My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 31 Escape Day

"It's almost time!" Gringbu asked a refiner next to him with a gentle face. Originally, the branch president was a very popular demon. I don't know what's going on. It seems that the smiling face has been much more recently! The refiner thought about this from time to time, smiled slightly and nodded.

Some other refiners, or master masters, can't help but be happy. This time, it is much more than the masters of previous years. With so many refiners, even a batch of them died in it. As long as you can come out, you can definitely take on the responsibility of a place.

This may also be the beginning of the real rise of the refiners in the Dark Sage Association!

Almost all people are whispering. Sgur patted the seat and sneered, "If Lin Peng really comes out this time, then you can be sure that he killed that stinky boy Cradle!"

Next to it, standing an extremely thin-looking demon. The whole face seems to be like a skull. Unexpectedly, there is a horrible look.

The two eyes that seemed to move directly rummed and said as if to remind him, "It's just that there is the biggest suspicion, not that it can be directly affirmed by this boy. Therefore, master, we can't conclude yet! This Lin Peng may be the beginning of the trend of the imperial capital. It's better not to do it!"

The gloomy voice is really like a ghost that has been dead for many years!

Sgur's faint and scattered eyebrows frowned slightly. Although there was a trace of coldness on his extremely resolute face: "What if I kill this guy?"

"Then, at least the owner will be tripped by Kura, Caron and some people in the dark! Maybe it will unite to destroy you first!"

The magic pattern on his face is a little elegant and faint. As a servant, he speaks without being humble, as if he is not talking to any master.

If such a tone is heard in the ears of ordinary nobles, they will definitely kill this servant first. However, Sgur was stunned for a moment and immediately laughed. Looking at the servant's eyes, he hesitated.

And at this moment, the ten masters on the altar also began to gather strength!

In the blood red blood, with the power of dark light, slowly followed the altar and began to pull the space. This scene was seen by everyone three days ago.

However, at this moment, it still makes everyone very excited. Tearing the space is not something that can be done casually. Of course, this is just a small space.

If it's like tearing up the space to the human world, it's really not something that can be done with such a little power.

There is something connected to that space. Slowly, it began to look like a black hole. Immediately, it began to transform into a real space crack!

At this time, almost everyone saw a destroyed scene. A huge pillar of fire rose to the sky. It directly covered the whole forest, and at the same time, the huge waves were like a sea of flying clouds, scattered one by one. After all the audience saw this scene, they opened their mouths wide and didn't know what was going on for a moment.

It's Gringbu, who seems to know that things are ordinary. In an instant, it rushed into a crack in space. At first sight, except for some surprised refiners, only Sigula and Maiken, without Lin Peng. I was shocked and seemed to feel something wrong.

"Where is Lin Peng?" He grabbed Sigura's collar and roared straight out.

Sigura seemed to have found a savior, and tears were about to fall: "Lord Grimb, Lin Peng, Lin Peng was entangled by the red crystal snake. He made the explosion just now."

"What's wrong now?"

Greenbu's heart sank directly.

Of course, he has been to this space. Moreover, he also knows the existence of the red crystal snake. At the same time, I know the horror of the red crystal snake.

Even if he is a master at the peak of the demon emperor, he absolutely dares not besieged by a group of red crystal snakes. After all, no one knows the strength of the snake king yet!

Looking at the whole forest like a desert, it feels like the end of the world. After a deep sigh, he shouted directly, "Go, let's all go!"

With that, he finally took a look at the desert and rushed towards the space crack.

When Grimb rushed out directly with a large number of people, it made Irene panic. I didn't see Lin Peng, and the demons who came out were all gray-faced.

Irene really wants to stand up and run forward to ask Gringbu. However, the Frank next to her still stopped her impulse. With a quiet face, he said coldly, "Believe in that man, he has the strength to make you believe!"

At the same time, there is also a refiner in panic. He is the head of a department of the refinery branch, and this time, his grandson is in the competition.

This time, it can be said that his grandson's lineup is also extremely strong. Five demon-level masters and five demon-level helpers. Such a lineup, not to mention anything else, can be said to be almost invincible in this game alone. Of course, that Sigula is also an uneasy factor.

However, Sigura appeared. And the more noteworthy Miken also appeared at the same time. On the contrary, the tricky Lin Peng did not appear.

At this moment, the supervisor, who is regarded as a leader, showed a trace of uneasiness in his heart. At the same time, it is even more unbearable for Sigur.

Greb walked to the highest point of the venue and seemed to want to announce something. I took a deep breath and wanted to calm down the uneasiness and anger in my heart.

However, there is always another feeling. It seems that Lin Peng is not dead. Maybe he is still alive. In the distance, the crack slowly began to close.

Maybe it will be closed directly the next second. Every time, although I have mastered the method of opening that space. However, there is no way to maintain it for a long time, which is why that space is used as a competition or training place.

Deep eyes, looking at the cracks, with a trace of expectation. What's more, with a difficult mentality. Maybe it's hope, or maybe it's a deeper worry.

At the same time, Frank's eyes narrowed slightly. In his heart, he kept shouting: Lin Peng, if you don't come out, maybe there will be no chance! You guy, don't beat me, and you won't come out!

Irene has a feeling of crying. From that time's carriage trip, it seems that there is an emotion in his heart that he can't give up.

No, it should be said that from the first time Lin Peng came out of the abyss, he took it with him!

And Serabil on the other side might have laughed loudly if it hadn't been in such a crowded place.

Almost everyone looked at the space crack that slowly began to heal. If you don't close it a little, you will start to feel cold. Until it was really about to heal, suddenly, a figure rushed out.

The speed is extremely fast, and it seems that it directly turns into a flash of red light. A loud explosion, a deep pit appeared in front of the Dark Sages Guild.

It is more than ten meters deep, accompanied by scorching flames.

Irene stood up and rushed directly into the deep pit. Even a calm person like Frank couldn't help rushing over.

And Grimmbu laughed even more happily.

On the other side, Sigura's body trembled slightly, looked at Miken and smiled, and then rushed over.

In the center of the deep pit, Lin Peng is dying at this time and seems to die at any time. Next to it, it was full of people. Make his eyes more blurred.

The last voice he heard was a voice crying with joy. Then, he fainted as if he were relieved!