My Goddess

Chapter 2 That bitch

After saying this inexplicable sentence, the girl reached out and pulled Su Yifan, regardless of his fingers still stained with tomato and scrambled eggs juice, and pulled him out of the canteen.

This is an unprecedented experience for Su Yifan. He has almost never had such close contact with any girl. Even if Cheng Shuixin asked him to have dinner together, he still spoke across a table and divided Western food.

After struggling, Su Yifan found that the girl was unexpectedly strong and her fingers were cold and slippery. He did not break free from the grip of the small hand and was dragged out of the canteen.

Su Yifan just went out, and the canteen maintained a moment of calm and collapsed. The students who were shocked by the sudden appearance of this beautiful woman talked about it and discussed with the students around them.

"Who is that?" This is the most frequently asked sentence.

"I don't know." This is the sentence answered by the most people.

"Fure, this beauty is more beautiful than Cheng Shuixin and has temperament. When did our school have such a number one? Why don't I know? This is someone starting to compare, but it is actually a hint that he is well-informed.

"The woman's eyes just now are so scary." Several girls with freckles on their faces also whispered, "Hmm, they are definitely not good people."

"Who was that boy just now? Is it Su Yifan?" For the biggest good man in Class 3 of the second year of high school, more people don't know each other and are looking for the lucky boy who has been dragged away.

The canteen was in a mess, and some people rushed out to take pictures of the beautiful women who had just appeared with their mobile phones.

The scene of Su Yifan being dragged by a beautiful woman with a firm face on the school playground was a little thrilling to many people.

"Hey, who the hell are you?" Su Yifan knew that he could not struggle with this beautiful girl and could only express his dissatisfaction in words.

"How can you eat such a bad thing at noon? I'll take you to dinner first."

Many students who followed the two who wanted to take a picture of a beautiful woman with their mobile phones were surprised to find that the amazing beauty dragged Su Yifan through the whole playground and out of the school gate.

In the parking space at the school gate, the girl opened the door with Su Yifan in one hand. The black BMW 750Li, which was close at hand, was thick and low-key. In Su Yifan's surprised eyes, the girl pushed him.

"A get in the car."

The tone of the girl who claimed to be a goddess was not easy to question. Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and looked at the girl for a few seconds. Somehow, Su Yifan saw deep concern in the girl's eyes.

Without hesitation, Su Yifan lowered his head and silently pulled the door to sit on the co-pilot.

Seeing that Su Yifan had no intention of resisting, the girl smiled and sighed. After getting on the car, he turned on the stereo, and the song released turned out to be Teresa Teng's "I Only Care About You".

The black BMW roared in a low voice and drove away from the gate of a high school among countless accompanying students, leaving a frightened eyeball.

Even at this moment, Su Yifan did not have a complete concept of what happened. He looked at the girl's almost perfect side face, and the focused girl was holding her mouth and concentrating on driving.

"What do you want to eat?" While driving, the girl asked Su Yifan.

Su Yifan's temper was unusually good. He shook his head and said, "I'm full."

"No, I ate so poorly at noon that your parents will be sad if they know it." The girl's tone was not allowed for Su Yifan to refute, "You like seafood, don't you? Let's go to the sea to the bright moon.

The bright moon on the sea is a very vulgar name. There may be countless hotels with this name across the country. The only common point is that the price is not very cheap, and the bosses have probably seen a little Tang poetry collection. Su Yifan found that his opposition had no effect and simply shut up silently.

Judging from the current situation, the girl who claimed to be a goddess did not show any malice, and Su Yifan hoped that she could also be polite.

The bright moon on the sea is not far from the school, and the drive has arrived in less than ten minutes.

Su Yifan has never been here, and the girl is obviously not a regular customer. But it doesn't matter. Even if they only look at the face of the two cars, the security guard at the door and the little girl at the front desk tried their best to show their brightest smile.

When she got out of the car, the girl still grabbed Su Yifan's hand and did not give him a chance to escape. She said to the little girl who still insisted on wearing a cheongsam in winter, "Two people, find a private room."

The little girl in cheongsam looked at the girl's face for a second or two before she remembered what her job was: "Okay, but our private room has the minimum consumption..."

The girl seemed to be too lazy to talk to strangers, casually waved her hand to interrupt the introduction and let people lead the way.

Su Yifan's hand was held painfully by the girl. Thinking that this was a strange and beautiful girl's hand holding him, he couldn't help blushing, but he had no time to think about why the girl did this.

Even when the waiter set up the table, the girl held Su Yifan's hand and never let go. Su Yifan could only sit there blushing and receiving the waiter's curious eyes from time to time.

Looking at the recipe sent by the waiter, the girl pushed it to Su Yifan: "You can order whatever you want. You don't have to be polite to me."

Su Yifan was still thinking when he came in just now that if he had to eat this meal, he couldn't let this beautiful sister pay for it. No matter what the identity of the beautiful sister in front of her is or what her purpose is, since she is kind enough to invite herself to dinner, she should always look like a man.

After the menu was opened in front of him, Su Yifan's fragile young heart broke.

The price of this Sea Mingyue Hotel... Even if it is changed to the price of the European Union, it is not so cheap.

"I'm really full, thank you, sister..." Su Yifan pushed the menu back to the girl and tried to shake her head politely.

The title of sister made the girl laugh: "Haha, do you call me sister? That's good... Then I'll have some. You eat more. It's time for you to grow up now."

Even if she ordered, the girl did not let go of Su Yifan's hand. In this still icy winter day, in the warm hotel room, Su Yifan felt that the cold little hand had slowly become extremely warm.

The girl ordered six dishes in one go. She didn't just pick the most expensive ones like an upstart, but Su Yifan loved to eat them. After sending the waiter away, the girl slowly loosened Su Yifan's hand and said with a smile, "I know you must have many questions. As your goddess, I will give you answers one by one. But before that, let me ask a question."

Su Yifan nodded and subconsciously glanced at the hand he had been holding.

"Do you want to chase that bitch Cheng Shuixin?"

Su Yifan felt that this sentence was like a thunderbolt. He rumbled in his ear and sprayed it out while drinking water.

No matter how this sister, who is much more beautiful than Cheng Shuixin, knows her own thing, just hooking the word bitch with Cheng Shuixin is already too shocking for Su Yifan.

The girl looked at Su Yifan as if nothing had happened and stood up unhappily.

"Cheng Shuixin is my friend. Please respect her."

Seeing Su Yifan's rude wording, the girl smiled at the corners of her mouth, but happily apologized to Su Yifan: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that about your friend. Don't be angry."

After being apologized, Su Yifan was suddenly at a loss again, and he sat down shyly. Somehow, Su Yifan had a strange feeling in his heart. When the beautiful sister in front of him easily said the sentence "That bitch Cheng Shuixin", he really didn't feel any problem.

In terms of appearance and temperament and momentum, this mysterious so-called goddess sister is much more powerful than Cheng Shuixin.

"Then let me ask again." The touching girl with her eyes repeated, "Do you want to chase Cheng Shuixin?"

Su Yifan really doesn't know how to answer this question.

If you ask a high school boy this question, at least 70% or 80% of people will answer, very much, super want, especially.

However, Su Yifan was more than 80%. He lowered his head and dared not look directly at the girl's eyes and whispered, "I don't know..."

"Do you really don't know, or pretend not to know?" The girl did not let Su Yifan go and continued to ask questions.

Su Yifan looked down at his hands. His fingers were slender and white, and there were two blisters in his left hand that were brushed out of the snow today.

The girl also saw the blisters in Su Yifan's hand. She had been holding her right hand just now and sighed slightly: "Put your hand over."

Su Yifan did not resist. He could feel that this mysterious sister really cared about himself.

The girl found the Band-Aid and pin from her handbag, carefully put Su Yifan's palm flat on the dining table, slowly pierced two blisters, wiped them with a paper towel and pasted them with a Band-Aid.

This series of actions was gentle and natural. Su Yifan looked at the sister motionless, but he still didn't know why she was so kind to him.

"Let's eat first."

After doing all this, the girl did not continue to force Su Yifan, but called someone to order a bottle of red wine.

"I, I have class in the afternoon, so I can't drink." Su Yifan didn't know how to refuse this sister, who seemed to dominate everything, and whispered, "If found out, she will be punished by the school..."

"It's okay for you to have a drink, even if it's okay to accompany me?" The girl looked at Su Yifan with a smile, as if she could see the flowers from her beautiful face. "Why don't you eat two pieces of gum when you go back?"

Su Yifan was speechless. He gave up arguing as if he had given up his struggle before.

The meal was not fast, and the girl didn't eat much. Most of the time, she was watching Su Yifan devour and pick up vegetables for him from time to time.

The taste of red wine is not good for Su Yifan. He can't get used to the taste of removing sugar. He just watched the girl drink happily, and he also squeezed the portion of his cup little by little.

Although Su Yifan had all kinds of embarrassments, the growing teenager's physical needs still overcome everything. Slowly let go, he launched a fierce attack on his favorite dishes on the table, and stopped shyly when he found that he didn't eat well.

The girl didn't say anything. She naturally picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of Su Yifan's mouth.

This action made Su Yifan feel indescribable. No one has cared about him so closely except his parents since he was a child.

"Are you full?"


"Then I'll ask again, do you want to chase Cheng Shuixin?"

Su Yifan almost cried. Is this question really important?

"I... I really don't know."

The girl stared at Su Yifan's embarrassment and stared at him without blinking: "Let me guess. You didn't explicitly deny it, which shows that you still want to chase her. But you feel that there is too much gap between you and her, and you don't believe that you can catch up with her. So you always prefer to be her so-called good friend and never tell her what you think, right?

Su Yifan turned his head and said nothing. Which boy doesn't have one or two beautiful girls in his dream? Who doesn't have any fantasy? Su Yifan felt that this sister was a very good person, but she spoke too directly.


"Don't hesitate." The girl picked up the glass and raised it to Su Yifan, "I have already said that I am your goddess. If you have any wishes, I will help you realize them."

"But... I don't know who you are yet." Su Yifan fought powerlessly.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The girl smiled slightly, and the smile made Su Yifan feel that everything around her became dim. "The important thing is, are you sure that you want to chase Cheng Shuixin? If so, I can help you."

Listening to this extremely confident words, Su Yifan felt that his heart was pounding.


I haven't manually uploaded the manuscript for a long time. I'm so nervous!