light.

In desperation, Hailong finally broke the elixir for the third time.

Xuanyu floated in mid-air, and the red light in her eyes gradually disappeared. She did not attack again. She reached out and sucked down, sucked Xing Tian's body into her palm, and looked at the sea dragon with a smile.

"My goal has been achieved. If we want to die, you can't escape.

Hailong, you asked for it yourself.

I'll go first and wait for you in hell with Brother Tian.

The cold light flashed in her eyes, and in the loud noise, she used her last strength to completely blow up herself and Xing Tian's body into powder. The air was filled with blood fog, and they completely disappeared into the air.

Feeling the extremely powerful surging power of his whole body, the sea dragon is suspended in the air. He now has a powerful feeling that there is nowhere to use it. The golden elixir has been broken, but the power is not used. Xuanyu is not attacking. She is already mortal. Even if she kills him now, she can't save the fate It's so ridiculous. I always thought I was very smart and had full confidence in my strength, but in the end, I ended up like this. Who can I blame? Only resent yourself.

"Ah--" The sea dragon roared unwillingly, and the violent power of God would smash the already shaky forbidden shock. He was so unwilling. He was really unwilling. He finally found the Taiyin fruit and brought the possibility of recovery to Tianqin's appearance. At this time, he was about to die, and he would never see that Appearance, the ethereal and happy life of Tianqin in fantasy can only be the last dream, and everything around seems to be so unreal.

The power of God in the body is still growing, but now these powerful forces can only increase the sadness in the heart of the sea dragon.


She shouted sadly, and her cultivation in the later period of the fight turned to the limit in an instant. She hated it so much that she hated why she was so soft-handed. If she had tried her best to repel Xiao Qi earlier, maybe Hailong would not need broken elixir.

The divine sky sword in his hand instantly turned into dark blue, the sound of thunder, the sword turned into thunder, and the dull Xiaowen flew out.

He rushed to the side of the sea dragon and hit him with several prohibitions in a row, hoping to slow down the speed of his mana consumption.

Hailong smiled sadly, hugged his ethereal body and said, "Good wife, don't cry, this is life."

He turned his head to the six righteous ways and roared, "Are you satisfied now? The result you want has come out. Why do you stay here? Get out of here, far away.

Get out of here--" Zhiyun Daozun flew up, with a cold light in his eyes. This Taoist lord, who has always been gentle-tempered, has been really angry. He glanced at the people of the six sects of the righteous path, and said in a low voice, "From today on, Lianyunzong has nothing to do

Wuyun Buddha wanted to say something else, but when he saw the cold eyes of the disciples of Lianyunzong, he had to swallow the words back into his stomach, sighed, and took the disciples to leave first.

Wuzhao Xian, Wen Tianliu and Full Moon Flow left one after another. Lianhua Sect and Qianhui Valley wanted to stay, but they were rejected by Zhiyun Daozun.

It was only an hour before and after, such a huge change happened in Lian Yunzong.

Several Taoist masters gathered around Hailong. The Yuhua and Yuping sisters had already cried. Hailong kissed his ethereal forehead and said, "Don't be sad. All this can only be blamed on yourself.

I now announce that I will pass on the position of suzerain of Lianyun to Yuhua, and everyone should follow her orders in the future.

Hailong is the sinner of Lianyunzong. After my death, the fairy weapons on my body will stay in the land of extreme ice.

Sister Zhiyun, you can collect it then.

Lian Yunzong is the largest in the world, and the future development is up to you.

Don't take revenge for me, it doesn't make any sense.

After saying this, the sea dragon turned into golden light and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. Now he just wants to look at Tianqin for the end. The only thing he can't let go of is Tianqin and Piaomit.

"Brother Hailong."

Yuhua spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fainted in his sister's arms under violent trembling. The square was shrouded in a sad cloud of mist, and the suzerain, who had just ascended the throne, was forced to die, which was absolutely a great shame for Lian Yunzong.

Tianshi Daozun's face was so dark that he could drip water, and he said with hatred, "These bastards, I will definitely break them into pieces to relieve my hatred."

Zhiyun Daozun said coldly, "Now is not the time for revenge. We must avenge the sea dragon. Within a thousand years, we must destroy the five immortals, the flow of heaven and the full moon.

Don't leave one."

With the strong mana support of the broken elixir, the sea dragon came to Zhiyunfeng in almost a few blinks of an eye. He and Piaomio did not speak, and quickly entered the polar ice land under the urging of mana.

Hailong suddenly had a strange feeling.

This time, the broken elixir seems to be different from the previous ones. After the first two broken elixir, he used a lot of mana and soon entered a state of death. Although he did not use the mana attack after the broken elixir, the divine power in his body seemed to grow infinitely, and there was no sense of exhaustion It seems that it is also forbidden in the body and does not cause ambiguity in one's own consciousness.

I don't know whether this phenomenon is good or bad, and Hailong doesn't have time to think about anything. What he is most afraid of now is that he has died before he reached the eye of the extreme mystery.

Xuan Mang seemed to be scared by the fierce sea dragon opposite, and none of them appeared. After several rapid flashes, the sea dragon had rushed into the eye of Jixuan.

As soon as he arrived here, a strong cold atmosphere came. He couldn't help but have a cold war. Xuantian was quietly suspended in the air, while Tianqin was sleeping in the eyes of Jixuan. She still had a cotton veil on her face and could not see her face.

Xuan Tianbing's eyes slowly opened, and Hailong shook his head helplessly. "You child, you are so impulsive. Let me say what's good about you!" She broke free from the arms of Hailong. For the first time since Xiuzhen, she was angry. The object of her anger was Xuantianbing. Her face turned red, and her whole body trembled constantly and roared at Xuantianbing, "What kind of sister are you? When Hailong is in extreme danger, it is impossible not to know with your magic power. You You can also destroy the Xuanyu, but you have to look at the sea dragon broken elixir.

Do you really want him to die? Now you have got what you want.

Xuan Tianbing, you are so cruel. Fortunately, I still treat you like my own sister.

Tears kept turning into ice crystals, and the ethereal had been overwhelmed by anger.

Hailong hugged the ethereal body and said softly, "Wife, don't do this. You can't blame your sister.

Tianqin has just begun to heal her wounds. If she doesn't have her sister's care, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Xuan Tianbing smiled, floated to the ground, and said indifferently, "Sister Piaomiao, if you want Hailong to survive, call your good sister to listen, otherwise, I really don't care about him."

He was stunned and thought he had heard it wrong. He looked at Xuan Tianbing in surprise and lost his voice, "You, what are you talking about? Do you have a way to save Hailong? Xuan Tianbing smiled and said, "That depends on your performance.

You just seemed to say that I was cruel. I was thinking, should I really be cruel?" Piaomio immediately understood, broke away from the arms of the sea dragon, and knelt down in front of Xuantianbing with a plop, "Good sister, please, save the sea dragon.

It was all my fault just now.

As long as Hailong can be fine, I will punish you no matter how you punish me.

Xuan Tianbing floated on his body, helped Piaomia up, stroked the ice crystals on her face, and said, "Sister, sister is joking with you.

Don't worry, Hailong is my closest person in this world. How can I watch him die? Hailong, there is something you may not know. When you went to the northern Xinjiang with your sister Tianqin, I attached part of the divine consciousness to you. I clearly know everything that happened before, including the shadow girl you brought here last time.

When Hailong heard Xuan Tianbing say that he could save himself, he immediately hoped to rekindle. He walked to Xuan Tianbing with some excitement and said, "Sister, you really have a way to save me. My golden elixir has been broken."

Xuan Tianbing smiled and said, "Isn't your golden elixir broken twice? What are you afraid of breaking it again? Although I don't have the magic power like your master, I can still save you from breaking a elixir.

What's more, all this has long been in my calculation.

I just didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Everything is in your calculation?" Hailong said doubtfully, "Sister, did you know that I wanted to break the elixir?" Xuan Tianbing said, "I know your character so well.

Before you left with Tianqin, I once used the technique of Jiutian divination to calculate a trigram for you.

In a year, you will have a disaster. This is your death, but it is also your opportunity.

In order to be afraid that you will be hurt, I have been following you with divine knowledge.

What happened on the way to northern Xinjiang really opened my eyes.

You should remember the powerful resentment attack when you were about to reach the location of Taiyin fruit in the sea of wronged souls.

Those are the four resentful kings.

Although you are the body of the sun, you are not familiar with them, so you will inevitably suffer losses. Do you think you are so lucky? In fact, Lao Junlu was attracted by me. Without Tianxian Jue, without the strength of Daluo Jinxian, Lao Junlu will not be attracted at all.

Hailong smiled and was as smart as him. Naturally, he knew that although he did not have a master to save him today, he could not die.

He said flatteringly, "I'm lucky enough! Because my sister, a noble person, helped me. It turned out that my sister saved me with Laojun's recording at that time.

What should I do if I break the elixir now? Will I not be able to restore Jin Dan's ability until I die? Nk"