My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 13 My Leg

The Blue Devil also has his pride. Before I met Lin Peng, I always thought that I might be the man who was most likely to become the god king after the sun god king.

However, after seeing the battle of the gods, suddenly, the blue devil seemed to understand something. Regardless, it has gone through thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

They will never forget their fighting experience. What's more, it is impossible to forget, perhaps, the powerful power that has been deeply rooted in their souls!

Suddenly, it seemed that I felt better all of a sudden. The God of War said that as long as you can firmly believe in your heart. Then, it is never possible to go into the wrong way.

It is even possible to lead to that enviable and powerful road! Wang! Make a world that you dominate. The real God King!

At this time, Shaka can be said to be about to arrive at the place of outbreak. How can it be? There is such power. Unexpectedly, he can control others and let his attack fail.

Just thinking about this, suddenly, the chain in my hand suddenly fell on my arm! Ah... roar...

This time, Shaka is really depressed. The big fire threw up the chain randomly and didn't care about his injury. At all, I just don't attack according to my intention!

"Damn it, how can I control it? Originally, it was a little too far-fetched to affect his actions. I didn't expect to give me such a move!"

Harris's mouth was ** for a while, avoiding the slap of the chain. A jump fell beside the Blue Devil. Looking at it, the bone horse seemed to be dying.

Hehe smiled and gently put his hand on the bone horse. Suddenly, a dark color appeared. What's more, with the powerful power of the Holy Spirit!

The Blue Devil was stunned, but he didn't know what this guy was going to do? However, when Harris's hand touched the bone horse.

It seems that he was suddenly stunned. Slightly, he tilted his head and looked at the Blue Devil.

Immediately, he smiled slightly, and suddenly, the whole body of the bone horse seemed to have suddenly turned into the power of the Holy Spirit. In the blue devil's surprised eyes, he directly attached to his broken leg.

"What are you doing?" The blue devil roared angrily, although the bone horse has also been an old friendship for decades. Moreover, it was also a gift from the God of War after entering the forbidden land.

However, since riding it, the battle has been in his head. At this time, after a pair of legs came back, the blue devil didn't think about it at all.

Just stand up, the long sword is about to bayonet Harris!

"Haha... Sure enough, this little guy is right. It's because you... That's why he has it! So, he is a part of you, so these legs should have been returned to you!"

The Blue Devil was stunned, although he was still standing there. However, the mood is not here. In an instant, he returned and was just defeated by the God of War.

Then, the God of War slowly approached himself. Suddenly, his fingers gently stroked between his legs. Suddenly, all two feet disappeared.

Then, in the distance, a group of bone horses with blue ghost fire slowly came towards themselves. Quietly, it seems that the whole world is left, like the blue bone horses.

The bone horse lowered his head and arched his head, talking very kindly. The blue devil suddenly opened his mouth and smiled, "This is my tool of action in the future!"

But in my heart, I'm saying. From now on, this is my foot! No matter where you go. Fight to that place. It has always been my foot!

Harris, who was still quiet like a meditative blue demon, turned around and led the giant Titan's chain directly to the other direction. Now, on the contrary, Lin Peng is more difficult!

Everyone is well aware of Osgid's strength. What's more, knowing that his evil spirit and even the power of the field can be affected. However, speaking of which, it really made Osgicord angry.

Lin Peng doesn't seem to use his field very much. What's more, sometimes even the real power of flames can't be used. Speed and strength are Lin Peng's biggest support now.

And fortunately, Lin Peng only used these two talents. His speed and strength are absolutely amazing. You know, when he did not become a god-level master at that time, even the god-level master was not his opponent!

So, no matter how strong Osgid's strength is. In terms of speed and strength, it still can't beat Lin Peng. Moreover, although the evil spirit is very strong!

However, it can't affect Lin Peng at all. Not the time of God, not the time of real warriors. However, people who are not afraid of the real god pressure.

Is it possible to be afraid of this kind of evil spirit? At least, for an ordinary master, the divine pressure is more powerful!

So, every time there is a tough confrontation, Osjikod is also the most popular time. Hellfire dares not use it. Similarly, it can't suppress him in speed and strength.

And his field doesn't seem to have been used at all. At the same time, that kind of evil spirit can't affect him at all. It can only cause a pair of dust and air waves.

Let these waves, when they turn up, can temporarily attack Lin Peng quickly. Of course, he can understand Lin Peng's situation now!

Although, in terms of speed, it can not be suppressed. However, Lin Peng knows. If the spear hadn't suddenly seemed to be full of power.

I'm going to lose a game in terms of strength. Moreover, several times, it doesn't mean that you can really use the shield and directly know where the fast attack is coming from.

But, this Sun Shield seems to know automatically. However, it came down so many times. My combat experience is becoming more and more familiar.

It seems that there is some special power in the soul, which can directly remind him of all the passages of all tactics. What's more, it can be clearly known that every action. It seems that there is always some mysterious force that can suppress this tyrannical evil spirit!

The evil spirit cannot affect his actions, even his mind. So, he won't be afraid of anything. Therefore, he can fight at such a stage until now!

Caron in the distance has been shocked to the extent that it is impossible to understand. What kind of power can drive him into what he is now, and he can fight with a middle god until now!

What kind of power can make his speed reach such a level as now. What kind of power is it? Is it really the inheritance of the Sun God King?

Until this time, it seemed that Caron understood. It's not about the power of inheritance. Perhaps, that kind of heart can never be experienced by anyone!

Even so, what can this guy do? What can I do if I fight with the God of War for a day and delay it for a day? After all, this guy is not the God of War.

He is the master of the God of War. He is the father of the God of War. He is the real king! Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly.

Obviously, it is impossible to defeat this guy at once. The long sword in his hand trembled slightly. It seems that the whole sword began to tremble!

In this case, let me join the real battle! After adjusting his breathing for a long time, now Caron seems to have returned to his best state at once.

Suddenly, the shadow flashed away. Immediately, after Lin Peng, Caron's figure suddenly appeared. The dark sword has been stabbed out at this time.

The speed is too fast. And Lin Peng can't react like this all of a sudden. Even more unlikely, leaving aside the Osgicorps who has been attacked.

Directly, deal with this guy. At this moment, the situation became so tense. However, a long dark blue sword.

At this time, it has been blocked in front of the dark sword. It seems that even the darkness can freeze directly. After throwing it away, it suddenly turns around and turns to the front of Lin Peng and Osjikod who have just stood together...