My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 483 The bizarre death of the tall mand

I didn't sleep all night. The next morning, the train arrived at Dongdu Railway Station in the imperial capital on time.

Tang Ziyan was not in a good mental state because of her internal injury and her face was slightly pale. When the train arrived at the station, she still woke her up on weekends.

Since I was a child, I have never been far away on weekends. The farthest place is Shuicheng, where the pharmacy opened by Zhang Xinyu's family in the neighboring province is located. However, the weekend was not nervous because he came to the imperial capital. Even if he clearly knew that he wanted to say goodbye to Li Lin and his "angist" crowd after getting off the train, he was still not nervous. Even on weekends, there is still a little excitement. After all, the emperors are the capital of emperors. Throughout the ages, the kings of all dynasties have been here. Most importantly, Zhou Xiaomo, the sister of the weekend, is also in this legendary city.

"Are you there so soon?" Tang Ziyan rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up reluctantly from the weekend's arms. Tang Ziyan, who slept in the arms of the weekend all night and liked to drool when sleeping, naturally wet her chest on the weekend. The worst thing is that it's morning, and the weekend is very shameful.

Noticing the tent set up by the trousers stall on the weekend, Tang Ziyan's face blushed slightly and deliberately did not go to see the weekend.

"Uh-huh! Here we are. After we get off the bus, we will find a hotel to stay first. With that, Yang Hui, who had been trembling beside him, call Li Lin on the weekend.

Yang Hui did not dare not listen to the weekend, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Lin's phone, saying that he would get off immediately on the weekend.

Although Yang Hui "monitored" the weekend and wanted to frame the weekend as a thief, none of them failed. The weekend was released on the principle that adults do not care about the villains.

Yang Hui was overjoyed. After calling Li Lin, he ran away and turned around step by step for fear of temporarily changing his mind on the weekend.

At this time, the train had stopped at Dongdu Railway Station.

After sorting out a little, on the weekend, I saw Gao Qi and the two aunt-level passengers still lying on the table and sleeping. I was suspicious, so I patted Gao Qi's head.

"Old man, I have arrived at the Dongdu Railway Station in the imperial capital. It's time to get up."

Unexpectedly on the weekend, the old man had no consciousness and looked like he was sleeping soundly. As for the two aunt-level passengers, there was no sign of waking up.

You know, when the train arrived at the station, every passenger in the carriage was packing up their own salutes, which was very quiet. In addition, he patted the back of Gaoqi's head when he called Gaoqi's musting on weekends. How could Gao Xingzhi be unconscious at all?


On the weekend, he was puzzled, so he pushed his shoulder: "Old man, it's just sleeping at the same table with two aunts. You don't have to be so hungry and thirsty that you don't want to wake up, do you?"

"Puff..." After listening to the weekend's words, Tang Ziyan laughed.

After such a while, almost all the people in the carriage got out of the car, so they pushed Gao Yu again on the weekend.

"Old man, you pretend to be dead, right?"

Gao Yu slept on the table with his hands, and his whole face was on his arms. On the weekend, he also pushed his shoulders, but he was more powerful than the previous one.

What I never expected on the weekend was that he pushed it. The tall must have been lying on the table turned over and fell on the seat without a moment, and the aunt passenger lying by the window was also squeezed to turn over and lie on the seat.


Tang Ziyan, who was originally amused by the weekend words, suddenly saw the passenger lying on her back with her eyes white, her eyes wide open, and even her mouth was exaggeratedly open. She couldn't help screaming in horror.

On weekends, he hurriedly pressed Tang Ziyan's head into his arms.


Her eyes glanced at the pale face of the passenger aunt like a sculpture, and her heart suddenly thumped on the weekend.

Looking at Gao Yu, although his death is not as horrible as the passenger aunt, his eyes are also round and he can't close his eyes!

On the weekend, I was shocked and pushed the aunt sitting outside. The result was still the same. She died tragically. Her eyes were round and her mouth was open. Obviously, before she died, she must have been scared, or she was very likely to be scared to death!

Tang Ziyan's scream attracted the attention of two conductors who were keeping passengers out of order at the door of the carriage. As for the passengers who didn't have time to get off the bus, they were also scared to death when they saw the high mustard and the two passengers' aunts.

In an instant, there were three dead people in the huge carriage except for the weekend and Tang Ziyan in his arms.

The two conductors found something wrong, and one of them hurried towards the weekend.

"What's going on...ah..." The conductor's speed was so fast that he arrived at the side of the weekend. Originally, he wanted to calmly ask why he didn't get out of the car on the weekend, but when he saw Gao Yu and the two tragic aunts, he couldn't help shouting. His movement was bigger than that of Tang Ziyan, a girl. While screaming, his body retreated in a hurry and fell to the seat opposite the aisle with a bang.


20 minutes later, in the police room of Dongdu Railway Station.

Sitting on the sofa with Tang Ziyan on the weekend, Tang Ziyan's face was already slightly pale. In addition, she was scared by the death of Gao Yu and the two aunts, and her face was even worse. On a hot day, she kept drinking hot tea, but she still felt trembling all over.

On the solemn weekend, he held Tang Ziyan's little hand tightly and kept whispering to comfort Tang Ziyan not to be afraid.

Opposite the wooden sofa, three policemen and a young female policeman from the Dongdu branch of the police station also sat with a solemn face.

The three policemen were responsible for the security of the train they took on the weekend. Three passengers died on the bus. Their faces were very ugly, especially the middle-aged man who was the leader. His face was distorted. His face, which should have been very righteous, looked very gloomy at this time, and the other two relatively young policemen buried their heads. Dare to speak.

As for the young policewoman in Dongdu Branch, she looks relatively calmer, but when she thinks of the death of Gao Yu and other three people she saw before, she feels very nervous.

The young policewoman is very beautiful, with a melon seed face and bob. From time to time, she will reach out and stroke the bangs on her forehead to hide her panic.

The young policewoman is called "thank you", a very unique name, and she has introduced herself to the weekend before.

"Cough...cough..." Thank you for seeing the depressed mood in the office. You deliberately coughed twice, and then opened your mouth to speak. Your voice is crisp and loud, with a little manly temperament. This is very consistent with her identity. "Mr. Zhou, you are the first person to find the deceased and the closest passenger to the deceased. Can you tell us the specific situation before?

Regardless of words, deeds and manners, thank you are very decent and fully show the positive image of the police.

"Hmm!" On the weekend, he nodded slightly and talked about what had happened before.

According to the weekend, Gao Yu came to travel to the imperial capital with him. On the weekend, he said that he was a good friend with Gao Mingyue, Gao Yu's granddaughter.

After getting on the train, Gao Qi began to sleep, woke up while eating, and then continued to sleep until this weekend when he found that Gao Qi was dead.

I didn't say anything about the conflict with Li Lin halfway, Li Lin brought someone to beat me, Yang Hui slandered me for stealing my wallet at night, etc. It's not that I deliberately concealed anything on the weekend, but these three things have nothing to do with the death of my musting.

As for what happened to Zhang Xinyu and the other three female conductors on the way, they didn't say anything on the weekend. After all, Zhang Xinyu is Zhou Xiaomo's classmate. No matter what happened, it is not easy to talk nonsense on weekends.

Of course, the weekend actually suspected that Zhang Xinyu killed Gao Yu. After all, when she went to chase Li Lin on the weekend, Zhang Xinyu was by Gao Yu's side, and it is estimated that only she had the strength to kill Gao Yu.

You should know that Zhang Xinyu was already in the killer world, which is very clear on the weekend.

Although he didn't have much friendship with Gao Zhimei on the weekend, it is an indisputable fact that Gao Zhimei saved him. In addition, Gao Zhimei is Gao Mingyue's grandfather, and Gao Mingyue is a good friend of Qi Baobao.

If Gao Yu is really killed by Zhang Xinyu, he will only be in a dilemma on both sides on weekends.

The most unincomprehensible thing on the weekend is that Zhang Xinyu and the other two girls must be pretending to be conductors, but why didn't the conductors and policemen on the train find it?

I remember clearly on the weekend. Whether it was when Zhang Xinyu appeared, Yang Jun and others gathered around to fight, or when Yang Hui slandered the thief on the weekend, neither the conductor nor the police appeared.

After listening to the weekend lecture, Tang Ziyan also added: "Yes, my boyfriend has never left his seat except for occasionally going to the smoking area at the entrance of the carriage to smoke, and so have I. Except for going to the toilet several times on the way, I have never left my seat. My boyfriend and I sat opposite Mr. Gao, and we really didn't find any suspicious people. I really can't figure out why Mr. Gao suddenly died strangely? Alas!"

After listening to the words of the weekend and Tang Ziyan, both the three policemen and the policewomen thanked them.

After a long time, the policewoman thanked and asked Tang Ziyan again: "You are not the family members of the deceased. Can you help us contact the granddaughter of the deceased?"

"There is no problem with this." I'm also preparing to make time to call Gao Mingyue on the weekend. After all, it's a matter of time when I'm with the weekend, and I have a certain responsibility on weekends.

While talking, I took out my mobile phone on the weekend.

When he was about to call Gao Mingyue, he remembered that he had only met Gao Mingyue once and didn't leave the other party's phone number at all.

I had no choice but to call the female bandit Qi Baobao to ask Gao Mingyue's phone number on the weekend.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Baby, it's me..." The phone was connected and he spoke in a hurry on the weekend.

However, what made the weekend speechless was that the female bandit Qi Baobao's kung fu was too high. Almost at the same time when she spoke on the weekend, Qi Bao's lion roar was stimulated and deaf: "Where did you bastard die on the weekend? You can't get through the phone? Do you know that your sister Mingyue is helping us file a lawsuit today..."

"Uh..." There was a black line on his face on the weekend, and he had to let Qi Baobao finish speaking first, and then he said, "Baby, don't talk about the lawsuit. You are with Sister Mingyue. You answer the phone to her and say that her grandfather has passed away."

When Qi Baobao talked, it was quiet around. Obviously, she and Gao Mingyue were together, and she came out temporarily because she answered the phone.

"What?" After listening to the weekend's words, Qi Baobao exclaimed, "Then don't hang up, wait!"

With that, the sound of Qi Baobao's high-heeled shoes on the ground came from the phone, and the sound was crisp, but there was always a little lame in the ears of the weekend. Obviously, it was really too sin for the female bandit Qi Baobao to wear high heels.

At the thought that Gao Mingyue would talk next, the weekend's heart suddenly stopped.