My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 66 Provocator

In the moonlight town, the intelligence at this time changes day by day. First of all, the people in the Punishment City seemed to be dead, and there was no movement at all.

It looks particularly dead. In addition, many masters of forces seem to be very interested in Punishment City. Unexpectedly, they all ran to the City of Punishment. Among them, Serabil of the Brad family of the Shadow Empire unexpectedly was also among them. Moreover, the second general in the imperial capital also sent people to the Punishment City.

Judging from the current situation, it seems to be aimed at Moonlight Town. Of course, Lin Peng has also urged the people of the Dark Sages Guild to come these days.

This time, Sia also stayed in the Punishment City because of the tense situation. After all, the top-level demon emperor is the guardian of the dark sword.

Although you can't do it at ordinary times, you may still help when it comes.

At this time, Lin Peng ushered in a relatively rare master in the living room. Uncle Rams, now Lin Peng finally knows the real name of this master uncle.

Both of them gently shook the red wine in the glass. At this time, the uncle seemed to have a unique mature taste. Looking at Lin Peng, a faint smile always seems to be so evil. Even Lin Peng, such an expression is definitely not his opponent now.

"What do you think of the punishment city?" After a moment of silence, Lin Peng asked with a somewhat annoyed tone. It's really hard to say about the current punishment city.

In case he really has an idea about Moonlight Town, Lin Peng's current strength is really a little uncertain.

"Hmm... how should I evaluate it? In fact, there is nothing terrible about the dark empire. After all, he is just a second general and can't be taken seriously. Ha ha, you don't know yet! At that time, he was Kathy's apprentice. However, after the establishment of a new portal, he had a relationship with Kulala!"

Rams seems to be talking about ordinary people. The unique look slowly became serious: "In my opinion, it is better to attack directly. Ha ha, take them directly in a pot, but it's worry-free!"

Lin Peng parted at the corners of his mouth and became speechless. Now, counting the Snake King, it's really hard to say if there is a real fight. Although, the snake king's body seems to be stronger. However, it is composed of real energy-like things. It's really a little less.

What if those forces also send demon-level masters? Perhaps, the Brad family really has demon-level masters.

The current demon world is indeed a master at the level of demon emperor. However, this is only one of the reasons. Those demons can't fight with those demon emperors!

What's more, even if they are demon emperor-level masters, they are all inherited power. Even the peak demon emperor is weak and strong.

For example, those demon emperor-level masters in the first stage, in which the troll is a powerful existence.

In case a master in a special field appears, it's really hard to say!

Shaking his head slightly: "Now, our power is not very strong! After all, except for the existence of the Dark Sages Guild. It seems that there are really no masters here! Of course, except for the Snake King! I'm really a little bit immovable. I don't want to let the demon-level master take action until I have to. In case other demon-level masters are introduced, we will really be dumbfounded!"

Rams seemed to be stunned for a moment. Immediately, he smiled and nodded uncontrollably: "It seems that you are not dizzy yet! Ha ha... I was just joking just now. You can fight now. Maybe the people of the Dark Sages Guild don't know how to help! After all, if you fight like this, it will be your own private matter!"

Lin Peng was speechless for a while. Did this uncle really test himself? However, I really don't like this.

"I have a better way here! Ha ha, in fact, you have also used it. Provocative! Just start to provoke them! For example, build something special directly outside their city to attract attention! Or, really catch them as an important person! Hey... I don't know, how about this? How about taking the Shadow Empire? The current dark empire is really strange. Don't they know that as people of the dark empire, they must not betray their own country? Hey... It seems that the whole world is changing!"

Rams sighed and walked slowly out of the window with his glass in his hand.

And Lin Peng's eyes lit up. Hey hey, this is not the time to be aboveboard. By the way, doesn't Angelina's little girl know how to set up a magic circle? Directly ask Medusa to do a favor, hey... The one who blew up directly turned upside down. I don't know if they will get angry!


The imperial capital, in the dark sage guild at this time, Grimp, who looked like a piece of information, smashed the information directly.

After the table was slapped hard by him, he snorted heavily: "Criminal City, you are really bold! Unexpectedly, I have been closed for such a period of time, and I dare to provoke our Dark Sages Association!"

The senior officials next to

all showed an extremely angry look. One by one, they seem to have an unconjoinable hatred with the Punishment City.

Once again, the door of the conference room rang. Grimb roared angrily, "Get in. What's the matter? Don't you know that we are in a meeting now?

Come in is a man who is only a demon king. As soon as he came in, he was forced into a cold sweat by a strong momentum, and his hands began to tremble and handed him another document directly to Grimbus.

Greenbu snorted coldly and opened it directly. However, the more I look at it, the more blue it seems. After reading it, the document was directly pinched into powder. He patted the table again, and even the table turned into powder and floated away.

Those senior officials are also inexplicable one by one. Now, what else is bigger than being provoked!

Lin Peng said in the letter that the Punishment City began to gather masters. The second general of the Dark Empire, the master of the Brad family of the Shadow Empire... It seems that it is like this pair of Moonlight Town!"

Greenbu said coldly, and there was a chill in his tone. The senior officials below turned even darker after hearing such news.

Suddenly, the sound of crackling appeared. Those tables, if they are outside, are definitely the best. However, at this moment, it was like dust, and all of them turned into powder.

"Too much bullying!"

Suddenly, all the whole conference room shouted out this sentence!

In the imperial capital, the palace, Caron looked at the information in his hand with a smile. On the opposite side, it turned out to be Kura. The handsome face also had an extremely elegant smile at this time.

The two seem to be talking. Caron smiled and immediately pointed to the information and said, "What do you think? It seems that it is really just as we thought at that time. This Lin Peng is really a troublemaker! Wherever you go, something will definitely happen!"

Kura smiled faintly and was really in control of everything. He put down the coffee in his hand and said, "Well...what do you say? If it's true, it's similar to the emperor in those years. Always causing trouble! However, he is also an extremely lucky person. Every time, it seems that the power will soar from it! Ha ha... Speaking of which, this guy doesn't seem to be of average luck!"

Caron nodded and suddenly stood up. This secret room burns this rune everywhere, and the whole secret room is like a real magic array weapon.

walked to the wall, gently stroked the wall, and immediately shook his head with a wry smile: "I still can't understand it! Only by understanding this rune can successive emperors truly become dark angels! However, it's just one step away! Hey... But even if it's my brother's kind of fool, what can he do if he understands it? Now, I don't know whether it's dead or alive?"

Kura was stunned for a moment and immediately laughed. Both of them were about to shed tears with laughter. What's more, he walked directly to the secret room with extremely hypocritical laughter...