My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 158 City of Glory 2

Five splits, plus the previous split. The total is six, and now, Lin Peng can have the largest number in an instant! Of course, it is also his current limit.

When the five splits come out, even the sheep-headed monster is very angry and directly wants to use magic to solve this guy! Even Vance began to twitch at the corners of his mouth!

Fire demon? Is this demon really just the strength of the holy level? No fraud? Or has this guy's space magic reached the top?

Five splits are transmitted in an instant. Even those golden warriors don't seem to be able to do it! He frowned. At this time, Vance wanted to test the strength of Lin Peng's split!

Just as soon as the sword was about to be pulled out, the shepherd guard rushed out directly. The speed is also extremely fast. And the sheep-headed monster's gray eyes also lit up at this time! In an instant, the whole sky seemed to become sticky. One of the splits directly turned into a stone.

In an instant, it exploded! Those gravel did not cause any damage when they hit other parts. On the contrary, the bullhead roared even more and broke through one of the flames in an instant.

Both splits exploded in an instant, and the flames and stones began to ejected one after another. It also covers up the real eyes of the two-headed monster.

Vance really took action for the first time! On the bright armor of that set of light, white light shined. Among them, a Lin Peng flame split that just appeared.

No matter at all, the whole flame split was shrouded in a bright mask for a moment. No matter how Lin Peng controls it, he can't feel it!

"This is the holy world of light power! Your split has been isolated by him! Ha ha... What a pity!" The snake king squinted and said with a voice of hatred!

Lin Peng nodded his head and immediately summoned two flame splits, intending to wait for the opportunity to move. The three flame splits just appeared, but they didn't even say a word, so they just hung up!

When the flame split was isolated, Vance also became a little strange! Even if the control is isolated, this flame split can still attack autonomously.

The end of constantly attacking this bright holy world is directly self-exploding. Moreover, the explosion was even more powerful than the previous one.

The bright holy world was directly withdrawn, but Elizabeth was still alert everywhere. Below, the flying fish in the water slowly twisted their bodies and wanted to swim directly in the direction of the stone gate.

Just before swimming for a long time, a light curtain suddenly appeared before the bottom of the water. In a stunned moment, when I wanted to hit it all at once, suddenly directly, the whole light curtain suddenly turned into a circle.

Unexpectedly, he covered himself in an instant. Towards the sky, it rose slowly. When he really reached mid-air, he found that he seemed to be directly imprisoned.

The dead fish eyes looked left and right, especially the two-headed strange eyes, which was extremely strange. It seems that I'm talking about finding help if I can't beat it?

The two-headed monster was already arrogant. Seeing such a look, he suddenly became roaring. I want to rush in and kill this guy directly.

However, it was suddenly found that Vance, the leader of the Silver Warrior, seemed to be extremely powerful. It's impossible to rush in. So, he looked up and looked at Vance.

Vance's eyebrows frowned even tighter. Now he is trembling at all. What kind of monsters are here?

The split just now is obviously only composed of elements, but it can act independently. Now, this fish can even communicate with people outside the boundary! This boundary is imprisoned! Basically, it is really isolated from the world!

The handsome face began to twist. Fiercely towards this ball-like holy world of light, as soon as the finger touched the ball of light, countless light spots seemed to shoot directly into the body of the flying fish. In such a photosphere, it is impossible to dodge.

Moreover, the flying fish at this time seems to have become so fragile. Suddenly, the roar and blood flew up one after another.

On the one hand, he looked at the two-headed monster with more joking eyes.

The whole fish is basically a small hole. The dark red blood slowly flowed down. In the whole holy world of light, it seems to have become so bright red.

However, even the dying struggle is still so sarcastic.

In the space, Lin Peng clucked his fist, and he didn't know what he was angry about! Around him, the coiled little snake smiled, and the snake's head stretched out slightly: "Why, you still want to save him!"

The two flames around him disappeared in an instant. Lin Peng nodded his head slightly, smiled, and suddenly burst out five flames again: "Yes, I just want to save him! What's wrong?"

The little snake and Shia both looked at him strangely. Unless you can enter this space. Otherwise, Lin Peng may be killed as soon as he goes out!

Lin Peng shook his head slightly and still looked at the mirror-like space projection! Hey hey, I laughed! As soon as the seven flame splits appeared in this space, they immediately felt an extremely powerful bright force.

The two flame splits stood directly on top of the holy world of light. And the other five splits began to really hide!

"It actually appeared again! What a split!" Vance gritted his teeth and roared, and the bright holy world expanded in an instant. Suddenly, two flame splits were sealed.

However, this time the flame split has not been isolated. What's more, it seems to have been recorded. Suddenly, he stopped on the head of the flying fish: "As a friend, I can save you immediately!"

The flying fish looked at the flame split listlessly, and his head had been tilted. It seems to be wondering, or really thinking about this question, right?

At this time, another split also began to speak: "I... can keep you alive!" Well...that's it!" It's very simple, and after saying that, it will be extinguished directly!

However, in such a simple way, it made the flying fish roar directly. Towards this boundary, keep patting! The two-headed monster was stunned and looked at Vance beside him suspiciously: "He said, is he willing to be your friend? What do you mean?

Vance and Curtis looked at each other and didn't know what the shepherd guard was talking about. What's more, I don't understand what this flying fish is calling.

Elizabe was stunned. After a little meditation, she roared, "by the way, Lin Peng's split just went in!" Could it be that you said something to this fish? Could it be... a conspiracy!"

Basically, at least it has something to do with Lin Peng. It seems that Elizabeth can have a direct relationship now.

When Vance heard this, he seemed to nod in a reasonable way. Turning his head and looking at this bright holy world, the other five flame splits also appeared.

Hehe laughed and shouted, "Speaking of which, we are also old friends! Just for my face, why don't you let the little fish go? How about it?"

"In your face!" Elizabeth gritted her teeth and shouted, and Curtis next to her was obviously extremely excited. At least, the angel with him was killed by these people!

The two-headed monster, and its eyes are already red at this time! The flame split that appears again can basically be defined as a provocation to yourself!

"Stop, you dead bullhead! This time, I won't be hit by you! Hahaha... This time, I exploded myself!" As soon as a split person finished speaking, he immediately burst into anger!


The five flames exploded, but there was some noise. Moreover, there is an impact of flames everywhere. However, the real huge explosion does not seem to be so powerful!

Even Lin Peng in the space is a little stunned! Pointing to the space projection: "Well, is my split so powerful?"

Outside, the whole water began to vibrate. Even flying fish are a little surprised! I really can't figure out when that human being has such strength!

Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful move. Why, you didn't use this trick when you chased him just now!

The whole water did begin to vibrate. In particular, in the distant sky, there is a feeling that it is about to crack! It seems that it will be destroyed all of a sudden!

Just as everyone began to be stunned, suddenly directly, the whole space was affected by something. First of all, the boundary of the holy world of light broke directly!

As soon as the flying fish got free, it immediately began to roar. It seems that he still wants to rush straight to and tear up Vance. However, just as he wanted to rush out, he suddenly disappeared.

"This is a space burst! Perhaps, the neighbor of this small space was directly blown up! And it affects this space!" The Snake King narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Outside, Lin Peng's split appeared again in this vibrating space. Hehe smiled and roared, "I'll give you the biggest impact!"


Flame, with the cracks in the sky, really, made the whole space shake! Suddenly, the whole sandstorm, with flames and water, began to burst everywhere...