My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 70 Kill

Cachez, who didn't chase Kerry, could only passively defend. With only three people, he definitely has the upper hand. Unfortunately, Kerry's flame seemed to restrain the magic flame, and actually crushed his magic flame to death. I thought secretly in my heart. Sure enough, the people of the Fire Demon clan, similar to those of the Yan Demon clan, could suppress other people's magic flames. As soon as it reaches the Demon Emperor level, it seems that the effect is more obvious.

After the huge dragon claws patted the warrior of the middle-level demon emperor again, he took a step back at a very fast speed. The magic flame of the whole body seems to be flourishing again.

Suddenly, Caches shouted: "Black Dragon Assault!" Suddenly, a black dragon with a body more than ten meters appeared in an instant and swept directly into the pool.

This time, the cooperation between the four people became more powerful after having these pools. The ten-meter-square pool picked up waves and directly hit the black dragon.

However, unfortunately, the black dragon does not seem to want to come into contact with these water. Unexpectedly, he tossing towards the higher sky, extremely fast.

After turning around, it was only a second.

turned around and flew back to Caches again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Caches jumped directly and jumped on the back of the black dragon.

After a strange smile, he rushed towards the side of the city wall.

At the speed of the black dragon, that is, in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, the soldiers who had just laid the ladder and climbed up were swept down by the black dragon composed of magic flames.


The impact sound from time to time directly made the soldiers below more scared. Originally, the little dragon power carried by this fake black dragon scared them a little.

In this way, he dared not enter, retreat, and dare not retreat.

Later, Kerry just emerged and saw this scene. He almost rushed directly to kill a few soldiers. At the same time, the look at Caches also has a kind of respect.

A powerful and smart opponent. This is much more powerful than directly defeating the four of you. At least, the soldiers in front of him would definitely think that Cace had defeated the four of them, so they rushed to collide.

Caches stood on the back of the black dragon and looked down at the ant-like soldiers below. After sneering, he jumped up and roared again, "Black Dragon Impact!"

The huge black dragon seems to have only incited its wings once and has hit the most secret place of troops.


The loud explosion slowly rose with this mushroom cloud-like thing. Until hundreds of meters high, it slowly dissipated.

The air wave generated by

directly extinguished nearly 5,000 people. Some soldiers and even two bodies could not be found. In the middle of the camp, there was a big pit more than 20 meters deep.

The diameter is in the kilometer range, and it is still blocked by people such as thousands of people who react faster. Fortunately, there are not many casualties.

However, the deterrent brought by this blow alone really frightened all the soldiers. One by one, looking at Steyr City, there was a trace of fear.

Kerry's teeth are about to be bitten off. He stared at Steyr City fiercely and shouted, "Retreat, all the bitch, retreat!"

While talking, he walked towards the camp behind him.


Caches sat in his study a little tiredly in the city of Ross City. It's all false to say that you are not tired. With the continuous use of such a high-intensity magic flame, now Caches doesn't even have the power to send another black dragon impact. Next to him, some young adjutants helped pour coffee with a calm face.

My hand suddenly shook and spilled some coffee on the table.

Caches smiled, and his originally strong and strong Chinese character face was a little gentle: "Why, I'm still scared. Ha ha, you and Arthur are still a little worse! Hart, what do you think of the current situation?

The young man who became Hart looks 18 or 19 years old at most, about the same age as Lin Peng now. However, the body that had already felt thin trembled slightly. Immediately, he smiled bitterly: "Compared with Brother Arthur, I'm really not as good as him. However, if he talks about his head, he can't compare with me!" After pondering for a moment, he turned to say, "From the current situation, we can still hold it for at least ten days. It will be ten days at most, unless you suddenly break through the Demon Emperor level. Otherwise, you will be exhausted!"

Caches smiled and nodded slightly: "Yes, if Fario was here, it would have been much easier to solve it. At least, such a powerful sneak attack like him can definitely kill one of those demon emperors. Ha ha... However, in my opinion, he is not very good now. Since they all came directly to surround my Steyr City, then... It seems that Ross City should be almost done!"

Hart nodded and smiled faintly: "However, if I have a look, Ross City should be better. In the iron-blooded castle, there are 200,000 troops at most. They can't send it all at once. I'm afraid that Mingde did it himself. Ha ha, I don't know if Elder Fario can stop it!"

Caches nodded slightly, as if he agreed with Hart. In a blink of an eye, I looked out of the window, and the night was really dark.

The white moon poured down, and there was a burst of white light on the ground. Outside the city wall, iron-blooded castle soldiers carrying white flags, some mechanically numbly cleaned up the bodies of their companions.

One by one, it seems that they are no longer unconscious.

In the distance, in the iron-blooded fortress camp ten miles away, the lights were bright at this time. Small tents are set up in this wasteland, and the one in the middle looks particularly large.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Time is in a hurry, which makes people unconsciously lose it. And the defense of Steyr City has become more and more unbearable.

What Cachez didn't expect was that the four demon emperor-level masters actually attacked the wall directly. Once, I almost broke a big hole in the wall.

Such a tactic has to be admired by Caches. At the same time, it also made him feel unusually depressed. All the initiative was captured by the other party.

If the wall is directly broken, then the defensive battle will basically be half lost. Therefore, in the past three days, Caches was so tired that he almost fell down directly.

Looking down, the two people reappeared. One is a relatively fast warrior, and behind him is a demon mage.

This water mage is the most annoying to Caches.

As long as he stands a little closer, he can throw magic directly into the city. In this way, let your soldiers be very busy, let alone talk about themselves.

In the three days, there has been no active attack. Even the soldiers in the city are a little tired. At least, others don't attack, but they have to monitor the defense!

"Are you two again?"

Standing on the wall, Cachas, who was a little dirty, shouted coldly. Those eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames. He is not a speed-type demon emperor-level master. If every time he chases and kills, he uses a black dragon to attack, the two people who are not far behind will immediately come to rescue him.

So, it can only be passively defended.

The fist was tightly pinched, and it almost hit the two people below with one punch.

The demon mage smiled slightly and didn't seem to be a big deal: "Yes, it's the two of us again. Why, Lord Caches seems to want to come out and kill us again! Haha..."

While talking, there is still something called arrogant. Suddenly, Caches was so angry that he almost spit out blood directly. However, when he was extremely angry, suddenly a voice came into his ear.

"Just chase them, I'll shoot them. I'd like to see if they rescue quickly or I shoot arrows fast! Hey..."

Fario.... Caches knew very well that this was Fario's voice. I was suddenly overjoyed. As long as there was Fario, it seemed very easy for the two to cooperate and kill a few people.

He smiled and became serious. The bones of the whole body suddenly made a crackling sound, and the whole body, with bursts of magic flames, directly turned into dragon man.

The huge dragon's mouth cracked, revealing its pale sharp teeth. The magic flames suddenly surged up all over the body and tore out the magic flame blades towards the two below.

The warrior in front of him seems to have long been used to using his magic flame directly. One sword and one sword made it difficult to block those magic flame blades.

At the same time, the demon mage behind him has begun to chant spells silently.

Deep and long spells can drive the power between heaven and earth. Waves of water elements appeared, and slowly, the land outside the city wall began to moist, and then water appeared like a high tide.

A stock of impact on this wall.

At this time, Caches is even more anxious to realize it. Unexpectedly, he jumped up and wanted to rush over. The last two also began to move towards this side at a speed.

"Black Dragon Impact!"

With a fierce shout, the black dragon flew out and attacked the demon mage. At this time, the demon mage's spell was also ready.

With a strange smile, the huge water flowed like a wave and hit the black dragon of Caches, which made the black dragon of Cachas block a little.

Immediately, the warrior directly picked up the demon mage and retreated to the back. Long-term such drills can escape and meet them in a second.

However, today's black dragon does not chase directly.

Suddenly, a black light shines in the space. It was suddenly shot and penetrated the bodies of the two people. The blood sword brought out directly soared to more than three meters high. In an instant, the two hit the ground. The demon mage was still thinking about the last note, and he couldn't speak.