My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 191 Pass

Now Lin Peng is suffering from the same situation in the stone room. It seems that something has been forgotten in my head. However, I always can't remember. What's more, with an extremely strange thing, that is, those flames will automatically emerge. It's like protecting yourself loyally.

The sky here is indeed blueer than that of that world, and the soil here is so fresh. Everything here has a taste he is familiar with.

The fish here is fresher than that world. The people here are more familiar than that world. Yes, I have really integrated into the world now!

I... is me, and there is no other inheritance. Originally, it was just me! At this time, Lin Peng was still holding his head. However, the mood in my heart suddenly seemed to be open-minded.

After experiencing that kind of pain, I can't remember it, but I can't remember it. There is nothing to feel guilty about. What's more, there is no way to say failure at will!

With one hand still pressing on his head, Lin Peng slowly stood up. Looking at this beautiful and indifferent woman, she smiled softly.

Although the pain at this time made his face a little convulsive. However, the voice is really loud with a strange spirit: "I'm me, don't do those useless work! What inheritance, what bullshit power, for me, I am who I am! It's not me you know, and it's not me you want to see.

The powerful voice echoed in front of this hut, making both the woman and the snake king directly stagnated. All of a sudden, I can't react!

However, the Snake King laughed at the next moment. I clicked my head hard, and suddenly turned from the original snake to a real human appearance!

The man who turned into a man is very handsome, and even more, with a cold and arrogant look. Half a head taller than Lin Peng, but he wanted to pat him on the shoulder like a big brother: "Yes, why fight for those that have passed! Now...just be yourself!" After saying that, he looked at the woman and nodded slightly.

The beautiful woman suddenly reacted at this moment. First of all, he looked at Lin Peng with some shock. Immediately, the phoenix's eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

Unexpectedly, laugh!

Like, this is a very interesting thing. It's also a very interesting sentence! He nodded his head slightly and immediately walked towards the thatched hut!

has turned into a young man. The snake king with a handsome face and a light blue leather robe patted Lin Peng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Kid, let's go! Don't look at it. If you look at it again, you may really be pulled away and put your mouth shut!"

Lin Peng touched the corners of his mouth, gently stroked his painless head, clicked his head, and walked forward with the Snake Dynasty!

Now, you should be able to enter the Moon Palace! The snake king said that this woman is a powerful moon rabbit! That kind of warcraft has divine strength. However, if you really count it, it is actually the best way to pass! It's even better than the fire crow!

However, like the level of Taurus Horn, of course, except!

Under the faint moonlight, the sunlight has been lost. On the ground, there was something shiny flashing. Recalling that the people who once stepped on them...


In front of their eyes, this golden horned animal made the birds of heaven a little helpless. It is indeed real helplessness, strong defense, and that kind of extremely powerful prohibition.

Even the birds of paradise dare not rush directly. And this golden horned beast is really resistant. No one knows his weakness, the light hitting him, and he doesn't even move at all!

Even the bird of paradise feels that this guy is made of something. Unexpectedly, it can be so hard! However, after thinking of Lin Peng and others, he became anxious again!

Now, they have already passed here. Perhaps the two groups of people have passed. However, I seem to have stopped here! Thinking of this, the bird of heaven suddenly became a little angry!

turned his head and looked at the three guardians behind him. From the beginning of coming in, it seemed that these guys had never really done it.

And the words of the shepherd guard and the two angels of Vance are too weak. At all, there is no such strength to deal with such a master!

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly: "The three of you should also need to work hard now! Otherwise... we will never live!"

The guardian of the three gods was also directly stunned. After a little meditation, the boss Death Guardian nodded his head at the two brothers: "Your shepherd guardian should also participate in the battle! From the beginning, it seems that he hasn't done anything at all!"

Speaking of which, the shepherd guard is really not ordinary and annoying. However, there is no way to say it. From the beginning to now, the guardians of every level are extremely powerful!

He can't get into the outer half of the city outside like this, so he can only stay outside the city like this. It can be seen that the strength is also extremely weak.

Now, let him participate in the battle, obviously looking for abuse! Thinking of this, the bird of paradise snorted coldly and didn't let the two-headed monster take action!

It's just that the bright people stand coldly and have no intention of helping at all. The eyes of the guardians of the three gods narrowed.

Death Guardian took a first step, glanced at the two brothers behind him, and said like mockingly, "We are not like you, who are just pursuing those nihilless forces!" Speaking of which, we can really defeat this guy and witness our strength!"

With that, his hands suddenly folded. Behind him, the naturally guarded green leaves have been taken out. Suddenly, countless green lights wrapped around the whole body of the golden horned beast.

Before the Taurus horn could react, it suddenly wrapped his waist with strength. At the same time, after the green light burst out, countless vines and green leaves directly covered his body.

At the same time, the spell guarded by death seems to have been read. He shouted coldly: "Death's sickle!" Suddenly, a huge sickle of Dark Death appeared directly above the Taurus Horn!

Of course, the Taurus has also reacted at this time. Just as I wanted to break free, the huge blade was launched with an endless hurricane at this moment.

All of a sudden, Taurus's eyes were hit by such a wind, and he really couldn't open his eyes. At the same time, the whole body may be a little weak by the rattan because of the wind.

At this moment, the huge sickle was chopped directly in the air. He broke through the space and appeared directly above him. When the sickle went down, I didn't know it was because of the wind.

Or, because it's indeed a little crooked! Unexpectedly, he suddenly touched his horn, and the eyes of the Taurus Horns suddenly opened. Those eyes, which were originally golden, became red in an instant!

"Oh!" After an arrogant roar, he suddenly broke away from these rope-like vines. The sickle of death touched the two horns of the golden horns.

There was a sound of metal, and then it broke directly. Pieces of white with dark light fell in mid-air!

The Taurus horn took a deep breath, as if it had been hit hard. One of the horns was also a little gaping at this time. After humming coldly, he said, "You... can go over!"

The guardian of death and the guardian of nature are gasping at this time. Just now, the golden horns used too much power at the moment they broke free!

And in the end, they are just working together to do tactics. No, it is a power that can really compete with it. No injury, it's already quite strong!

Paradisebirds were a little sluggish when they heard such news. It's so easy, just pass it! Is there any mistake? Is it true that I am too weak now?

In a blink of an eye, Vance was also blank. Looking at the strength of the Taurus Horn, it definitely has the power to continue to fight!

Maybe when he is really angry, even his own people will not be his opponent! But now it's passed like this, what's the situation!

While the people of the Light series were still stunned, the guardians of the three gods had already walked towards the street! Behind her, Elizabeth had already reacted. After a pause with some hesitation, she whispered, "This...Your Excellency, we can't pass!"

"It must have passed. What are you still doing here?" The bird of paradise snorted with some disgust, and immediately walked directly towards the Taurus Horn.

Looking at the people who walked far away and even took some scolding people, the Taurus horns smiled a little simple: "Duck, do you think there will be a fight after they finally meet!"

Around him, the mandarin duck that appeared for no reason snorted coldly. Directly, it stopped on the shoulder of the Taurus Horn. Just past one meter of body, I trembled slightly: "Do you know how scared I was when I saw the first human? Behind him, the guy who followed him like a puppet actually had the smell of a king!"

The golden horn nodded its huge head slightly and still smiled so simplely: "I didn't pay attention, but the little snake is really powerful. Just by looking at it like this, I actually knew my weakness. As I said, this level is mainly observation! As long as I can find my weakness in time, then I can even go there directly!"

The mandarin duck shook its head calmly and said faintly, "Stupid cow, that snake is definitely not weak. There may even be an ancient inheritance! However... If you really count it, it still depends on whether Big Brother Fire Raven and Sister Moon Rabbit let them go. It's really hard to say!"

One cow and one duck look at it like this, as if they are looking at some afterglow...