My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 25 Attack Round Shield

"At that time, you sat in this chariot and sealed me in the deepest part of the underworld. Pluto's palace, in that throne. Minghou muttered with his back to the huge chariot.

Behind him, Lin Peng was stunned and really didn't know who she was talking to. However, depending on the situation, you should be talking to yourself. It seems that this woman should not talk to herself so well, right?

"You seem to have forgotten, right? Ha ha... At that time, you said that you should let your brother deal with his woman." Minghou slowly turned around and looked at him with a smile on his face.

In his eyes, there is a very special look. What's more, it seems to be very reluctant!

"Unfortunate, Harris seems to have handed you over to me now! Ha ha... In this way, it's up to you!" Lin Peng said with a smile.

I don't feel that the current situation seems to be quite unfavorable to me. What's more, there is no advantage at all. The queen is much more powerful than herself. Speaking of chariots and so on, it seems that this chariot is like a statue, and there is no feeling that can control him at all.

And the real number of people, after looking at the left and right, it seems that it is only one? Suddenly, he laughed at himself: "Actually, as long as you kill me, you can destroy this chariot soon!"

The words are plain, and it seems that it should have been like this. Minghou was stunned at first, and then the white shell-like teeth were exposed and directly bit her lips.

It seems like biting on bright red blood: "You really want me to kill you!" Or, now...let's just do an understanding?"

The spear in Lin Peng's hand was slightly clenched, and his right hand directly summoned the Sun Shield to appear. There was a faint golden light on the two sacred artifacts.

Suddenly, the whole body was ejected like a cannonball. In an instant, the spear stabbed the jade hand of the queen. However, it seems to stab a piece of steel with raw iron at once.

However, even steel has definitely been pierced. What's more, what about the hands made of meat? Of course, at this time, there is a faint dark mist in the hands of the underworld.

His eyes suddenly became cold and said, "Darkness has the power of darkness, and creation has the power of creation. In the past, when it just appeared. Maybe the darkness can't defeat the creation of the world. But now it's not a dark opponent! Of course, it seems that the power of light is also much stronger!"

What does it mean to say this? Aren't you also powerful?" Lin Peng blinked his eyes and said funnyly.

After a faint smile, he looked into the distance. It seems that I have seen through this space. After a little, he squeezed his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, do you know the real strength of Genesis and Darkness? Even if you are an ancestor, you are not his opponent, are you?"

"Of course I'm no match for him, and I may not be able to beat you! Hey hey... What does it have to do with that? I'm lucky, well, very good! Maybe it's just a coincidence that I defeated you?"

Lin Peng smiled strangely and said, as soon as the voice fell, he pinched the spear's hand and threw it directly. Suddenly, Lin Peng was thrown out.

All of a sudden, it was installed on the wheels of the chariot. Even a wheel is particularly huge. Unexpectedly, it is more than five meters high.

Such a chariot can only be pulled by such a horse. Otherwise, ordinary horses should not be pulled. Even Warcraft is very difficult to look like.

After a muffled sound, Lin Peng rubbed his chest, which seemed to be very painful. However, he stood up slowly. He twisted his neck and body and said again, "You seem to be letting me? In this case, you may lose!"

The queen smiled casually, but didn't say anything. What gives him, it's impossible. Just now, the moment I threw it out, I definitely tried my best.

However, Lin Peng's body may have reached an extremely hard level. At all, it is impossible to fall off just like this. What's more, it's impossible to throw it casually and get hurt!

Even under such an explosion. Although he is protected by the Sun Shield, his physical strength is of course included. Otherwise, that kind of impact alone may shock his body with internal injury!

After standing up, I saw Ming Hou's hands dancing again. On the ground, there were dark red apertures thrown one by one.

I was stunned for a moment, but I immediately understood. This is definitely the kind of thing that can burst out the beam of light. Although, it seems to be nothing to be bounced by such a thing.

However, it will definitely lose the opportunity to react in a painful moment. Then, basically, it is controlled by this woman!

The movement under his feet suddenly became faster. Like, as a phase movement. All of a sudden, he ran to the left, and then to the right.

Because of the loss of the power of the field. Still fighting against the Blue Devils and Harris. Now it seems that the queen can only make such a magic attack!

Of course, if it is a hand-to-hand fight, it is definitely not Lin Peng's opponent. She knew that the evil spirit in those years was the exclusive skill of the sun god king's hand-to-hand combat!

Of course, maybe he won't do it at this time?

I'm sure it's still unclear. Therefore, you can only use such magic to chase Lin Peng! Outside the palace below, there is a cold woman.

Including the Snake King, Pluto Harris and the Blue Devil, they all looked at this altar with some worry. Because you can only see the beams of light that keep flashing out.

I didn't see Lin Peng's figure. What's more, I didn't see the figure of the queen!

And such a beam of light was hit by Lin Peng just now. What's more, he was directly pinched by the queen. It can be seen that this kind of strength is still a little uneasy.

However, Lin Peng at this time is the time to be really arrogant. Even the queen couldn't catch up with him all of a sudden. Speed, at this moment, has reached the extreme.

I can't touch his figure at all. What's more, he doesn't even know where he is shaking. Only when it is slightly exposed, the beam of light can be emitted.

And at this time, the fog all over his body began to gather slowly. Two pairs of wings grew on her back. With such wings, it seems to maintain the power of this pillar of light.

And Lin Peng has been around the periphery of the chariot and began to circle. His head twisted slightly and suddenly stopped moving his phase.

On the left hand, the sun shield suddenly turned into a light like a small sun at this moment. With such brightness, I can't open my eyes at all.

What's more, you want to block such light directly with your hands. You can better adapt yourself to such light. At this time, Lin Peng suddenly rushed out.

The spear in his hand is extremely bright at this moment. With a powerful burning flame, it stabbed the head of the queen in an instant.

At this moment, the beams of light that exploded into the sky, as if they could be reversed, turned back. What's more, he directly grabbed Lin Peng's body as if it would stick to people.

Ghost's hand, slowly let go. Looking at Lin Peng with a smile, it was obvious that he had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. What's more, Lin Peng's intention was immediately discovered.

At that time, the Snake King told him that the higher the battle, the more he studied his tactics!

Thinking of this, Lin Peng also laughed: "Isn't it? I feel that I have caught me. So, I'm very happy!" When Ming heard this, he smiled and nodded his head.

It seems that this is really the case. However, at this time, Lin Peng really launched his deepest attack! Suddenly, his finger hooked towards the center of the light!

Suddenly, the whole small sun seemed to be able to move at once. Suddenly, he shot past! Speed, extremely fast, fundamental, too late to make the underworld react!