My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 312 One person is missing in economy class

With the woman's scream, a man's voice came from the radio. The voice should be Yang Yunzhi.

"Bosses, you must already know what's going on, right? I will send someone to confiscate everyone's mobile phones, wallets and so on. I hope you don't resist, otherwise, I don't mind shooting.

As soon as this came out, there was a gunshot on the radio: "Bang!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Hearing the sudden sound of gunfire, all the passengers on the plane screamed.

"Don't quarrel!" On the radio, Yang Yunzhi suddenly roared, "If anyone doesn't want to live, just shout, I promise to throw him down the plane."

Yang Yunzhi spoke with great momentum, and it came to everyone through the radio on the plane. For a moment, the screaming women and men hurriedly stopped their mouths, and their faces were full of panic. Among them, many ignorant children still cried at the throat and were covered by their parents.

For a while, there was silence on the plane.

In the economy class on the weekend, everyone stared at the direction of the cabin entrance. People's eyes were either panicked or full of fear. However, without exception, these people all sat in their seats, and no one thought about how to escape.

Before Yang Yunzhi's men came over and didn't think about it on weekends, they got up and flashed out of the cabin, and then hid into the flight attendant's temporary rest room at the exit of the cabin.

The lounge is very small, with only a row of three-seat seats. There is a sky-blue curtain at the door. If you shrink and hide inside, you will not be found at the first time.

Not long after hiding in the lounge on the weekend, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. On the weekend, I guessed that it was Yang Yunzhi's men.

Sure enough, the footsteps stopped at the door of the lounge, that is, the door of economy class.

"Everyone took out their mobile phones and wallets and put them on the table, and then squatted on the aisle with their heads..."

A thick bass roared, and then ** happened in the economy class. However, these ** did not mean that the passengers wanted to escape or resist, but that they were taking out their wallets and mobile phones.

Then, the footsteps were remembered again, and it was getting farther and farther away from the lounge where he hid on weekends. It should be Yang Yunzhi's younger brother who walked into the cabin to collect his wallet and mobile phone.

Occasionally, women's screams or men's screams come into the ears of the weekend, and occasionally there are painful mutterings of old people. It is estimated that those whose hands and feet are slow and unable to give their wallets and mobile phones at the first time have suffered.

After a while, the footsteps came to the ears of the weekend again from far and near. It should be the little brothers who went to the cabin to confiscate their mobile phones and wallets.

The footsteps stopped at the door of the lounge.

Then, a man's voice came to the ears of the weekend. The other party's voice was very low, but it could still be heard faintly on the weekend.

"Brother Qiang, one person is missing in economy class."

The person who is few in a man's mouth is naturally the weekend.

After a pause, Brother Qiang, the man who had spoken to let the passengers put their wallets and mobile phones on the table, suddenly smiled coldly and then said, "Guys, has any of you escaped?"

Brother Qiang's voice was not loud, and even had a faint smile in his tone. Of course, the smile in his mouth was a gloomy sneer, like a death-like smile, so all the passengers in the cabin squatting in the aisle heard it.

Among these passengers, naturally some people saw the fact that they fled to economy class the weekend before, but they did not know the situation, so they all looked at Brother Qiang dullly, and no one dared to speak.

Seeing this, Brother Qiang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then the black pistol in his hand suddenly aimed at the passengers squatting on the aisle: "I'll give you a minute to think about it. If I don't get a satisfactory answer in a minute, you will all die!"

After listening to Brother Qiang's words, the passengers became more and more panicked.

Brother Qiang continued: "Don't hope that this plane has been completely controlled by us. Not only has the satellite positioning system been shut down, but the route has also been temporarily changed, that is to say, your plane has disappeared on the earth. To put it simply, you are all my toys now. If I want you to live, you can live. I want you to die, and none of you can live!"

Now, the passengers who thought that they would be rescued after waiting for the plane to land have all died. Brother Qiang made it clear that the plane's satellite positioning system has been shut down, that is to say, the plane can no longer be tracked on the side of the airport. Not only that, the plane's where the plane is no longer Kangcheng, but other passengers Where we don't know yet.

For a while, everyone panicked and became restless. On the weekend hiding in the lounge, several men were faintly heard shouting and rushing towards Brother Qiang and others. Unfortunately, after the gunshots sounded, those people lost their breath and were replaced by timid passengers who covered their mouths and trembled all over their bodies.

At the end, a woman's voice sounded suddenly, not big or small, but it was enough to be heard on the weekend. The woman's voice was very sharp: " boss, I know where that person is hiding. Don't kill me. Let me tell you, okay?"

Hearing this, I frowned slightly on the weekend.

"Don't worry, obedient people are safe." Brother Qiang said, "As for the disobedient, the end of these people who fell to the ground is his end."

The woman with a sharp voice heard this and hurriedly opened his mouth again: " boss, the sloppy man is hiding..."

While the woman was talking, another old voice sounded. On the weekend, it was the old lady who sat side by side with her.

"What are you crazy woman talking about? There is no one sitting here. How can a person run out for no reason?

The old lady's voice trembled slightly. Obviously, she was afraid. After all, Brother Qiang just shot several men who wanted to resist.

"Hmm?" Hearing the old lady interrupt the sharp woman's words, Brother Qiang's eyes immediately locked on the old lady, "I'm not dead, I'm fucking shot..."

Almost while Brother Qiang was talking, he suddenly jumped out on the weekend when he was ready to go in the lounge.

The reason why he waited so long to rush out on the weekend was that the old lady was in danger, and on the other, he had determined the position of the other party through Brother Qiang's voice.

In the middle of the lightning, he appeared behind Brother Qiang on the weekend.

At this time, the gun in Brother Qiang's hand had been raised, and the gun was aimed at the old lady squatting in the aisle, and he was about to pull the trigger.

Next to Brother Qiang, there is a little brother standing on each side. The younger brother is holding a travel bag in his left hand, which should be scraped from the passengers to hold wallets and mobile phones. The two younger brothers each hold a pistol in their right hand.

The weekend's move was very fast, almost at the same time as Brother Qiang's index finger pulled the trigger. On the weekend, he raised his hand from behind and pressed Brother Qiang's wrist, and then his arm sank.

The eye of the gun in Brother Qiang's hand was immediately lowered, and in an instant it was broken and pointed at Brother Qiang's thigh.


The dull gunshot suddenly sounded, and Brother Qiang was shot in the thigh, and his whole body immediately fell to the ground.

At the same time, he snatched the gun in Brother Qiang's hand and held the gun in his left hand on the weekend. Without looking at it, he shot the wrist of the little brother on the left of Brother Qiang with the gun.

"Ah!" The little brother screamed, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground and was caught by the weekend void.

After a while, the pistol standing on the right side of Brother Qiang has been aimed at the body of the weekend.


The little brother brazenly pulled the trigger, and the gunshot remembered that the bullet hit the weekend's shoulder directly. In an instant, his shoulder turned red.

On the weekend, he took a cold breath and suddenly laughed, as if the sound of gunfire on his shoulder was just tickling. He grabbed the little brother's wrist with his right hand.


When I was twisted hard on the weekend, there was a crisp sound from my little brother's wrist, and the pistol that hit the weekend immediately landed and was picked up by the weekend.

The passengers in the eye. At this time, there were five young male passengers on the ground, who should be students. Unfortunately, they were ruthlessly shot by Brother Qiang because of their resistance.

"If you still want to live, help watch these three harmful guys!"

The old lady who spoke to him coldly over the weekend was looking at him enthusiastically, and the stylishly dressed woman squatting next to the old lady should be the one who had just tried to inform.

The bottom of the woman's skirt was very low, and at this time, she was squatting on the ground. The scenery under the skirt was naturally exposed, but she didn't look at it on weekends, but just smiled in the direction of the old lady and said, "Thank you!"

After listening to the weekend's words, the old lady raised her eyebrows. The next second, she stood up. Although she was a little fat, it gave people a very desolate feeling. She said to all the passengers in the field, "Everyone, come and help this little brother. We can only rely on ourselves now."

Because the old lady used the loudest voice to encourage other passengers when she spoke, her voice was very hoarse.

However, her words played a great role. After all, an old lady stood up, how could others continue to pretend to be a turtle?

For a moment, more than a dozen young men and women rushed up and pressed Brother Qiang and his two younger brothers on the ground.

Seeing this scene, he nodded slightly on the weekend, and then he handed out three pistols: "Which of you guarded the entrance of the cabin with a gun?"

"I'll come!" The old lady came up with a less robust step and stretched out her thin hand to take a pistol without thinking about it.

"Old lady, you..." Seeing the old lady catch the gun, I was a little worried on the weekend.

"Little brother, I usually like to play with guns in the club. Don't worry." In order to reassure the weekend, the old lady shook her hands with a gun, and her arms were very stable.

I was relieved to see this on the weekend.

Then, two young men took the gun.

Three people with guns lurked at the entrance of the cabin, and several others pressed Brother Qiang and others to the ground.

Immediately, he nodded to the old lady on the weekend and then went to the direction of the cockpit.

"Little brother, your shoulder..." Seeing the weekend covering her injured shoulder and turning away, the old lady couldn't help calling him.

"It doesn't matter." On the weekend, he looked back at the old lady with friendly eyes. The next second, he ran in the direction of the cockpit with faster footsteps.

When passing through an uninhabited corner, he suddenly stopped on the weekend, and his right hand suddenly clenched into a fist. The right half of his body was shaken hard. Under the effect of dark energy, the bullet that hit his shoulder was squeezed out, and the fresh bullet landed in the corridor covered with red carpet, which was shocking.

After a while, the weekend lurked at a corner about 20 steps from the entrance of the cockpit.

At this time, in the corridor leading to the entrance of the cockpit, more than a dozen stewardesses in stewardesses' uniforms s squatted against the wall with their heads, and five men equipped with pistols were among them.

Zhang Xinyu and other flight attendants I met on weekends were not found among the stewardesses s squatting on the ground, and I couldn't help but be a little worried on the weekend.