My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 148 Beast 2

The dark scales, with dark luster, collided directly with the stones with flames. Suddenly, sparks splashed and the gravel ejected. This huge flying fish began to roar in an instant. Although, I can't see the real expression clearly.

It can be determined from this voice that it definitely makes him very angry. A pair of eyes like a lit window, and the cold light emitted by Lin Peng, whose whole body was burning with flames, could not stand it!

The whole channel seemed to shake because of this roar. Lin Peng immediately rushed forward with Lahia's arm at extreme speed.

The giant flying fish behind it is faster. The whole rush out and flaps between the wings, as if it were a real dark shadow. It is simply composed of real dark black.

In the blink of an eye, he has arrived behind himself. The distance is about 100 meters. At a distance of about 100 meters, as long as you make a gentle leap, you may be able to jump up directly.

Lin Peng was shocked and didn't know what to do for a while! At this time, Shia was extremely calm. After looking around, he pointed to the rocks that seemed to be used to support the top cover.

After Lin Peng looked around, he immediately understood Shia's plan!

Looking at the huge thing behind him, he immediately took Shea's weak and boneless hand and passed through a pillar in front of him that looked at least a dozen meters in diameter.

The giant flying fish behind

is obviously not noticed. Moreover, I'm not afraid to hit such a pillar at all. Rumble... a huge explosion.

Stidy, the whole pillar exploded! What's more, with a heavy wave, turning towards the rapids everywhere!

Lin Peng glanced back again, and the corners of his mouth were a little **. This huge thing is simply an Iron Man!

What are the scales on the body made of? Unexpectedly, under such an impact, there was no reaction at all. Even the scales are intact!

The giant flying fish is still chasing behind. Such a short quarter of an hour has broken countless pillars. Some columns are about 20 meters in diameter.

However, when you touch the head of this giant flying fish, it seems to be made of tofu. It makes Lin Peng speechless. This is a real rock.

It's not a mixture of soil. If it is made of a mixture of soil and water, it will be fine if you hit it like this.

And Lin Peng doesn't understand how far they have flown after flying for so long. It's not clear how much hatred this giant flying fish has for itself, and how persistently it will follow!

The water flow in front of us is getting faster and faster. Maybe there will be a waterfall soon. The remaining two fireballs have been rotating with Lin Peng's body.

So, basically, everything around you can still be seen clearly. Because of this, the platform next to it looks like a door, which also made Lin Peng suddenly come to his senses.

Two fireballs around them directly cut out their tails like missiles and hit the giant flying fish behind them. Of course, the giant flying fish at this time really doesn't seem to be afraid of anything.

Unexpectedly, it hit two huge fireballs directly. The scales on the forehead seemed to be afraid of anything. Under such a violent impact, it suddenly exploded.

Lin Peng bit the corners of his mouth and shouted in a low voice: "Blow me again!"


Those fireballs that have burst into sparks suddenly seem to be crazy. Unexpectedly, there was another explosion. What's more, with the flames, it suddenly blocked the eyes of the giant flying fish.

The flame wings turned directly towards this platform in an instant. At the same time, he stretched out his feet and wanted to open the stone door directly. Unfortunately, after a touch, the stone door trembled slightly with those walls. Even a lot of lime fell.

That is, this door has not moved at all. I don't care how you kick, I just don't move. This time, even Lin Peng was a little stunned.

He knows how much power he has when he kicks out. If the general door was, no matter how thick it was, it might have collapsed long ago. Unless it is solid inside.

However, how can such a city-like river be a fake door! In the blink of an eye, Sia also unfolded the black feathers.

After the body rotated, he kicked directly on the door with himself as the center. Unfortunately, the door trembled again and still didn't move.

Behind him, the breath of flames began to slowly separate. At this time, the giant flying fish also really showed its head. The corners of Lin Peng's mouth bit together tightly: "I can't open the door of what a bitch! It won't really be so boring. Make a fake door here, right?

Shia's face also began to turn black! In my heart, of course, it is not much different from Lin Peng's idea! Behind him, the giant flying fish can be said to be really angry.

The roar like a dragon roared again. It can be said that the passage of the whole river really trembled.

The huge head, with the seemingly small wings, rushed directly towards the two people after a shaking. At the moment when he was about to hit, the corners of Lin Peng's mouth opened slightly.

As if laughing, the head of the giant flying fish also passed through their bodies in an instant. When Shea opened her eyes, the gentle sunlight still shocked her a little.

She doesn't know what's going on outside and doesn't want to know it now. However, the world fascinated her a little.

The gentle sunshine, a huge palace in front of you. This palace seems to be made of crystal. Everywhere, there is a shining light.

Below, there is a slight float on the green grass. Like a green ocean, there are several white unicorns with wings, quietly nibbling on this grassland.

Among them, the particularly huge unicorn seems to have been seen there!

"How about it? Do you still like it? Wow ha ha... This world is my own world! Maybe you will be the queen of this world in the future!" Lin Peng smiled and showed that he could control the world.

"What the hell is this place?" Shiya asked a little dullly, and the way he looked at Lin Peng seemed to have become different! It's too mysterious. Anyone who suddenly appears in such a place will feel quite boring.

Lin Peng took Shiya's hand and walked slowly towards the palace. Even Shia felt a little dizzy.

At least, my so-called palace is definitely not as huge as this palace. Moreover, looking everywhere, it seems to be made of pure crystal.

Even sometimes you can see a lot of small fish swimming under the Crystal Road. It's too beautiful and dazzling!

"What the hell is this place? Tell me Lin Peng... who the hell are you?" Shiya couldn't accept it. She grabbed Lin Peng and turned around and said seriously.

Those watery eyes stared at themselves like this. Really, it seems to be very difficult for Lin Peng to lie all of a sudden.

At this time, the Snake King happened to appear. The body has returned to that length of about a foot. When I saw Shiya, he smiled and said, "Is this Lin Peng's unique summoning space?"

"A unique summoning space?" Sia was stunned and looked around at the murals of the palace and the unique crystal materials, as if she couldn't react!

Lin Peng glanced at the Snake King and nodded immediately! To be honest, Lin Peng doesn't think it's appropriate to say it so early. After all, those masters who suddenly appeared are basically the masters left over from the last war between gods and demons. Pinching yourself to death is as simple as pinching an ant.

In particular, even if the Snake King appears, it is impossible to stop it.

In particular, the power of the last battle of the Snake King was too much. Now, it is also a real period of cultivation. Therefore, basically, you can only rely on yourself!

"Yes, this is my unique summoning space! The Snake King was born here! Hey... Of course, he can also call back and summon me to this space. If you are really in danger, you can do this! Of course, it also requires real strength! Otherwise...hehe..."

Lin Peng said half-truthly and half-falsely, which made Shia seem to understand a lot of things at once. I have always felt that Lin Peng's fighting pet is too powerful!

Even Medusa seems to say that the Snake King has a strong combat effectiveness.

Yes, I really don't know where the snake king came from for a long time. Again, when did you start to follow Lin Peng?

Now, it's all of a sudden!

"However, what's wrong with this summoning space?" Sia frowned and asked inexperably. Looking around, she really likes this place!

"To be precise, this space can be said to be another independent world! It's equivalent to the demon world, the human world, and the heavenly world! The existence of such a world, of course, this space is still relatively small. Therefore, it should not have really been completed yet! And I'm just lucky!"

Lin Peng frowned and showed that he didn't seem to be very clear. Sia pouted and nodded slightly. Sometimes, there are a lot of things that she really knows if she doesn't have the strength!