Only me

Chapter 113 Three Hundred Years of Commitment

Senran's murderousness suddenly increased, and the temperature in the elder's room dropped sharply. The air between him and the sea dragon seemed to burn slightly twisted. His worker's thin face was full of strong murderousness. "Take away the shadow? Unless you kill all our holy warriors.

For our holy family, the Holy King represents everything, and I will never allow anyone to prevent our holy family from revitalizing again.

The wooden staff in his hand was slowly raised, and the dead smell had raised his mana to the limit and was ready to attack at any time.

Hailong looked at the withered smell calmly and said faintly, "I have never hesitated to kill. If you want to force me to do that, it is not difficult to slaughter the Holy Family completely."

The space changed again, and he was surprised to find that all his abilities temporarily pushed the control, and the whole room became calm. In front of the sea dragon, he had become an ordinary old man.

A cruel smile appeared on Hailong's face, "Do you feel it? This is my absolute space. In my space, no one of your saints can fight against it.

The elder's breath gradually became rapid, and the feeling of Hailong ** naked made him more and more afraid. Although he knew that Hailong had benefited a lot after the combination of three yin and yang, he did not expect that he would be so powerful that the first elder of his holy clan did not even have the strength to compete.

said with some difficulty, "Is there really no room to turn around?" Behind Hailong's hands, he said proudly, "Yes, there is no room for change. I want to take away my woman, and no one can stop her.

Go and find the shadow.

I'll give you ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, if I don't see her yet, then you know the consequences.

Absolute space suddenly disappeared.

I have my own ability again.

He glared at Hailong and wanted to take action, but he hesitated for a long time but never used his powerful ability.

He knows that the current sea dragon is far from what he can compete with.

Hailong said coldly, "It's been a minute, and my patience is very limited."

He exudes strong pressure, which makes his breath more rapid.

He paused the crutch in his hand and strode away.

Looking at the background of his departure, there was a faint smile at the corners of Hailong's mouth.

Yes, no one can take his woman, no one can.

Since the shadow has a relationship with itself.

She will never be allowed to have sex with any man again. Hailong closed his eyes and began to adjust the mana in his body. He also understood that with the dead smell would definitely make him leave with the shadow, which was coming.

I'm afraid it will be a big war. He is full of confidence in himself, and no one can stop his decision.

The shadow is sitting quietly in his room.

When she was still young, she knew that she must give everything for the holy clan in her life. Under the supervision of the elders, she worked hard to cultivate her ability all the time.

Finally, she became the youngest elder in the clan, and.

The elders also hid a big secret from the outside world.

As early as three years ago, she surpassed the power of the elders and had a fourth ability.

However, the elders and others all think that her ability is not enough to lead the holy clan, but she has just stepped into the threshold of the holy king level.

In the next two years, no matter how hard the shadow tried, her ability could not make progress, which not only brought her confusion, but also puzzled the elders.

Ying grew up with Konglin since he was a child. In the eyes of the clan, they are the most suitable couple, childhood sweethearts, two little guessless. As the days go by, the relationship between them is getting deeper and deeper.

Their relationship has already reached the stage of marriage. Konglin loves Ying deeply, and Ying also loves him.

However, their marriage has never been approved. Konglin and shadow are both courteous people. Although they have been rubbing their temples all day long, they have never done anything beyond them.

Ying doesn't understand why the elders can't fulfill their love. She doesn't want to be a holy king in her heart. She just wants to be with her beloved every day, that's enough.

The appearance of Hailong disturbed her life. That night, Kuwen and several of the oldest elders called her. Only then did she know that the reason why her ability could no longer be improved was mainly caused by innate shortcomings. Therefore, they decided to use the power of Hailong to help her complete the process of the growth of the Holy King.

What happened after that was like in a dream. What she experienced during the period when she was with Hailong was something she had never thought of before. Until now, she can't forget the heroic posture when the Shanghai Longli resisted the Six Sects of the Right Way in the receiving sky square.

When Xuan Tianbing asked her to combine yin and yang with Hailong, her heart beat so fast that she didn't expect that the elders' plans would come true so quickly.

The shadow of the empty forest keeps flashing in her mind, but for the sake of the righteousness of the clan, does she have a choice? The combination with Hailong did not bring her pain. On the contrary, it was a deep shock, which was from the deepest resonance of the soul. When she and Hailong climbed to the peak of desire at the same time, she was intoxicated and deeply intoxicated.

After the end of the three yin and yang, because the cultivation of the shadow is the weakest, it is also the last to wake up.

She clearly felt that there were many more things in her body. Tianqin told her that Hailong was helping Piao Miao. Originally, she wanted to help Hailong, but she suddenly found that she was nothing in front of Hailong, Piao Miao and Tianqin. She was the only outsider among them.

With loneliness and a mood that he didn't understand, Ying chose to leave and directly returned to the dungeon of the holy clan.

On the way back, she found that she not only had the fourth ability perfected, but also had some other abilities. However, what she expected most in the past did not bring much excitement. Just a few days after she came back, the elders changed their usual attitude of opposing her relationship with Konglin and agreed to let them get married as soon as possible.

Shadow found that she had changed. This used to be what she wanted most, but now she can't get excited. She feels sorry for Konglin. After all, her body is no longer pure.

With a sigh, the shadow slowly stood up and looked out through the superiority of socialism.

Everything that should have happened has happened. She knows that it doesn't make sense to think about it now, so what she can choose is to accept her fate and continue to follow the way she should go.

"Shadow, something's wrong."

The old voice sounded in his ear, and the shadow suddenly looked back and looked at the dry smell that had just rushed into the door and was gasping.

"The elder.

What's wrong? The shadow asked faintly.

Withered smelled and gasped, "The sea dragon is coming."

The whole body of the shadow was shocked, and the inner peace set off a huge wave.

Ten minutes will be there soon.

Hailong opened his eyes and shot out like cold electricity. He was just threatening to smell. Even if he didn't bring the shadow, he would really kill.

Looking at the palm of his halo, Hailong thought to himself, what should he do to make these hateful mutants give the shadow to himself? Just then, he suddenly felt that more than a dozen powerful breaths were surrounding his position in all directions.

There was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. Hailong said that it was just right. Let me completely defeat the confidence of you mutants.

The withered sound sounded outside the house, "Master Hailong.

Come out, I've already brought it.

Hailong opened the door. Around the withered house, there were twelve people standing around the house. They were the twelve elders of the holy family. Hailong saw the shadow standing beside the withered smell at a glance.

The film has not changed much compared with before, but today she doesn't wear that leather coat.

Instead, he wore a long skirt worn by ordinary people in China, against the backdrop of a long skirt.

Tear her a little charming.

Hailong smiled and said, "Elders, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if you are all right?" Konglin scolded angrily, "Master Hailong, we respect you as our noble guest, but you come to our holy clan to make trouble. Is there no one to bully our holy clan?" Hailong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I never wanted to make trouble. I came here just to take away my own people.

At the beginning, you were also present, and the elder had already given me the shadow.

Keying ran back by herself, and I naturally wanted to take her away.

Brother Konglin, I'm really sorry that Ying can't be your wife, because she is my private property.

Konglin said angrily, "You fart, and the shadow is not a thing. Why do you take her for yourself? If I'm here today, you can't take her away."

Hailong suddenly found that Konglin's anger could not bring his anger. Since his cultivation was promoted to the current level, it seemed that even his heart had improved.

He ignored the others and looked at the silent shadow and said, "Shadow, would you like to come with me? Although I may not be able to bring you any happiness, I will restrain you in the future. I can let you do whatever you want.

What's good about being the king of the holy clan? You need to give everything you have to do.

I just want to ask you a question. Have you lived for yourself for a day since you were born?

The shadow delicate body trembled slightly. She lowered her head and dared not look directly into Hailong's eyes. "Let's go. I was born a member of the holy clan, and death was a ghost of the holy clan. Many fates have already been arranged by God.

This is the way I have to go."

Hailong shook his head gently and said, "Shadow, I'm really sad for you. No one's road is arranged by God.

Your own destiny should be in your own hands.

Okay, I won't say more.

Twelve of you, go together. As long as you can defeat me, I will naturally get out of here immediately. Otherwise, no one of you can stop me from taking the shadow away.

Ying raised his head and said pleadingly, "Don't stay here, okay? This dungeon is the most precious wealth of our saints.

Hailong smiled and said, "It's up to you, so let's go outside.

The space in northern Xinjiang is wide enough for you to let go.

Accompanied by twelve elders of the holy clan, including shadows, Hailong walked out of the dungeon.

looked around the vigilant people and said, "After all, you have helped me with Taiyin fruit. I don't want to do anything with you.

That's good. Look at my attack. If you feel that you can resist, just attack and get out of the way.

A wild bully suddenly rose with the sea dragon. Except for the shadow, all the mutants were forced to be dozens of meters away.

The sea dragon jumped up in the sky, and its whole body was full of golden light. In the dark sky of northern Xinjiang, the clouds seemed to be still, and even the cold wind that kept blowing disappeared. At this moment, everything between the fine traditional heaven and earth gasped with the movement of the sea dragon.

A golden light shot out of the hand of the sea dragon, the thousand stick pointed obliquely to the sky, and the sea dragon shouted, "Open."

Under the frightened gaze of the twelve elders of the mutants, the fine tradition of dark clouds in the sky was pushed away by a thousand sticks, revealing a blue sky as beautiful as blue velvet.

The sun shines on the earth in an instant, bringing vitality to the bleak northern border.

There is a dazzling light behind the sea dragon, and the golden light is like solid armor, protecting every part of the sea dragon's body.

Hailong shouted, "You show me clearly.


The Qianjun stick in his hand suddenly increased at an extremely fast speed, but in the blink of an eye, it had risen to the extent that it was difficult to see. The figure of the sea dragon turned in the air, holding the huge stick in both hands, and the golden light of his whole body suddenly changed from gold to white, and then from white to blue.

The bright sky originally illuminated by the sun suddenly became more dazzling. The light of the Qianjun stick actually covered the sun. The huge stick with a diameter of more than ten meters is like a groundbreaking. Its target is the opposite direction of the holy dungeon.

The unparalleled momentum shocked the shadow and the other eleven elders hundreds of meters away. With its own strength, Hailong used the strongest move in the Qianjun stick method.

Boom--, with the moment the landing of the Qianjun stick, the whole northern Xinjiang trembled. Where the huge stick fell, a bottomless gully quickly extended to both sides and forward.

The huge seismic waves make the ground fly sand and stones, and the indescribable power seems to tear China apart.

The dust is flying, but it can't hide the blue light. In the sound of the sound, the blue light rises to the sky.

The smoke is extremely thick under the sunlight, and the mutant elders combine their abilities to make the dust unable to stain their bodies.

The sky gradually darkened, and the usual depression in northern Xinjiang was restored. The cold wind reappeared, blowing the rolling smoke and dust quickly dissipated. When the smoke completely disappeared, the deep gully on the ground was revealed.

Hailong has created a huge canyon for the northern Xinjiang with all its strength. The canyon is about 50 meters wide, bottomless, and extends far to the north. Can this be achieved by manpower? The twelve elders of the Holy Clan all stood there in a daze.

If the target of the sea dragon is the dungeon, I'm afraid the dungeon has already been annihilated, and it is not easy for 1% of the mutant to escape.

Withered and withered, he clearly understood that even if there were twelve more masters at the level of elders of the holy clan, they could never compete with the terrible sea dragon. If he was not allowed to take away the shadow, the holy clan might be destroyed today. Now he finally believes that the previous threat to him by the sea dragon can be fully realized.

His heart was cold. He thought that the holy clan was about to be revitalized, but he didn't expect to face the shame of losing the holy king.

With a flash of light, the sea dragon floated in front of the stunned elders of the holy clan. He seemed to be very calm and did not have any effort. It seemed that the groundbreaking stick just now was not what he made.

With a slight smile, Hailong said, "Elders, do you think it's necessary to fight between us now?" After all, losing the Holy King is better than the destruction of the whole clan. As soon as he wanted to admit defeat, he was stopped by the shadow. The shadow walked step by step to the sea dragon with a resolute face. When she was still ten meters away from the sea dragon, suddenly, the shadow knelt down in front of the sea dragon. The sea dragon "Don't come here."

Hailong frowned and said, "Shadow, what are you doing?

I think the elders will be difficult for you now. Come with me, and you will be free in the future.

The shadow shook his head sadly and said, "No, I can't go with you. I am the hope of the rise of the holy family. For my today, for the rise of the holy family, the ancestors of the holy family have paid too much.

I can't leave the people who need me most because of my selfishness, which will bring a devastating blow to the whole holy clan.

That's right. We lied to you before, and now I apologize to you.

Please let go of our holy clan.

With that, she knocked Hailong three times in a row.

Hailong frowned and said, "Ying, what are you doing? Do you think it's worth it? You have paid too much for the holy clan. You are a person, not a tool.

The light flashed, and the short blade used before came out of the sheath. She put the short blade on her neck and sobbed, "Don't force me, sea dragon, don't force me.

Please, let's go.

You go."

Hailong took a deep breath and said, "Okay, don't do this. As long as you promise me a request, I will leave here immediately.


You are my woman, and I will never allow my woman to marry anyone else.

I don't want to have a little more green on my head. Do you understand what I mean? Ying nodded silently. She stood up, the short blade was still on her neck, and several ups and downs came to the empty forest.

"I'm sorry, for the future of the holy clan.

Let's cancel our marriage.

From now on, you are you, I am me, and I have nothing to do with it.

At the same time, with the body of the king of the holy clan, I declare that I will never marry anyone for the rest of my life. If I break this oath, the suzerain of Hailong can destroy the holy clan at any time, and there will be no complaints.

Hailong smiled. He smiled happily. The light flashed. The next moment, he had appeared in front of the shadow. "Shadow, your sense of responsibility is heavier than I thought.

I love you."

The golden light flashed. Without any warning, the shadow's body suddenly stiffened. She held the short-edged arm and her body was completely entangled in a golden rope.

It is the magic weapon that has worked hard to refine the fairy rope for the sea dragon.

Hailong wrapped herself and the shadow with absolute space, took down the short blade in her hand, and sighed, "Ying, you are really stupid. Do you really think it's worth paying for the clan?" Shadow bowed his head and said for a long time, "I'm sorry, I really can't go with you.

If you take me away, I will show you as soon as I find a chance.

Her voice seemed very weak, as if she were whispering to her lover.

Hailong said indifferently, "I miss you."

With a flash of golden light, the string of fairy rope has returned to his wrist. With a smile, Hailong said, "Shadow, I don't want to take you away. I'm trapped with the string of fairy rope. I just want to tell you that I have the ability to take you away. By my side, it's difficult for

The reason why I promised you is not to be threatened by you, but because I respect your opinion.

Shadow, you have paid too much for me. You have given me your most precious thing.

This is something I will never forget. I promise you that I will do three things for the saints in the future. This is for you. This is one of my most precious things, because this is what my beloved wife gave me.

I hope it can help you."

The blue light flashed, and the Qiulu Begonia Sword appeared in the shadow hand.

"I really admire you. Your persistence is what I appreciate most.

Do you think I'm domineering? Yes, I'm really domineering. Since you are already my woman, I will definitely compensate you. I think it's enough to do three things for your holy clan. After all, this is what I owe you.

I will give you three hundred years. I think this is enough for you to fulfill your responsibilities to the holy clan. Three hundred years later, I will definitely come here again, take you away, and let you live a real free life.

Shadow, I will always respect your choice. Take care of yourself. If you have anything to do, I will definitely be angry with your holy clan, so you must live well. Goodbye, girl who embarrass me.

The limitation of absolute space quietly dissipated, and the figure of the sea dragon suddenly disappeared in front of the shadow. A group of golden clouds rose and disappeared in a blink of an eye in the eyes of the holy clan. The sea dragon, the evil star, finally left the territory of the holy clan, but the elders of the holy clan were extremely heavy, and His clenched fingers were pierced, and boundless resentment spread in his heart. He hated so much that he hated why he was so weak that he didn't even have the ability to protect his wife and his clan. He knew that he had lost his shadow forever and his dignity as a man.

The shadow felt the aftertance on the mid-autumn dew begonia sword. Her eyes were hazy, she clenched the sword tightly, and looked at the direction of the sea dragon's departure without a moment.

Flying in mid-air, the sea dragon's heart keeps ringing with the spell that just urged the binding of fairy ropes. I love you, and I miss you.

It's ethereal! I really miss you so much. I don't know when we will meet again. You left and took my heart away.

Shadow, take care of yourself. Although I have lost some of you, I have also made you get some. In 300 years, I will definitely come to you again.

I hope you can let go of everything and get out of here with me at that time.

Maybe I can't give you too much love, but following me will definitely be much happier than in this cage.

Ten days later, Hailong returned to Lianyunzong with Tianqin and Huocuo. When he left Qianhui Valley, Baihe Daozun told Hailong that Qianhuigu would always be an ally of Lianyunzong in the future.

and repeatedly told him to take good care of Tianqin.

After saying goodbye, Tianqin left the teacher she grew up. Under the comfort of Hailong, she gradually put down the burden in her heart and was able to be with her beloved. This is enough for her. To get true love, she is destined to lose something. After all, this is her choice. Now, she can only be in her heart. I silently wish the teachers can get through the disaster smoothly in the future.

That's all.

Only then can they have the opportunity to say goodbye.

With the help of Tianqin and Hailong.

Huoqiu has learned a lot about the human world. She is full of curiosity about the world. It seems that all kinds of wonderful things in the human world have diluted her memory of hatred, together with Tianqin and Hailong.

She is like a happy little girl. Many times, Tianqin will feel that she should be her sister.

Huoqi's application of firepower has reached an unparalleled level, but the occasional inadvertent strength often surprises Hailong and Tianqin. Now Huoqi has obviously not reached the highest ability of the mythical beast Kirin, but her strength requires Hailong to join hands with Tianqin to compete.

Entering into the hut where Piaomio once lived, Hailong settled Tianqin and Huoyu here and flew to Moyunfeng alone. They came back quietly without alarming any disciples of Lianyunzong. They had to make the last effort to survive the disaster. There were still two people in Hailong's heart who couldn't let go, that is, .

Quietly passing through Moyunping, Hailong came to the monkey forest familiarly. Everything here is as usual and often breeds for many years. The number of monkeys here has been several times that of his first came here.

As soon as he entered the scope of the monkey forest, the sea dragon felt the familiar breath of Hongzhi, and the huge Buddha power was almost everywhere in the monkey forest.

Most of the monkeys here know the sea dragon that has been here many times. No one stopped him and let him walk to the pool at the beginning. The pool is as old as old as the clear pool water reflects the appearance of the sea dragon. Around the huge stone that once helped him practice by the pool, there is a faint yellow light. It is Hongzhi who The ban laid down.

After a few years of absence, Hongzhi's cultivation seems to have increased a lot, and the powerful prohibition can't help but be surprised by the cultivation of Hailong.

The longing for Hongzhi and Xiaoji was surging in his heart. Hailong forced the sound into a line and gently called, "Hongzhi, I'm coming."

The little clever cultivation is still poor, and I'm afraid of being disturbed in the middle of entry.

And Hongzhi has already reached the realm of great perfection, and he can stop practicing at any time. Through the prohibition of Buddha's power, Hailong keeps calling him.

The yellow light gradually turned, and the monkeys around him retreated away in surprise. The light flashed, and there was one more person in front of the sea dragon.


Hailong has some activities.

Yes, Hongzhi appeared after the call of Hailong. Now he seems to have changed a lot compared with before. Just standing there is enough to affect everything around him and become extremely quiet. Hongzhi's eyes are like a deep cold pool. Although they are clear, they can't see the depth. The Buddha's power emanating from his body is more The Buddha's crystal rosary was hung around his neck, flashing with a faint halo.

Hearing Hailong's call, Hongzhi had a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, "Brother, you're here."

Hailong suddenly found that under the shadow of Buddha's power emitted by Hongzhi, his excitement was much calmer. "Xiaozhi, I won't tell you if you are closed."

Hongzhi's body shook slightly, as if there had been some change in his mentality. He smiled jokingly and said, "You can't blame me for this. It's better to blame the little cleverness.

Not long after receiving Tiandao Zun's disaster, the guy suddenly entered an extremely dangerous stage of cultivation because he ate too much good food. At that time, you were not there, so I could only protect it and shut up.

In recent days, its breath has gradually stabilized.

However, I don't think it will wake up in a hundred years.

I haven't seen you for a few years. Brother, you seem to have made a lot of progress! Even I can't see your depth."

Only in the face of Hongzhi and Xiaoji, Hailong's heart was the most relaxed. He punched Hongzhi on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Of course. Don't forget, I'm your eldest brother."

Feeling the friendship contained in Hailong, Hongzhi warmed his heart and said with a smile, "No matter when, you are my little clever brother.

Brother, do you have something on your mind?

A few days ago, I felt that someone had been robbed again. Is it Lian Yunzong's? Hailong smiled bitterly and said, "It's ethereal to be a disaster. She has now soared into an immortal."

Hongzhi said in surprise, "So fast? Doesn't it take some time for the sister-in-law's cultivation? Can't she have any adventures?

Hailong sighed and briefly said what happened to him these days.

After listening to Hailong's narration, Hongzhi's face showed a strange expression, "Brother, you can do it! If you have three beautiful women at a time, you won't be unable.

Eat more ginseng to replenish yang qi, otherwise, be careful and you will die.


Hailong knocked on Hongzhi's head angrily, "You just died. I don't know how strong your eldest brother is.

Hey, Piaomia is gone. I really miss her. You don't comfort me and say sarcastic words.

Hongzhi shook his head and said, "Buddha said that everything is a law, and it can't be done at all.

Brother, your heart is too heavy.

It's a good thing for the ethereal sister-in-law to ascend to immortality. That's the final destination of your practitioners. Isn't it better for her to wait in advance? If you are promoted to immortality first, you have to worry about whether she can get through the disaster. You have to think about everything. It's not that you can't see her in the future. What are you depressed about? I really envy your luck. You have risen so quickly to the level of surpassing immortals. I don't know when I can save the Buddha's movement. After listening to Hongzhi's words, Hailong suddenly felt enlightened in his heart and said with a smile, "Ok! Your boy has only begun to recognize me now.

When can you survive the disaster! I'm afraid I can't wait for you."

Hongzhi scratched his bald head and said, "I don't know. These days, with the little clever practice, I also have a lot of new understanding of Buddhism. Now the Buddha's power in my body seems to have begun to change a lot.

Buddha Yun saves all sentient beings. I think that after practicing for a period of time, I will go out to practice by myself, do more good deeds, and accumulate some merits for myself in the future.
