My Goddess

Chapter 30 Beautiful Accident

Since she began to sing, Cheng Shuixin stopped chatting with a few little stars and walked back to Su Yifan.

Chen Xin smiled and took a few steps closer to the position of Cheng Shuixin Station, but still remained outside the psychological cordon of about one and a half meters.

From the perspective of outsiders, Cheng Shuixin was sandwiched between two boys, which is a common situation for beautiful women at banquets.

On the stage in the center of the banquet hall, a young man with his hair combed like a mirror came up with a wireless microphone and a prompt card in his hand.

As soon as the young host appeared, there was a sound of discussion in the whole banquet hall.

The host is already a popular student of a famous TV station in Hong Kong. He can condescend to appear here, which also proves from another side that Duke's status and influence are indeed great.

The young man's face was meticulously sorted out by the makeup team, but he wore a set of cotton pattern pajamas, which was quite artistic.

Picking up the microphone, the host greeted everyone very simply.

"Hid everyone, whether you know me or not, I still have to introduce myself first according to the workflow. My name is Liangshan, the Liangshan in Shuibo Liangshan. I'm a host. Dressing like this is not because I just woke up, but the organizer's request.

There was kind laughter off the stage, and the whispering voice basically disappeared, and everyone's eyes focused on the young host.

In terms of scene control ability, Liang Shan does have a set. The French asked him to host a series of post-exhibition dinners, which was nothing more than the professional level of his ability to control the scene at will.

"The three-day painting exhibition has ended successfully today. I think the happiest thing at this moment should be... our local security team in Binhai. Thank you, thank you for your hard work! From your performance, I know that the security in Binhai must be much better than that in France!"

There was a warm applause immediately below, and Liang Shan's words made many people deeply agree. In particular, those bigwigs of the city's public security system also attended a dinner party today. From today, they can finally say goodbye to the days of not sleeping well.

"Everyone knows that because this exhibition is completely charitable in nature, Master Duvik will not get any income from it. This tour exhibition will last until returning to France in May, and all the income will be used to help the nutrition and education of children in the third world.

Liang Shan deliberately paused for a moment and continued after the following people applauded: "To be honest, I have hosted a lot of activities, but except for the World Cup to visit Brazil, I rarely have the opportunity to face so much money... The annual salary of all the stars of the Brazilian team adds up to nearly 500 million US dollars. . The total value of the works in our hall has exceeded 3 billion euros.

Laughter and applause are intertwined. Money digitized by astronomy is undoubtedly a symbol that makes people excited. Su Yifan noticed that even Chen Xin looked left and right at the glass frame hanging on the wall.

Cheng Shuixin whispered in Su Yifan's ear, "The typhoon in Liangshan is really powerful."

Su Yifan hummed without saying anything. He was not very interested in these things, but it was very interesting for the two glasses men, Jin Shenhong and Chu Hong, to test each other. Su Yifan was capturing the various meanings in their eyes beating.

Liang Shan's funny or sensational speech on the stage continues, because the dinner is completely private, and the role of the host is much greater than that of the leaders. Liang Shan asked the city leaders to speak after saying about a dozen old jokes.

The city leaders came in a hurry and did not bring manuscripts, but the theoretical routine still came with their mouths open. On this occasion, there can only be the deputy mayor in charge of culture and several leaders of the cultural bureau. When the deputy mayor speaks, the applause below is warmer than when he was on the Liangshan platform, which is typical of Chinese characteristics.

When Chen Xin saw the deputy mayor speaking on the stage, she took the opportunity to get close to Cheng Shuixin and whispered, "My father has a good relationship with Mayor Wang. I'll ask Uncle Wang to introduce you to Xu Jiachun later."

Xu Jiachun may be one of the biggest stars in the history of Binhai City. She is a female singer with more folk songs. In recent years, her style has leaned in a mysterious and simple direction, with the faint meaning of challenge Chen Qizhen, the little fresh leader. Xu Jiachun is a very nostalgic person. She cares about all kinds of good things in her hometown. She often pulls some stars to hold concerts in Binhai and makes the cultural market in Binhai very lively.

It is inevitable that Vice Mayor Wang, who is in charge of culture, have a good relationship with Xu Jiachun, and both sides have the use of each other. Chen Xin's father is also an alumnus of Vice Mayor Wang, and they are so close that they often go to each other's houses for casual meals.

This link has been well thought by Chen Xin, and he believes that Cheng Shuixin will be moved. Chen Xin once noticed that there are many Xu Jiachun songs in Cheng Shuixin's iPod.

Cheng Shuixin's eyes lit up when she heard Xu Jiachun's name: "Is she here too? Why didn't I see her just now?"

"The performers and some important guests are in the lounge behind." Chen Xin showed off proudly, "Don't you think Master Duweike didn't appear?"

In fact, many people have found that since the exhibition, Duvik has never appeared in the public eye except for his appearance at the airport and an interview with the TV station

Cheng Shuixin had to agree with Chen Xin's words: "Indeed, he probably doesn't like this kind of occasion."

"No, no, no." Chen Xin looked like "I know the inside story" and approached Cheng Shuixin a little later and said, "Master Duke will appear tonight, so in fact, I wanted to find you to come with me at the beginning..."

Su Yifan understood that Chen Xin was implying Cheng Shuixin. Even if she saw Master Duweike tonight, it may not be Su Yifan's credit.

As long as Master Chen Xin and Master Chen are here, Cheng Shuixin can also come to this dinner party to meet Du Wake.

There was even a deputy mayor to help introduce and get to know Xu Jiachun.

Chen Xin completed her show-off without a low profile at all, and stood up a little to give a certain distance to Cheng Shuixin.

Chen Xin is undoubtedly very good at such small details.

Cheng Shuixin lowered her eyelids and her long eyelashes shook. The light shone on the girl's black hair, and she thought silently like a work of art.

Su Yifan and Chen Xin enjoyed the artwork at the same time, and then their eyes collided.

Two people look at each other and find each other very annoying.

Su Yifan felt that he could no longer stand Chen Xin swaying in front of him. It's not to monopolize Cheng Shuixin, but to be punished if a person does something that shouldn't be done.

Cheng Shuixin's hesitation is only about ten seconds. During this period, Su Yifan and Chen Xin's eyes have fought many times.

Chen Xin was preparing to further persuade Cheng Shuixin. Someone came over and said in a low voice in surprise, "Ah, Su Yifan, Cheng Shuixin, and Chen Xin? What a coincidence."

No need to turn around, Su Yifan also knows who is coming. This is a beautiful accident.

When he saw Jin Shenhong just now, he should have thought that Yang Bingbing might also appear on this occasion.

Yang Bingbing actually wore an evening dress, which was completely different from her usual simple, revealing her shoulders and snow-white legs, which was not like the usual conservative and gentle girl.

Yang Bingbing's shawl hair hangs down to her waist, just like a model specializing in shampoo advertising, with a faint smile on her face and a handbag in her hand. This dress is much more mature than Cheng Shuixin.

The first person Yang Bingbing greeted was Su Yifan, followed by Cheng Shuixin and Chen Xin, who were pulled out as soon as they were close.

Cheng Shuixin was not surprised to see Yang Bingbing like this. She smiled and walked over to greet Yang Bingbing, took each other's hand, and suddenly looked like a good sister.

I remember that many boys discussed the fierce debate between the two in school, which led to the two basically not seeing each other and not talking when they met. Seeing such a warm and harmonious scene, Su Yifan couldn't help fighting a cold war.

It's true that women are born movie emperors.

After Yang Bingbing appeared, she held hands with Cheng Shuixin and said a few words affectionately, and naturally stood on the other side of Su Yifan.

So the scene of two boys holding a beautiful woman between them disappeared. The scene turned into Su Yifan between two beautiful women. How did Chen Xin and Chen Da Shao look like a passer-by with soy sauce?

Su Yifan had no expression on his face and said two words to Yang Bingbing and continued to speak to Vice Mayor Wang in the stands.

After so many years of silence in his life circle, Su Yifan is a master of adjusting his mood. His quiet appearance makes Chen Xin more uncomfortable than showing off.

Chen Xin can only cross her waist and pretend to know Deputy Mayor Wang to show her demeanor.

It's just that Chen Xin is also surprised that Yang Bingbing usually does not show off in the student union, and everyone always thinks that her family is average. Now looking at the evening dress worn by Yang Bingbing and her appearance at this dinner party, I'm afraid there are many stories behind it.

Thinking that Zhai Yufei has always favored Yang Bingbing, Chen Xin has to admit that even in the eyes of women, Zhai Yufei is better than herself.

Su Yifan was accompanied by two beautiful women and not only stimulated Chen Xin, but also looked at this side a lot. Many people are probably guessing who this boy is, and there are two beautiful women with very different temperaments standing around him.

A fresh fashion, a classic beauty.

At this time, Jin Shenhong, who probably went to the banquet with Yang Bingbing, also came over and greeted Su Yifan and smiled, "Su is so enviable now."

Yang Bingbing's attitude towards the neighbor's big brother is very interesting. Obviously, she came with him, but she had to stand beside Su Yifan.

Su Yifan felt that he might have guessed wrong before, and Yang Bingbing's hostility to men has never decreased. Jin Shenhong is also on this alert list.

The reason why Yang Bingbing is willing to stand beside herself is probably because Cheng Shuixin is also standing beside herself.

And... Su Yifan is really not threatening. He has always been a good person.

At this moment, Jin Shenhong has no previous arrogance. Since Su Xiaoqing is Su Yifan's sister, of course he will not regard Su Yifan as an enemy.

Su Yifan smiled at Jin Shenhong and said, "If you are envious, I can give you this position."

Chu Hong also came to join in the fun: "Haha, we old men are not welcome."

Jin Shenhong immediately looked unhappy, and he felt that he should not be included in the ranks of old men.

Both of them came for Su Xiaoqing and tried to have nothing to say to Su Yifan. In this way, Chen Xin, standing next to him, felt that she had no sense of existence...

Fortely, at this time, Mayor Wang had already come by while greeting people. Chen Xin immediately waved her hand with light eyes: "Uncle Wang, I'm here!"


I didn't expect PS to say anything today, so I won't say anything