My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 38 Paradox

"You are still the one who is virtuous, or the one who doesn't pay attention to people!" After being silent for a while, the god of light finally chose to say it.

There is a murderous spirit in the words. Just like, when you see this person, you will explode immediately. What's more, it's like seeing your biggest enemy!

I remember that at that time, it was this guy, even if he lost his general strength. Unexpectedly, he still beat all the gods who besieged him or fell asleep. Or kill it directly. Even if it hadn't been for the help of darkness, I might not have escaped the strongest shot in that field.

The chest began to rise and fall. It seems to be very angry. Fingers began to gather in darkness. In his eyes, the murderous look made Lin Peng immediately understand this guy's idea.

"What should I say, let's talk about the past? How come you work hard as soon as you come up! Speaking of which, I have almost forgotten the things in my last life, and I just listen to legends. What's going on? Who's right and who's wrong? I don't want to delve into it now!" Although what he said was a little cold. However, looking at Lin Peng's expression at this time, it was absolutely like telling the truth. Even the god of light was stunned!

Not to mention Xingyao and the Snake King and Harris! Yes, he doesn't understand Lin Peng. Just look at him stupidly!

At this moment, the long gun suddenly clenched. Like a dragon that has just turned out of the sea. With a blazing flame and a speed that seems to be the speed of light.

In an instant, he stabbed in front of the God of Light. Since the murderous spirit just now can clearly feel the murderous words of the god of light. So, for Lin Peng, there is absolutely no inevitable battle! Therefore, the shot stabbed in an instant was definitely with all his strength. Suddenly, the god of light reacted. At this time, the face is already extremely bad!

Originally, in the handsome, the face with the smell of Xiaosheng became even more ferocious! Even the three snake kings looked surprised.

I haven't figured out what Lin Peng is doing now. What's more, this guy doesn't seem to have figured out, even in the face of such an enemy.

Why do you have to use this sneak attack?


The long gun directly stabbed a dark shield in front of the God of Light, and the explosive flame stirred up. Like a fierce leopard.

Suddenly jumped up, turned over the shield and jumped towards the god of light. What's more, it turned into a spear and shot directly.

One hand holds a shield, and the other hand waves in an instant. Suddenly, the power of darkness seemed to be better. It turned into a small sword and suddenly collided.

Although the explosion of this burst of explosion did not hurt the god of light. However, the three fighting angels next to him were at this moment.

seemed so embarrassed that he withdrew back repeatedly with a seriously injured body. The explosion stopped, and there was some damage on the original dark robe of the God of Light.

It was very surprised and looked at Lin Peng angrily. This... Is it still the sun god? This... Or is it the proud sun god king who insists on fighting even if he loses his general strength? There was absolutely nothing wrong just now, it was a sneak attack.

is even more fierce. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I might have been injured just now! The power of sunlight and flame seems to be naturally restraining the darkness.

"How dare you choose to make a sneak attack?" Once the two separated, the God of Light still couldn't respond to the question. The eyebrows are raised slightly. It seems that I can't believe it.

Lin Peng's spear stood next to his body and said with a smile, "What about the sneak attack? Just now, you obviously wanted to kill me from the bottom of your heart! What's more, maybe there has been a plan from the beginning. Since our three god kings are here, they will not escape! Then, it is to have strong self-confidence that can defeat us. Presumably, such an opponent, of course, can be killed easily, which is the best! In those years, didn't you also use conspiracy to really deal with us? The God of Light suddenly laughed at this time. Laughing, it seems that even tears are about to fall directly. What's more, the smile is a little crazy.

It's like a crazy teenager who meets a teenager who is more crazy than him.

It took a long time to stop laughing. After taking a deep breath, he said, "If you had such awareness in those years, I would not be your opponent at all!"

However, when I looked at Sea King and Harris, I suddenly understood again. Perhaps, the one who has such awareness is just the Sun God King.

The other two, still like that, keep their pride. Persist, they are even a little stubborn and proud.

"But now you still don't seem to have a thorough awareness! If the dark is not sure and I am not sure, then is there such a possibility of a sudden attack?

"Or, now you have become stupid! Even, I can't even exert my real strength and want to die!"

Just after the voice fell, the whole world became dark again. The night sky looks so lonely. It looks so cold between heaven and earth.

is even more powerful, which makes the heart seem to become cold. Lin Peng pouted, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, turned around and said, "Why didn't you sneak up on him with me just now!"

Sea King, Pluto, and the god of stars all twitched a few times at the corners of their mouths and turned their heads away. It seems that I don't want to face such a shameful problem at all.

Lin Peng at this time finally saw it. He smiled and said, "To be honest, throw away all the pride and justice at this moment!"

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the deep sky. No, the slightest bright color. If it weren't for that photosphere, maybe I don't even know where I am.

After a pause, he said again: "Creation and the ancestors joined hands with so many ancient ancestors to kill the dark. Is this the so-called justice? Or, it was inevitable that they besieged you. Because when no one is strong, you have to use your brain more! For example, although Guangming's strength is not comparable to ours, it is still powerful after putting down those pride and self-esteem!" The God of Light, with the three battle angels, stared at Lin Peng in the darkness. Poseidon, Pluto Harris, Apollo. No... It should be called Lin Peng now!

Just after the words just now, it seems that the two gods were directly stunned. What's more, it's a little thoughtful.

smiled slightly and suddenly muttered, "Maybe, if you think so, maybe you have the real power to surpass the peak now!" Moreover, it is possible to directly become the existence beyond the creation of the world. Unfortunately, now you seem to be at all... It's not the opponent of half the dark power.


In the dark depths, two people sat quietly cross-legged. One person, white robe, white beard, white eyebrows, and even his eyes are gray.

And the other person, the muscles of the whole body are knotted together. It seems to be sculpted with stones. What's more, he is just wearing a pair of leather trousers.

The upper body is directly exposed. Far away, opposite the two of them were tens of thousands of fallen angels. Yes, now, that's the only way to call them! All the angels, although the three pairs of wings are still white. However, the whole body is constantly releasing the dark air. As if a new abyss is about to form.

Creation's originally closed eyes suddenly opened. A fine light appeared in the gray eyes. The corners of his mouth rose and smiled faintly.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the muscle** next to him. At this time, the ancestor suddenly opened his eyes like a cow's eyes.

"Hahahaha... What a good boy, he even said such a paradox. However, it doesn't seem to be contrary. At least, it seems to be true!" After thinking about it again, the ancestor said in a low voice. And the creation continues to smile...