My Goddess

Chapter 40 Understanding

Underwater training, as the name implies, is to make people move underwater. At first glance, it sounds a little similar to Yang Guo, the hero, who practices swords in the waves. In fact, it is to use water to train strength with the characteristics that can not only increase resistance but also protect the body. There are many international players trained in this way, such as the big Chinese star who plays in the NBA.

Euler believes that what Su Yifan needs most now is strength training, and Su Yifan also agrees with this view.

Every time he saw Euler's punch as if it was the power to beat people away, Su Yifan envied him more and more looked down on himself.

The swimming pool has ready-made underwater training equipment, which was originally prepared for professional athletes. I don't know what Su Xiaoqing and Euler used. Anyway, Su Yifan finally changed into swimming shorts and went into the water.

Su Yifan regretted it. Today, Su Xiaoqing didn't come, and Euler was obviously cruel to himself - the water was actually cold!

Looking at Euler standing high on the edge of the pool, Su Yifan dares not say that he will not practice even if he regrets now. You can only start to toss yourself little by little in the water according to Euler's rhythm...

This toss came at noon.

When Su Xiaoqing came, Su Yifan had already put on his clothes and jogged on the treadmill with a pale face.

Su Xiaoqing, who knew the training content, frowned in pain: "This won't cause any damage to the body, will it?"

"No, he needs more exercises to speed up blood circulation now." Euler looked at Su Yifan, who continued to sweat on the treadmill, and his voice was as cool as ever. "It will take at least six months of intensive training, and now he is still in the adaptation stage."

Su Xiao sighed gently: "Is it really necessary? A person's body does not have to be strong to your standard.

"It depends on himself." Euler said lightly, "His own will determines who he can become in the end."

Su Xiaoqing stopped talking and sat on the lounge chair and looked thoughtfully at Su Yifan, who jogged to keep his body heat.

"How long will underwater training last?"

"Four months."

"Find another place alone." Su Xiaoqing's tone seemed to be talking about what to eat today, "I don't like this swimming pool. Let's build a place to use."


Su Yifan was trained by Euler to run for another hour before getting off the treadmill. Su Xiaoqing has been patiently playing with the computer on the lounge chair waiting for her.

Euler left without saying hello. It seems that she is really busy.

"Let's go to Beach's for lunch." Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan, who was almost sitting on the ground, "Isn't it too hard?"

Su Xiaoqing didn't say it's okay. After saying that, Su Yifan immediately straightened up: "It's okay. I know you are doing it for my good."

patted Su Yifan on the shoulder, and Su Xiao smiled happily and closed the computer.

"Do you want to learn how to drive?"

Su Yifan was shocked.

"Learn to drive?"

"Well, formally learn it, and then I'll find someone to apply for your driver's license." Su Xiaoqing took off the headphones and shook the green silk. "It's more convenient to go out with girls in the future."


Su Yifan is speechless. Is the purpose of learning to drive so simple?

Su Yifan really can't have too much antipathy about learning to drive. Just as girls are keen on wrapping shoes and beautiful clothes, boys are also irresistible to cars, a big toy that has already occupied the world.

To Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan was not pretentious and nodded happily and said, "Okay."

Su Xiaoqing smiled and said, "Yes, you can drive Cheng Shuixin out to play in the future."

Su Yifan scratched his head: "Sister Qing, don't laugh at me. I can't afford a car myself... Why do I have to wait to graduate from college?"

"Which of my cars do you like? I'll give it to you." Su Xiaoqing said indifferently, "Why don't I give you that BMW?"

Su Yifan trembling when he heard this and almost nodded and agreed. That is, the tenacious character that was usually used to the cultivation of silence played a role at this time, which made Su Yifan say "good" without impulse, and he refused with a little hesitation.

"Sister Qing... I know I owe you too much, and I can't afford to pay it back." Su Yifan whispered, "Without you, I might not be as confident as I am now. But the more this happens, the more I can't reach out to you for everything... I still want to prove myself."

Hearing Su Yifan say this, Su Xiao raised his head and smiled happily.

"Okay, just listen to you and learn to drive first. Where do you want to learn?

Su Yifan immediately smiled: "Do I still need to learn from others? Sister Qing, won't you just teach me?"

Su Xiaoqing jumped up from the lounge chair: "That's right. Let's go to dinner first and learn to drive in the afternoon!"

Su Yifan is also very happy to see Su Xiaoqing so excited. He likes to see Su Xiaoqing happy.

A few minutes later, Su Yifan couldn't be happy. He stared at Su Xiaoqing's car with a bitter face and asked in an uncertain voice, "Sister Qing, do you really want to practice with this car?"

Su Xiaoqing nodded with certainty: "It's okay. I'll accompany you in the co-pilot."

"Shouldn't I take the co-pilot first?" Su Yifan felt that this order was wrong.

Su Xiao gently opened the door and pushed Su Yifan into the Porsche 911: "Aren't you very capable of doing things? What is this little thing?"

Su Yifan had to admit that Su Xiaoqing really knew himself very well.

Sitting on the co-pilot, Su Xiaoqing didn't even fasten her seat belt and began to teach Su Yifan how to start the car and how to control it.

For a while, the parking lot of the huge swimming pool became Su Yifan's practice venue. Su Xiao gently taught Su Yifan for an hour and didn't stop until Beach drove there.

"Miss Su." Beach respectfully got off the bus and greeted Su Xiaoqing, "I've prepared lunch. Now it's time to eat."

Su Xiao hummed, exchanged driving positions with Su Yifan, and followed Beach's car to leave the swimming pool. From beginning to end, the security guards at the swimming pool did not raise any questions or come to greet them.

After dinner, Beach also said goodbye. These people who specialize in surrounding Su Yifan seem to be very busy. Su Xiaoqing drove the car and took Su Yifan to continue practicing.

As Su Xiaoqing said, Su Yifan's learning ability, especially in his own hands-on learning ability, is really strong. In just an afternoon, Su Yifan was able to drive this Porsche at a decent speed.

The fun of driving is indescribable for boys. Su Yifan grabbed the steering wheel and was trembling and full of excitement. He never thought that he would learn to drive so quickly, and in this situation.

"Promise me not to drive fast." Su Xiao gently and persistently repeated warnings.

Su Yifan replied solemnly, "Definitely!"

Thinking of his father's ridiculing on the phone, Su Yifan decided to go home for dinner in the evening. Su Xiaoqing did not exchange positions with him this time. She stared at Su Yifan carefully and drove into the road near the evening rush hour, and suddenly asked, "Will you be distracted when you talk like this?"

Su Yifan was very confident in his attention and immediately replied, "No."

"That's good." Su Xiao smiled and said, "Do you feel pressured on such a busy weekend?"

Su Yifan shook his head seriously: "No, I think it's better now than ever."

Su Xiaoqing knew what Su Yifan was talking about and couldn't help sighing: "In fact, even if you really want to fool around, it's not impossible."

Su Yifan looked at the road without squinted and tried to maintain a low speed: "Then I will fail Sister Qing."

"That doesn't matter." Su Xiaoqing said, "What matters is whether you want it or not."

Su Yifan carefully slowed down the car and stopped at the parking belt by the roadside before loosening the steering wheel and taking a breath.

"Sister Qing, I think you are right."


"There is nothing in this world that can be done, only whether you can do it or not." Su Yifan said very calmly, as if he had really grown up. "Although I don't know if I can meet your expectations, I still want to try my best."

Su Xiao narrowed her eyes, leaned softly on the seat, and said softly, "The choice I gave you is just one of many choices. Whether it's pursuing Cheng Shuixin or something else, your own heart is the most important. If you really think so, I will be very happy."

"I will try my best." Su Yifan seems to be making an extremely solemn assurance, "No matter how much I can do in the end, I hope to become a person who makes you feel proud."

"Why do you suddenly want to tell me this?" Su Xiao asked with a smile, "I believe you can do it."

Su Yifan looked down at his hands.

"You gave me confidence."


Su Yifan raised his head and smiled at Su Xiao: "Then I knew that in fact, nothing is so difficult, but whether I am willing to do it myself."

Su Xiao patted the teenager on the shoulder happily: "Well, don't make up your mind. If you have any ideas, you must tell me directly. You're welcome.

Su Yifan focused on the car again.

The Porsche 911 ran at an unprecedented speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour in Su Yifan's hands, and was still despised by passers-by and other drivers nearby.

"Damn, driving such a good car like an ox cart, the driver is a woman, right?"

"It's too wasteful for JB to drive such a good car!"


Naturally, the two people who turned on the car stereo could not hear these comments. Su Yifan was absorbed in dealing with the first driving in his life, and Su Xiaoqing took out sunglasses and put them on himself.

The teenager's unique flying heart made Su Yifan almost want to drive a Porsche home to show off, and reason told him that he couldn't do this. There are too many idiots in the world to show off. Don't add a base by yourself.

About five or six meters away from his home, Su Yifan parked his car on the roadside.

"Sister Qing, I'm going home. When are you going to see my father?

Su Xiao shook his hand gently: "Wait for me to prepare. I've been a little busy recently."

Busy? Su Yifan was stunned. If Su Xiaoqing is busy, will he have time to spend the whole day with him?

After getting out of the car, Su Yifan was about to go home. Suddenly, he looked back and saw Su Xiaoqing bowing his head to change the song for the stereo.

Somehow, Su Yifan felt that Su Xiao's thin figure was very lonely.

Su Yifan approached the window and knocked a few times, watching Su Xiao press the glass lightly.

"Sister Qing, I don't know what I can do to help you." Su Yifan said to Su Xiaoqing in the cold wind, "If there is, please tell me."

Su Xiao squeezed her lips and blinked her eyes. She didn't say anything, but nodded hard.


The system is automatically updated for the third update today!