My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 21 Battle by the Lake

In Harris's sneer, Caron still did not flinch. It's just that he leaned slightly behind Shaka. Since the two of them are still here, there should be a chance to win.

No, there is no room at all. Perhaps, the greatest hope now is that Caron, who killed Lin Peng, really wants to take a risk.

Behind him, the lake began to turn slightly. It seems that there are some words, and there are moonlight. Under such sunlight, it looks extremely strange.

is even more, with a shining appearance. Gradually, the lake began to turn out of the water towards both sides. At the same time, a creature that looked like a snake and seemed to have horns slowly flowed in the lake.

"Sea King, I'd like to see if you can suppress me!" While talking, a tall figure broke directly through the lake with a whirlwind.

Lin Peng and others were stunned for a moment, but suddenly it was true and did not react.

Suddenly, the dragon in the lake directly broke through the water and roared out. A sound like a dragon chant made Lin Peng's ears tremble a little painful.

And when the whirlwind broke through the water, the figure also showed its whole picture. Unexpectedly, he is a thin but tall man.

A blue robe. It looks like a real master. At the same time, the whirlwinds around him are like real knives.

"Little snake?" Lin Peng was stunned and reacted. Suddenly, I recognized who this dragon-like warcraft was. Of course, it is the snake king who has long lost its mark.

Moreover, it seems that the strength has improved to a quite powerful level at this moment. At least, he also has the strength of the upper god. Lin Peng was depressed for another time.

Why, the old friend who just appeared seems to be much stronger than me. After a slight twitch at the corners of his mouth, he shouted, "Little snake, what's going on?"

The Snake Dynasty glanced at Lin Peng and seemed to say impatiently, "Don't you see it? This is the wind god, and now he has woken up. If you want to stop the return of the Temple of the Sun, of course, it's to kill this guy!"

The man known as Fengshen twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth. On the contrary, it looks a little embarrassing. Yes, this snake king is now only the strength of the upper god at most.

However, he firmly suppressed himself. And I am the real top god. However, out of this lake, I would like to see how to suppress me.

Lin Peng nodded his head slightly. He believed in the real strength of the Snake King. In those years, you should know that the snake king, who was not even a warrior, directly killed two beings of his level.

Moreover, the combat experience and application seem to be much more powerful than myself. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Osgid again.

The spear in his hand stabbed out in an instant. Prickly, extremely tricky. It's like sealing this space directly at once.

Osgid frowned slightly, and immediately, after turning around, his figure suddenly disappeared. In a blink of an eye, the short blade in his hand suddenly appeared.

Lin Peng's spear stopped, and after blocking the blow, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Now he is not Wu Xia A Meng. However, the real battle-level god.

Moreover, even the god of creation should be praised. It seems that he knows what Osgikode wants to do after breaking through his space blockade.

The small round shield has flashed golden light, and in an instant, it blocked the ejection of another short blade in front of his chest. Immediately, his hand stretched out gently.

Suddenly, another short blade was directly caught by Lin Peng. After saying such a long time, it is actually just a moment. What's more, even my eyes have just blinked.

The wind god in mid-air narrowed his eyes. At that moment, he could guess it. This guy is absolutely strong.

Although, it has not yet reached the real realm of the upper god. However, at least one can be sure. Those weapons are definitely sacred weapons of the sun.

He frowned slightly and reacted at this moment: "The reincarnation of the Sun God King, so this is the reincarnation of Pluto?"

The snake king smiled faintly and looked very disdainful. With this guy, he really hasn't been beaten! Instead, it made the Snake King a little frustrated.

What happened to this boy back then? Unexpectedly, it would let this guy escape? Or, it's really what they said. Because it took a lot of effort to reincarn that woman.

So, did he eventually run out of power and die?

He frowned slightly, and before Fengshen reacted, countless columns of water suddenly burst out of the lake. It seems that this has become his field.

In a blink of an eye, he glanced at the Blue Devil and suddenly said, "Kid, look at how the Ice Art Online is used!"

The blue devil was stunned, but he didn't understand. Why did he look at it? Of course, he didn't know that the Snake King was a real water master.

And the ice is just one of the systems of water. As the ancestor of water, he certainly knows how to use such a field.

It only seems that the whole body of Fengshen is frozen in a certain space. What's more, even the speed is slower than one beat.

Originally, I wanted to escape from this field. However, it has also become such a difficult thing. And immediately, the sea king is about to use a unique trick to kill him in seconds.

Even on his forehead is a cold sweat. It's like rowing towards the neck like rain. Dong... a crisp sound appeared.

The realm of Nepwang was broken at this moment. Unexpectedly, he let Fengshen move his body a little. And the Sea King, the long thorn in his mouth, was also directly intercepted by a weapon at this time.

Osjikod is standing in front of the wind god. He smiled and said, "Although I don't know you. However, since the purpose seems to be the same, you can still help!"

However, just after the voice fell, Lin Peng laughed directly: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I let him run to you. It's in your way!"

With that, the short blade in his hand seemed to have no weight at all. And Osjikod's whole body seemed to be feathery, but after a gentle shake.

Suddenly, it hit directly on the ground. It raised a layer of dust. What's more, even the turf exploded directly and was destroyed.

However, Lin Peng's hand will not let go of this short blade. After a cold smile again, I just wanted to throw it out again.

Shaka roared, and the chain in his hand also waved towards Lin Peng. Lin Peng still did not move. On the way, he was directly blocked by a dark weapon.

Harris smiled and said, "Your opponent is me. Why... do you still want to besiege?" Just after the voice fell, it was also a moment later.

The long sword is like a tricky poisonous dragon, drilling out directly. What's more, he directly grabbed Shaka's right eye and left. Shaka pulled the chain and turned his head slightly to the left.

Suddenly, the hell flames all over the body seemed to be attached to the chain. Suddenly, Harris avoided the chain and walked directly to Shaka's shoulder.

After two steps in a row, he turned around and jumped into the air. At this time, the short blade in Lin Peng's hand also waved.

It seems that he wants to pull Osgid out and continue to beat him. However, after pulling the short blade, I suddenly found that it was half gone.

This chain directly loses its other half in the middle. When the ejection came up, followed by Osgid himself. The evil spirit of the whole body seems to have reached its limit.

Even the lake light seems to be beginning to turn crimson. Drink!" After a shout, in a blink of an eye, another short blade was mounted on Lin Peng's spear.

"Hey, you guy, your fighting consciousness is really strong!" After Lin Peng praised, the moment the spear was held, the Sun Shield also hit.

If this time is hit, perhaps Osgid's life will really be more than half gone. After all, this is the sun's holy weapon.

Moreover, the person who controls these sacred weapons is the reincarnation of the Sun God King. It can be imagined that this strength has been 100% exerted.

He held the short blade of the spear, and after turning over, his body avoided the other side. At the same time, the evil spirit turned into a sharp knife.

Directly stabbed into Lin Peng's throat. That's true. It made Lin Peng depressed. Is it true that I'm easy to bully? In an instant, the whole body directly emitted thousands of golden lights. These golden lights seem to be like golden swords. In an instant, it directly made these evil. It disappeared without a trace, and even chased Osgid.

Osjikod's whole body burst out again. At the same time, the short blade has also become a little generous at this moment.

After suddenly lifting it to the sky, he cut it out with a knife. Unexpectedly, these lights were also cut off. Let Osjikod's confidence also get better.

The snake king raised the corners of his mouth. These little guys are really particularly excited! Don't you know the meaning of the return of the Sun Temple?