My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 43 Town of the Dead

After returning to the Punishment City and sending Dirk home directly, as soon as he wanted to leave, the uncle appeared and stopped Lin Peng. This uncle is still so sloppy, but it's much better than the other day.

At least, the robe on his body is generally much cleaner than that of ordinary beggars. Moreover, the beard seems to have been slightly trimmed.

Looking at Lin Peng, he nodded slightly and said, "What do you think of Punishment City?"

Lin Peng seemed to guess how he would ask, and smiled faintly: "Ranger, in fact, can also be a mercenary. As long as others can afford it, it can still develop. At least, it won't be like this now!"

"Ha ha... you're right, Lin Peng! In fact, the former punishment city was really not like this!" After saying that, the uncle sighed and seemed to have encountered something that people didn't want to remember.

Lin Peng didn't say anything, as if he was waiting for the uncle's decryption. Unfortunately, it seems that this uncle is not very interested in the past.

After saying this, he directly began to drive Lin Peng away.

Looking back at this dilapidated hotel, Lin Peng shook his head and walked to Fario's mansion speechlessly.

In fact, the population of the whole city will never exceed 400,000. However, the place is extremely large. Basically, they are all rangers.

Hundreds of small people and big predecessors.

There are even tens of thousands of rangers. They are just like those robbers, and they really started a robber business. Therefore, there are also extremely few merchants here.

If this problem can be solved, there can be an omen of development. It's just a pity that even the leader has not taken off his identity as a ranger.

So, when this develops, it is impossible. Sitting at the desk and taking a pen to paint, Lin Peng was a little annoyed.

Even outside the city, there seems to be no suitable place to build a guild. Or, it is a flat terrain, and such a place is vulnerable to attack.

After all, this is a ranger organization. Those big people don't come to trouble you. What about those little people? It's hard to say accurately! Therefore, we must find a place that is easier to defend. At the same time, it is still a place that is not easy to find. At least, you can have a good sense of mystery for others.

Thinking of this, I also thought of Deacon and others who were cheated from the Red Devil Territory at that time. With those 3,000 soldiers, at least there is nothing to be afraid of in defense work.

And...the 3,000 soldiers are definitely the elite among the elites.

The door knocked, and Arthur walked in directly with a smile on his face. When I saw Lin Peng, I hugged him directly: "I heard that you taught Ma Sil a lesson today!"

Both of them have their own supporters. In the past, Fario and others did not break through the demon emperor level, so they were basically the weak side.

Now, both of them have broken through the Demon Emperor level, so they are a little ahead in terms of strength. After all, only one of the other two guardians is a demon emperor-level master.

Moreover, it seems to be a mid-level demon emperor.

Lin Peng smiled faintly and nodded slightly. Yes, I continued to sit down and look at the map on the table. His eyebrows also frowned tightly and did not loosen.

"Huh, isn't this the map next to our Punishment City? What? What are you studying this thing for? Arthur was stunned for a moment and asked strangely.

Lin Peng smiled bitterly and pointed to the map of the Punishment City and said, "Do you think this city can make us establish a branch? You know, this is a real ranger city! Moreover, such poverty, do you think anyone besides you will join the branch? Or, is there anyone else coming to buy some magic items? Obviously...impossible!"

After listening to this, Arthur also nodded speechlessly. If such a branch is really set up in the Penalty City, it's really hard to say!

At present, the left and right deacons have not clearly said who to help the throne. And those protections, although they have clearly stated what they want to support.

Unfortunately, the City of Punishment is too poor. Except for a few relatively large ranger organizations, no civilian can really be found.

It seems that even if there are civilians, they will definitely be scared away!

Arthur sighed, as if his eyes suddenly lit up, pointing to a skull sign on the map and said, "If you have the ability, this place will be a good place!" At least, there are cliffs there, and there is no ranger organization there!"

"What is this place? The rangers don't dare to go there?" Lin Peng was stunned and had seen this skull sign for a long time. It's just that I've never been sure where this is.

When Arthur said this, he was a little moved. Although this place is not very close to the City of Punishment, it seems to occupy the position of a small town.

Moreover, the roads are also connected in all directions. What's more, it has an important road with all kinds of waterways. He really can't figure out that such a place is marked with a skull.

"This was originally a small town. However, I don't know what happened, and a plague suddenly appeared. Then... it is said that there is a necromancer. So...hehe... As you know, Ranger is really a little afraid to get involved in this aspect. After all, if it is really a plague, no one dares to take a step forward! Moreover, this town has never been the territory of the Penalty City. What's more, it's not all territory. Think about it, who will take care of it!"

Lin Peng nodded, and Arthur was right. A three-indifferent zone similar to the Punishment City, if the Punishment City is involved, it may really be attacked by the empire.

Moreover, it is a plague necromancer and so on, and not many people dare to go there. In Lin Peng's head, he suddenly thought of Gallien. It seems that he is also an undead mage!

Hey, whatever, call Deacon's gang. Maybe this town will be mine in the future! Thinking of this, Lin Peng couldn't help laughing.

After saying goodbye to Arthur, he took Angelina and rushed to the town. Of course, Roland has been watching the bustle behind him.

The town is far away, but if it is Lin Peng's speed, it's only an hour and a half. It's really a little far from the City of Punishment.

As soon as I arrived, the black fog at the door stunned me.

The thick black fog covers everyone's eyes. It seems to be covered in that black fog. Moreover, from time to time, there were waves of wind-like ghost crying and howling, which was a little scary.

After all, it's only afternoon time. Is the red moon in the sky really hanging high?

Rolank frowned and whispered, "Or, let's wait until tomorrow!" How about it? Now... it seems that the red moon is about to disappear!"

Lin Peng ignored him at all and took Angelina straight to the dark fog. As she walked, Angelina explained: "Here, it seems to be wrapped in a magic array. And... from the perspective of power, it should belong to a magic array of dark magic. Instead, what kind of undead magic!"

I heard that Roland really wanted to hit him directly. Unexpectedly, a little girl was so bold, and she could see it at a glance. But I'm really a little scared!

However, it's okay to think of the two demon emperor-level masters who are so respectful to the little girls. He directly followed Lin Peng and walked towards the black fog!

The black fog is so thick that you can't see any roads or anything like that.

Lin Peng snapped his finger, and a fireball suddenly appeared next to his shoulder. At this time, the black fog seemed to be afraid of the fireball and dissipated a lot.

"I didn't expect that these black fogs are even afraid of light and fire! Ha ha... It seems that this place is definitely mine!" Lin Peng grinned and seemed to get an unexpected joy.

Angelina frowned deeply, looked around at the desolate land, and suddenly said, "Brother Lin Peng, be careful! Perhaps, the demon who arranged this magic array has not disappeared and died. Maybe this dark mage is staring at us there! Everything you see here is fantasy!"

Lin Peng was shocked after hearing this and immediately became energetic. And Roland directly pulled out the sword of black light and was ready to fight at any time.