Only me

Chapter 223 Don't kill one person

At the last moment, Hailong, who seemed to be seriously injured, suddenly became like nothing. He knew that the underworld was just unwilling. In fact, she had accepted her words.

With his right hand in front of him, he smiled and said, "Repair it."

A strange scene appeared, and the space of the empty attribute chaotic gas was instantly fused. Hailong's body floated in front of him and said, "Since you want to taste the feeling of no attribute chaotic gas, I will fulfill you."

The chaotic atmosphere of the empty attribute that the underworld continues to strengthen suddenly seems to rush into a pool. No matter what action you do, you will encounter a soft resistance. However, this soft resistance is full of warmth and peace, which is calming all kinds of negative emotions in her heart.

"I'll fight with you."

At this time, the underworld suddenly looked like a child. Under the gentle pressure around her, she broke out, and the air of chaos in her body rose endlessly. The white light on her body became stronger and stronger. Her almost transparent body was like a huge crystal, emitting a dazzling luster.

A trace of surprise appeared in Hailong's eyes, "Are you crazy?" With his hands on both sides, the absolute space he created with the breath of attributeless chaos instantly turned milky white, and everyone in the underworld, immortals and Buddha realms could no longer see what happened.

Mingling was suddenly surprised to find that Hailong's body suddenly disappeared, and not only the body disappeared, but also with the original powerful breath.

Losing her goal, her crazy fighting spirit couldn't help but stagnate. At this moment, the voice of the sea dragon sounded in her ear, "My doll.

It's not good for our children to do this! Do you really want to destroy his little life? A warm big hand actually passed through the violent air attribute chaotic gas and hugged the ghost's waist. The ghost's body turned back uncontrollably. The next moment, she had integrated into a warm heart.

Looking at the sea dragon's smile in front of him, the spirit of the ghost can no longer be improved in any case. "You--" Hailong smiled and said, "What am I?" Lowering his head, he kissed the underworld's fragrant lips, and the warmth spread to every skin of their bodies.

The heart of the ghost softened in trembling and **.

Outside, there are millions of people in the underworld, immortal and Buddha, but in this absolute space, it only belongs to the two of them.

That strange stimulation made the underworld completely lose itself and immersed in the hot kiss full of ** of the sea dragon.

Hailong's big hand swam on the underworld, constantly injecting a trace of heat into her body. The underworld only felt that the empty attribute chaotic gas consumed was quickly replenished, but where Hailong's big hand passed, the stimulating heat flow was even more confused.


The sea dragon looked up with a smile.

The ghost was a little confused and said, "What's good?" The sea dragon pointed to the ghost, and she subconsciously looked down.

I saw that my clothes seemed to be much more broken, and my long hair was scattered.

Hailong smiled and said, "So you look like a loser!" Otherwise, how can you hide it from those men? Mingling stared at the sea dragon, "I haven't given up yet?" Hailong spread out his hands and made a helpless expression, saying, "Give defeat is a matter of time. Do you want to stick to it?" Ming Ling gasped slightly, "You are really my enemy. Can't you let me finish the only thing I can do for my father?" Hailong took the underworld's hand and sighed, "But your wish is really too big.

You should know that since the war 100,000 years ago, the underworld has been extremely hostile to the immortals and Buddhas. If you really unify the six worlds, it will definitely bring a horrible killing, which is not what I want to see.

Since I have agreed to His Majesty the King of Chaos, I must protect the balance of the six worlds.

Don't worry, I will never let the immortals and Buddha invade the underworld. Since you choose to go back, I won't stop you.

I will definitely visit you often.

Don't stick to it anymore, okay? The old Pluto may not want to see you so obsessed.

The ghost took a deep look at the sea dragon and said sadly, "Can I still have a choice now? If you can't beat you, you have also brought the Qinglong King and the Xuanwu King. The strength of the fairyland is different.

The rosefinch has been imprisoned in the underworld by me with the air of empty attribute chaos. At that time, you can come and pick it up.

When he said the last sentence, Ming Ling couldn't help lowering his head.

Hailong was overjoyed. He knew that the underworld had accepted his proposal. Although he wanted the underworld to stay in the fairyland, he also knew that the transformation could not be so fast, and everything could only be diluted in * time.

"Ready, we should go out, too."

With his hands on his chest, the sea dragon returned to its initial form, and the blood stain on his body unexpectedly reached the underworld.

The underworld only felt that his whole body was shaken, and his body flew like lightning under the support of an invisible force.

The milky white light around

disappeared, and countless eager eyes were projected into this absolute space.

Everyone clearly saw that the blood-stained ghost was shaken by the sea dragon. Her face was pale and she had obviously lost the ability to fight again.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the sea dragon, and the absolute space formed by the atmosphere of no attribute chaos has disappeared.

He said lightly, "Dinling, you have lost. That's the end of today's work.

I hope you can abide by the previous agreement, and the underworld will never invade the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

In addition to the five demon kings and some monsters sent back by the sea dragon, there are still more than three million underworlds and monsters. The dark crow is silent, and their eyes are focused on the underworld.

There was a complex light shining in the underworld's eyes. She knew that all the underworld was waiting for her to speak. Although a decision had been made in her heart, it was still a little difficult for her to accept.

For a long time, when her anxious eyes became hotter, she struggled to spit out three words, "I lost."

Boom, the army of the underworld suddenly fell into chaos. From the time they came to the fairyland to now, they haven't fought the First World War, but they have to go back like this? How can they be willing? The madness of aggression is flowing in the blood of every underworld. How can they be willing to let them retreat? One hundred thousand years of hard waiting, one hundred thousand years of grinding.

After having such an opportunity, they really don't want to give up.

Fourteen dark shadows flew out of the underworld army and came to the underworld like lightning.

The underworld looked at the underworld, the moonstone and the twelve underworld, and said coldly, "I have lost. Give my orders. All the legions in the underworld and all the legions in the demon world will immediately return to the underworld and the demon world, and will never invade the two realms of immortals and Buddhas."

Ming Sheng shook his head, "No, emperor, we can't retreat.

For today, we have made full preparations for 100,000 years.

He turned his eyes to Hailong. "Although he is strong, there is only one person after all. As long as you want, we can naturally entangle him. With millions of troops in my underworld, it is impossible to fail.

No matter how much sacrifice we make, today we will calm down the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

Including the moonstone, these most powerful giants in the underworld nodded at the same time. Obviously, they all agreed with the underworld.

The underworld said angrily, "I am the emperor of the underworld. Are you going against my will? What is said is like water spilled out. How can our underworld break our vows?

The Underworld King said coldly, "The oath was made by Tianqin, and now she is no longer Pluto. We have not broken any vows.

We respect you as the only daughter of the old Pluto, but the luck of the underworld can only be decided by everyone. Don't you want to fulfill your father's wish? The underworld looked at the resolute eyes of the underworld giants in front of her. She knew that no matter what she said, these people would not listen.

At this moment, she was confused and didn't know how to choose.

Yueshi shouted, "Do it."

Ming Sheng was the first to jump out, aiming at the sea dragon, and the moonstone and the underworld king were closely following him.

They don't expect to defeat the sea dragon that even the underworld can't deal with, but just want to delay him.

At the same time, the underworld army was like a raging wave under the order of the rest of the eleven Pluto in the underworld.

The surging people from the two worlds of the Immortals and Buddha rushed away.

Seeing the three people with a strong evil spirit rushing over, Hailong's eyes were shining with dazzling cold light, and he said in a low voice, "You don't know how to advance or retreat."

The body flashed like an illusion, suddenly rushing forward, and two groups of light silver light shone. At this time, the underworld violated the promise, and the sea dragon had already moved the real fire.

Three black figures staggered by the same white figure.

The three black figures suddenly stopped in mid-air, while the white figure disappeared without any pause. The next moment, he had appeared in front of the army of the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

The three dark shadows that had previously rushed to the sea dragon suddenly disappeared like smoke and dust.

Hailong did not kill them, because after getting the non-attribute chaotic gas, Hailong vowed that he would never use the non-attribute chaotic gas to hurt a life.

However, the three dark shadows have fallen into a deep sleep and were sent back to the underworld by the void of no attribute chaos. They will have to sleep for at least 10,000 years before they can wake up again.

In the face of the surging army of the underworld, Hailong was expressionless and said in a low voice, "Everyone in the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas listen to my orders. Without my orders, no one is allowed to do it."

His voice was calm, but full of irresistible majesty. The strong men who were preparing to fight against the immortals and Buddhas under the leadership of the Buddha suddenly stopped. They all looked at the sea dragon with some puzzlement and did not understand what he was going to do.

The transparent silver light spreads in all directions like lightning with the sea dragon as the center. A huge silver light wall crossed in front of the underworld army. The fastest monsters had arrived. The sea dragon snorted coldly, and the silver barrier actually abruptly resisted the impact of the monsters. Countless monsters were rebounded back, in the blink The powerful army of the underworld was so stopped.

Hailong said coldly, "Since you don't want to solve it peacefully, let me give you a ride, mix-chaos-qi-qi-qian-kun-big-move-move-" with both hands in front of him, Hailong's shoulders shook, and suddenly a silver The airflow was cut out like half a month.

The underworld army is so dense that they can't dodge at all. Where the silver light blade passes, the underworld disintegrates like smoke.

Hailong roared again, "Mix - Chaos - Split - Body - No - End - End -" A scene that frightened everyone appeared. Hailong's body was divided into two, two into four, four into eight. In the blink of an eye, a human wall composed of white figures had crossed in front of the underworld army.

The strong men of the immortals and Buddhas looked at the countless sea dragons in amazement, and the ancestor of Bodhi muttered, "Is this a split? How can there be so much?"

Sun Wukong stared at his golden eyes and shouted strangely, "It's worthy of being my apprentice. It's much easier to make so much more useful than my hair."

It was just a few breaths. At least hundreds of thousands of sea dragons had appeared in front of the underworld army. At the beginning, the 11th underworld thought it was just a phantom, but soon they realized their mistake. The hundreds of thousands of sea dragons stretched out their hands at the same time, and hundreds of thousands of silver lights lit

The sea dragon shouted loudly and waved his hands in front of him. The hundreds of thousands of silver light masses shot out countless silver rays, intertwined into an almost infinite net in the air, unexpectedly covering the whole three million coalition forces of the underworld and demons.

Every underworld or monster roared horribly and madly attacked the silver light net, but these attacks were in vain. The silver light net had excellent contraction, and the evil spirit was completely shrouded in the silver light net, and no evil spirit could escape.

In addition to the 49 elite legions of the underworld and a thousand underworld guards, the underworld demon allied forces began to riot, and the chaos spread to every corner of the allied forces like a plague.

Eleven Pluto stood up and flew out. Their underworld demon Dafa, which had reached the eighth level, gathered together and turned into a dark dragon, trying to break free from the shackles of the light net.

Hailong's flat voice sounded, "Every figure is equivalent to my body. Do you think it can be broken through? Chaos opens for the first time, close it.

The silver light net began to be bundled from the center in all directions, and the color of the light net suddenly became transparent, as if it could not be seen at all except for the faint silver wire.

The coalition forces that first touched the optical network turned into black gas and disappeared one after another. When a hundred thousand people disappeared because of trying to fight against the optical network, no one dared to compete with it.

The speed of the light net is not shrinking fast. Hundreds of thousands of sea dragons have scattered to every corner of the light net. Panic appears in the hearts of the underworld and monsters. They all shrink inside in horror for fear of being touched by the silver light net.

The black dragon composed of Pluto was still stroking stubbornly. At this time, a white figure suddenly appeared in the light net, and the figure passed through the human silk like water-like ripples. Everything that came, whether it was the underworld or the monster, disappeared as quickly as when it touched the light net.

A roar sounded in the black dragon composed of Eleven Pluto, "Real Wei, stop him."

A horrible idea arose in their hearts. The white figure was guarded by the 49 legions of the elite of the underworld in the center of the Pluto flag.

A thousand underworld guards, neat and uniform, showed amazing quality. With the cooperation of the forty elite legions of the underworld, they formed a huge sharp knife and passed through their own camp to meet the white figure.

At the same time, behind the white figure, the black dragon composed of Eleven Pluto also rushed back.

They are all very aware of the importance of the Pluto flag. Once the Pluto flag is destroyed, the underworld army here today will not escape the crisis of the destruction of the whole army.

At this time, the most complicated mood is the underworld. With her cultivation, of course, it can be seen that it is the sea dragon that rushed into the silver light net. She doesn't know whether she should stop the sea dragon now. If the underworld flag is destroyed by him, the underworld army will lose the source of strength. In this fairyland The quantity will be rapidly weakened, and it won't take long. Even if the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas do not take the initiative to attack, they will gradually die out because of their own weakness.

At this moment, the voice of the sea dragon sounded in the underworld's heart, "Doll, your chance to stand up has come and stop me."

The ghost was in a sling and replied in his heart, "What on earth do you mean?" Hailong smiled and said, "Silly girl, I said it.

I won't kill people, and I don't want the underworld to be destroyed. I can rest assured that you rule the underworld! In front of so many people, if you want to conquer their hearts, you must prove it with your own actions.

You are Lianming. You have done a good job.

The ghost has only one feeling now, that is, the heart has a rhinoceros.

Without hesitation, the demon's body flashes lightly.

Under the increase of the empty attribute chaotic gas.

She rushed to the silver light net in the blink of an eye. The light net did not resist her impact, causing her to go directly into the interior.

The ghost let out a sad roar, and a layer of golden light emitted from the whole body. The light fluctuated around the body like a flame. Surrounded by the golden flame, the ghost was like a dazzling sun, rushed to the white figure of the sea dragon in an instant, and a gold, silver and two masses of light collided in the air.

The white figure, which had been like a broken bamboo, suddenly stopped, while the golden figure was thrown away and was shaken out dozens of meters away.

The appearance of the leader was a great shock to the spirit of the underworld, especially the underworld guards who had just been entangled, who bravely attacked the sea dragon.

On the surface, the underworld seems to burn its own flame of life, and the feeling brought by the tragic impact makes every underworld's blood boil.

Even the sea dragon was shocked to see the appearance of the underworld, not to mention the other underworld. The Eleventh Pluto who arrived from behind gave up attacking the sea dragon.

The black dragon wrapped around the body of the underworld and helped her resolve the "strong" impact.

Hailong roared crazily, "Today, I'm going to destroy all of you unknown underworlds here.

Infinite chaos, collect.

"The outer silver light net quickly contracted again.

In the optical network, after all, there are three million underworlds. When they completely shrink and concentrate, there is no room for retreat.

Wherever the silver light net is, the number of Pluto and monsters has been drastically reduced.

No one would have thought that Hailong would compete with the whole underworld on its own.

Eleven Pluto stopped protecting the body of the underworld, and their eyes were focused on the underworld.

"Emperor, what should I do now?" The golden flame on the underworld increased, and he said coldly, "Are you willing to recognize me as the emperor now?" Eleven Hades lowered their heads at the same time. Only now did they understand how powerful the sea dragon is, but now it's too late to regret, and their hearts have sunk to the bottom of the valley. In their eyes, the underworlds who disappeared under the invasion of the silver light net have been completely destroyed. These underworld giants felt fear for the first

As the most profound person in the 11th Pluto now, the King of Pluto slapped himself heavily and said sadly, "Your Majesty, we didn't expect this person to be so powerful.

We apologize for our stupidity. You are right. In the face of such a powerful enemy, we can only keep the vitality of the underworld by retreating. The underworld needs your leadership. Please don't abandon us.

Ming Ling sighed, "Let's go.

This silver light net was created by the non-attribute chaotic spirit used by the Chaos King when he created the six worlds, and I can't deal with it.

But I burned my life, but I am sure to tear it into a crack. If you still want to live back to the underworld, you must completely obey my orders from now on.

"Yes, emperor, we are willing to follow your orders."

Eleven Pluto replied respectfully at the same time.

In the underworld, they are all supreme beings. Who would want their endless lives to die like this? Ming Ling nodded and said, "You have seen that now Mingwei is only temporarily pestering the man, and our army is rapidly decreasing.

Tach my underworld. When I tear this silver light net into a crack, it will open the passage back to the underworld at the same time in the sky. At that time, the forty-nine elite legions must immediately attack that person to leave enough time for our people. It is up to you to dispatch and return from the crack as soon as possible. Back to the underworld.

As for that person, I will try my best to pester him.

As long as we can hook to escape from a person, the strength of our underworld can retain one point.

Feeling the tragic breath in the underworld's words, the underworld's whole body trembled slightly with excitement, "Emperor, but in that case, you..." The underworld said lightly, "You don't have to care about me.

I am the daughter of Pluto. When the clan is threatened, this is my only choice.

If I can be spared, I will return to the underworld immediately. After going back, you need to immediately rectify the whole underworld. There should be no disturbance because of this failure. This is your best reward for me.

"No, emperor, let's go."

The woman in front of the face, the underworld eleven Pluto can no longer care about anything else, and their glory does not allow them to retreat like this.

The underworld's eyes softened a lot, "Pluto, you are all the elites of the underworld, and the underworld needs you.

The fire of my life has burned.

We don't have much time.

There is no hesitation. You know, every second, our people will be reduced by tens of thousands.

Do what you should do.

After saying this, the spirit's magic power burst out, and the eleventh Pluto who wanted to stop her retreated a few meters, flew up, and rushed to the sea dragon again with the golden flame.

Hailong has been paying attention to the movement of the underworld, under the entanglement of a thousand underworld guards.

Hailong can't help admiring secretly. If the strength of these underworld guards is measured in the fairyland, each of them has a cultivation that is not inferior to Daluo Jinxian. This thousand underworld guards alone can be dealt with alone. The most terrible thing is the spirit of the underworld guards who are not afraid of death.

Although the sea dragon will make several underworld guards disappear for each blow, the speed of progress has slowed down a lot.

Of course, this is the effect he deliberately produced.

The golden flame rushed towards him, and Hailong smiled and opened his body to meet him.

A loud noise kept bursting in the air, and even theming weis could not *close to their bodies.

Every roar is emitted by the atmosphere of no attribute chaos. The sea dragon and the underworld are wrapped in gold and silver light respectively. No one can see their fight, but the outer silver light net has stopped shrinking.

"Second brother.

Let's help the emperor.

We can't watch her die alone!" King Pluto said excitedly.

Pluto's eyes showed a light of grief and indignation. His hands clenched, and his bones crackled in excitement. "No.

We can't go. We still have important things to do. If we go, we will fail the emperor's painstaking efforts.

I swear here that whether the emperor lives or dies, I will only be loyal to her in the rest of my life.

At this time, the battle between the underworld and the sea dragon had changed. A golden blade crossed hundreds of meters across the sky and bombarded the silver light net in the sky. Several sea dragons disappeared at the same time. A crack hundreds of meters wide appeared. At the same time, a bigger one appeared outside the crack. The black crack.

King Mingying did not hesitate, because he knew that if he moved faster on his side, the underworld would have more vitality.

Eleven Pluto dispersed at the same time. They held the Pluto flag and ordered the most elite forty-nine legions to break, and led the underworld army to quickly retreat from the black crack.

The strong men of the immortal and Buddha worlds had just woken up from their great surprise at this time. They all clearly found that they looked so small in front of the sea dragon.

Primitive Tianzun said to the Buddha, "Buddha, let's launch an attack now.

As long as Rui is here, we can at least destroy some forces in the underworld.

The Buddha shook his head. No, it should be said that Hongzhi shook his head. He put his hands on his chest, smiled and said, "No, we stay still. Did you forget Hailong's order just now? He didn't let us do it. Naturally, he had his idea. As you can see, he balances the whole underworld with his own strength.

Moreover, the hundred-legged insects are dead but not stiff. If we take action, we will only bring unnecessary casualties to the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

With the existence of sea dragons, do you think the world can still be a threat to us? I am merciful. I have to forgive others. Now that they have retreated, let them go.

The two-color light mass of gold and silver is a few times in combination on the silver light network, and the violent mana keeps bursting in the air. Every time it breaks out, at least hundreds of underworld people will disappear.

The silver light mass seemed to be going to fill the cracks in the light net, and the golden light mass was desperately trying to stop it. The golden flame had burned to the limit at this time, but everyone could see that she was already the end of the crossbow and could never hold on for too long.

The underworld retreated from the crack in waves. At this time, the eleventh underworld is commanding his men with red eyes. As long as there is a little disturbance affecting the speed of the retreat, they will mercilessly shoot the underworld to that place. In order to make more people retreat successfully, they will never I care about killing some people who affect the speed.

In their hearts, there is only one idea now, which is to withdraw the clan and reject the ghost to retreat. At this time, in their hearts, the status of the ghost is no longer the original old emperor. Looking at the golden light that has begun to weaken, their hearts seem to be bleeding.

Compared with the tense atmosphere of the outside world, the sea dragon and the underworld are peaceful at this time, and their collisions have not affected each other's communication.

"Dinth, how did you get this golden flame? The empty attribute Chaos doesn't seem to have this ability.

Mingling said with some dissatisfaction, "Can you do it? The empty attribute chaotic qi has been achieved, but my original golden chaotic qi can achieve this effect. As long as the mana of the body protection fluctuates more fiercely, this effect can naturally be achieved.

What should I do now? How does it end?" Hailong smiled and said, "Is it easy to end? When your men withdraw, we can also end up.

Your understanding of mana seems to be better than before.

The empty attribute chaotic qi itself has some characteristics of non-attribute chaotic qi. As long as you continue to practice, you may be able to have an epiphany one day.

The tone of the underworld suddenly became serious, "Hailong, tell me, are those splits outside really aggressive? Moreover, how was your silver light net formed?

I really don't want to spend how much mana it takes to put three million powerful underworld troops in it? Hailong smiled mysteriously and said, "Indeed, those are real splits. Each of them has a strong mana, at least it will not be weaker than you now. Otherwise, I really can't trap so much by myself.

This is also the reason why the spirit of chaos without attributes is invincible. In the six worlds, any breath or even creatures can be used by me, because they are all formed by the spirit of chaos.

I gathered all the fairy spirits within a radius of thousands of miles, and I can naturally reach the current scene.

Although these chaotic gas can only be used for a while, the attributeless chaotic gas is infinite in the six worlds. If I want, I can mobilize all the breath in any world to transform it into attribute-free chaotic gas to attack or defend.

However, so far, I have never attacked with attribute-free chaos.

Otherwise, although the elimination of all the troops in the underworld will hurt my vitality, it is not impossible to do that.
