My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 22 Ranger Joyce

"Although the original Curius family is now beginning to decline. Of course... Even if the tiger is dying, it will be better than the horse. What's more, the decline of Curris is also related to the Chris family and the Foren family. So... First of all, we need to unite with the real local boss, the Curius family. Then... The Vollen family is mainly in business, so... We can beat him in business. Hey hey... Of course, the suppression of this business will be dark..." After a few words, it seems that all the families and all the forces are included. Even Siya is a little confused. Of course, Lin Peng is not a real fool.

Irene narrowed her eyes and immediately winked at Nadas and Ray. The two stood up directly and walked out of the garden, and also set up a sentry at the door.

"Although your plan just now is very good. But... What if Jess uses the high power above? If we compete for real strength, we are not his opponents at all!" Xiya shook her head helplessly and looked at Lin Peng with some hope.

Fortunately, Lin Peng hasn't really noticed Xiya now. My mind is full of helping these two vulnerable women, so after a smile, he said, "Real high-level power, you are the devil. So... This can be almost flat. So... It's the number of big demons and high-level demons. Ha ha... This time, we narrowly killed the snake demon. His inner elixir was taken away by the flamingo after falling. However... Those flesh and blood near Neidan are really good herbs! Nadas and Ray were promoted after eating these flesh and blood!"

"You said... Nadas has been promoted!" Although Sia still had a cold face, her voice could be heard and full of surprises.

Lin Peng nodded and smiled: "As long as there is a good pharmacist, then... Within two months, a group of high-level demons should appear! Besides, although I am an outsider, I really don't believe that the Duke's men will not even have any strength!"

Irene nodded: "We have a more powerful force, but... Can we, trust you?"

Xi Ya was also staring at Lin Peng at this time. This guy, such wisdom, such a means. If... In case... If you really rely on other people's words, then... It's my own defeat!

While listening to Angelina, who had been silent, she also became nervous. In case... Lin Peng said a wrong sentence, maybe it was death. Holding Lin Peng's hand, he was about to sweat.

With a pouted mouth, Lin Peng suddenly stood up. Looking from afar, looking at the clear spring flowing out of the rockery on the other side: "Well... Although my current strength is not very strong, but... Ha ha... I really want to protect a delicate woman! I don't like to see that delicate woman is always bullied! Ha ha... Well, then... I'll go down and rest first!"

Without waiting for Sia and Irene's reaction, Lin Peng stood up directly and quickly withdrew from the garden.

Xia's face turned red, and at the same time, she wanted to kill Lin Peng directly: "You'd better... Don't have any other ideas!" Lin Peng, who was about to walk out of the garden, was depressed when he heard it.

I... Do you have any other ideas? Thinking, shaking your head, thinking about your place to go!

Irene covered her mouth and smiled, and immediately laughed: "Sister... Actually, I think this guy is not bad! At least... The head is definitely the biggest weapon.

Shia's eyes were cold, she snorted, and then walked out of the garden.


Different from the harmony of the palace, Jess was furious in the city official's mansion. I have received news that Fowles, the men of two high-level demons, and... Lundy and the children of other families died tragically at the mouth of Warcraft!

With a loud crack, the table originally made of red-shirt wood burst into a pile of debris. The old man in a black magic robe shook his head slightly and said lightly, "Young master, now is not the time to lose your temper. That Fowles died when he died. He was not a good counselor. However, Randy didn't expect to die. Now... Try to see if you can get in touch with the snake demon!"

Jess nodded helplessly and gently stroked the ring in his hand. After a flash of black light, something like a horn appeared. However, when the horn touched his hand, it broke directly.

And the thin white hand trembled: "Dead... How can it be? The snake demon is at least the peak strength of the demon king. How can it die! Even if Randy dies, he can't die! Unless Shea and Irene join hands!"

The old man in black robe who was originally standing also trembled, and his pale beard trembled slightly: "It seems that Sia and Irene are hiding other killer weapons. Eh... Young master, let's test it according to Fowles' second plan now! Ha ha... It seems that Sia has found a good helper!"

Jess frowned his thick sword eyebrows, and his originally handsome face was even more ferocious at this time: "Hey hey... These two little women have really found a good helper. So... It should be moderate. Humph... If it really invigorate me, I don't want this dark moon city!" With that, he snorted heavily and walked out of the hall!

The old man's gully face slowly unfolded. Suddenly, he said to the air, "Report the recent events to the second young master!" The originally dark space trembled and disappeared.

The old man shook his head again and said helplessly, "Jess, he is really not a good candidate! It's too grumpy, and... What counselors are they all choosing? That Falls is not a counselor at all! Ha ha, fortunately, I have a good relationship with the second young master!"

After saying that, he also followed Jess out.


Night... Unusually quiet.

It seems that what happened to the major families during the day was just a bad mood for a while. But everyone knows that the dark surge of the Dark Moon City is even more surging. A small team of soldiers under about seven or eight sheriffs blocked directly outside a lane.

Inside, their captain Cos looked coldly at the prime man in front of him and sneered: "Why... My boss Joyce hasn't investigated yet. Is that Lin Peng's news? Hey hey... You are the most powerful ranger organization in the Dark Moon City, unexpectedly... I can't even investigate such a small thing!"

The face of the strong man known as Joyce is staggered, and his tall body is up to two and a half meters. There are blood hanging on the muscles in twos and threes. Looking at the captain Kaus in front of him, he kept cursing in his heart, but on his face, he was a little pleading: "Give me a few more days, our ranger can only have some power in this city. Other places can't get into the heel at all. And there is no news about Lin Peng in this dark moon city. Ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Coss' standard sword slapped Joyce on the shoulder again. Although it was slapped with the back of a knife, it was also the power of a high-level demon. At this time, a blood stain appeared on Joyce's shoulder.

Joyce's strength is actually much stronger than that of Cowes. But... Cowes is a member of the Chris family and the squadron leader of the security team. Basically, even if he kills himself, he will be fine.

Rangers only get money by collecting protection fees and some tasks. When it really counts, it's just some incomminable small roles.

The fist was tightly pinched, but he couldn't fight back, which made Joyce bite out blood from his teeth.

"How many more days? Ha ha... Then our business is not going to be delayed again and again. Well, this time, I will punish you 30 dark gold coins first! Humph, if you can't give an answer within three days, you will die!" With that, regardless of Joyce's reaction, he directly grabbed the leather pocket from Joyce's waist. When I opened it, I saw that there were almost 40 or 50 dark gold coins, laughing and preparing to leave.

At this time, a playful voice appeared: "As a ranger, I was robbed by such a person. Ha ha... I have to say, really coward!"

"Who?" Cosnorted coldly, and the standard * in his hand was across his chest. Joyce, on the other hand, smiled bitterly.

At this time, the roofs on both sides of the hall suddenly floated slowly. Wearing a white ghost mask, as soon as he landed, he stared at Cos with a smile!

As long as you are loyal to me, I promise that you will never be bullied like this! Eh... As for such a person, I can kill it directly for you!" The masked man smiled faintly and said such a sentence to Joyce.

"Humph, what are you? I'm from the Chris family..." As soon as the character said, a flame has flown, and at the same time... Cowes's head rose directly into the sky.

Joyce's heart tightened and looked at the strong cloak man although he was not tall. A dark cloak covered most of his face. Below is a pair of leather boots. Sitting facing up, a white mask with a strange pattern. In his hand, the light emitted by the burning flame knife was very warm. There is no tyranny at all!

Looking at the headless Cowes, he slowly fell down. It was this man who killed this intermediate high-level demon in an instant. Even a high-level demon like himself didn't kill this Kos so soon!

I couldn't help shivering.

And the soldiers at the entrance of the hall couldn't help trembling.

"I'm sorry, you saw something you shouldn't have seen!" While the cloak man spoke, the flame knife was raised high, and the soldier cut it directly at the moment before he could turn around and escape.

Countless small flame knives emerged from the flame knives and rushed over at a very fast speed. In an instant, he passed through the bodies of these seven or eight soldiers. Immediately, the cloakman shook his head and said jokingly, "Well... Do you really think that the Chris family asked you to investigate the news about Lin Peng? Ha ha... Such a large family still needs people like you to provide information, so... It's not far from destruction. Just... This guy just blackmailed you in the name of the Chris family!"

Joyce thought about it and nodded helplessly with a smile.

"Rely on me, hehe... At least, I still have something to do with the Dark Moon City Defense Team. At least, you won't be treated like this!" The cloak made an invitation again.

Looking at his burly body full of scars, Joyce tightened his fist and finally nodded hard. Without the protection of good forces, the ranger can only walk in the dark forever!