My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 114 Holy Light Mountain

In the Holy Light City, a wisp of white light shines down from the Holy Light Mountain. People living in this city always feel that their whole bodies are particularly energetic.

Because they are closest to the God of Light. In the human world, the god of light is a bright and perfect spokesperson. Even if you ask for a son, you will go to the Temple of Light to pray.

It can be seen that the god of light lies in the human world and has great fame and deterrence. On the Basilica of the Holy Light, Saint Elizabeth sat next to Pope Castile.

Those elders, guardians and other masters in the lower seat all looked angry.

"That is to say, you, who didn't even see the figure, the woman of the dark church, was taken away!" The Pope looked relaxed and seemed to be talking about children fighting.

The masters below were stunned for a moment, but they didn't realize the Pope's meaning!

Saint Elizabeth and Hangel are ashamed. Obviously, this is a shameful thing. After all, I didn't even see anyone. The prey in his hand seems to be gone!

nodded, and Elizabeth said, "Actually... Originally, when I was in the Yanlong Mountains, it didn't seem to be so powerful! I don't know why it's so powerful this time!"

Elizabe seemed to be very aggrieved, perhaps, she was still concerned about the matter at the bottom of the lake. After all, I didn't even know what was going on, so I fell into a coma and was sent out!

The Pope nodded his head again, with a handsome face and an elegant smile: "It seems that it has nothing to do with the dark church. Should it be that the village was destroyed?

Elizabeth was stunned and saved the woman from the dark church. Why did it have nothing to do with the dark church? Suddenly, I didn't react yet!

"Ye�, according to the current situation. It should have a lot to do with that child. And with his strength, perhaps, the strength of the demon emperor in the demon world is almost the same! And the snake you mentioned may already be the strength of the devil! Ha ha... This matter is a little troublesome!"

Looking at the Pope's relaxed face, others were a little stunned. Immediately, something else appeared in his hand, looking like an envelope!

"This is the latest news, saying that Lin Peng went directly to Coster City to find someone from the Dark Church to find his mother for Clinks!" The Pope threw the letter out directly, and those masters picked it up and read it! There is no demeanor of a master at all.

Elizabeth's eyebrows really frowned. In the words of the current Pope, isn't there any intention to invite Lin Peng to the Church of Light?

"So, now, we should focus on the dark church! Recently, maybe they will have a demon summoning ceremony in Anger Town!"

Once again, the Pope threw out a blockbuster.

It seems that some of the masters below are the people of the mountains and fields with closed news. Elizabeth took a look at the Pope and nodded directly as if she understood.


Holy Light City seems to be so lively in every period. Of course, his bustle is basically completely different from the bustle of other cities.

Many people actually gathered around the foot of Shengguang Mountain and began to worship. Lin Peng frowned and was a little helpless. Looking at the people kneeling and kowtowed, it feels even more dreamlike!

Really, why?

When he looked up and looked at the Holy Mountain, he was even more angry inexplicably. It seems that these spokesmen of the gods of light are just rubbish!

"Klinx, even if you lose everything, don't lose your confidence. Not to other people humbly kowtow! There is no need!"

Lin Peng whispered to those who were still kowtowed.

Klinx nodded as if he didn't understand, looked at those who kept kowtoing, and fell silent. Now, he doesn't know why Lin Peng took him to the territory of the Church of Light.

I don't know what I'm doing now! However, he has been following Lin Peng, and now, he is the only person he can rely on!

On Shengguang Mountain, some masters have begun to walk down the mountain after the meeting! Although the real residence of the church is Shengguang Mountain, many masters have this small family.

So, when you are basically free, you will still go back to your home.

At this time, the night has slowly begun to fall. A burning cloud seemed to want to burn the sky and emit a red light. However, those who worship still continue their day's "work".

Holy Light City, even when night comes, still shines brightly. On the holy mountain, it seems to always emit that faint light. Make the city look beautiful.

At this time, Lin Peng was standing at the highest point in the City of Holy Light with Klinx. It's not Shengguang Mountain, but a hotel! This hotel is said to be the most famous hotel in the whole continent.

At the same time, it is still chain. Only some real old families know the name of the family! This hotel is more than 30 meters high and is more than 10 floors high.

Originally, with the strength of this family, it may be possible to build a higher one. However, since it is someone else's territory, it seems a little low-key.

Perhaps it is this low profile that allows this family to live longer.

With the consent of space and Lin Peng, the Snake King slowly swam and appeared. Directly, he coiled Lin Peng's shoulder: "Look at this bright element and you will know that it is already in the Holy Light City!"

Clinx on one side didn't make a sound. He had never seen this snake. However, since it can speak, it is definitely an extremely powerful warcraft.

He still dares not ask about some things about the teacher!

Lin Peng looked at the light mountain, smiled and nodded, "Not bad! However, are you sure you really want to see if there is such a master?"

The Snake King glanced at Lin Peng, as if he was very disdainful. The snake's head moved gently and said, "You should also follow!" At that time, if it is dangerous, I can enter the space and escape!"

Lin Peng also nodded. Now, he really went to Shengguang Mountain to make trouble. No, it's a trivial matter! If you are besieged by a group of birds, you can't just escape!

turned his head to look at Klinx and patted him on the head: "I'll take you to my space later. At that time, I will be there alone. By the way, don't touch those one-horned Pegasus! Otherwise... At that time, make them angry, don't blame me!"

Clinx nodded obediently and was sent into that space by Lin Peng in an instant. Now, his strength has become stronger. It seems that the control of space has also been greatly strengthened!

After all, in the past, unless it was a state of soul. Otherwise, it is impossible to send anything in. Now, it's different.

Even such a powerful palace seems to be able to enter directly.

turned his head to look at the snake king on his shoulder and smiled, "Well, let's go!" With a sneer, a flame appeared under his feet.

After a direct jump, it jumped out of a distance of hundreds of meters. Speed, too fast. Now Lin Peng, in terms of speed alone, even some low-level demon emperor-level masters are not his opponents.

So, in less than a few minutes, it has stood under the Holy Mountain. Looking up at the holy mountain as high as hundreds of meters, Lin Peng smiled at the corners of his mouth. Today, maybe I will be famous on the mainland.

After looking around with the snake king's dripping eyes, he commanded, "Enter in that direction, there is no strong guard of the boundary! However, it's okay if you break through. However, I have to do it myself!"

Lin Peng nodded and bounced his legs again. In an instant, it directly enters a place that should be a loophole in the boundary. After entering, Lin Peng's whole body seemed to tremble.

He twisted his neck and said, "Strange, why do I feel a little familiar!"

The Snake King smiled softly and didn't seem to hear it. In a blink of an eye, he looked at the other side: "Over there, the guard force over there is relatively weak! From there, as a breakthrough! Well... Now, I haven't felt that there is a demon-level master yet! However, there are two demon emperor-level masters!"

The words of the Snake King are very soft. Lin Peng was very decisive. As soon as he went up and saw the person, he had two knives. Speed exploded again at this moment.

The two guards fainted directly without even seeing their figures!

In less than five minutes, Lin Peng was standing on a castle-like wall. Around, there were fallen guards. One by one, they are all masters with the strength of big demons.

Now, it is also certain that this Church of Light is really powerful!

"Go to that building, I can feel it. The demon emperor-level master in that building is the most powerful! At least, it has the strength of the middle section!"

The snake king raised his head and pointed in one direction.

It's a little lonely building, which seems to be directly isolated. However, the window of the top round room like a bunker is brightly lit.

I don't know who lives in it! Lin Peng tilted the corners of his mouth and nodded. Once again, he exerted strength under his feet! In an instant, he rushed out!