My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 36 Guardian Relic

What can you get in the Dark Sages Guild? This concept is very general in Greenbu's mouth. However, I really know some absolute power.

For example, you can withdraw certain materials at any time to provide your own refinery. Of course, it is also related to your strength. The stronger you are, the more materials you can get.

After a slight explanation, Gringbu stood up. This room is so big that even if you sit in the center, you can't see it. And Grimbu took the three people to the edge of the room.

The dark sage guild, many secrets will be unlocked for three people today. After casually knocking on the wall, the whole room suddenly shook.

It made the three of them stunned and immediately looked carefully at the wall slowly opening to both sides. In the middle, a stream of light suddenly appeared.

Colorful colors, like a real rainbow. However, there is no such thing as a rainbow in the demon world. After all, it rains very little in this place.

However, since the red moon changed, it seems to be hotter. No, it should be said that it's warmer.

The colorful light is a little dazzling. However, it also carries an extremely mysterious veil. Lin Peng looked at it carefully, and immediately felt a little surprised.

"Can't imagine that this branch of the Dark Sages Guild is actually to protect this thing?" Lin Peng was a little suspicious and immediately said with a relieved smile.

The other two, after hearing this, were stunned and nodded immediately.

It's Gringbu, which seems a little redundant. He smiled bitterly and looked at the huge and gorgeous beam of light with some deep eyes and said, "Actually, since the establishment of the division, the major branches of the dark sage are just to protect these things. Moreover, this is also handed down by the first dark sage!"

"Why?" Lin Peng and the other three were wrinkled and looked at the old man.

Green cloth took two steps forward, and the beam was at least a dozen meters wide. It is shot directly from the ground, and it is extremely powerful. Ordinary people can't get in at all. Even those demon emperors, even demon-level masters, will definitely not support them for long to enter here.

seems to be repulsive.

"Actually, I want to tell you. If you can really crack these ruins, you can become the master of the real dark sage. According to legend, these relics are the reasons why the demons lived in this world. It seems to be a real divine war. Those gods and gods participated in the divine battle!"

The three of them were shocked and couldn't react when they looked at the beam of light. In fact, even if it launches an attack on the human world every thousand years, it seems to be the reason why the demons want to find out why they live here.

Lin Peng frowned and slowly took a step forward. After staring at the beam of light for a long time, his hand slowly stretched out and approached the beam of light.

At this time, the beam of light seemed to be attracted in an instant. Unexpectedly, he slowly leaned towards Lin Peng. Some beams were directly wrapped around Lin Peng's arm.

At this moment, all three of them were a little stunned. Why does something that has not been successful for thousands of years seem to become obedient in the hands of this guy?

After being stunned for a while, he was even more excited. He even took a step forward to see what was going on with Lin Peng.

At this time, the beam of light is also in an instant, as if rejecting something. Suddenly, a beam of light was shot and hit Gringbu's chest directly.


Even a top demon emperor master like Grimb was directly beaten more than ten meters away in an instant. After sliding on the ground for a long time, he immediately stopped.

With one hand covering his chest, he seemed to be out of breath. At this time, the beam also retreated directly. When Lin Peng wanted to chase it directly, he also directly ignored it. I don't even bother to move.

Unable to touch this beam, Lin Peng could only shrug his shoulders and smiled bitterly: "This... branch president, why were you so excited just now? Now, all right!"

Even if he was seriously injured, Gringbu couldn't wait to die directly. While regretting, the way he looked at Lin Peng also changed a little.

This guy can actually deal with the pillar of light here. No, you can really solve this millennium mystery! Maybe, it's really possible!

Thinking of this, he directly snapped his finger, and immediately, a demon emperor-level master appeared directly in this room. Unexpectedly, it was the first demon when opening the space.

This high-level demon emperor-level master is also a super hitman in the Dark Sage Guild. As soon as he appeared, he owed his body to Gringbu.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Peng.

"Andry!" After sitting down, Grimp took a short break and immediately pointed to the demon emperor-level master and said. Lin Peng nodded, but he was a little interested.

At least, Lin Peng still has no idea how this guy appeared in this room. After looking at Sigura and Maiken, they also cried and laughed and walked out of the room.

At this time, Lin Peng was also suddenly happy. It can be seen that Grimb may have to reward himself as a champion. It is said that it is the dark sword!

Legend has it that this dark sword was specially made for him when the Dark Sages Guild first met with the Dark Emperor.

He is really a guy who can make a top artifact. The power of this dark sword can be imagined!

After Andry slowly stepped forward, a dark sword appeared in his hand. The whole sword is about four fingers wide and nearly 1.5 meters long.

At the same time, the whole sword body is black. In a circle, there is even a dizzy luster. At the junction of the hilt, a skull appeared.

The whole looks like a black cross sword. Looking at this dark sword, the corners of Lin Peng's mouth hooked slightly and immediately wanted to take it. Andri is a sideways and doesn't give it to Lin Peng.

This is somewhat depressing Lin Peng. Looking at Grimb's eyes, it was also a little strange.

"Ha ha, this sword doesn't belong to you yet. Of course, it's just for you. The Dark Sage Association said that if anyone can really understand such an artifact, then it will be recognized by the artifact. Therefore, artifacts can also be used. Of course, in the same way, if you still can't understand it within a year, then...he..."

Greenbu smiled a little obscenely and seemed to be doing business that would never lose money.

Lin Peng nodded, but he knew about this regulation. Of course, he won't care about anything else. As long as it's just to help Sia get this sword.

"Andry will also follow you to protect the dark sword! Of course, if you give the Dark Sword to others, then Andry will still protect the owner of the sword! So...hehe..."

Lin Peng is a little speechless. This Grimbu is simply a blackmailer. Speaking of which, it seems to be shrewd in business.

nodded helplessly and smiled, "All right! I see. So, is there anything else? If not, I will leave!"

Greenbu also began to get serious and immediately said, "Of course there is something else. Well, I want to send you out and build another branch of the Dark Sage! And you are the president of that branch!"


All of a sudden, Lin Peng was stunned. As the president of a branch, then, under those branch presidents, is he the biggest?

I was divided by the refiner branch, so... Does it mean that I can master a refiner branch? Suddenly, Lin Peng was stunned.

After all, such a good thing really made Lin Peng collapse.

"This...President, you didn't drink today!" Lin Peng smelled it hard and wanted to smell some alcohol. Unfortunately, I only smelled blood!

"If you don't want to, forget it!" Grimb seemed to be very unhappy. Lin Peng was stunned and laughed: "If you don't want to... If you don't want to, you are a fool! Haha..."