My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 484 The Body was stolen

As time goes by, the sense of guilt and guilt in the weekend deepens.

Tang Ziyan, sitting next to the weekend, seemed to feel something, so she took the initiative to take the weekend's hand, not afraid of shame, and held the weekend's hand in front of three policemen and thank you.

Half a day passed, I didn't hear Gao Mingyue speak on the weekend when I had been listening to the phone, and my calm heart became more and more depressed.

How long did you wait with the phone on the weekend? Several people present stared at him for as long.

Finally, when the mobile phone screen showed that the call time had passed five minutes, the sound of Gao Mingyue finally came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello?" Gao Mingyue's voice sounds very flat and doesn't seem to be nervous at all. However, you can feel that Gao Mingyue is deliberately suppressing her voice at this time. "My grandfather... what's wrong with him..."

"I'm sorry!"

I heard that Gao Mingyue deliberately suppressed her emotions when she spoke. On the weekend, she only felt that her nose was sour. Instead of saying directly that Gao Mingyue had passed away, she said the three words "sorry" directly.

Sometimes, the apology contained in the word "sorry" is as heavy as the mountain, which is the case when you say this on weekends.

The next second, at the other end of the phone, Gao Mingyue's suppressed cry came from his ears on the weekend: "Woo... Whoo-woo..."

"Wow... Dead old man... Why did you die...Wow... Didn't you say that you will live forever... Liar... Big liar... Whoo..."

"Sister Mingyue!" Gao Mingyue cried on the phone for more than ten minutes. On the weekend, her heart was very heavy, and the corners of her mouth moved. Finally, she opened her mouth and said, "My condolences!"

"Woo...Wow..." Gradually, the girl's voice became low, and then gradually disappeared.

For a while, the opposite side of the phone fell into a dead silence.

"Sister Mingyue..." On the weekend, she was worried about what would happen to Gao Mingyue and shouted at the phone.

"I'm fine!" Gao Mingyue spoke, and her voice was as cold as ever. However, the tone of suppressing and not crying was more worried in the ears of the weekend. "On the weekend, take care of the old man's body for me. He said before his death that he was afraid of cremation, so I will book a plane ticket now."

After saying that, Gao Mingyue on the other end of the phone hung up the phone neatly.


Listening to the busy sound on the phone, he nodded hard on the weekend, and his eyes were slightly blurred.

Originally, I wanted to ask a few questions on the weekend, but when I saw that the weekend was a little unstable, I suppressed it and didn't say anything. I just said solemnly, "Mr. Zhou, please be sorry. Don't worry, we will definitely give an explanation to the family of the deceased!"

When I said this, the expression on my face was very solemn.

"Well, thank you!" Nodded on the weekend.

After a pause, he asked thank you again on the weekend and said, "Officer Xie, my sister Mingyue wants me to accompany Mr. Gao's body, can I..."

I don't know if it is appropriate to make such a request on the weekend, so his tone is a little unnatural.

"This..." Thank you for a moment of hesitation and nodded and said, "Mr. Zhou, this is no problem."

At this moment, there was a knock outside the door.

"Please come in!" As a user of this office, the middle-aged policeman looked back and saw the policeman standing at the door, so he motioned the other party to enter the door.

The policeman who entered the door was a very young man. He first saluted in the direction of thanking, and then whispered a few words in the middle-aged policeman's ear.

"What?" After listening to the young policeman's words, the middle-aged policeman's face suddenly changed. Fortunately, his determination was very good, and he recovered in an instant.

"Okay, Xiao Wang, you go out first!" After a pause, the middle-aged man warned the young policeman to go out, and then glanced at the weekend and Tang Ziyan very unnaturally.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong?" Thank you for seeing the clue, so I asked the middle-aged policeman "Brother Zhang".

"This...that..." The middle-aged policeman "Brother Zhang" hesitated for a long time and said puzzledly, "Officer Xie, the body of the tall mand man is missing..."

"What?" Hearing this, Zhou Zhou's heart suddenly sank and hurriedly stood up from the wooden sofa. "Didn't you say that you could take good care of the old man's body before? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

With that, Tang Ziyan didn't care about the weekend, so he rushed out of the office and went straight to the room where the high-humous body was parked.

The bodies of two passenger aunts are still lying in the room, covered by white cloth, while the white cloth that originally covered the body of the high-briar has been lifted, and the body of the high-briar has disappeared.

At this time, several policemen were taking pictures with cameras.

Two other policemen stood by the window of the room worrying.

This is the second floor. Under the window is a residential area. The window is open, and there is a policeman guarding the door. Obviously, the person who stole the body of the tall manip came in and out of the window.

"Let's get out of the way!" Pushing away the two policemen standing in front of the window, they jumped down without thinking about it on the weekend.


The speed of the weekend was too fast. When the two policemen realized that they should stop the weekend, they had arrived at the alley downstairs. On the weekend, they landed like a civet cat. At the same time, their bodies rolled, easily removed the force of falling, and stood firmly, which made the police in front of the window sill stunned.

In fact, with the current cultivation on weekends, even if he doesn't have to roll and unload force, he can easily jump off from the third floor, and it is unscathed. However, in order to make himself look ordinary, he pretended to roll under the gaze of the police.

downstairs is a deep alley with tall buildings on both sides. Although it is the busiest morning, because the alley is not more than two meters wide and the ground is potholed, there are no passers-by.

The sun is rising and the sun is shining, but the heart on the weekend feels gloomy, and the heart is always pressed with the death of a high mand.

"Who is so boring that he wants to steal the old man's body?"

I can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out on the weekend.

After the things in Yang Hui's wallet disappeared on the weekend, there was a big nameless stone hanging in the weekend's heart. He always felt that all this was a big conspiracy against him, but did he have any clue?

After looking in the alley for a long time and not finding any trace, I couldn't do it on the weekend and had to leave in frustration.

It's easy to jump from the upstairs, but it's difficult to fly from downstairs to upstairs. On the weekend, he asked himself that he didn't have the ability to fly through the eaves. Of course, even if he did, he couldn't do it in front of the police who were looking downstairs. Otherwise, he should be on the front page headlines or be directly arrested by the biological research laboratory. Is it an alien?


On the other side, at the exit of the alley, a large number of young people are gathering. The average age should not be more than 25 years old, and there are more than 30 people, one by one looks careless.

is led by Li Lin and the tall man who saved Li Lin.

Brother Tian is still wearing the white sportswear on the train, wearing a cap, and half of his face is covered, which is very mysterious.

Standing behind Li Lin is Yang Hui.

"Xiaohui, didn't you say you saw that bastard get out of the car on the weekend? This is the only way out of the railway station. Why haven't you seen that bastard come out after waiting for half an hour?

Li Lin has changed a black coat, and the wound in his abdomen has been covered. It seems that there is nothing serious about it. Otherwise, he can't scold Yang Hui while chewing gum, which shows that Brother Tian's medical skills are brilliant.

"Brother Lin, I really saw that bastard get out of the car before I called you!" Of course, Yang Hui didn't get out of the car on the weekend. He lied. He had to lie, because if not, he would be killed by Li Lin. "Brother Lin, won't that bastard escape among the crowd?"

"Do you fish in muddy water? It's absolutely impossible!" Brother Tian sneered and said, "I recognize Boss Zhou even if he turns into ashes. How can he escape from the crowd?"

"This...this..." After listening to Brother Tian's words, Yang Hui was dumbfounded.


Sudon a sharp slap in Yang Hui's face was hit by Li Lin.

"Ma Dan, Yang Hui, you rubbish, don't I want you to keep that bastard on the weekend? Why did you get off the train first?

Li Lin scolded Yang Hui viciously.

At this moment, Yang Hui saw the person coming out of the alley.

Suddenly, Yang Hui's eyes lit up and pointed to the thin figure and said, "Brother Lin, look, it's him on the weekend!"

"Hmm?" After listening to Yang Hui's words, Li Lin and Brother Tian looked in the direction Yang Hui pointed out at the same time.

"It's him!"

Seeing the figure 30 steps away, Brother Tian's mouth was for a moment. Immediately, he waved his hand hard: "Go all up and kill that bastard!"

"Good!" After listening to Brother Tian's words, Li Lin also waved his hand at the same time, "Give it all to me. After this battle, I will give you 10,000 yuan each!"

Brother Tian and Li Lin gave orders at the same time, and there were also 10,000 yuan. Suddenly, the more than 30 careless young people rushed to the alley like hungry wolves. These people are Li Lin's classmates or local gangsters. They are all famous for fighting. As soon as they take action, they pick up bricks and stones from the ground or take out steel sticks and knives from their pockets.

The movement of more than 30 people running at the same time is very big. Fortunately, this place is remote, otherwise, it will definitely cause crowds to watch.

"Hmm?" On the weekend, he was annoyed by the flight of the things in his wallet and the bizarre death of the tall mand. Suddenly, he saw more than 30 young people rushing at him fiercely and couldn't help frowning.

At this time, the front foot of the weekend just stepped out of the alley.

Looking around, in addition to more than 30 young people who rushed towards him, Li Lin, Yang Hui and a man with outstanding height, wearing white sportswear and a cap stood not far away.

Other than that, there is no one else.

Although he didn't know Brother Tian on the weekend, he knew Li Lin and Yang Hui. When he saw them, he immediately knew why more than 30 people suddenly jumped out from all directions to hit him.

This is mostly the person Yang Hui said that Li Lin has been ambushed outside the station to beat him!

Thinking of this possibility, it was because Gao Yu's inexplicably died of depression and had no place to relieve his hatred, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes flashed with a penetrating fierce light.

Without thinking about it, I returned on the weekend and ran to the alley that had just come out.

The alley is empty and a good place to fight, isn't it better than in broad daylight?

However, the young man in the 30th and Li Lin and others didn't think so. They thought they were going to run away on the weekend, so they shouted and chased after them.

Seeing him run away on the weekend, Brother Tian's eyebrows tightened slightly. Immediately, his body flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Tian, look, I will definitely beat that bastard all over the weekend." When Li Lin saw his younger brother rushing towards the weekend, he said proudly. However, when he turned his head, he found that Brother Tian, who had been standing beside him, was gone. For no reason, Li Lin's heart tightened and hurriedly shouted around, "Brother Tian... Brother Tian..."