My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 004 A rabbit that bites a thousand

Watching the bald man's big hand touch her chest, Qi Baobao, a female bandit who is usually exquisite and proud of being fearless, finally panicked and subconsciously twisted her body to try to avoid the salted pig's hand. At the same time, she shouted at the weekend: "Bad boy, a thousand yuan!"

Hearing this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly on the weekend, and his eyes were even golden.

Qi Bao's shy and angry expression made the bald man feel more excited, and even laughed and said unscrupulously, "Rabbit bites people? Where can I find a rabbit that can bite people..."

After saying that, the bald man suddenly smelled the fragrance of sweet and sour ribs. In surprise, a sharp pain suddenly came from his forehead. The next second, a plate of sweet and sour ribs and soup slid off his head, and the broken plate fell to the ground and exploded.

"Uh..." A reluctant roar came from the bald man's throat, and at the same time, his body leaned back unnaturally.

On the weekend, his mind was full of 1,000 yuan just said by Qi Baobao. He had no intention to leave his hand at all. He raised his legs and hit the thing in front of the bald man fiercely.

"Ah!" Before he could fall to the ground, the bald man screamed again and covered his bottom with lightning. He unwillingly fell to the ground and crushed the chair he had just sat on.

He grabbed Qi Baobao's hand and retreated hurriedly on the weekend. In the blink of an eye, he had retreated to the place where he was standing stupidly before. At this time, he was like a rabbit that could bite people. A pair of Senran's eyes were unconcealedly fierce and decisive, and his throat squirmed slightly. He spit out a simple but arrogant One word, like a tiger in the primitive forest roaring: "Get out!"

The bald man fell to the ground and couldn't get up at all. The severe pain between his legs made him dare to breathe. As for the three companions he brought, the students in vocational school, it's okay to pull them out and pretend to be scary. If you really want to meet this kind of fierce hand on the weekend, it's as easy to pinch like a soft persimmon. The other party can knock himself down and let the three little brothers rush up. Isn't it looking for death?

Although he was unwilling to be attacked on the weekend, the bald man still resisted the pain below, swept the three younger brothers with cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you help me?"

Half a long time later, several bald men have left without a shadow, and they still stand still on weekends, maintaining a cannibalm expression.

Qi Bao coughed unnaturally, glanced at the little hand that was still clenched by the weekend, and said in an extremely unnatural tone, "Bad boy, when are you going to grab my hand?"

Hearing this, although I was reluctant to give up on the weekend, I still pretended to be electrocuted and withdrew my hand.

He squatted gently on the ground, took out the inferior cigarette that he smoked half of the morning when he bought vegetables in the morning, and swallowed the fog.

Looking at the weekend squatting on the ground, to be honest, Qi Baobao was moved. He subconsciously touched his palm with his thumb and was grabbed by the weekend. At this time, it was still moist, which was the sweat left by the other party.

Feeling the warmth left in the palm of her hand on the weekend, Qi Baobao suddenly burst out with a smile, and the charm flowed from her beautiful eyes. Gu Pan Shenghui said, "You were the one who beat the Tiger Head Gang just now!"

"What Tiger Head Gang?" When I heard Qi Bao's words on the weekend, I couldn't help but thump.

"Didn't you notice the tattooed tiger head on the bald shoulder?" Qi Baobao cleaned up the dishes broken by the bald men and said, "That's the logo of the Tiger Head Gang, one of the three major black organizations in Kangcheng."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Hearing this, the weekend when I squatted on the ground was like being stabbed and jumped up from the ground. What was the consequences of getting those bastards? On weekends, I could figure it out with my toes, "One thousand yuan is not enough!"

Without a pause, Qi Baobao suddenly took out a pile of red sun from his pocket and said, "Let's go!" This is your monthly wages, plus the 1,000 yuan you just helped me out. I know you're short of money, so don't be polite to me.

"Why?" I didn't expect that Qi Baobao would drive him away directly this weekend.

"Many things are better than to put it bluntly!" Qi Baoyi blinked at the weekend and talked to the weekend so gently for the first time, "You just think I'm timid and afraid of getting into trouble!"

The weekend frowned slightly, and the hand in his trousers pocket was taken out and put back. After hesitating for about two or three minutes, he reached out to receive the red sun handed over by Qi Baobao.