My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 188 Fire Raven

In the current sense, the bird of paradise thinks that it has indeed won, and the light angel has really cut off this mandarin duck warcraft.

But the reality is really cruel sometimes, which makes people a little helpless, and some want to be abused again.

When the light sword was about to cut off the mandarin duck in an instant, a more powerful scorching sun suddenly shines down. Unexpectedly, even the river was directly evaporated to achieve his mission.

In an instant, after directly evaporating these rivers, the light angel suddenly disappeared. The bird of heaven couldn't help it, and there were a lot of blood stains on its beak from time to time.

The whole street suddenly began to calm down. The mandarin duck is still dying, and it really looks a little cheap. However, everyone at this time began to be shocked.

The phoenix can burn out the light angel in an instant, but I didn't expect that the mandarin duck bird was stronger than the phoenix. Unexpectedly, it just made the light angel disappear in an instant!

The swan holy beast immediately came to the bird of heaven, and it was really a little busy. However, at this time, he no longer dares to laugh at the appearance of mandarin ducks.

"That's right, it can stop this blow. No, it's used where it really should be used! So... you can go there, but the golden horns at the next level can't be passed casually!"

The mandarin duck looks old, as if it is narrating something. What's more, with an arrogant posture. Immediately, after a burst of water surged directly, the whole body disappeared into the street.

"Old, boss, are you all right?" The swan holy beast took a bite and asked nervously after a pause. With a helpless look, the Bird of Paradise turned his head and took another look at Elizabeth and asked, "Why is the next level?"

Almost everyone looked at Elizabeth. Since she met the stone pier, she has really been brought here by her!

Of course, if it hadn't been for Elizabeth, they might not have been able to enter this place! Even a strong holy beast like the bird of heaven has been injured twice!

"This is the real Moon Palace, as for what? In fact, if you want to get to the real Moon Temple from here, you need to go through at least twelve streets. Every street is a pass! And this is the twelve palaces. Of course, the masters behind are even more powerful!" Elizabeth frowned, and a faint sadness appeared directly on her face.

It can be seen from Elizabeth's tone that this is definitely a troublesome thing, and maybe he may die here!

It's just the first level, and it's so powerful. What if you meet those really strong masters! Maybe it's really possible to die!

However, when I think that this is the real Moon Palace, if I can get something, maybe I can really exceed the scope of warriors.

And become a real god!

Thinking of this, the bird of paradise snorted again and said as if cheering, "I really don't believe it. They can go there. Why can't we go there!"

Immediately, take the road first!



In the eleventh palace, no one has really appeared in the previous palaces. What's more, even the magic array of Warcraft mechanism and so on did not appear!

However, at this eleventh palace, Lin Peng was still a little guilty. The whole street is too wide, and those rooms seem to block the sunlight directly.

It seems that people can't feel the direction. Now the Snake King is very vigilant. After looking around, he looked in one direction!

"If you have extra strength, explode your splits in that direction! At least, it can force him to appear!" The snake king's faint tone, with an intriguing tone.

Lin Peng thought that it was impossible to lie to himself. After laughing, I really did it like this. The three splits behind him are extremely fast.

It directly turned into three bright lights and shot at the huge hall-like house pointed to. There was a bang... Still no building was damaged, and nothing happened.

It's just that a small number of flames appeared in mid-air and like countless air waves churning up. Just these three splits can't see any power on such a street!

Lin Peng tilted his head, looked at the Snake King, and smiled, "It seems that there is no really powerful role like the previous palace!"

In my heart, I have affirmed the snake king's conjecture, which is definitely a powerful character. It's just that such a loud sentence wants to stimulate him out with the method of excitement!

Since there is such a powerful monster, at least it must appear! What might be the powerful magic array? That's not the problem of injury!

Maybe it will be caught up by the people behind! Especially that Alice, this guy, is a complete troublemaker.

The snake king's body suddenly turned into a length of more than three meters, and immediately, a stream of water began to flow slowly around him. Still in that direction, he smiled and said, "There is no need to hide, and there is no need for it!" Otherwise, I will let you out!"

A strange voice really appeared slowly with the words of the Snake King. The fire crow... is indeed just a fire crow that seems to have only one foot, but the whole body is burning with flames.

A burning feeling emanates from his body. A pair of golden eyes sent out a cold air and looked at Lin Peng!

"Although, you make me very familiar. However, you have to live in this palace. Unless, I can't beat you." The sound of the fire crow has a sharp feeling.

Every sound is like the father-in-law in the ancient court. However, countless fire ravens flying with a pair of flame wings suddenly appeared, which stunned Lin Peng for a moment.

Judging from these fire crows that can still shout, it is definitely the existence of a split. Moreover, every kind of split is still extremely powerful.

However, it's a pity that this fire crow is at most a top-level golden warrior. It is also unlikely to have divine cultivation at all.

So it was really a little contempt. After a sneer, eight splits suddenly appeared behind him. Attempted to win the fire crow directly and left.

The snake king quietly coiled his body and said nothing more. And the little fire on the other side doesn't seem to be able to do superfluous things without Lin Peng's instructions.

But when these splits just appeared, it seemed that the beams could not be maintained. Unexpectedly, he directly turned into a fireman. Burning one by one, Lin Peng frowned and really didn't know what was going on.

He hummed coldly and pointed directly to the fire crow. Suddenly, the eight splits behind him turned into a firelight. Directly, go towards the body of the fire crow.

But when the split had just passed through those fire crows, it seemed that there was no power at once, and it was directly dispersed in the identity of the fire crow.

Then, the flame was swallowed up by the fire crow. However, such a fire crow less than a meter can directly differentiate its own flame. And it can also be swallowed directly.

Lin Peng was a little stunned, and after his face was a little **, he immediately snorted even more heavily. The kind of soul flame that comes from becoming a warrior is also really opened at this time.

However, at this time, the fire crow also really opened his mouth and said, "Sure enough, it's really that familiar smell. Um... But no matter how familiar you are, you have to defeat me! And... this guy doesn't seem to be my opponent, you'd better come!"

The fire crow looked at the Snake King in a blink of an eye, with a blank face. However, it is impossible to have any expression because the whole body is full of traces of flames.

Moreover, such a master seems to have no interest in Lin Peng's soul flame. The corners of Lin Peng's mouth ** a few times, and he was very unconvinced.

If my soul flame appears, I'd like to see what you can do to deal with it! Therefore, Lin Peng was really crazy at this time.

The snake king took a step forward, and after a faint smile appeared, he said, "You are not his opponent. Do you know why this fire crow is called a fire crow? That's because he ate the flame of the Sun God King at that time. In the end, and he is not dead yet. Therefore, the Sun God King taught him how to control his flames. As a result, it became the later fire crow! If his inheritance had been earlier, he would have been a god now!"

Lin Peng was stunned and shook his head helplessly. Immediately, we can only give up this kind of battle. Even the flame of the Sun God King dares to eat it directly.

Then you still fart. It's impossible to win at all!