My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 46 Illusion or True

The whirlpool rotates very much, as if it is about to absorb all the power directly. However, Lin Peng felt that this whirlpool did not seem to be a dark hole like Rocky. It seems that there is no power to absorb for yourself.

This made Lin Peng look a little stunned, and what happened? Unexpectedly, after the whirlpool suddenly appeared, it was not used to attack himself.

Is it possible? Is there any other mystery in it? The eyebrows began to frown slightly at this moment. He smiled coldly and suddenly ignored such a whirlpool.

He suddenly clenched the spear and turned into a beam of light that should have wanted to directly pass through and attack the queen on the throne. However, when Lin Peng just crossed the whirlpool.

Suddenly, the whole space seemed to darken at once. The sky is no longer that kind of darkness. But the real darkness.

Reach out your hand and never see your five fingers. What's more, there is not even any light. Completely, he became blind. At this moment, a strong light burst out.

After the golden light flashed, I found that there was a figure standing in the distance. He stood quietly in the distance, as if he had been staring at himself.

I was shocked, and suddenly I really didn't understand. Obviously, it should still be there, although the darkness carries at least some dark space.

Why, suddenly it seems to have disappeared. Instead, it appeared in such a place. Moreover, with Lin Peng's current strength.

If you still can't figure it out, it's really waste. This is definitely not the original space. And, another space.

Even... Maybe it's just a spiritual space. Thinking of this, my mind moved. In an instant, a small round shield appeared with a little golden light.

At this time, it was in his hand.

After blinking again, a spear appeared in an instant. This made Lin Peng a little weird.

If it is in the spiritual space, it should and impossible to summon your own sacred artifact. However, at this time, it was held again. Suddenly, I became a little confused.

"Isn't it? I can't figure out what kind of place this is! Or, I think that this is not the original place, but I can't figure out what kind of existence there is here!"

The Queen said with a smile in the distance.

Lin Peng nodded his head slightly, and that's really the case. Yes, Lin Peng at this time is really a little confused about what kind of existence this space is.

If you tell him that this is the original space, he will never believe it. Moreover, it can be clearly felt. It seems that you can't feel the exact sense of reality when you hold on to yourself.

"You should be the space in your whirlpool just now! I didn't expect that it could pull my soul into this place!" Lin Peng said seriously, and when he spoke, he even looked shocked. Yes, pulling out the soul is the soul of a superior god.

I have to say that this move is really powerful.

At least, I am directly pulled into this space now, and the whole world is really dark. No, any elements are average.

What's more, it seems that it can only be oppressed by darkness. No, it's okay to go anywhere you can attack. Just like you are now standing in the middle of the sea.

Then, you want to fight against those waves or tame the sea directly. It seems that this is a little too impractical. Even the smartest people can only rely on tools.

Instead of standing directly in the most dangerous place in the middle of the sea to fight against him. Because this is very impractical. Lin Peng, who took a deep breath, also narrowed his eyes.

At this time, the queen really began to attack. The whole body is hidden in the darkness. I can't even feel her hiding there.

And all the darkness, at this moment, really began to compress. Yes, it's just compressed. It seems that Lin Peng is a central point.

All the dark forces began to really squeeze on his whole body with all their strength. My cheeks twitched slightly and began to feel pain.

The head seems to have entered a fantasy realm all of a sudden. People come and go everywhere. However, almost everyone is a stranger.

In the distance, one was stolen because of a thief. However, I want to protect my handbag as much as I can. However, a sharp knife penetrated his chest in an instant.

The blood column slowly flowed down when he fell to the ground. Under the whole body, it was all red. What's more, the whole person began to twitch.

Like, it turned into epilepsy. Lin Peng took a step forward and helped the middle-aged man. At the same time, I want to bring him back to life with my own magic power.

However, at this moment, it was suddenly found. Unexpectedly, it seemed that all his divine power disappeared in an instant. There is no power to save him at all.

For a moment, the passers-by next to him just looked at themselves coldly. He gritted his teeth and pressed his hand hard on the wound. What's more, you want to press the blood outside the wound directly.

"Are you indifferent?" Although, many people have stopped their movements. However, there is still no one to save it. Selfish?"

People who came and went watched the thief escape from afar. However, no one dares to go up and stop it. Or... Afraid?"

When Lin Peng finally asked, a passer-by took out his mobile phone and seemed to start calling for help.

Lin Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly. The sunshine of the whole body seems to come back again. Those golden lights slowly shone on the middle-aged people.

The wound began to heal at a speed foreseeable to the naked eye. What's more, the eyes of middle-aged people are getting brighter and brighter at this time.

"No... It's just that the fear in my heart, the fear of death, is the fear of myself!" They are not selfish or indifferent. It's just fear.

Because I'm afraid, I want to find a wife who can die. Because I was afraid, I didn't dare to say it even if I suffered. Even if you are really injured, you can only lie quietly in your nest and lick your wounds.

If all people have strong power, then they may have a selfish side. The dark side, the real, dark side.

However, they are only weak. Therefore, they are afraid.

With surprised eyes, she stared closely at the soul of Lin Peng, who was oppressed by the dark. It seems that it emits a golden light little by little.

In an instant, I grew up a little. Those golden lights are as tyrannical as an ancient beast. Want, devour or kill all the power around you.

So, those dark began to slowly relax outside. Liu frowned and said faintly, "No wonder the dark will be afraid of this guy!" There is no spiritual weakness at all, even when it suffers the biggest blow. It's just that you bravely go forward to improve your strength. Instead, like Rocky and the others, they are resentful!" Thinking of this, there was another wry smile. It seems that I understand a little bit. After all, why was the darkness of that year sealed? We still need to control Rocky and control the whole heaven. Go and kill the sun god king.

However, Lin Peng still closed his eyes at this time. Although the golden light of the whole body seems to have overshadowed the power of the holy weapon at once.

However, it still doesn't weaken at all.

is a more and more powerful trend. And the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Hanging, with a faint smile.

Because Lin Peng at this time once again entered another scene... This scene made him very familiar, and some of them were like hallucinations. No... Perhaps, it is not an illusion, because it is too real.

is even more like a kind of experience that makes people seem to have begun another experience of rebirth. Bitter, but happy... Happy and painful... In the bitterness, there is some sweetness...