My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 20 "Difficult" Promotion

The voice is extremely cold and seems to freeze the people. But Lin Peng still hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled faintly. It's just a demon at the level of a big demon king. In fact, he knew from the beginning that someone had been eavesdropping next door. As for the plan and so on, I just think that the person opposite is definitely a dead person.

The wall, like a piece of tofu, was directly smashed. The big hole exposed just let the smaller demon come over.

However, while drilling over, Lin Peng still didn't do anything. Unexpectedly, he still put his hands in his chest. Such contempt also annoyed this openly assassin.

He snorted coldly and slowly pulled out a slender sword that seemed to be a soft sword from his waist. However, Lin Peng still didn't move at all.

Even if he looks like a childish boy, he still looks at the assassin with disdain. This time, I'm really a little angry.

shouted violently: "Dead!"

The thin sword seemed to rush into some breath, and suddenly, the black light suddenly appeared. Not only when the black light is about to come to Lin Peng.

A sudden pain in the abdomen, very painful. The painful assassin snorted directly and fell to the ground. Immediately, a small sole of his foot stepped on his face.

At the same time, a black fog appeared, and then... there was no more!

Knowing death, the assassin doesn't know what's going on. What's more, those memories were directly explored, and of course he didn't know.

The black fog slowly dissipated, and Guy Ryan straightened his face and suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth as if smiling: "Master, it seems to have offended Kura!"

Those black fog are the undead magic of Guerien. Of course, you can also directly control the soul and extract the memory from the soul. Speaking of which, it is still quite vicious.

However, the undead magician is really a vicious character.

Lin Peng nodded with a smile, looked at the body on the ground, and smiled, "Xiaolong, you killed it directly with this punch!"

The devil lying on the ground is already rotten. Moreover, the whole back has become a bow. It can be said that the hand-to-hand fighting ability of the Black Dragon clan ranks first, even among the dragon clans.

Obviously, a demon emperor-level black dragon, even if it is a human form to deal with a demon king, is not a matter of minutes.

"It's just a little man. Killing him is just a little hot these days!" Xiaolong said with some disdain. Of course, he is very angry. As a noble dragon clan, I didn't expect that there would be no longer being able to restore the dragon. I have to say that it is really difficult for him to accept.

And those black eyes moved him very much. It was this man who saved him with the most precious medicine at his most dangerous time.

Maybe this is a witness!

"Master, it seems that a man named Jess sent them here. Moreover, it seems to be a personal grudge. However, Kula should also agree. Otherwise, a person at the peak of the great demon king will not be sent here!" Guy Lane thought for a moment and then said.

Originally, he was a member of a big family. Of course, some are such conspiracy wisdom. Jess alone may not have such a powerful assassin.

Instead, Kura's consent can send such an assassin.

Of course, even a master at the level of the Great Devil is just a death in his own eyes. What's more, this assassin really has a brain problem.

The assassination was so aboveboard. Obviously, I don't take myself seriously. It's a pity that I don't even know how to die now.

After hearing such news, Lin Peng laughed twice and didn't say anything. Jess is just a jumping clown. Really, you really don't have to bother him.

However, now in the imperial capital, it is better to have fewer such troubles. Immediately, an idea appeared in Lin Peng's head.


The refiner competition has finally begun. With nearly 100,000 people in the stands, there is basically no gap. For the people of the imperial capital, this is quite a grand event.

Of course, if it is true, it is still curious about the refiner. Refiners, I have to say that it is really a curious object in the demon world.

All professions, including the Dark Sages Guild, seem to be curious objects in the demon world. After all, although the fighting power of the demon clan is extremely strong.

However, I'm really not good at such ingenuity. If there are only a few, it will become a monster. And this refiner competition is a real elite competition.

Obviously, if you look at the insightful and lively, you will be haunted if you don't come.

At this time, there are refiners standing on rows of fields. They are all robes of master refiners. Some are young and some are old.

There are a lot of materials on that table. Some are materials that are rare in the demon world. From this, we can also see the financial resources of the Dark Sages Association.

If it were ordinary families, they might be directly dragged down in such a game. Even a very powerful family can't stand such consumption.

On the highest rostrum, looking at at at least hundreds of refiners below, Gringbu smiled and nodded. This year, there are a lot more people than last year.

Moreover, the most concerned people seem to have also been present. However, when he saw Lin Peng's face, Grimb was still scared.

White, pale without a trace of blood. Either it's a serious illness or a serious injury. However, in the demon world, although the environment is a little worse, there are still quite a few people who are sick.

After all, the physical quality of the demon clan is there. Ordinary demons, even if they are intermediate demons, will rarely get sick. Well... it can be concluded that Lin Peng is definitely injured.

During the refiner competition, he was injured. Then, it is definitely what the opponent did. Suddenly, Gringbu had a sense of anger. During such a competition, he even did such a thing to the players. For the Dark Sages Guild, it is definitely a provocation.

snorted heavily and immediately looked at the expressions of those refiners. After waiting for a long time, he slowly stood up and said, "This is the second game. I believe you should all know the rules. I'm here, so I don't know. However, on this rule, I still want to remind you!"

took a deep breath and suppressed the anger: "During the competition, the refiner who passed the knockout competition is the person of my dark sage guild. If... If someone wants to get rid of their opponent with a black hand... hey..."

made a cold laugh, and the invigilators standing behind the branch president were stunned. Immediately, there was also a look of anger. Obviously, the branch president is talking to those who provoke the Dark Sages Guild.

Of course, some people may have begun to provoke.

This is definitely a big challenge for refiners, or for the Dark Sage Guild.

"Then, you just wait for the revenge of the Dark Sages Guild! Don't challenge our patience and don't doubt our strength. Maybe you should all know!"

The players below are all stunned. However, after turning to the faces of those who invested, they were overjoyed. I really didn't expect that a branch of a dark sage alone would have such a powerful force. This is obviously a threat to those families and other forces, or directly explain the position of the Dark Sages Guild.

As long as you dare to offend, you will definitely suppress it directly.

If it was in the past, there would be no guarantee that there would be an assassination.

After looking around, Grimb snorted coldly: "The game officially begins!"

When the bell rang, the refiners began to play with their things. Of course, there are still three people without any movement.

Lin Peng was a little surprised by Gringbu's words. Unexpectedly, even in the imperial capital, such an imperial city dared to say such a thing.

It seems that I have to estimate the strength of the Dark Sages Guild. I heard that it seems that the people in the Dark Sages Guild produce their own materials to hold such a competition every year.

It is undeniable that in terms of financial resources, it is at the level of a big brother.

And Lin Peng was also a little embarrassed when he saw Gringbu's worried eyes. Of course, this is pretended.

Even the assassin is obviously not an opponent for himself. Instead, he smiled at Grimb on the stage. Immediately, he began to sort things out slowly.

Since it is installed, it must be installed a little bit. Every time he picks up something, Lin Peng will have a tired expression.

And this time, he did not directly use the power of flame to melt those materials. Instead, after putting it directly into the furnace, slowly wait.

Two other people who are just about to take action also seem to have found this. Instead, he looked at Grimb on the rostrum and nodded slightly meaningfully.

Half an hour passed, and Irene, who had been on the audience, still held her hand tightly nervously. Early in the morning, when I went to pick up Lin Peng, I heard about yesterday's assassination.

However, she did not explain the reason to her, so now she is still quite concerned about Lin Peng's state. Jess, sitting not far away, looked at the nervous Irene with some jealousy.

From time to time, he began to curse the assassin sent out. He also said that he has never failed to receive the task.

No, didn't you miss it? It makes me feel ashamed that I didn't come back directly.

Jace snorted coldly, glanced at Irene, and turned to smile, "It seems that this guy doesn't play well today!"

deliberately said it out loud, which immediately aroused Irene's anger. He looked at Jess with murderous intent and immediately made him shrink his neck.

This woman's unruity really scares Jess a little. After all, there is a criminal record. I remember that it was relatively small at that time.

There was a second ancestor who was drunk and wanted to flirt with this woman, but it turned out to be very sad... dead! Kill it directly!

This also makes Jess feel a little guilty about Irene. After all, his current position in his father's heart seems to be declining. And that little bastard really played a role in heavy use.

The refiner competition has passed for nearly an hour. All of a sudden, it made Irene breathe a sigh of relief. Fifty places, just right, can be promoted to the next stage of the competition.

I have to say that Lin is still strong on the refinery. After all, after observing those refiners, you can immediately calculate the strength of your work.

After the game, Gringbu was rarely asked Lin Peng to find him after the game.

In this relatively empty room, Grimbu looked at Lin Peng worriedly and didn't say anything. It was not until a long time later that Lin Peng smiled bitterly, "Your Excellency, maybe you have guessed it?"

Greenbu nodded, and the coldness in his eyes had appeared. The whole body emitted a momentum that surprised Lin Peng. Demon emperor level, absolute demon emperor level. Moreover, it turned out to be the peak strength of the demon emperor. It seems that there is absolutely no problem with the Refiners Guild just in terms of strength.

What is it? Kura? Humph, in this imperial capital, you should be from Karon's faction! Think about it, only Kula dares to do it!" Grimbu was so direct that Lin Peng couldn't stand it. However, even Kura doesn't pay attention to it. So, how strong is this dark sage guild?

It seems that he saw the doubts in Lin Peng's eyes and smiled slightly: "The strength of the Dark Sages Guild is not what you can imagine. I can tell you now, at least, there are masters of demon power in our guild! Even in the demon world, unless there is the moon demon world, there is no empire, which is the opponent of my Dark Sages Guild!"

This really shocked Lin Peng, the strength of the demon master. Basically, you can definitely walk horizontally in the Dark Empire. If such a force can be pulled over, Naxia's matter...

Thinking of this, Lin Peng's eyes suddenly lit up. However, the following words made him cool down immediately. Grimb coughed and said with a cry and smile, "However, our dark sage guild can't be staggered with those forces. No, don't worry about those things!"


Lin Peng is a little stunned. Such strength is more than enough to open a country! Why? What about the dark sages who can't get involved in the country?

Greenbu's eyes flashed a little. After taking a deep breath, he turned to ask, "I just want to ask you, aren't you willing to join me to the Dark Sages Guild. If you want... then I can tell you now!"

It seems that something big has really happened. Lin Peng suddenly began to think about it. First of all, if you join the Dark Sages Guild, then, to a certain extent, you will definitely have no safety concerns.

Secondly, the resources of the Dark Guild may also be used directly. Maybe, I will give you a few bodyguards, and maybe those with the strength of the demon emperor. Then, in terms of power. If you have a good position in the Dark Sages Guild. Perhaps Kura should also think about whether it is a threat to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Peng smiled faintly and nodded immediately. And Grambo was relieved and began to laugh: "Okay... Since you are willing to join, at least I can directly lead you to live with my branch president. Let me see who else dares to assassinate you again!"

Saying this, Grimb paused and immediately became serious. Lin Peng also knows why he can't get involved in things in those countries.

"Our dark sage guild has actually experienced at least three or four years from the first dark sage to now. And our first dark sage, that is, the first president, made a bet with the dark emperor of that year.

With that, he looked at Lin Peng's eyes with some faint pride. At this time, Lin Peng also looked frightened. Unexpectedly, the first president had such an awesome thing. Unexpectedly, the Dark Emperor made a bet. You know, the Dark Emperor at that time was said to be the peak strength of the Demon Lord. In one step, he could directly step into the Demon God. Of course, there are also legends that they have entered the demon god.

"At that time, the dark sage was a real top-level demon. However, in a battle with the Dark Emperor, he lost. Moreover, according to legend, there is no room for loss. Even if he has powerful potions and countless artifacts, he is not the opponent of the Dark Emperor. Therefore, he promised the Dark Emperor that he would never get involved in the affairs of the country. Because of this, even if the dark empire split into the current three empires, we didn't care!"

Gringer's eyes suddenly had a sense of sadness. Perhaps it's because the dark sage lost in the end. No matter how powerful the weapon is, no matter how powerful the potion is. Unexpectedly, he is not the opponent of the Dark Emperor.

How strong is this Dark Emperor?

For a while, Lin Peng couldn't imagine it. Demon God? No, he was definitely not a demon god at that time, otherwise, it would be impossible for the dark sage to challenge him.

Then, the dark sword may be powerful to a certain extent.

"Ha ha, that's all for now. Well, are you interested? Go and see my laboratory! Hey hey, that's where I'm most proud!" It seems that Lin Peng is speechless like an old man lying to a child.

Boss, do you really treat me like a child?

After shaking his head slightly, he still followed the funny old man into his so-called laboratory with a wry smile!