My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 17 Flame Bird Fighting Snake Demon

Under the strong red moon, the sand-like soil rises with hot air. There is no sign of life in the sky. When people walked on this soil, they actually felt a little trembling and flashing, as if they had entered the fantasy.

Lin Peng drank the last drop of water and shook the kettle with a helpless sigh: "Lei, are you sure it's in this direction. I've been walking for two days, why haven't I seen anything like a dirt castle? I remember that last time everyone was scattered for a few days, it should not be so fast to go back and forth!"

Lei, who walked in the front, frowned slightly and turned to look at Lin Peng: "I said that they used a special method to summon snake demons. Fowles said that only by passing through the loess behind the middle section can the snake demon be really found. At that time, Falls was afraid that if you escaped, you would come to trouble with the snake demon. So... The Duke and Her Royal Highness will definitely take action. So... I don't know the specific location. But... I believe... As long as you go down, you will definitely find it."

After saying that, regardless of Lin Peng, who had some complaints, turned around and left.

Of course, Lin Peng is not really complaining, just a little annoyed! I have been walking for two days. If it continues, maybe I can't even find water. In case it is a seductive trick of Falls, he will really be buried here.

He looked at Nadas, shook his head repeatedly with a wry smile, and still caught up with Lei. This boy is very stubborn. At the same time, he is also very competitive. However, in terms of caution, it is really no worse than Lin Peng and Nadas.

On the first day, he killed the snake hidden in the soil. Of course, I also heard him say that only real demon-level monsters, and no other monsters can exist within a certain range.

So, even if he is going to die of thirst, Ray still insists, absolutely in this desert-like place.

The three of them walked very fast. When the red moon was about to go down the mountain, against the purple canopy on the edge of the sky, a fantasy-like earth castle suddenly appeared in front of them.

Lei grinned and pointed to the earthen castle in front of him, which was not magnificent, like a bandit's cottage: "Look, I'm right! Haha... I finally found it!"

Lin Peng wiped the sweat on his forehead and nodded with a smile. But immediately, he became serious: "Your task has been completed. Next, it's about me and Nadas!"

With that, he took a step forward and took Nadas to the earth castle.

However, the thunder behind him didn't seem to hear him continue to follow the two people. This made Lin Peng laugh. He crossed his waist and turned around and shouted, "Don't you obey orders? I said, your task has been completed!"

Nadas also stared at Ray with a fierce face, as if he didn't agree with him.

Ray was not afraid, but said lightly, "The snake demon is a demon-level monster. If you two high-level demons go, there is not much more than me, and there is definitely not much less than me. And... My invisibility is really safer than you!"

Lin Peng clicked the corners of his mouth and patted Lei on the shoulder: "I understand your intention, but... You know, we're just going to test it. Or just try your luck. Two high-level demons fight with the devil, and that's death. We... Is it that stupid?"

Nadas also nodded. Originally, he was more than two meters tall and stronger than Lin Peng and Lei. Therefore, he patted Lei's head directly and said like educating children, "Okay, good boy, go back and wait for us!"

The two turned around again. When they were about to leave, Lei still stood there. He looked at the two quietly, and at the same time, he looked resolute.

Lin Peng can't stand it anymore, just like a teacher who is teaching a pig. Turning around with hatred, just as soon as he wanted to curse his mother, a sensation appeared on the other side of the earth castle. The loud noise made the eardrums seem to hurt a little. At the same time, it also makes the dry desert-like land begin to shake.

All three of them stared at the other side of the earth castle, and a shocking scene appeared.

The huge lizard-like head raised high and stared at the sky. The snake-like body hovers at the top of the earth castle. It seems that some small sharp claws can be seen under the snake's body.

The oppression brought by the body of more than ten feet surprised Lin Peng. Anyway, a piece of scale is as big as itself. Can you not tremble?

When Lin Peng and the three found that there was a huge noise, it was because another relatively smaller warcraft and snake demon were launched during the battle and could not close their mouths. Like an eagle composed of flames, you can't see the real body at all. However, from the extent of the flame winding, it should have overwhelmed the snake demon.

However, the body is more than twice as small as the snake demon.

Just now, it was the flame bullet of the flame bird that collided with the sand shield of the snake demon, causing the vibration. Now, you can also see the scattered flames and the sand-like soil.

"This... OK... So powerful! Is this the strength of the devil level?

Lin Peng frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly: "No... Perhaps both monsters are about to be promoted to the level of the Great Demon King. It should be the peak strength of the devil. Ray and Nadas were a little surprised to speak affirmatively.

From time to time, you know it again.

Of course, Lin Peng really knows. When I woke up that day, the power of understanding began to detect Shiya and Irene. Irene's heat color is real red, and in the dark red, it seems to be a little purple. It seems that it should be the peak strength of the demon king.

Lundy's seems to be a bright yellow color, which should be the big devil.

And Nadas and others are all earthy yellow. Obviously, it should be a high-level demon.

And Xiya... It is purple, the real dark purple. So... At least it should be better than red! Yes, the colors of the following levels are clear. In terms of strength, Xiya is much more powerful.

So... Xiya's is the strength of the great demon king.

And now, these two monsters are actually dark red with a little purple. At least, it's about the same level as Irene. So... At least it is the peak strength of the demon king.

The strength of the peak of the demon king, is this the strength of the peak of the demon king?

Originally, Lin Peng had been thinking that since he had killed the big demon, his strength was not very good. So... If you are a demon king, you may be able to win with a few high-level demons at most! However, after thinking about it now, I suddenly found that... Even if hundreds of high-level demons go up, it may not work.

"Hidden! Otherwise... We can't resist such a shock!" Lin Peng shouted in a low voice and immediately ran to some highlands on the other side. The speed was extremely fast. When Nadas and Ray reacted, they had run nearly 100 meters.

After the three ran to the back of the high ground and hid from the rock-like huge stone pier, they looked at the place where the two beasts fought again.

At this time, the flame bird has an absolute advantage. Every time the snake demon uses the sand-made spear to rush to the flame bird, it can always avoid it as fast as possible. In the air, he has become a hegemon.

And aiming at the ground in the air is really bullying. No, the flame missile hit, and each one is at least as big as ten meters. For a moment, the earth castle was about to become a ruin.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and every time the flame exploded, it flew away. If Lin Peng and the other two are still standing there, they will definitely die.


Once again, after the flame missile was blocked by the sand shield, the snake demon suddenly flew up. The speed is extremely fast, like a snake, suddenly pops its head to bite people.

Even the speed of the flame bird has not escaped. He was bitten to his wings and was suddenly thrown into the earth castle by the snake demon.

Boom... Another loud noise, and the high dust burst, drowning the body of the flame bird.

"No way, that's okay!" Lin Peng was stunned. It had always been a flame bird that had the upper hand. When he came so suddenly, he really made a sad cry as if he was injured.

At the same time, a pair of birds burning like steel suddenly broke through the smoke and dust and grabbed the snake demon. This time, the snake demon was also hit hard. He struggled to break away from the bird catch, and his body was wrapped around the flame bird. It seems that he is not afraid of the flame outside the flame bird's body, and he is directly desperate to entangle the flame bird. The final battle between the two beasts turned out to be such a hand-to-hand fight.

When the flame bird's smaller body is about to be entangled compared to the snake demon. The beak of the bird, which had been quiet like a giant sword, suddenly shot out. Like a woodpecker, he wants to grab the snake's neck with his claws.


The snake demon seemed to have endured great pain, and the tongue that looked like a giant sail stretched out directly. However, the body is still so strongly entangled. Suddenly, it entered the stage of stalemate.

Lin Peng now has an extremely fearless idea and rushes directly to kill the snake demon. But... Even in such an injured situation, the seven inches of the snake demon was scratched by the snake blood. It's more like flying rain! However, the snake demon still tightly wrapped around the flame bird.

At this time, it is obviously not very wise. The snake demon's tail is casually shaken, and maybe he will burst into bones and blood!

The fists were tightly clenched, as if the black and strange eyes were a little red.

"It's almost done!" After Lin Peng said to himself, his body suddenly rose and launched in the direction of the earth castle. The speed is so fast that you can see the faint flames emitted by your feet from a distance.

And when Lin Peng rushed out hundreds of meters, Nadas and Ray finally reacted. He shouted in his heart, "This damn guy, don't die!"

However, the bodies of the two also rushed out without hesitation. He desperately drove Lin Peng's pace and shouted anxiously, "Come back, idiot... Come back... Pig's head..."

It seems that at this moment, they are just good brothers, not superiors and subordinates.