My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 33 Strength is comparable

The Blue Devil was a little surprised, although he did not expect that a leader who was just a bronze warrior would have such a strong evil spirit from the beginning.

This bronze warrior's camp alone is not something that ordinary people can resist at all. Just talking about the realm of God just now seems to have been directly suppressed by that evil spirit.

There is no roundabout place, and there is no resistance at all. As if the space he controlled was suppressed by the leader.

Hehe smiled, and the Blue Devil did not retreat when he encountered such a situation. Instead, he seemed to be more excited, as if he had encountered something that interested him.

Lin Peng gently touched the hand of the nine-tailed fox and asked, "How about we retreat first?" The leader of this bronze warrior alone is not what we can resist!"

However, it was a pity that the nine-tailed fox shook its head. The eyelashes were like willow leaves on the lake, gently shaking with the waves and smiling: "If this guy hasn't hit this leader, I'd like to try it?"

Suddenly, Lin Peng was speechless. Originally, I always thought I was the biggest madman. However, it can only be clearly found now.

It turns out that there are so many crazy people in this world! It's really hard to figure out how such a blue devil character has lived until now.

If I am his enemy, I will definitely design him to die again. There is a strong momentum to move forward bravely, but it is also this momentum, which will hurt him.

"Are you sure to win this guy?" Lin Peng looked at the nine-tailed fox and said seriously.

"No!" After seriously thinking about it, the nine-tailed fox still said it honestly. Hehe smiled again and said, "How to say, I really want to see this kind of evil spirit!" It seems that it's really powerful!"

On the other side, Kura frowned and asked, "How's it going?" Can the leader of this bronze camp beat the blue devil? The blood angel beside him also frowned deeply at this time.

He glanced at Kura faintly and turned to Caron. For these, Karon's strength is the strongest. Moreover, there is a powerful artifact given by the queen.

Therefore, the strength of this kind of warrior should also be the most clear. What's more, because of its predecessor, it may have been in contact with these soldiers.

Caron hesitated a little and said, "Not necessarily, the Blue Devil was not really ready just now. However, I didn't adapt to this evil way of playing. Therefore, some were slightly injured. However, this guy of the Death Legion is really good at it. If it's a power competition alone, the Blue Devils have already lost!"

Carron's words are right, and of course the Blue Devils also know their weaknesses. The bone horse under his body swayed around the leader, and every step was extremely careful!

The long and blue ice sword shines faintly. Suddenly, in an instant. The whole world seemed to be frozen all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, even the airflow of the original communication seemed to stagnate.

In the eyes of the blue devil, a faint blue light appeared. After suddenly opening, the sword went to sea like a dragon. In an instant, he stabbed the leader with a bone horse.

As far as Caron is concerned, this move can be blocked by himself. However, it will definitely hurt. The sword and the power of the field brought by the blue devil themselves are extremely powerful.

What's more, the air around him is frozen and hindered.

Therefore, the opponent's defense will be particularly slow. Even, if the strength is very different. It may be killed directly in one move!

However, the leader still looks calm. The sword seems to be between his eyes. At any time, you can stab this guy's head with a sword.

is equivalent to declaring victory immediately.

But the Blue Devil knows. Since he made such a rotation, there must be a trick to control the enemy. It's just that it hasn't been used yet?

Don't say that other people are staring at this side with big eyes. Even the Blue Devil was a little anxious. With such strength, then there is no need to continue the battle like this.

What's more, there is no need to challenge yourself here.

In an instant, the leader opened his eyes, like the evil spirit brought out of the scarlet eyes. The whole frozen airflow followed this red evil spirit.

The windless automatically encouraged, and the square mouth opened slightly: "Kill!"

The word brought out a strong murderous intention, and it seemed that even the air vibrated because of this. The sound of such a word alone made the blue devil's heart tremble.


After a muffled sound, the dagger still moved. Just in the middle of the leader's eyes, there are still four centimeters away. The dagger suddenly shook up and hit the sword all of a sudden.

Then, the shield held in his left hand was shot very quickly. After taking a step forward, the moment of sudden shooting, even the bone horse didn't have time to react.

was directly shot out.

After a roar and another explosion. The bone horse fell directly to the ground with the blue demon and smashed out a hole that was neither deep nor very shallow.

At most, the height of half a person. However, starting from the bottom of the bone horse, the cracked cobwebs scattered one after another. If you don't look carefully, it's really like a creature caught in cobwebs.

He shouted repeatedly, and the dull voice turned over with a bone horse. At this time, the blue devil also shook his head and turned over. Look into the leader's eyes with serious joy.

Powerful! Yes, it's just powerful! The unusually powerfulness made the Blue Devil feel very happy. I haven't felt this way for a long time. It seems that after coming out of the forbidden place of death, I really don't feel this way.

When the bone horse picked up the blue devil, he lifted his hair with one hand, and the blue devil laughed. The rampant laughter made Lin Peng depressed for a while.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the nine-tailed fox. However, the nine-tailed fox seems to be very excited at this time. It's like encountering something interesting.

"Can you explain to me what's going on? I looked at it for a long time, but I didn't find out what happened? Lin Peng said depressedly.

Not bad, starting with the sword just now. The two moved too fast, and the fast Lin Peng did not react. What's more, I didn't catch that kind of detail.

After the two powerful masters, the Blue Devil and the leader, just made a move, they saw the depth of the other party. Moreover, he was particularly serious when fighting.

"You are a good opponent, I admit, maybe you are a little short! But...haha...this is more interesting and challenging! Wow ha ha..."

The Blue Devil is like going crazy all of a sudden. After he lifted his hair and combed it back, he laughed crazily. What's more, even the bone horse made a cheerful low roar.

It is difficult to find a similar master than to meet someone you like. In particular, this master is still more powerful than himself.

Instead, like the nine-tailed fox, slightly weaker.

Such a master plays a good role in giving the Blue Devil the opportunity to break through the realm. If you win, you can definitely break through the existing realm at once.

However, it doesn't matter if you lose, at least you have found a certain rule. Or make yourself more experienced. On the contrary, there is nothing terrible about it.

It's like the feeling of joy after encountering a difficult problem and being solved by yourself.

The leader also narrowed his eyes slightly, and a red battle fire appeared in the original green death. With a dagger, he slapped the shield twice.

Unexpectedly, he roared excitedly: "I'm a powerful warrior, a powerful warrior! Hahaha...I warrior, accept your challenge!"

After saying that, his legs suddenly fell to the ground. With a click, the whole ground seemed to crack. Follow a straight line and go to the foot of the blue devil's bone horse...