My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 172 Mysterious Coffin

The whole hall is extremely dark. Some light is just the small flame of the small fire, and looking left and right, those torches are extinguished. A tall body, as if piled up and stored there, is almost the height of this hall!

"Are they all the bodies of angels?" Kathy swallowed his saliva and asked tremblingly. The east side of the whole hall is full of corpses.

Moreover, it is very likely that there will be a god's body. In such a situation, even Phoenix couldn't help trembling directly. After all, how powerful the battle is. Those who die are basically warriors above silver. Such soldiers, in now, are regarded as great masters!

"Go and see, you will know!" After tasting the sweetness, Lin Peng really wants to absorb a lot of soul-based power. So, he ran straight to the pile.

Behind him, the flame of the small fire also arrived quickly. When the speed lit up this pair, even Lin Peng was shocked!

Every body looks like a broken foot. Moreover, it seems that there is a huge expression of fear on the face! Such a thing made Lin Peng step back a few steps in a row!

After the light of the small fire lit up, it was also seen clearly by several people behind them. In particular, after a subconscious scream, she stepped back more than a dozen steps before stopping!

"It's the corpses of those gods, and the corpses of some angels! Why... are they all their bodies? Is it really the same as ancient legends? The god of glory, he restrained a large amount of power alone. So that he finally tried his best to die?" Della shook her head unbelievable!

This is really the case from the beginning. I have never seen my own body. Moreover, even the bodies on those walls are angels!

In this way, the biggest loss is tomorrow's world. Now, I have seen so many divine warriors again. Maybe it's really like what was said in ancient times!

Phoenix shook his head and smiled, "No... it's not a shining god! In the battle of the god of glory, no real god has come out! Moreover, there are countless masters who besiege the glorious god who has just been born!"

"What do you mean?" La Ruo asked quickly. Looking at the bodies, he couldn't move his eyes at all.

After a splash... a drop of water or the sound of footsteps shocked everyone. Lin Peng rushed out at an extremely fast speed and roared, "What kind of person?"

Immediately, the wings on the back also flew directly into the dark passage at this moment. Behind him, the figure of Xiaohuo always keeps up like that. Shia's reaction was also very fast. After Black Feather appeared directly, she followed Lin Peng!

The masters behind them, as soon as they saw the situation, looked at each other and followed directly.

A short quarter of an hour gave Lin Peng a different feeling in his heart. In the whole channel, whether there is a torch or not.

Every 100 meters away, it always lights up suddenly in an instant. Moreover, he has also seen the action of the small fire. There is no action at all.

And, the shadow in front of him, at least stops a little or loses it. Unexpectedly, he will stop and wait for himself. This... is not to lure the enemy deep, is it?

Lin Peng felt this way for the first time. It seems that he has fallen into someone's trap. Maybe even the dark demon god or the leader of the angel of light!

However, the curiosity in his heart prompted him to continue to persevere. Anyway, a torch will light up in a hundred meters, and the masters behind will definitely come to support.

At the same time, a few miles behind him, Shia's breath also made him feel at ease. Another quarter of an hour later, Lin Peng didn't know how many turns he had turned!

In front of him, there is a coffin that looks like a coffin. With an extremely mysterious atmosphere. It seems that there is a real god hidden in the whole coffin.

stopped quietly, and behind him, Shia's breath was getting closer and closer. He turned around and took a look at the fire, and immediately took the lead in walking towards this relatively large stone room!

However, at this time, Lin Peng's heart will tremble like a real step! There is a feeling of familiarity with the breath in the coffin!

When entering this stone room, the whole stone room suddenly lit up. An unprecedented light, coupled with the original pieces, which looked like crystals, stunned Lin Peng!

"What's wrong?" Sia has arrived. Looking at Lin Peng, who was still stunned, she asked softly. In a blink of an eye, I looked at this stone room and was stunned!

The whole stone room is generally lit. And at a glance, the huge statue in the middle should be the god of glory! But next to him, there was a little girl standing at this time!

Not bad, a little girl who is 13 or 14 years old at most! Moreover, he looked innocently at the shining god who raised his spear and roared up to the sky!

Moreover, the little girl seems to be standing like this next to the god of war in the cemetery!

"What the hell is going on? This girl, why do I feel a familiar feeling now! And... I always feel that she is still alive!"

Lin Peng pinched his head and beat hard. It seems that I forgot some kind of clip! Both hands hugged their heads, looking very painful!

When Shia hurried to hug Lin Peng, there was a huge explosion behind him! Bursts of fire also appeared in the passage.

accompanied by a sharp voice: "Hey... You firebird, you are very fast!" Unexpectedly, it's much faster than our speed!"

When the bird of heaven, Shea looked at Lin Peng again. Lin Peng walked slowly towards the coffin like a walking corpse!

The coffin is very huge, and it is generally erected high. When Lin Peng stood directly on the coffin, Shia also flew up curiously.

It's just that when I saw the people in the crystal coffin, I seemed to be shocked. That's it, stay there in a daze! There is something that I can't react to all of a sudden!

"Is it her?" Suddenly, I remembered the statue. Turn your head and look at the statue next to the statue of the god of glory. When he looked back again, Shia was dumbfounded.

Not bad, it's the person in this statue. And... that naive look, even now, is clear. What's more, there is no change at all!

Still, such a small body, or... such long eyelashes!

"What the hell is going on? I...I...I just can't remember!" Lin Peng held his head and looked very painful. At this moment, the flames all over the body burst directly and burned directly.

At the same time, the split fire of the shining god behind him also burned all of a sudden! However, at this time, the whole coffin seemed to catch fire all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, the whole body emitted the light of flame! A flash, even more like some kind of Vhuo shen came. The whole coffin floated directly by a huge force with the power of flames.

"Lin...Lin Peng?" Shia wanted to pat Lin Peng's body, and suddenly a huge force broke out. Before Shia could react, he was directly bounced up.

With a bang, it hit the wall and slowly slipped down. There is a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth. It looks extremely awkward!

Outside, there was a sound again! Phoenix's whole body, which was originally like a feather of flame, is even more like a real fire at this time.

Those golden eyes stared coldly at the bird of paradise. At this time, the light of the bird of heaven is like the real light. A pair of blue eyes also looked at the phoenix coldly!

The two sides have been facing each other for a long time!

"Hey... I have to say that you tomorrow and the gods are really buckets! So many masters have just worn out the reincarnation of the glorious god! Speaking of which, the god of glory at that time was not a really powerful master! Unexpectedly, so many of you were destroyed at once! Rice bucket!"

La Ruo's mouth is very cheap, really cheap. When you say such a sentence, even the temper of the bird of heaven and the guardian of the three gods are the corners of the mouth**.

It seems that there is something common. Some of them were speechless, and they were so angry that they almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

"If you want to fight, hit it. There's so much nonsense!" The guardian of the god with green light couldn't help but float out gently with a weapon that looked like green leaves!

is really the size of a piece of green. With a faint green light, he gently touched his hands at the green leaves and shouted angrily, "Guardian of life!"

Suddenly, the green light burst out directly, and the whole huge channel suddenly seemed to be crazy. Suddenly, countless greens burst out.

Directly, it forms a vine with green light. In an instant, he hit La Ruo! The lion snorted coldly, and the golden light all over his body suddenly turned into a meteor at this moment.

Everywhere, I want to cut off the strength of this rattan! Of course, at this time, La Ruo also directly turned into a dragon body and retreated to the other side of the channel!

These golden warriors can't be dealt with. However, the Vance standing at the end, plus Della's words, they can restrain him to death...