My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 185 Human Evidence, Physical Evidence and Motivation for Murder

After listening to Zhao Longfei's words, she had to talk about gambling with Zhang Da last night, including the scene of holding Zhang Da on the weekend and using Zhang Da as a shield to escape from the underground casino.

"The place where you left Zhang Da is exactly where Zhang Da was killed." After asking the name of the place that pushed Zhang Da out of the car on the weekend, Zhao Longfei said, "Obviously, someone wants to blame you."

He nodded on the weekend. After a while, he had passed on all his clothes and trousers in front of Zhao Longfei. He said, "The person who blamed me must have appeared in the casino. Otherwise, he would not have killed Zhang Da so coincidentally when I left Zhang Da."

"Do you know what the weapon that kills the growth is?" Zhao Longfei asked about the weekend again.

Abrupt from the weekend: "What is it?"

"It's a*!" Zhao Longfei said, "When Li Aiguo called me just now, they said that they took this handle * to test it and confirmed that it was a valuable * from Switzerland. According to the witness, this * is yours."

"Is this the material evidence that framed me for killing Zhang Da?" On the weekend, he frowned slightly. The handle * was obtained from the niggas. When he was at the gambling table, he was ready to chop his fingers with this *. It's only that he was careless after winning the money, so he didn't take * away when he left.

It's not difficult to infer the person who framed you.

In the casino, there is no doubt that there is only one person who has a grudge against the weekend, Lu Shuaijie!

Although Liu Fugui also has a reason to frame the weekend, it is impossible for him to frame himself by killing Zhang Da with his relationship with Zhang Da. As for others, they don't know each other at all, and there is no reason to frame the weekend.

After a pause, the weekend did not deny or admit that the * was his own, but asked Zhao Longfei, "Who is the witness of the other party?"

"Su Xiaoyue!" Zhao Longfei frowned. Obviously, she did not want to believe that Su Xiaoyue would be a witness to prove the murder on the weekend.

"How can it be Xiaoyue?" I was surprised at the weekend.

Not to mention that Su Xiaoyue has no reason to frame herself on the weekend. Even if there is, there is no chance. You should know that Zhang Da was released on the weekend when he went to the snack street, and at that time, Su Xiaoyue was also present.

For a period of time after that, I was with Su Xiaoyue on weekends. How could I have a chance to kill Zhang Da on weekends? Even if Su Xiaoyue was sent back to the Emperor Longting on the weekend and then came back to kill Zhang Da, Su Xiaoyue was not present, was she?

Don't think about it, Su Xiaoyue is lying and doing fake witnesses.

So, why did Su Xiaoyue commit perjury?

"Lu Shuaijie!" Zhao Longfei frowned slightly and said, "Lu Shuaijie came to Su Xiaoyue last night to threaten her with false testimony and frame you of killing."

"Yes, it must be Lu Shuaijie!" When I said this on the weekend, a trace of cold flashed in my eyes. After a pause, he looked at Zhao Longfei, who was still wearing pajamas, with very soft eyes. He said, "Sister Fei, the tone of listening to you has always been on my side. Don't you believe that I killed people at all?"

"Yes, I don't believe you will kill people." Zhao Longfei said, "Don't be moved. I don't believe it, but Su Xiaoyue as a witness. I don't believe it. If Su Xiaoyue is really a witness who confirmed your murder, then you should kill her instead of looking for her with me. It can be seen that you were really worried about Su Xiaoyue's disappearance last night.

When Zhao Longfei said this, she showed extraordinary mind and agility. Of course, when she talked about worrying about Su Xiaoyue on the weekend, her tone was a little sour.

"Hey!" Naturally, when Zhao Longfei said this, he paused with a stream of vinegar. He said, "Maybe the reason why I came to Su Xiaoyue to kill her? After all, if I really killed Zhang Da, Su Xiaoyue, a witness, will definitely not be able to stay.

"If that's the case, I'll hang you up and beat you and send you to the bureau." Zhao Longfei couldn't help laughing.

"Bat me?" The weekend was slightly stunned and turned to stare at Zhao Longfei's body with a look of prey. Even if it was wrapped in a white nightdress, the hot figure was still hidden, which reminded the weekend of the storms of last night again and again, "Sister Fei, do you want to beat me with a leather whip or burn me with candles?"

"Go to hell!" Zhao Longfei was made a big red face, stared at the weekend angrily, and then said, "You're going out soon. I'm going to change my clothes."

"I'll change it for you." The weekend is like a hard-working little bee. When he said this, he had already opened the wardrobe.

The wardrobe in Zhao Longfei's bedroom is the kind of wall. Unfortunately, the wardrobe opened on the weekend is full of women's hoods and trousers, colorful and all kinds of styles. For a while, the weekend was dumbfounded: "Uh... This dazzling posture is estimated to be more than the inventory of urban beauties."

"I hate it!" Zhao Longfei's face was crimson and rushed to close the door of the wardrobe, but she was caught by the little hand stretched out by the weekend.

"Sister Fei, I'll undress you." While talking on the weekend, her hand had reached to Zhao Longfei's waist. The next second, she grabbed the skirt and pulled it gently, and the piece on Zhao Longfei's chest was exposed. Moreover, Zhao Longfei's skin was too greasy and smooth. As soon as the skirt was loosened, her fragrant shoulders were also exposed.

"Ah..." Zhao Longfei exclaimed and quickly reached out to protect the two full breasts on her chest, but the nightdress slipped off and her body was also exposed, and the skirt fell directly on her heel.

The air is full of snow white. After taking off the skirt, the delicate body was seen at a glance on the weekend.

"Hey!" On the weekend, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and the next second, Zhao Longfei was held in his arms.

The originally shy and annoyed Zhao Longfei became soft and boneless at the moment she was hugged by the weekend, allowing the weekend's hand to swim on her body, and let the weekend's hand reach to her chest...

When Li Aiguo hurried to Zhao Longfei's house downstairs in a police car, he was already sweating profusely.

He can't help but be in a hurry. The case he took is too tricky. On the one hand, it is the famous Zhang's Pharmaceutical in neighboring province, and on the other hand, it is the "three children" of the beautiful mayor Zhao Longfei, and it is also a murder case!

The reason why Li Aiguo called Zhao Longfei was to remind Zhao Longfei that she had committed the crime on the weekend. It seemed to be asking for instructions, but in fact, Li Aiguo was surrendering to Zhao Longfei. Unexpectedly, Zhao Longfei actually told Li Aiguo on the phone that she was at her home on the weekend.

Immediately, Li Aiguo didn't even bring his men. He drove a police car to the Emperor's Dragon Court, and even the alarm was useless.

After getting off the bus, Li Aiguo looked up to see Zhao Longfei's villa. This was the first time that Li Aiguo came to Zhao Longfei's villa. He had only heard from his colleagues before.

According to the circle, Zhao Longfei's villa was stopped by a man, and even her nominal "husband" could not enter the villa. However, she entered on weekends, which shocked Li Aiguo. Especially when he looked up and saw that the curtains on the second floor were still pulled, Li Aiguo was even more shocked.

"Are you still doing **?"

He muttered to himself. Although he didn't want to disturb Zhao Longfei, the situation was so urgent that he had to call to urge him.

There was no exception. The phone was dialed, but no one answered.

With no choice, Li Aiguo had to wait in the yard against the morning sun.

At this time, **'s weekend and Zhao Longfei had also come to an end. The super-big bed was shaken, and Zhao Longfei's whispers came one after another...

Half an hour later, the well-dressed Zhao Longfei opened the window, then opened the curtains and said to Li Aiguo downstairs, " Director Li, the door on the first floor is remote control. I have opened it. Come to the second floor to talk."

Li Aiguo even nodded and did not dare to look up at Zhao Longfei's ruddy cheeks in front of the bed on the second floor.

When Li Aiguo went upstairs, he suddenly thought of the ancient female emperor Wu Zetian. He felt that the crazy woman surnamed Zhao was Wu Zetian from Kangcheng. As for the weekend, he was a fierce man who was favored by the female emperor. To some extent, he spoke better than the female emperor.

So, when Li Aiguo walked into the living room on the second floor and saw the weekend sitting on the sofa watching TV like nothing happened, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhou, how are you!"

"Li Ju, are you here? Please sit down quickly. On the weekend, the young man who was privately regarded as a "male concubine" by Li Aiguo did not play big. When he saw Li Bureau entering the door, he quickly got up to greet him.

After the two politely asked questions, Zhao Longfei came out of the bathroom, not to wash, but to make up, because she planted large and small red strawberries on her neck with her lips on weekends. It was her first time. How dare she let Li Aiguo see it? So, after studying in the bathroom, she came out with a scarf around her neck.

Before Zhao Longfei sat down, she walked slightly on tiptoe, just like when Yan Qingcai was taken away on the weekend for the first time. It was funny on the weekend.

After the three sat down, Zhao Longfei said directly, "Mr. Li, I'm also here on the weekend. Tell me everything you know. You know my character. No matter how good my personal relationship with the weekend is, I will definitely not tolerate him if he is really a murderer.

Zhao Longfei is a female mayor who does not favoritism and wrong the law, which is a recognized fact in their circle. Therefore, since Zhao Longfei has made such a statement, Li Aiguo did not hide it and reported the situation to Zhao Longfei.

According to Li Aiguo, Zhang Da's body was found by the sweeping cleaners this morning, and the cleaners called the police at that time.

When Li Aiguo and others arrived, they quickly blocked the scene.

After more than an hour of research, forensic and investigation experts came to the time when Zhang Da was killed. However, there was no camera at the scene, and there was no evidence that left fingerprints on Zhang Da's fatal *.

Since the traces of the murderer could not be found on the body of the deceased and the scene of the incident, Li Aiguo asked Zhang Da's family, Zhang Longjing, the chairman of Zhang's Pharmaceutical.

Through Zhang Longjing's nephew Liu Fugui, he learned that Zhang Da was unhappy with gambling on the weekend last night, and Liu Fugui also told the whole story of taking Zhang Da away on the weekend.

In this way, there is a suspicion of killing Zhang Da on the weekend.

Subsequently, Su Xiaoyue took the initiative to testify at the police station, saying that she saw Zhang Da killed on the weekend.

Whether Su Xiaoyue's words are credible or not remains to be investigated, but it is impossible to deny the identity of the suspect on the weekend, so the police ordered the arrest of the weekend at that time.

Li Aiguo's sense of smell is very sensitive. He knows that the weekend has something to do with Zhao Longfei, so he carefully called Zhao Longfei before the police to arrest the weekend.

I didn't know that Zhao Longfei said that she would be with her on the weekend, so Li Aiguo came to the Emperor Longting.

After listening to Li Aiguo's words, Zhao Longfei frowned slightly. She looked at the weekend and said, "Just like what Li said, whether you are the murderer of Zhang Da still needs to be investigated, but you have this suspicion and have a murderous motive."

He nodded slightly over the weekend and said, "That is to say, I'm going to be detained first now?"

"Yes!" Zhao Longfei said seriously.